Re: Karax problem using getVNodeById

2020-05-30 Thread bung
This indirection is required because event handlers in Karax need to have the type proc () or proc (ev: Event; n: VNode). addEventHandler(tmp3, EventKind.onclick, () => lines.add "Hello simulated universe", kxi) these two ways found in readme, I dont using karax , doest know if there is dom

Re: Karax problem using getVNodeById

2020-05-30 Thread wiltzutm
Thanks a ton @Yardanico and @bung, this solved a lot of trouble. I also looked at the nim forum source but didn't understand why they were using the dom.document api instead of karax's own vdom, but as @Yardanico pointed I was thinking I'm manipulating the dom. Altought it's still not

Re: Karax problem using getVNodeById

2020-05-30 Thread bung
by using karax the way you got value from vnode through data binding , get value from state or event. or using traditional web technic document.getElementById(xxx).value or addEventListener

Re: Karax problem using getVNodeById

2020-05-30 Thread Yardanico
Well I debugged it a bit and seems like .value for both nodes is empty (nodes themselves are found without issues). And skimming through the code of Karax I don't think that this is the right way to get a value of an input, all input examples in Karax seem to use custom event handlers or set

Karax problem using getVNodeById

2020-05-29 Thread wiltzutm
Nim and static type noob here. So the problem is when I compile my code and run it in browser, fill the name and description fields and click add thing button, my browser console gives following cryptic runtime errors: TypeError: c_225079 is null quicktest.js:579:16

Re: Problem using sometable.keys() in this case

2019-11-25 Thread enthus1ast
keys is an iterator so either iterate over it with a for loop or use toSeq from the sequtils module

Problem using sometable.keys() in this case

2019-11-22 Thread madprops
I have this object structure: type Item* = ref object path*: string tags*: seq[string] type DB* = object data*: Data items*: OrderedTable[string, Item] var db*: DB var original_jtext: string Run I parse some json with:

Re: Problem using

2017-10-21 Thread jzakiya
The `cnt +=` operation in parallel is ripe for creating a `reduction` like option for Nim that's in `OpenMP`. [](

Re: Problem using

2017-10-21 Thread jzakiya
OK, I had to clean it up a little to make it work, but here is the code that gets it to compile. var cnt: array[rescnt, uint] parallel: for i in 0..rescnt-1: cnt[i] = spawn segcount(i*KB, Kn) sync() for i in 0..rescnt-1: primecnt +=

Re: Problem using

2017-10-21 Thread jlp765
try var cnt = array[rescnt, int] parallel: for i in 0..rescnt-1: cnt[i] = spawn segcount(i*KB, Kn) sync() for i in 0..rescnt-1: primecnt += cnt[i].uint

Re: Problem using

2017-10-20 Thread jzakiya
The error messages keep saying the issue is a mismatch with FlowVar[T]. In Chapter 6 of **Nim in Action** here is what it says they are. `FlowVar[T] can be thought of as a container similar to the Future[T] type, which you used in chapter 3. At first, the container has nothing inside it. When

Re: Problem using

2017-10-20 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Why do you refuse to try cnt[i] as jlp765 suggests? Do you have an idea how plain cnt += should work? All the parallel calculated results should accumulate in this single variable. Then you may need something to control the access to it.

Re: Problem using

2017-10-20 Thread jzakiya
In the previous snippet I forgot the `spawn`. The code below compiles, but is slower. var cnt = 0# count for the primes, the '1' bytes for i in 0..

Re: Problem using

2017-10-20 Thread jlp765
Try for i in 0..rescnt-1: cnt[i] = spawn segcount(i*KB, Kn) I think the issue is with `..<`

Re: Problem using

2017-10-20 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Now in your code there is no spawn at all! For parallel processing, you have to ensure that there are no conflicts when parallel tasks are accessing your data, otherwise the compiler may make copies of the data before, which may make it slow. And for parallel processing a good use of the CPU

Re: Problem using

2017-10-20 Thread jzakiya
After reading the **Nim in Action** book I got it to compile by placing a `^` before `spawn`, but it makes the program slower. The problem has to do with `segcount` returning a `FlowVar[T]` mismatch. And when I use `parallel:` it won't compile, and shows even more errors. Doing more research.

Re: Problem using

2017-10-19 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I think we will not be able to compile your code, as it looks not like a complete program. Do you really expect that cnt += spawn segcount(i*KB, Kn) may work? I have no idea how it could. Maybe what you intent is something like parallel: var cnt =

Re: Problem using

2017-10-19 Thread jzakiya
I've done it both with/out `parallel:` as shown below, but get the same compiler output. parallel: var cnt = 0 # count for the segment primes '1' bytes for i in 0..

Re: Problem using "spawn"

2017-10-19 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Do you use the parallel statement at all as described in the manual? Or only a plain spawn? See []( You may also need a FlowVar. I did test parallel once for calculation of a convex hull,

Problem using "spawn"

2017-10-19 Thread jzakiya
OK, I've racked my brain enough and need help. Using 0.17.2 on Linux, I have this `proc` below. proc segcount(row, Kn: int): int = var cnt = 0 for k in 0..