(depends on the timer settings of the particular implementation).
If your earlier route is purged, new route will be discovered. Otherwise,
AFAIK, the same old route will be used even if the nodes have moved.
Somebody, please correct me if I am wrong.
>I would like h
I had found this document very helpful. Hope this is of some help to you
Please let me know if the link doesn't work. I will unicast the pdf, which
I have downloaded.
> Hi,
> I am looking for some
at control packets are
broadcast and "recently" forwarded control packets are not re-broadcast by
the node.
> hi all,
> i need to know how to do the flooding enhancement for aodv control
> packets.. In AODV code, i guess no separate code has been written for
ay(index). This
would dump the routing table whenever there is an update to the routing
table )
Then, recompile ns with make and try running your simulation.
> Hi all ,
>To print the routing table I have followed this steps :
In the file aodv.cc, there must be a line
//#define DEBUG
Just uncomment this.
If it not there, add the line
#define DEBUG
in whichever file you want to print the debugs..
> Hi all..
> I'm working on ns-2.1b9a, using AODV. I want to see all the message
. Write a function to display the fields of your interest in the routing
table entry structure. (if it's not already there)
4. Call that function from an appropriate place.
Hope this helps.
>Hi all ,
> I want to get the rooting table of my simulation
on, we will probably
face this problem even in real networks.
Thanks again.
>The problem is originated in the MAC layer due to the problems of
> hidden/exposed nodes. When the MAC layer fails in delivering the packet
> after the several transmissions, it will stop i
ll in such a scenario and why
should there be drops due to that ?
It would be really great if somebody could provide some insight.
Thanks and Regards,