[PEN-L:7096] Re: Dollarization

1999-05-21 Thread Bill Rosenberg
A late addition to the Dollarization thread. There have been a number of suggestions recently that New Zealand should adopt Australia's or the US dollar. The government is apparently looking at it seriously. There is a Treasury working paper on it, called "Economic Integration and Monetary Uni

[PEN-L:7099] Detroit Sunday Journal (Strikers) on war on Yugoslavia

1999-05-21 Thread Charles Brown
This is an article from the May 16, 1999 Sunday Journal , the newspaper of the striking Detroit newspaper workers. CB ( 'A real betrayal' Detroit-area Serbs say media cloud truth on war By Michael Betzold Journal Staff Writer To 20,000 Serbian-Americans living

[PEN-L:7101] BLS Daily Report

1999-05-21 Thread Richardson_D
BLS DAILY REPORT, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1999 RELEASED TODAY: In March 1999, there were 799 mass layoff actions by employers as measured by new filings for unemployment insurance benefits during the month. Each action involved at least 50 persons from a single establishment, and the number of worker

[PEN-L:7106] Yugoslavia and oil pipelines

1999-05-21 Thread Louis Proyect
Brussels, 3 May 1999 CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN POLICY STUDIES A System for Post-War South-East Europe (Plan for Reconstruction, Openness, Development and Integration (Working Document of the Centre for European Policy Studies by Michael Emerson, with Daniel Gros, Wolfgang Hager, Peter Ludlow and Nic

[PEN-L:7107] Re: Re: Creative Destruction

1999-05-21 Thread Jim Devine
At 01:37 AM 5/22/99 +1000, you wrote: >Historical dialectics and an invocation of central planning - all from the >pen of a seminal econometrician. Strange stuff, economics ... Schumpeter was neither an econometrician nor a mathematical economist. He _was_ a conservative but open-minded economis

[PEN-L:7108] CBCNEWS Newfoundland company ready to sell bulk water overseas

1999-05-21 Thread Ken Hanly
This is the sort of thing that critics of NAFTA have worried about. There goes our water downt the drain! Cheers, Ken Hanly http://www.newsworld.cbc.ca/cgi-bin/templates/view.cgi?/news/1999/05/20/water990520 CBCNEWS Newfoundland company ready to sell bulk water overseas

[PEN-L:7110] Re: Balkan confusion

1999-05-21 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
Jim, The Gang That Can't Bomb Straight has not only hit the Swedish embassy, but also the residences of the Norwegian and Spanish ambassadors (NATO members vigorously supporting the war effort, last time I checked). They also hit a hospital, ugh, but not the Swiss embassy or ambassador's re

[PEN-L:7111] Re: Re: L. Proyect on Albanian Kosovars

1999-05-21 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
Louis, I appreciate your efforts and you have provided a lot of useful information. At the same time I think you need to look carefully at what you are writing and how it might be taken. You certainly do paint a picture that seems to imply that the Albanians pretty much deserve whatever is

[PEN-L:7114] Balkan Helter Skelter

1999-05-21 Thread Max Sawicky
<< Jim, The Gang That Can't Bomb Straight has not only hit the Swedish embassy, but also the residences of the Norwegian and Spanish ambassadors (NATO members vigorously supporting the war effort, last time I checked). They also hit a hospital, ugh, but not the Swiss embassy or ambassador's

[PEN-L:7115] Re: Re: Re: Creative Destruction

1999-05-21 Thread Henry C.K. Liu
Remarks by Chairman Alan Greenspan At the Haas Annual Business Faculty Research Dialogue, University of California, Berkeley, California September 4, 1998 Question: Is There a New Economy? The American economy, like all advanced capitalist economies, is continually in the process of what

[PEN-L:7116] Re: Re: Re: Re: Creative Destruction

1999-05-21 Thread Wojtek Sokolowski
At 02:39 PM 5/21/99 -0400, Jim Devine wrote: >> Schumpeter was neither an econometrician nor a mathematical economist. He >> _was_ a conservative but open-minded economist who learned a lot from Marx. >> His belief that socialism -- by which he meant government planning of the >> economy -- is ine

[PEN-L:7117] Re: Re: Creative Destruction

1999-05-21 Thread Henry C.K. Liu
What happened to Asia since July 1997 cannot be described by Schumpeter's "creative destruction" theory. With CD, a new industrial enterprise based on a new technology or organization displaces older, obsolete enterprises, and on balance creates no good than harm in the long run. What happened to

[PEN-L:7119] Re: Balkan confusion

1999-05-21 Thread Charles Brown
>>> Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/21/99 12:28PM >>> Of course, they might have bombed the Swiss and/or Swedish embassy(ies) in hopes of demonstrating that they are equal-opportunity bumbling bombers rather than having special animus toward China. That seems too Machievellian for me, but who k

[PEN-L:7120] Re: Balkan Helter Skelter

1999-05-21 Thread Charles Brown
No, no it is all random. Seeing economic motives for any aspect of war is dismal science. Charles Brown >>> Max Sawicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/21/99 02:41PM >>> << Jim, The Gang That Can't Bomb Straight has not only hit the Swedish embassy, but also the residences of the Norwegian and Sp

[PEN-L:7122] imperialism and Imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread Jim Devine
Barkley wrote: >... There are deep ethnic conflicts with wrongs committed on both sides [of the Kosova/o conflict]. Outside powers of various sorts have gotten involved in various ways and in some cases exacerbated things, including some parties in the US and Germany in the 1980s and 1990s. This m

[PEN-L:7123] imperialism and Imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread Louis Proyect
>Is there anyone on pen-l who sees Serbia as "socialist"? in what sense? >what do they mean by "socialism" and in what sense does Serbia fit this >definition? These Marxism list exchanges posted today grapple with these questions. 1) From a letter to a Serb leftist by Jay Moore: The Internation

[PEN-L:7124] Re: L. Proyect on Albanian Kosovars

1999-05-21 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
Louis, The problem was precisely the selectivity of what you presented. Now you admit that the Serbs acted like a "baying mob" in 1987 according to your chosen author. I can come up with all kinds of "demonizing" information about the Serbs that has been published by pro-Serb authors. I s

[PEN-L:7125] (Fwd) The origin of the term "area bombing"

1999-05-21 Thread ts99u-1.cc.umanitoba.ca []
--- Forwarded Message Follows --- Date sent: Fri, 21 May 1999 12:20:38 -0700 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject:The origin of the term "area bombing" Reflections from a friend on the origin


1999-05-21 Thread ts99u-1.cc.umanitoba.ca []
--- Forwarded Message Follows --- Date sent: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:13:44 -0700 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject:WILL THE UN BRING PEACE TO KOSOVO? THE BOSNIAN PRECEDENT WILL THE UN BRING PE

[PEN-L:7128] (Fwd) Canadian MP's travels through Kosovo

1999-05-21 Thread ts99u-1.cc.umanitoba.ca []
--- Forwarded Message Follows --- Date sent: Fri, 21 May 1999 11:46:54 -0700 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject:Canadian MP's travels through Kosovo The National Post

[PEN-L:7131] L. Proyect on Albanian Kosovars

1999-05-21 Thread Louis Proyect
> Thank you for providing a smidgen of the other side >of the story. >Barkley Rosser Barkley, there is no such thing as "objective truth". This is a petty-bourgeois illusion, especially strong among professors. I filter everything I read and impose my own Marxist outlook on it. Here is some

[PEN-L:7132] progress in technology and justice

1999-05-21 Thread Michael Perelman
ELECTRONIC WIRETAPS TRIPLED LAST YEAR The number of wiretaps placed by state and federal law enforcement officials on cell phones, pagers, e-mail and other telecommunications devices nearly tripled last year, and for the first time wiretaps on cell phones and pagers outnumbered those on convention

[PEN-L:7133] Does Italy Count?

1999-05-21 Thread Michael Perelman
In listing all the countries hit by stray bombs (Pakistan, Bulgaria, ...), we should count Italy, where the fishermen are on strike because they keep finding bombs in their net. -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chico, CA 95929 530-898-5321 fax

[PEN-L:7134] Re: imperialism and Imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread Michael Perelman
I think that socialism is coming to mean anyone who defies the market (except for unusal circumstantaces, such as Helms-Burton). So Milosevic, the banker, is a socialist in the same sense that Malaysia is socialist. Remember, Jim, we live in world where Clinton is a leftist and Newt G. is a mode

[PEN-L:7136] Re: imperialism and Imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread Jim Devine
At 04:15 PM 5/21/99 -0400, Louis wrote: >One of the things that I didn't have time (or space) to get into in my reply to Solidarity was this question of whether Yugoslavia is socialist or not, and what this has to do with the war. To play it safe, I called it a "mixed economy". Do folks remember w

[PEN-L:7137] Re: Re: imperialism and Imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread Jim Devine
I wrote: >> Is there anyone on pen-l who sees Serbia as "socialist"? in what sense? what do they mean by "socialism" and in what sense does Serbia fit this definition?<< Michael P. writes: >I think that socialism is coming to mean anyone who defies the market (except for unusal circumstantaces,

[PEN-L:7140] Soldier of Fortune

1999-05-21 Thread Louis Proyect
A French soldier of fortune fights alongside the KLA TIRANA, May 21, 1999 (AFP) - "I was recruited as an officer in the KLA as soon as I showed pictures of the Serbs I had killed in Croatia," said 'Jacques', a far-right Frenchman, lying wounded on a hospital bed here, after three weeks of fighti

[PEN-L:7143] Schumpeter and econometrics

1999-05-21 Thread Michael Perelman
Schumpeter was indeed a high-ranking member of the econometric society, and one point either president or vice president. However, he was not skilled at all in mathematics. Richard Goodwin tried to help out. -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University Chico, CA 95929 T

[PEN-L:7145] Re: Re: imperialism and Imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread ts99u-1.cc.umanitoba.ca []
Barkley, This is a hell of a topic. I am just at this moment writing up the results of our case study/survey of the legacy of self management in Slovenia (which I will send you for comment before sending it off for publication) and I admit I don't know enough of what has happened in Serbia s

[PEN-L:7146] They Call It "Intelligence"; NATO Refuses to Release Evidencein Bombing Mishap; Italian Fishermen Net Bombs; NATO Bombs JailHolding KLA Fighters

1999-05-21 Thread Michael Eisenscher
IN THIS MESSAGE: They Call It "Intelligence"; NATO Refuses to Release Evidence in Bombing Mishap; Italian Fishermen Net Bombs; NATO Bombs Jail Holding KLA Fighters Human Error By Barbara Starr -- ABCNEWS.com W A S H I N G T O N, May 20, 9:37am PT The United States mistakenly bombed the Chin

[PEN-L:7148] NATO's Unintended Targets List Grows; Thailand Cancels Intl.Labor Conference

1999-05-21 Thread Michael Eisenscher
IN THIS MESSAGE: NATO's Unintended Targets List Grows; Thailand Cancels Intl. Labor Conference NATO's Unintended Targets By The Associated Press Some NATO bombing mistakes and missile attacks against unintended targets. Casualty figures were reported by Serbs and not independently confir

[PEN-L:7139] Re: Re: Re: Re: imperialism and Imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread Jim Devine
>I wrote: >>Of course, it's much too simplistic to views these matters in a win vs. >>lose framework. > Doug writes: >True, but I get nervous when I see U.S. imperialism described as >incompetent. It's been brutally, horribly successful. I was thinking of incompetence in terms of the attainment

[PEN-L:7138] Re: Re: Re: imperialism and Imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread Doug Henwood
Jim Devine wrote: >Of course, it's much too simplistic to views these matters in a win vs. >lose framework. True, but I get nervous when I see U.S. imperialism described as incompetent. It's been brutally, horribly successful. Doug

[PEN-L:7135] Re: imperialism and Imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread Doug Henwood
Jim Devine wrote: >It's pretty clear that the US/NATO war against Serbia is small-i >imperialistic, as Barkley says. And such policies can be (and often are) >incompetent; consider the history of the US war against Vietnam. Incompetent? Which part? The 2-3 million dead? The poisoning of the land

[PEN-L:7130] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Creative Destruction

1999-05-21 Thread Rod Hay
I found the following headline at the ABC News site. Keeping Schools Safe Using Military Strategy to Defend Schools The article is irrelevant after a headline like that. Is this the same military that took a week to defeat seven Grenadine policeman and one Cuban engineer? Rod Hay [EMAIL

[PEN-L:7129] Re: imperialism and Imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
Jim, Actually Louis P. has argued that Serbia (or Yugoslavia) is socialist and he has a point. He goes farther than I do in declaring that Milosevic was elected because of his defense of Serbian workers against imperialist privatization threats rather than for his appeals to ethnic chauvinis

[PEN-L:7127] (Fwd) NATO looking at a fundamental switch of tactics - The Da

1999-05-21 Thread ts99u-1.cc.umanitoba.ca []
--- Forwarded Message Follows --- Date sent: Fri, 21 May 1999 12:06:37 -0700 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject:NATO looking at a fundamental switch of tactics - The Daily Telegraph

[PEN-L:7121] Re: Balkan confusion

1999-05-21 Thread Charles Brown
>>> "J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/21/99 01:43PM >>> The Gang That Can't Bomb Straight has not only hit the Swedish embassy, but also the residences of the Norwegian and Spanish ambassadors (NATO members vigorously supporting the war effort, last time I checked). They al

Re: [PEN-L:7115] Re: Re: Re: Creative Destruction

1999-05-21 Thread Anthony D'Costa
> Remarks by Chairman Alan Greenspan > At the Haas Annual Business Faculty Research Dialogue, > University of California, Berkeley, California > September 4, 1998 > snip > > Full speech at: > http://www.bog.frb.fed.us/boarddocs/speeches/1998/19980904.htm > > While Greenspan did not actually

[PEN-L:7118] WTO Booklet: ORDERFORM

1999-05-21 Thread Robert Naiman
>From Public Citizen [the coalition of organizations includes Preamble.] -- A coalition of organizations have been developing a booklet describing what the World Trade Organization (WTO) is, it's track record and what we can expect to see in the upcoming Ministerial Meeting in Se

[PEN-L:7113] Re: Re: Re: Creative Destruction

1999-05-21 Thread Henry C.K. Liu
For those who might have missed it, I posted some views on Schumpeter: Subject: [PEN-L:3960] Schumpeter and Creative Destruction Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 14:06:07 -0500 From: "Henry C.K. Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Henry C.K. Liu Jim Devine wrote: > At 01:37 AM 5/22/99 +

[PEN-L:7112] L. Proyect on Albanian Kosovars

1999-05-21 Thread Louis Proyect
> What I found and find objectionable is your demonization of >the Albanians coinciding with your more or less complete >buying into nearly all of the worst of the Serbian nationalist and >chauvinist stories and mythologies. You don't get it. Most of the information is drawn from Miranda Vick

[PEN-L:7109] Balkan confusion

1999-05-21 Thread Jim Devine
I've been away from the news for a couple of days and I'm confused. Did the US/NATO bomb the residence of the Swedish ambassador to Serbia? did the US/NATO also bomb the Swiss embassy? Am I conflating these two events? Is it this common in wars for the embassies of non-combatant nations to be b

[PEN-L:7104] Re: Right to work for less...

1999-05-21 Thread Ellen Dannin
Hello, Tom. I do not have an op-ed on that issue; however, I do regularly write op-eds and have had many published in CA papers, such as the LA Times and SD Union Tribune. If you at some point in a progressive look at other issues, I have several in my directory. Recent ones include privatization;

[PEN-L:7100] Richard Gott: old fashioned imperialism

1999-05-21 Thread Louis Proyect
Guardian, May 20 1999 Richard Gott thinks he sees just an old-fashioned British imperialist behind the righteous Tony Blair THE DRIVE TO INTERVENE The historian AJP Taylor used to argue, wisely, that present events help us to understand the past and not the other way round. So little purpose is