[MCM] Lots of news you may have missed, from Consortiumnews.com

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Robert Parry: Editor's Note: Because we've been publishing more stories, some readers say they miss some that fly by. So, each month, we'll point out some special stories from the previous month. Here is a selection from March, focusing on the decline of the U.S. news media and the war-

[MCM] Fight for a strong bill on global warming

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Now that the US has turned the corner on C02 emissions, let's get down to work. We need, first, to pay attention to the stark realities of what's become of Mother Earth--and what will certainly become of her, and sooner than you think, if we don't act. One place to start: Congress, which must pas

[MCM] BBC: World's forests at grave risk

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Key role of forests 'may be lost' By Mark Kinver Science and environment reporter, BBC News Coniferous forests are particularly susceptible to climatic changes http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/low/science/nature/8004517.stm Forests' role as massive carbon sinks is "at risk of being lost entirely", top

[MCM] BBC: Americas on alert for sea level rise

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Americas on alert for sea level rise Coastal areas in parts of Mexico are among those under threat By James Painter BBC Latin America analyst http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7977263.stm Climate change experts in North and South America are increasingly worried by the potentially devastati

[MCM] Signs of recovery? No, just fuzzy math

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
False Hope in a Plunging Economy By Dean Baker The Guardian (UK) April 15, 2009 http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2009/apr/13/useconomy-useconomicgrowth Many economic analysts have seized on several recent economic reports to claim that the economy has bottomed out and that the

[MCM] 7 steps to feed the planet (and beat back the agribusiness giants)

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Food Rebellions: 7 Steps to Solving the Food Crisis Resistance to the trade and 'aid' policies that displace farmers and increase hunger. By Eric Holt-Gimenez http://www.yesmagazine.org/article.asp?id=3331 April 16, 2009, YES! Magazine The World Food Program describes the current global food c

[MCM] Facebookers (and I'm one, too), you're being watched

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
This appears to be a few years old, but is, if anything, more relevant than ever: Taking a close look at Facebook See also http://www.nzherald.co.nz/technology/news/article.cfm?c_id=5&objectid=10456534. MCM --~--~-~--~~~---

[MCM] World must cut emissions by 70% (at least)

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Global Warming Study: Nations Need to Cut Emissions by 70 Percent Thursday 16 April 2009 by: | Visit article original @ Environmental Leader A

[MCM] ImpeachBybee.org

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
ImpeachBybee.org CLICK HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee. The New York Times finally wants somebody impeached and it's Jay Bybee. A Spanish judge is