RES: RES: Re: [otrs] receive all tickets.

2005-05-24 Thread Thiago Lima
Hi Christian, thanks alot again for your pacience and cooperation, There's any way to receive at least all 'ticket openings and closings'? Regards Thiago lima. -Mensagem original- De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Em nome de Christ

RES: Re: [otrs] receive all tickets.

2005-05-23 Thread Thiago Lima
go! On Fr, Mai 20, 2005 at 11:51:43 -0300, Thiago Lima wrote: >There's any way to make an administrador receive all tickets >created in his email? > > I want to have someone that does not access otrs all the time to be >able to see what's going

[otrs] receive all tickets.

2005-05-20 Thread Thiago Lima
Hi all, There's any way to make an administrador receive all tickets created in his email? I want to have someone that does not access otrs all the time to be able to see what's going on. I'm using otrs 1.2.3. Thanks a

RE: [otrs] OTRS Doubts

2004-05-17 Thread Thiago Lima
Thanks a lot Tyler, I've just got one more doubt. There's any way to enforce a custom field in all ticket of a queue? Thanks Thiago. > >> Hi, I'm testing OTRS, to see if it fits in my HelpDesk. >> So far, so good. Very nice piece of software. >> >> But (there's al

[otrs] OTRS Doubts

2004-05-17 Thread Thiago Lima
. So I can't reply to the requesting user. Second : There's any way to see all tickets for a queue, even the locked ones? Each queue has a supervisor that should see all tickets for that queue, so he can se if his staff is doing their job. I couldn't find anything like this in OTR