Re: [osg-users] How to Preserve FBX baked in textures when running running hardware skinning

2015-01-27 Thread Chris Hidden
Great thanks guys! This is the kind of lead I was looking for. Ill take a look at the shaderGen and I also have been poking around the fbxsdk which might help as well. Cheers! If I find a good solution and the time Ill try and post how I managed to get it working here later on. Thank

Re: [osg-users] How to Preserve FBX baked in textures when running running hardware skinning

2015-01-27 Thread Chris Hidden
Ok so now back to the original intent with this question. So I can now attach a texture to my hand model with a vertex and fragment shader, which is great! I load the texture via its file path and send it along to the shaders. However I was hoping to find a way to do this in a different

Re: [osg-users] How to Preserve FBX baked in textures when running running hardware skinning

2015-01-26 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey Robert, thanks for answer, hope you had a great weekend! I've been trying to read up on vertex shaders and fragment shaders and maybe I am not quite understanding. Im trying to attach a very basic fragment shader, but I can't seem to get it to work and I am not sure why. I keep

Re: [osg-users] How to Preserve FBX baked in textures when running running hardware skinning

2015-01-26 Thread Chris Hidden
Aha, ok, I wasn't clear enough. I literally injected that code snippet into the osganimationhardware.cpp example. I just thougt it would be redundant to repost the entire example. If you shove my code right at in around line 122, thats where I have made the edits. Otherwise my entire

Re: [osg-users] How to Preserve FBX baked in textures when running running hardware skinning

2015-01-26 Thread Chris Hidden
Ok I solved my problem with the fragment shader. Stupid but I realized that if I didn't instanciate the fragment shader within the if conditional where it checks to make sure the program is valid or not it will add the same fragment shader twice to the program, hence the duplicate main error.

Re: [osg-users] Does osgb support object properties such as visibility in animation?

2015-01-23 Thread Chris Hidden
Is this not clear what I am looking for? No one knows? -- Read this topic online here: ___ osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] How to Preserve FBX baked in textures when running running hardware skinning

2015-01-23 Thread Chris Hidden
I run skinning.vert on my fbx model which has rigging. Ive attached the shader program as in the osg hardware animation example. I have a texture that accompanies the hand model in the FBX file that I export from 3Ds max. If I don't attach the shader program the hand models show up with the

Re: [osg-users] Problem using Bones

2015-01-22 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey Dario Do you have any callback or other classes that affect this model or more specifically the bones in any way? One issue might be that somewhere all of the positions of each bone are set to origin. You can always traverse through the bone structure in the model and print out the

[osg-users] Does osgb support object properties such as visibility in animation?

2015-01-22 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey everyone, As the title says, Im trying to animate the visibility of a model and export to osgb. So far my animation exports have worked fine. I use 3D Studio Max to create an animation on the timeline, export it to .FBX and then convert it to osgb, and split up the animations on the

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2015-01-22 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey everyone, I managed to finally sort this out. The bone weights that were displayed in the console as being too small, are I believe only the specific vertexes that had little to no weight. I re exported the .fbx file very carefully making sure the rigging was right and the bones were set

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2015-01-16 Thread Chris Hidden
This has all been very helpful guys! Thanks Sebastian, I've tried running our bone matrice updates without adding the model and just running nothing in the update callback both with the same results. Which even further reinforces the original suspicions that the hand model is being skinned on

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2015-01-14 Thread Chris Hidden
So I was just in the process of trying to attach the statshandler to my viewer and I can't seem to pull anything up on screen. I was looking at the osguserstats exmaple and it seems pretty straightforward. Just attach the pointer of a new statshandler to the viewer right? I took a look at

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2015-01-14 Thread Chris Hidden
H... maybe my edit and other post haven't come through yet? I did get the statshandler working, I wrote an edit to my post, and posted some pictures and details about it yet another post underneath it. Are they not visible maybe? Thank you! Cheers, Chris -- Read this

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2015-01-14 Thread Chris Hidden
Hi guys thanks for the quick replies! I am indeed testing in Release always now. (I've learnt my lesson ;)). At the moment Im trying to get hardware skinning working by following the osganimationhardware example. As of now I haven't got it working as for some reason it won't load the

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2015-01-14 Thread Chris Hidden
Hi guys thanks for the quick replies! I am indeed testing in Release always now. (I've learnt my lesson ;)). At the moment Im trying to get hardware skinning working by following the osganimationhardware example. As of now I haven't got it working as for some reason it won't load the

[osg-users] NodeCallback that needs to know about its caller.

2015-01-08 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey guys, this is probably more of a design problem than anything. I have a Hud class it extends from PositionAttitudeTransform. I have a HudController class it extends from NodeCallback. Hud - PositionAttitudeTransform HudController - NodeCallback In order for Hud to attach an eventcallback

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2015-01-08 Thread Chris Hidden
Great! Thanks Christian, Ill start with that and see what I can discern from the results. -- Read this topic online here: ___ osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2015-01-07 Thread Chris Hidden
Ok, thanks Christian, Ill take a look at the example. Its a shame that I may need to do my own hardcoded shader for any models with bone structure :(. I don't have a lot of experience with writing shaders. ... Thank you! Cheers, Chris -- Read this topic online here:

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2015-01-07 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey Christian, thanks again for the reply. Right, so display lists can slow things down and VBO is often preferred. I think most of my implementation is fairly simple. The tow hands are single model that consists of two hands who's bone positions and rotations are updated every frame via our

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2015-01-05 Thread Chris Hidden
Happy new years everyone! Hope everyone had a great holidays! I just wanted to update this thread and bump it as I am now doing some further tweaking on getting things running optimally. I narrowed down some things, and I now have ONLY the hands being rendered in release mode. I get around

Re: [osg-users] Screen to world to local for model positioning

2014-11-25 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey guys, so I feel stuck here. Lets forget the movable HUD for a second. I just want to put a model in the center of a plane that covers 25% of the screen: -+++ -+++M+++ -+++ (M is the model) -+++

[osg-users] Screen to world to local for model positioning

2014-11-24 Thread Chris Hidden
Hello guys I want to position a model relative to the screen size ( or window size for that matter ). I have two models that sit on my HUD. The HUD slides in and out of view by increasing the viewport size in a callback class. I am testing out the hud right now and I want the width of the

Re: [osg-users] HUD with slave camera PRE_RENDER

2014-11-20 Thread Chris Hidden
Ran into a new problem. Its related directly to this HUD so I figured I would just continue this thread. I want the HUD to slide on and off the screen. I figure the best way to do this would be with a nodecallback attached to the camera. Then i can just move the viewport or the viewmatrix

Re: [osg-users] HUD with slave camera PRE_RENDER

2014-11-20 Thread Chris Hidden
Ok, I understand. I also initially thought moving the viewmatrix would be the way to go. I wish I knew what to provide as far as information on my code goes. Ive been testing trying to figure out why my models don't render properly on the HUD. I've narrowed it down to the UpdateCallback.

Re: [osg-users] HUD with slave camera PRE_RENDER

2014-11-20 Thread Chris Hidden
:-* :-* And this is what happens when you don't sleep enough. sorry... -- Read this topic online here: ___ osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] HUD with slave camera PRE_RENDER

2014-11-19 Thread Chris Hidden
Hi everyone. I have a HUD in my application that I want to contain 3d Models with animations. I have taken a look at the osghud example in the build and have a HUD working with a slave camera. I want the HUD to be behind my main scene object though ( opposite of most HUD implementations ).

Re: [osg-users] HUD with slave camera PRE_RENDER

2014-11-19 Thread Chris Hidden
Thanks Robert. I tried not setting any clear mask on the slave camera and making sure the depth clear was on my main camera. I haven't got the desired effect yet. My main camera has these settings: Camera mainCam = new Camera(*(view-getCamera()));

Re: [osg-users] HUD with slave camera PRE_RENDER

2014-11-19 Thread Chris Hidden
Thanks again Robert. I believe the hudCamera-setGraphicsContext(windows[0]); approach is exactly as its written in the osghud example? But I have fixed it now. As you said, once I applied both a color and depth clear to the slave camera with pre render and only a depth buffer for the main

Re: [osg-users] HUD with slave camera PRE_RENDER

2014-11-19 Thread Chris Hidden
No worries on the books then. I was more thinking like a good 3D graphics programming book to get my head around the concepts of things. Since I still struggle in understanding some of the basics I believe. I have one last question now regarding my HUD. I just moved the 3D models of the HUD

Re: [osg-users] HUD with slave camera PRE_RENDER

2014-11-19 Thread Chris Hidden
Ah! Infamously ambiguous as always. I meant that I have an osg::projection as the background for my HUD. I managed to solve it about 2 minutes before you posted it. Like I mentioned I had two models playing animations on the HUD which is just a green 4 point rectangle geode I create with

Re: [osg-users] Importing Animations from 3ds Max 2015

2014-11-17 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey Sergey! Yeah I had previously looked at that thread. I was hoping for a much easier solution. Unfortunately there isn't one. It was a lot of work and research to get things working so I uploaded a small project to GITHUB. Using the code tomhog

Re: [osg-users] fbx animation

2014-11-17 Thread Chris Hidden
Hi, I know this an old post but i took your code Tomhog and turned it into a small application with TinyXml that makes it a bit easier to setup and bake multiple animation into an osgb file. Hope it helps someone![/url] -- Read this

[osg-users] Importing Animations from 3ds Max 2015

2014-11-14 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey everyone So I've been doing a lot of digging trying to figure out how to get Animations over from 3ds Max to OSG. I have 3 models in my 3ds max scene. I use a timeline to seperate 2 animations. I have also saved the animations in 3ds max using: Animations-Save Animation. It saves it

Re: [osg-users] Full Screen Offset Problem

2014-11-12 Thread Chris Hidden
Voerman, L. wrote: Just a fast suggestion:did you try: _graphicsWindow-setWindowDecoration(false); Regards, Laurens. Well I have set windowDecoration in traits to false: windowDecoration= false; If thats what you meant. I also have the extended styles and styles (Added in the

Re: [osg-users] Transparent Window Application

2014-11-12 Thread Chris Hidden
Just wanted to update this thread and provide information on how I achieved what I was looking for. We managed to make a transparent application that you can click through with OSG. This means that you can display models on the screen and have them move around with regards to input and at

Re: [osg-users] Forward Kinematics with a hand model. Fingers behaving weird

2014-11-12 Thread Chris Hidden
Ok so we were approaching this problem in too complex of a way. I was able to get the hands to move properly by creating a new matrix based off of a. The coordinate system we were getting from the API b. The coordinate system of OSG c. The local coordinate space of the hands. So were now

Re: [osg-users] Positional Animation

2014-11-12 Thread Chris Hidden
This needed a very different approach then what I thought. Managed to find a very nice way to solve positional animation based on input see: -- Read this topic online here:

Re: [osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-11-12 Thread Chris Hidden
Just to tie up loose ends. I managed to get the simple HUD working. I think I misunderstood how things were working before. The HUD works great now with and osg::projection object. I created a seperate class to handle to creation of the HUD and a getter method for the projection Code:

Re: [osg-users] Transparent Window Application [SOLVED]

2014-11-12 Thread Chris Hidden
cbuchner1 wrote: You know what would be great? If you submitted a very basic example of this to the osg-submissions mailing list, for inclusion in the osg examples directory. Even if it is a Windows-only example, this might be helpful for a lot of folks. Maybe someone else could extend it

Re: [osg-users] Full Screen Offset Problem

2014-11-12 Thread Chris Hidden
Hi Cary The funny thing is, is that this does this to us on a single screen as well. Im pretty stumped. But the (10, -10, width, height) seems to fix it on a few different screens and resolutions we've tried so far. Ugly fix for now. I haven't tried on extended desktops yet so we'll see

Re: [osg-users] UpdateCallback Behavior: Debug vs Rlease

2014-11-11 Thread Chris Hidden
Cheers thank Robert! We did some further debugging and noticed that several booleans we were calling from the API were returning as magic numbers such as 4, 64 or 113. Not sure why yet but were looking into it. Either way not an OSG problem. Your always super quick to answer my questions

[osg-users] UpdateCallback Behavior: Debug vs Rlease

2014-11-10 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey Everyone A while ago I posted a topic on a low frame rate and seemed to have potentially solved it by running our application in release mode. I am fairly new to graphics programming and didn't realize the difference was so great. I then had a son born and have been away for a while! :D.

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2014-10-22 Thread Chris Hidden
Thanks Robert. Is there a book or tutorial or example that shows how I might let the GPU handle the skinning of the model? I realize this is not just a look at and fix kind of thing. I don't really know where to start though. In the mean time Ill keep googling :) -- Read

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2014-10-22 Thread Chris Hidden
Hi cbuchner. Thanks for your help. Does 3ds Max have an osg exporter? Also if I converted the .3ds file to osg will it retain the bone structure? The reason I export the hand models from .3ds to .fbx is to preserve the bone structure. Im assuming you mean that when I construct a model I

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2014-10-22 Thread Chris Hidden
Ok, so I meant to imply skinning. I guess what I described was rendering. I am using debug. I know it affects performance, but by that much? -- Read this topic online here:

[osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey everyone. I've come a far way since my last post. Our application is reading sensor data from the Leap Motion and we are interpreting this data and using OSG to display the hand models on scene. The issue now is that running on my laptop I get a tops of 20 fps. On other computers with

Re: [osg-users] Transparent Window Application

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Hidden
Have been meaning to respond to you about this for a while now Sergey but we've been so busy. Managed to get the window click through-able in another way. We set the window to a layered window and using this line: Code: SetLayeredWindowAttributes(_hwnd, RGB(0, 0, 0), 0, LWA_COLORKEY);

Re: [osg-users] Low frame rate ( Update Callback on 50 bones ).

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Hidden
Thanks Robert and Sergey! I realize I was being a bit too general. I was just curious if having that many UpdateCallbacks would generally be an issue... but of course it all depends on what I am doing with everything. I took your advice and stepped through each step when creating the scene.

Re: [osg-users] Moving a model with NodeCallback

2014-09-23 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey, in case anyone was interested. This was definitely the problem. For a beginner like me it was very unclear that 3ds files or other files did not import any of the rigging or bone heirarchy. Especially considering there was a still an empty tree of matrixtransforms with the same names as

[osg-users] Forward Kinematics with a hand model. Fingers behaving weird

2014-09-23 Thread Chris Hidden
Hello again! Me with my similar line of problems! Ok so to summarize again: I have a fbx hand model with bones and everything. Ive managed to set up the wrists and other joints with callback classes. These NodeCallback classes have access to an api that gets sensor data from the leap

Re: [osg-users] Moving a model with NodeCallback

2014-09-18 Thread Chris Hidden
Mattias! That makes so much sense with the results I was getting! I am trying to rebuild with the FBX plugin enabled right now. I noticed with CMake that the fields: FBX LIBRARAY and FBX LIBRARY DEBUG can't find the right file. (FBX_INCLUD_DIR is found automatically). I did some looking

Re: [osg-users] Moving a model with NodeCallback

2014-09-17 Thread Chris Hidden
Hi Robert! Thank you so much for taking the time to try and break down the approach for me. Right now our API gives us the left hand and right hand positions in world coordinates. So with this I have managed to get the hands moving around on the screen using a callback on the hand node.

Re: [osg-users] Moving a model with NodeCallback

2014-09-17 Thread Chris Hidden
Thanks agin for helping me with this. While I am very new to all of this, I have spent the better part of the last 5 weeks learning open scene graph. I have a basic knowledge of a fair chunck of it I believe. My problem is, is that I have gone through many of the examples, I have worked

Re: [osg-users] Moving a model with NodeCallback

2014-09-16 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey guys I really need some help with this. I must just have a misunderstanding of how to manipulate things. To show exactly what I am doing I want to manipulate the LeapMotion handmodels offered with their SDK. The hand models come as FBX format. I have opened it in 3DS max and saved

Re: [osg-users] Moving a model with NodeCallback

2014-09-16 Thread Chris Hidden
Oh it is most definitely a very awkward way of doing things. I am very much a novice at this and thats why. I have been following along the tutorials in the Open Scene Graph for beginners and trying to understand how the engine works as well as get a better grasp on graphics programming as

[osg-users] Moving a model with NodeCallback

2014-09-15 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey everyone. I have some previous posts on trying to get 2 hands to animate to sensor input. I have a NodeVisitor class that goes through a model and adds a NodeCallback class to each MatrixTransform node it finds. Then in that NodeCallback I do some tests to see if it is a

[osg-users] Positional Animation

2014-09-05 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey everyone. I may be interpreting how this is done improperly, but all I want at the moment is to animate two hand models. I have two osg::MatrixTransform objects which I add my loaded hand models too. I then attach an instance of a class that extends from osg::NodeCallback Then in that

[osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Hidden
Hello OSGers. I have been trying to implement a HUD in my unorthodox application. I am currently displaying 3 models to the screen where I have everything else transparent. Thus the application works as an overlay on top of whatever other application the user wishes to run. To do this I am

Re: [osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Hidden
Hi Robert Thanks for your answer! Ill try and refine what it is I'm doing. When our application is running we want OSG to display 3 models on the screen and nothing else. We want a user to be able to run any program they wish underneath it. This means that when our application is on a

Re: [osg-users] Proper way to display a HUD

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey Robert Thanks for the more detailed explanation. From what I can make out you are able to render the 3 models to a pbuffer than render this with transparency over the desktop OK, this part if functioning as intended. Is this correct? Yes this is correct! As for the HUD Ill

Re: [osg-users] Transparent Window Application

2014-08-22 Thread Chris Hidden
Ok, with your pushes in the right direction I have finally managed to get this working! :D. Its not very performance friendly but that I can optimize later. Ill break it down so that people who are looking to do somethings similar can see what I did and suggest betters ways of doing it if

Re: [osg-users] Transparent Window Application

2014-08-21 Thread Chris Hidden
Yes! Ok, I read that forum and it gave me a better idea of how I might do this. To account for transparency though I need to get the current pbuffer and put it into a local byte array. Something like Code: static BYTE pixels[width * height * 4] = {0}; unsigned char* ptr =

Re: [osg-users] Transparent Window Application

2014-08-19 Thread Chris Hidden
Anyone have any ideas? This is what Im working on so far. I have used the exmaple linked in the above post. I create a layered window: Code: int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { DetectMemoryLeaks(); MSG

Re: [osg-users] Can't even post my first question

2014-08-18 Thread Chris Hidden
No need to ask me to be patient! I fully understand. As mentioned I was tired and frustrated and the post was a post that didn't need to be created. The community so far has been quite pleasant after all. My apologies again! -- Read this topic online here:

[osg-users] Transparent Window Application

2014-08-18 Thread Chris Hidden
Hello again everyone! I am currently developing an application with a company and we have a challenge. We want our application to run over top of any other application. So in windows our app is basically several graphical elements that will react to input from sensors. So to start with I

[osg-users] Dll's in OSG_BIN_PATH not being found.

2014-08-15 Thread Chris Hidden
Hey everyone, this is my second post. My first one was born out of frustration and tiredness. So if the tone in that post sounds bad, my apologies. I managed to get OSG up and running and going smoothly. I have a problem though. I have scoured the web and this forum for a solution but I

[osg-users] Can't even post my first question

2014-08-15 Thread Chris Hidden
Ok, how am I suppose to post a question to this forum, if every single line of code i write here in code blocks or anything with a slash or dot in it is interpreted as a link? And then it says I can't post links in my question until I make 2 posts!?? I don't have any links! So frustrated!

Re: [osg-users] VS Intellisense forOSG?

2014-08-15 Thread Chris Hidden
Although this thread is now years old, I just wanted to say thank you! This fixed my intellisense problem in Visual Studios 2013 by simply enabling map extentionless files. Thanks!! -- Read this topic online here:

Re: [osg-users] Dll's in OSG_BIN_PATH not being found.

2014-08-15 Thread Chris Hidden
Thanks for the answers. My issue still remains. I don't think that the windows platform will look in any OSG_BIN_PATH environment variable. Instead it looks in the folder specified by the environment variable PATH. As mentioned I have checked countless times to make sure that the

Re: [osg-users] Dll's in OSG_BIN_PATH not being found.

2014-08-15 Thread Chris Hidden
Thanks Bjorn! It works once I set my environment path to that which you showed. Its a shame that you need to that specifically in the debugging section as it would be nice to set that in a property sheet so I could use the same settings for multiple projects -- Read this