Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-14 Thread lscrd
I have translated several programs from Python to Nim. Some of them where quite simple and the translation was easy… for a human who knows what the program is intended for. Other were a bit more complicated, but as these are programs I wrote, there is little usage of dynamic features. In any

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-14 Thread Araq
Fully automatic translation seems (almost?) feasible if you map every value to a JSON-like universal type, say PyObject. Then you would have super-non-idiomatic Nim code but you can gradually rewrite it to use more of Nim's static typing and native types.

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-14 Thread Yardanico
Just FYI, PyPy itself is written in RPython - statically typed subset of Python (which of course can be run by normal interpreters) and then that RPython is compiled to C and then into the binary

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-14 Thread juancarlospaco
Ive read that parsing the .PYC is even easier, because some constructs are "expanded" there, like `:=` is a normal assign, `@decorator` is a normal function, and so on, I dont know if true tho.

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-14 Thread Araq
Well we can try to learn the lessons from []( * Python code is more dynamic than it looks and even your code doesn't use much of Python's dynamic nature, some of your dependencies do. *

Re: Sort a table by value

2020-07-13 Thread jasonfi
The examples I saw for sorting OrderedTable were for the key, not sorting by the value, so I'm not sure if what I need can be done with an OrderedTable.

Re: Sort a table by value

2020-07-13 Thread jasonfi
Thanks, I'll probably just a seq of tuples.

Re: Sort a table by value

2020-07-13 Thread snej
A Table has no ordering, so you’d have to first copy it to some form that does, like a seq of (int, string) tuples, and then sort that (e.g. using a comparator proc that returns the result of comparing the two strings.)

Re: Sort a table by value

2020-07-13 Thread Yardanico
FYI there's an OrderedTable and it has a .sort proc. So you can convert your table to an OrderedTable and then sort it :) Or just use OrderedTable right from the start

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread HashBackupJim
I have a 200K-line Python app that uses 5-10 C extensions plus a few Cython modules I wrote for content-defined file chunking and a dedup hash table. Performance in general is good, but Python has its limits in several ways: * threading allows sharing data but the GIL limits performance *

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-13 Thread Araq
> So it's a pain to rebase... Anyone know what's required to get the base PR > merged? Where is your PR?

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-13 Thread Araq
> Is there a wish to build a compiler's internals documentation or is it a > knowledge that lives in the compiler hackers' minds? Well we have the internal documentation and we're always accepting PRs but I generally assume that compiler contributors have read some book about compiler

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-13 Thread shirleyquirk
I was able to auto-merge your branch with upstream devel with no immediate problems, but only tested a hello world, didn't test all the POSIX stuff. The question of how to separate the different options is fraught... It would be great to be able to specify --os:esp-idf and have it work as

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-13 Thread elcritch
That's a good list! But the LwIP and FreeRTOS <=> POSIX brigde requires support in the Nim standard library to make using Nim sockets/selects/etc libraries possible. The port on my branch with networking supports the LwIP, and some of the VFS via the normal POSIX API's (uart, select, etc). The

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-13 Thread elcritch
The other option is that I may re-apply my changes to 1.2.4 branch and just develop from there as the "stable" version.

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread cblake
I think part of the "sales pitch" for Nim out in the world, for good or ill, is "sorta like Python but compiled with static types". It isn't so strange that people show up asking how to automate "sorta like" into "more so". ;-) The vast majority of Python code that I have seen uses precious

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread juancarlospaco
I created the repo because people were asking for **an Example** on how to do that, it is an example it was not meant to be complete. ...but if people are interested on making a real working one, we can team-up or whatever. :)

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread cumulonimbus
If you mean compiling _from_ python, there's []( which has gained "deprecated" in its name since I last looked at it. It's not very complete though. If you compiling _to_ python, there's

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-13 Thread demotomohiro
I wrote how to debug Nim program and Nim compiler with GDB long time ago. []( It might contain outdated content.

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread cblake
@ShalokShalom can perhaps clarify what he meant, but I took him to be asking for a `c2nim`-like program `python2nim` to help facilitate porting pure Python code to pure Nim code (as opposed to using already written Nim code from within Python or already written Python code from within Nim).

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread TokenChingy
In my opinion, it really depends on the the size of your file and the complexity of your procedure. For me, if it's one simple procedure, I guess having it in the file works, and I'd do it the way @shirleyquirk does. But if it's multiple procedures or a complex one, I'd probably separate it

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-13 Thread spip
Thanks. For this particular example, I've started looking at how static generic expressions are handled by procs and templates into `semtypes.nim`. But the question wanted to be more general. How a new comer can understand how the Nim compiler works? What tools/options are available to have a

Re: Question about move semantics for objects and seqs

2020-07-13 Thread Araq
> Case 2. Overloading for optimization, to avoid copy/reuse buffers we can have > 2 versions of a procedure, one with sink and one without, for example That's not supported by Nim and so far I haven't seen convincing examples. If you want to take over ownership, you always want to leaving you

Re: Question about move semantics for objects and seqs

2020-07-13 Thread hugogranstrom
Thank you very much @mratsim! :-D This has cleared up a lot of my questions. It's always fascination how smart compilers can be about reading code and optimizing it. A huge amount of work has obviously been put into them. One more question about sink inference: Is it infered once per proc or is

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-13 Thread shirleyquirk
Dear imgui not have any love?

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-13 Thread Yardanico
It's nice, but I think it's not the best choice if you actually want to make a user-oriented desktop application. It's very useful for developers (debugging, creating game editors, etc)

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread shirleyquirk
Have you had a look at nimpy? Lets you compile Nim code to a python module, and lets you call python modules from Nim. That's about as good as anything is going to get, prove me wrong! I mean, Haxe transpiles to python, but it's about as readable as Nim-compiled c.

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-13 Thread sschwarzer
Do you mean from Nim to Python or from Python to Nim? Which use cases do you have in mind?

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread sschwarzer
Good point. This comes up from time to time in the forum. It would be really nice if there was some documentation on `testament` (or if there's some, a link to it). Also, I vaguely remember that `testament` also has disadvantages over `unittest`, so the tradeoff when to use one or the other

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread sschwarzer
I think for small simple modules it's ok to have the tests (with doAssert, not assert) in the same file. Apart from that, I prefer a test module using the [unittest]( module for each module to test. In my experience, putting the tests in the same file as

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-13 Thread mratsim
You can use macros to provide class-like capabilities to object variants (i.e. constructing the object variant from multiple modules) See:

Re: Question about move semantics for objects and seqs

2020-07-13 Thread mratsim
### Case 1 `var y = x` would be elided and all further reference of y should use x instead in the generated code. For stack objects this shouldn't really matter because GCC/LLVM should optimize those variable renaming anyway. This is because during code generation, they transform the code in

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread shirleyquirk
testament lets you separate tests from code but yes, less well documented. []( has some info

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread didlybom
At the topo of the unittest module documentation it says: > Note: Instead of unittest.nim, please consider to use the testament tool > which offers process isolation for your tests. Also when isMainModule: > doAssert conditionHere is usually a much simpler solution for testing > purposes.

Re: tests in the same files as the code

2020-07-13 Thread shirleyquirk
For simple stuff, especially for unit testing small modules when isMainModule: doAssert #condition# Run is fine or for a larger testsuite you can use []( which also runs in the

Re: Run process in parallel of the parent program

2020-07-12 Thread shirleyquirk
`import system,rdstdin,strutils,sequtils proc execvp*(file:cstring,args:cstringArray):cint{.header: "", importc.} proc fork*():cint{.header: "", importc.} let input = readLinefromstdin("enter command:>").split(' ').allocCStringArray()#does not do quote handling! let pid = fork() if pid==0:

Re: Run process in parallel of the parent program

2020-07-12 Thread shirleyquirk
i think you might want to execlp() it's an os system call: your program gets replaced by whatever other program you just called. not sure how cross-platform it is, or whether it's in os.nim

Re: An issue regarding `emit`

2020-07-12 Thread xflywind
Thanks for your answer!

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-12 Thread Yardanico
Yes, I know that it's proprietary unless you pay, but you can freely use the binaries in your applications (even in commercial ones). And no one stops you from making a program with _good_ UX since it's HTML + extensions/CSS2.1 + some CSS3 + custom extensions/custom TiScript (JavaScript-like

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-12 Thread Zoom
Do you really? []( At least two of the programs given as the examples on their GH page are terrible in terms of UX.

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-12 Thread spip
Replying to myself and for future use: at least, there's an undocumented `scan` compiler command to dump the result of the lexer/scanner. Try `nim scan foo.nim` to see the tokens identified in the source file. There's also a `parse` command but it discards its result. So apart from checking

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-12 Thread Araq
Well if you want to know why something works for procs and not for templates, look at the different handling of `skTemplate` inside `sigmatch.nim` and elsewhere. Looking at the AST is pointless, no matter how much you look at it and under which views and wether it's the AST for the proc or for

Re: now().utc fails with --gc:arc

2020-07-12 Thread Araq
Please report issues on github so that we track their progress.

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-12 Thread shirleyquirk
@dponyatov suggests a list of features for embedded []( suggests it support newlib+FreeRTOS+FAT32+lwip esp-idf specifically provides newlib,freertos,lwip and 'vfs' which is a filesystem

Re: An issue regarding `emit`

2020-07-12 Thread shirleyquirk
relevant: [](

Re: now().utc fails with --gc:arc

2020-07-12 Thread qqtop
Unfortunately I have no time to test this pull request,but I can give one more example which may help to pinpoint the issue: # test350.nim import os,times echo now().utc let filename = extractFileName(getAppFilename()) let fi = getFileInfo(filename)

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-11 Thread elcritch
> Have you given the selectors module a try? It should provide an even nicer > API on top of the raw POSIX select. Oh actually that is what I'm using, not the raw I meant to say that wrapping the esp32 libraries in Nim was far enough along to provide access to the,

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-11 Thread elcritch
Excellent! It'd be great to get some help. I've got a number of changes for wrapping a few ESP libraries that could probably be brought out into another package. Also the branch is pretty out of date and needs some rebasing.

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-11 Thread oyster
on windows. I have tested the following: wNim, which is an alive one among what I have tested and is updated now and then. it supplies many common controls. it can produce tiny size application, but only for windows. I like its autolayout DSL very much, which lets us do the layout in a very

Re: now().utc fails with --gc:arc

2020-07-11 Thread Yardanico
Can you please try with []( ? It fixes the issue which is a bit similar to yours

Re: Const object variant issue

2020-07-11 Thread geotre
Yeah if it's going to be added to the compiler then that's great. Those workarounds don't work in my use case but I've just simplified things to remove the case statement

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-11 Thread spip
When compilation fails, `./koch temp c /tmp/foo.nim` displays the stack trace down to the compilation error message, so we can have a _snapshot_ understanding of the parsing process. But when the compilation succeeds, there's no way to understand what were the compilation phases. For instance,

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-11 Thread doofenstein
> Except you don't, you can just do if I want to add a variant to a variant object I need to edit the object itself, while I can also inherit from e.g. a type defined in a library.

Re: NvP: creating and sorting a large array of tuples

2020-07-11 Thread doofenstein
I actually remember one case where I used ref arrays. While implementing a [slot maps container]( I imagine there are other cases where you store data "chunked" like here and ref arrays come handy.

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-11 Thread sschwarzer
What I meant here is that in some cases you can use object variants where you would otherwise use inheritance in a more "traditional" design. That doesn't mean that object variants can do everything that inheritance can do. Both object variants and inheritance are different design tools and

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-11 Thread cumulonimbus
> Well technically you can replace all uses of inheritance with object variants > (I think). But in some cases it will get too verbose :) In the sense that all turing-complete languages are equivalent... With variants, you have to know and handle all the possible classes at every "method"

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-11 Thread Yardanico
"With variants, you have to know and handle all the possible classes at every "method" implementation." except you don't, you can just do case myobj.kind of MyKind: # do stuff... else: discard Run

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-11 Thread Yardanico
Well yeah, the wiki page is the best way to debug the compiler currently (as far as I know, you can also ask @Araq :P) :) You can also read [](

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-11 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I would like to see this: "Object variants as lightweight alternative to > inheritance" explained. :) Object variants are not really a lightweight alternative to inheritance. Both concepts are explained in various tutorials, I tried

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-11 Thread Yardanico
Well technically you can replace all uses of inheritance with object variants (I think). But in some cases it will get too verbose :)

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-11 Thread sschwarzer
I don't expect that you can replace _all_ uses of inheritance with object variants. But some. :-)

Re: using nimble for package management

2020-07-11 Thread jseb
Thank you for you answer. I just want using `nimble` as a classic package manager. But may be i don't have understand its goal (i begin to wonder, seeing your post and i'm serious). A classic package manager can: * update its database of packets (ok : `nimble refresh` ) * do a full upgrade

Re: using nimble for package management

2020-07-11 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> not quite sure what you are asking? It would be nice to get informed when a new version is available, and it would be nice to be able to update all packages, or a subset when updates are available. Generally I do: nimble refresh nimble unistall gintro nimble install gintro I do not want to

Re: using nimble for package management

2020-07-11 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> not quite sure what you are asking? It would be nice to get informed when a new version is available, and it would be nice to be able to update all packages, or a subset when updates are available. Generally I do: nimble refresh nimble unistall gintro nimble install gintro I do not want to

Re: using nimble for package management

2020-07-11 Thread Yardanico
Nimble is not like a traditional Linux package manager, it is a **programming language** package manager. Programs or libraries might use different versions of the other libraries, so your 3rd question doesn't make sense. 2nd question - well, _maybe_ , but it is not recommended to depend

Re: using nimble for package management

2020-07-11 Thread treeform
I am not quite sure what you are asking? * If you have a package that you are developing and making local updates use nimble develop then you can make edits, use git pull etc... and package stays in sync. * If you want to update a package that you don't own, increment its version in your

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-11 Thread Yardanico
I agree, the contents on the page are nice but I didn't like the design :) cc @juancarlospaco

Re: "Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page

2020-07-11 Thread KingDarBoja
I would like to see this: "Object variants as lightweight alternative to inheritance" explained. :)

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-11 Thread Yardanico
Wow, Sciter seems to be really amazing! I must try it

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-11 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Thanks for that hints. I have recently listed available Nim GUI libs, I will add these 3 to the list when we can provide working bindings and some examples. Do you know which on my list are currently working? The list is just above Chapter 1 headline in

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-11 Thread oyster
thank you for pointing out sciter. although it looks nice, I found the document or tutorial is lack, at least for python/nim language.

Re: Generic function resolution

2020-07-11 Thread kartiku
Thank you. I've posted an [issue](

Re: [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library

2020-07-11 Thread Sk1LLb0X
My suggestion is [Sciter]( * It's [free]( * [Lightweight]( * [Cross-platform (win, linux, osx, arm)]( * Single dll 5-7mb (depending on renderer) *

Re: Const object variant issue

2020-07-11 Thread mratsim
> It looks like this isn't supposed to work and should be flagged by the > compiler. It's more like it was a use-case that was missed and should be added to the compiler. Current workarounds: * Use `let` instead of const:

Re: Const object variant issue

2020-07-11 Thread geotre
Thanks @mratsim for pointing me to those issues! I did not find them before. It looks like this isn't supposed to work and should be flagged by the compiler. @shirleyquirk thank you for also looking into the issue. I had tried that but with my object init proc it only works if the procedure is

Re: Karax not redrawing when adding elements to seq?

2020-07-11 Thread Tim_H
Thank you. That wasn't quite it, but got me in the right direction. Karax was actually triggering updates correctly, but as my try/except is inside createApp it would just reset the notes to whatever is in localStorage at the time. So obviously the note added in onclick would be lost if not

Re: Karax not redrawing when adding elements to seq?

2020-07-11 Thread jiro4989
try this. try: let x = window.localStorage.getItem("notes") # notes = ($x)[Note]) notes.add(($x)[Note])) except: window.localStorage.setItem("notes", $(%*(notes))) Run

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-07-10 Thread moigagoo
I do find this syntax nice but the problem is it doesn't work  I'm not sure why but dup had trouble working inside macros. Maybe because it's a macro itself and the macro resolution algorithm works in such a way that by the time outer macro is resolved the inner one is not, so we're getting a

Re: Why Seq search is faster than Table search

2020-07-10 Thread snej
> My question is why linear search of seq is faster than constant search of > tables? Sorry to pile on four days later, but the right question would be "why is my benchmark code producing crazy results?" since it's much more likely there's something wrong with your quick benchmark than with

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-10 Thread dom96
> Currently I'm using Nim on an ESP32 with for a custom TCP > protocol. Have you given the selectors module a try? It should provide an even nicer API on top of the raw POSIX select.

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-10 Thread shirleyquirk
this is fabulous, thanks for your hard work! I work a lot with the esp, and it would be such a dream to have first class nim support. I'll check this out and contribute as much as i'm able

Re: Can't install the bin tarball of nim 1.2.2.

2020-07-10 Thread halloleo
@miran Thanks for the info. Will install it next week.

Re: Can't install the bin tarball of nim 1.2.2.

2020-07-10 Thread halloleo
Just wanted to report back here: -d:nimEmulateOverflowChecks solved the issue. :-) In any case next week I will do more with nim. (But I guess I'll install 1.2.4 first!)

Re: Understanding Pragmas

2020-07-10 Thread michy
What I'm missing in the docs: * Syntax of pragma content * allowed locations

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-07-10 Thread shirleyquirk
in your original post you were talking about syntax for dup. i think nesting the blocks: echo: %newUser().dup: db.insert x db.insert y Run you might find pleasing

Re: sequtils.nim(934, 11) Error: internal error: environment misses: i`gensym13871022

2020-07-09 Thread shirleyquirk
chaining ...It macros doesn't work []( do have a look at [zero_functional]( it does chaining well, and inlines each link into the same loop like this:

Re: Understanding Pragmas

2020-07-09 Thread Salient
Awesome thank you that cleared things up quite a bit.

Re: File not found error EVERY TIME

2020-07-09 Thread XxDiCaprioxX
I fixed the mistake, for some reason the system assumed the path was leading to my desktop, somehow? I still have no idea about the trailing slash but another reinstallation with the folder on the desktop worked for me

Re: Better way to convert untyped into NimNode?

2020-07-09 Thread shirleyquirk
Perfect! thank you! Synthesis was on my radar, but I hadn't delved yet. will certainly do so now.

Re: Const object variant issue

2020-07-09 Thread shirleyquirk
looking at the generated C code this is definitely a bug when root is instantiated _[both]( root.value and root.children are initialized if root.value is set to 0 after root.children has been set, it overwrites the seq pointer which isn't

Re: asm issues

2020-07-09 Thread mratsim
> I would expect that this function below would be naked and just does a add > and jmp call Unless you compile with optimizations on, all C function push the stack base pointer on the stack on function entry (ebp), then save the stack pointer (esp) in ebp then do the function. Compile with

Re: Const object variant issue

2020-07-09 Thread mratsim
Known issue: []( And linked: * []( *

Re: Better way to convert untyped into NimNode?

2020-07-09 Thread mratsim
untyped are automatically converted to NimNode. For your final use-case, look into the code of Synthesis: [](

Re: Const object variant issue

2020-07-09 Thread shirleyquirk
i don't know what's going on either, but swapping A and B: Node = object case kind: NodeKind of B: value: int of A: children: seq[Node] Run works

Re: iOS compilation error

2020-07-09 Thread shirleyquirk
Run is deprecated and everything was supposed to be moved to _t Run but it looks like that particular call in syslocks.nim hasn't been. I think the diff could be as simple as 154 - L = cast[SysLock](c_malloc(sizeof(SysLockObj))) * L=

Re: sequtils.nim(934, 11) Error: internal error: environment misses: i`gensym13871022

2020-07-09 Thread xigoi
Interesting. Thanks for the workaround.

Re: Understanding Pragmas

2020-07-09 Thread treeform
Pragmas are just a way to attach more info to the functions. The compiler takes the data in the pragmas and does some thing special with it. Take the {.inline.} pragma it just marks the functions with inline=true and then when compiler sees the function it inlines it. You can also create your

Re: sequtils.nim(934, 11) Error: internal error: environment misses: i`gensym13871022

2020-07-09 Thread hrm
For debug re wrote the code, then this got compiled successfully. Wired. > Nim Compiler Version 1.2.0 [Windows: amd64] import algorithm, sequtils, strutils, tables proc disorganize(books: seq[string]): seq[string] = let step1 = books.mapIt((b :it, t: it.toCountTa

Re: File not found error EVERY TIME

2020-07-09 Thread jyapayne
If the env | grep gcc command returned anything, can you post it here? If not, it's probably not the problem

Re: How to set up/start a Project?

2020-07-08 Thread XxDiCaprioxX
Both dont work haha. The system / mingw compiler looks for ...gcc.exeinstead of the location of gcc.exe so it wont find the necessary file. Idk how to fix it because the Path variable is correct

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