[PEN-L:4625] Kondratiev waves

1995-04-05 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Given that various people have mentioned the recent performance of East Asian economies, some of which have been the only economies in the world to generally perform BETTER since the presumed 1973 turning point of the global Kondratiev long wave (except for a few oil exporters during the

[PEN-L:4579] Re: Kondratiev waves

1995-04-03 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Kondratiev long wave models take many forms. The most popular are those emphasizing a technological innovations story, e.g. Joseph Schumpeter, _Business Cycles_, 1939; Gerhard Mensch, _The Technological Stalemate_, 1975; Richard Goodwin, "The Economy as an Evolutionary Pulsator," _Journal of

[PEN-L:4419] Re: conspiracy theorizing

1995-03-13 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Bilderberg is the city where the group first met. Its director is Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, long accused of Nazi sympathies. David Rockefeller and various Rothschilds, also Govanni Agnelli, were key founders. Other groups fixated on this conspiracy theory include the Lyndon

[PEN-L:4383] dollar/peso/whole lotta shakin goin on!

1995-03-09 Thread FAC_BROSSER
The following are fragments from a message transmitted over internet on 3/7/95 by subcommandant Marcos, translated by Cindy Arnold: "He of the voice confesses that, since having been born, he has conspired against the shadows which cover the Mexican sky... ..that, before being born, being

[PEN-L:4315] Library of Congress Magazine

1995-02-28 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Well, now we have someone "remembering" that someone else "thought" that the "noted economist" "might be" Bohm-Bawerk. Obviously he would be one of the usual suspects (right up there with Gil Skillman! :-)), but was he the one actually in the Library of Congress of Magazine article? As

[PEN-L:4301] Re: library of congress magazine

1995-02-27 Thread FAC_BROSSER
There has now been a rather long thread about this "noted economist" in the Library of Congress magazine who dissed Marx. But I have yet to see anyone actually identify him, aside from speculations that it is (or should be) P. Samuelson or Gil Skillman :-). So, is there anybody out

[PEN-L:4227] Mexico

1995-02-19 Thread FAC_BROSSER
To D. Shniad: It is true that the messages got a bit overwhelming there for awhile. But I for one am wondering if there might not be a happy medium between "nothing" versus "go sign up on one of these nets" (appreciate the sources). Perhaps you could selectively forward especially

[PEN-L:4081] Postion Available

1995-02-08 Thread FAC_BROSSER
There is a one year instructor position, renewable up to three years, available in the Department of Economics at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807. The JOE ad did not get printed by mistake. Deadline for applications is March 15. Teaching experience preferred and

personal announcement (delete if uninterested)

1994-08-14 Thread FAC_BROSSER
I wish to let anyone interested know that I shall be receiving no e-mail messages between August 18 and December 28 of this year. Please do not send me any as my system will just overload. If you need to reach me during this period I shall be at 931 Batiment Aquitaine 26, rue Auguste

facts and values

1994-06-23 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Well Jim Devine has complicated things again. "2+2=4" is a very different kind of "fact" (analytic in the Kanitian sense) thans is say the number of people who died in certain kinds of structures (call them camps) within certain time-space zones (those under "German control" during World War

facts and values e

1994-06-19 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Response to Bill Mitchell (34 lines): I agree that using neoclassical economics or not is=20 to a large degree a matter of "theology." This can be seen in that it is impossible to "falsify" the law of supply nand demand (Popperian criterion). Go ahead and=20 try. That does not mean,

facts and values (several strands)

1994-06-18 Thread FAC_BROSSER
3 Points and strands, semi-long: 1) In response to Bruce M.'s request , here is an atte attemptted precis of my long message to Alan Isaac offnet (to which he gave me a long response; we are not too far apart at this point, although he may not concur with that assessment). There are two

Yugoslavia (again)

1994-04-28 Thread FAC_BROSSER
(Short and Sour) None of us knows what makes a difference. 1) The claim that the Kosovan Albanians engaged in "the first ethnic cleansing" is clearly wildly exaggerated, to say the least. In terms of primacy, the Ustasha Croats beat them to the punch. In terms of essential

Yugoslavia (again) (if message appeared from me already,

1994-04-28 Thread FAC_BROSSER
If message appeared from me already, then delete. I sent something but it did not look like it went. There was a glitch. 1) The claim that Kosovan Albanians committed "the first ethnic cleansing" is unsupportable. The Ustasha Croats beat them to it. In 1946, Yugoslavia re-conquered


1994-04-27 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Response to Sid Shniad: Krugman's media barrage about "competitiveness" is all sour grapes over Laura Tyson getting the CEA Chair, which he made sexist remarks about at the time. Apparently in a meeting Clinton had before the inauguration with Tyson, Krugman, and some other economists,

Bosnia-Herzegovina (not 'and')

1994-04-15 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Response to Paul Phillips' Messages #'s 2 and 3 (this will not be a short message): Again Paul is right about many things and has highighted some stupid and reprehensible aspects of the Balkan tragedy on the parts of many actors (PS: Paul, can you send me a copy of the Covert Action


1994-04-15 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Response to Paul Phillips #4, (4 items, about 3 pages): 1) I shall not claim that there has been no misreporting of the situation. However, you still have not shown (maybe you will tomorrow) that atrocities of various sorts by other groups exceed or even come remotely close to those committed

Down-to-earth relevance of some LTV debates

1994-04-14 Thread FAC_BROSSER
MORE DEFENSIVE POSTURING (Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!): (2 pages) A not-always-clearly-articulated subtext of the recent round of LTV debate between myself and Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell had to do with the issue of environmental policy under socialism. As noted recently Soviet policy was

China and Russia

1994-04-14 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Response to Joseph Medley: The source was a recent article in that capitalist rag, _The Economist_, I do not offhand have the exact date. It only compared the total growth rates of the identified three categories, central state owned, fully private, and TVE's. I note that you do not


1994-04-14 Thread FAC_BROSSER
(3 to 4 pages) Having flamed Paul Phillips in a recent message I would like to add some more moderate comments. I do think, despite my disagreements with him, that his remarks were very well- informed and should be thought about seriously. 1) I agree that we must be cautious as


1994-04-13 Thread FAC_BROSSER
1) I would like to commend Michael Perelman for his effective management of this fractious net, especially through a difficult technical transition with apparently only minor scattered glitches. I think we all owe him more thanks and appreciation than he has been given. 2) I would like to

Russia and China

1994-04-13 Thread FAC_BROSSER
I note that the most dynamic sector in the Chinese economy recently has been Town and Village Enterprises (TVE's) which are technically owned by local units of government but which behave in vigorously market-oriented ways. The old centralized command sector utterly stagnant. The totally


1994-04-13 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Yes, Germany encouraged Croatia and Bosnia to secede prior to assuring appropriately Serb and other minority rights. Also there is a lot of ignorance about what is going on (and has gone on) there (The Nazi puppet Ustasha regime in Croatia ran the worst concentration camps in Europe, its

zoning, etc.

1994-04-12 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Having just sent a rather offensive note, let me try to be more constructive in the light of Sam La Franco's "zoning" remarks. I would simply note that messages have labels for what the topic is. If the topic is LTV or MTV or Godzilla and one is not interested in that, this is what the

response to Allin Cottrell on LTV

1994-03-29 Thread FAC_BROSSER
1) I do not dispute that an alternative X basic should be reasonably homogeneous and non-producible by labor and inexhaustible resources. I also agree that raw land as such suffers from heterogeneity problems that are probably worse than those of labor, although I think Allin may have

response to Allin Cottrell on LTV

1994-03-29 Thread FAC_BROSSER
1) I do not dispute that an alternative X basic should be reasonably homogeneous and non-producible by labor and inexhaustible resources. I also agree that raw land as such suffers from heterogeneity problems that are probably worse than those of labor, although I think Allin may have

More Insufferable AS-AD

1994-03-28 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Peter, My apologies for my flip "textbook" remark. Indeed most intermediate macro presentations of ISLM are profoundly flawed for reasons probably not worth getting into here. The issue of the "Keynes effect" boils down to the liquidity preference demand for money diagram as it shows

More Insufferable AS-AD

1994-03-28 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Peter, My apologies for my flip "textbook" remark. Indeed most intermediate macro presentations of ISLM are profoundly flawed for reasons probably not worth getting into here. The issue of the "Keynes effect" boils down to the liquidity preference demand for money diagram as it shows

Comments on Allin Cottrell's LTV Defense

1994-03-25 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Let me begin by congratulating Allin on the most articulate and well-reasoned defense of the labor theory of value that I have seen. I note that at its core are three arguments: a) labor is the most "socially important" factor of production (I agree), b) empirically LTV works not too

Comments on Allin Cottrell's LTV Defense

1994-03-25 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Let me begin by congratulating Allin on the most articulate and well-reasoned defense of the labor theory of value that I have seen. I note that at its core are three arguments: a) labor is the most "socially important" factor of production (I agree), b) empirically LTV works not too

Response to Peter Dorman on AS-AD

1994-03-22 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Peter, I agree that putting everything in terms of rates of change really is preferable, especially on the price side. I am not sure what happens then about the impact on real interest rates of an increase in the rate of inflation. However, in the simple (-minded) pure theory static

LTV: questions for the defense

1994-03-21 Thread FAC_BROSSER
To Allin Cottrell: If these are not dealt with in the main message, they should be saved for an epilogue response. 1) Normality of price dispersion presented in Farjoun and Machover is NOT a trivial assumption. Most asset prices (at least) have both seriously skewed and leptokurtotic

AS-AD, the US $, etc.

1994-03-21 Thread FAC_BROSSER
To Peter Dorman: The effect of having Korea and Taiwan pegged to the $ was offset by having most of Latin America also pegged to the $. I agree with Tom Weisskopf's last posting (was going to make same point myself) about role of interest rates. Clearly that depends on MS constant and we

LTV: questions for the defense

1994-03-21 Thread FAC_BROSSER
To Allin Cottrell: If these are not dealt with in the main message, they should be saved for an epilogue response. 1) Normality of price dispersion presented in Farjoun and Machover is NOT a trivial assumption. Most asset prices (at least) have both seriously skewed and leptokurtotic

AS-AD, the US $, etc.

1994-03-21 Thread FAC_BROSSER
To Peter Dorman: The effect of having Korea and Taiwan pegged to the $ was offset by having most of Latin America also pegged to the $. I agree with Tom Weisskopf's last posting (was going to make same point myself) about role of interest rates. Clearly that depends on MS constant and we

AS-AD, yet again

1994-03-16 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Response to Peter Dorman (hi, BTW, hope all's well that keeps on keeping on): Now you didn't have to get so technical on us did you? Getting back to the origin of this with Ellen Frank's question, I think it was addressed to what do we say to students, especially principles students (higher

AD-AS, response to Peter Dorman

1994-03-14 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Peter: 1) I am glad to hear that you are free of sin, my brother, in your (past) teaching of micro. However in your remarks about "microland is faster than macroland" I would say it ain't necessarily so, especially when prices are a signaling device. We have seen plenty sudden speculative

AS and AD

1994-03-13 Thread FAC_BROSSER
1) Yes, there are numerous difficulties with AS and AD, one not mentioned so far is the interdependence of the two, perhaps implicit in Peter Dorman's comments on circular flow models. Colander's new text basically has vertical (classical) AS curves that shift when AD changes, no question of

Response to Anthony d'Costa on East Asian unemployment

1994-03-08 Thread FAC_BROSSER
I deliberately selected Japan as my example as it does not have such extended family economic relations. Although families play a profound role in traditional societies, I do not think we should therefore say nothing about relations between the sexes in them. In every society the

Alleged low unemployment in East Asia

1994-03-07 Thread FAC_BROSSER
Sid Shniad has cited ILO figures that argue that East Asia has much lower unemployment rates than exist in Western Europe. This is technically accurate but very misleading. For example Japan has a much lower labor force participation rate than one finds in most of Western Europe because of

Alleged low East Asian unemployment

1994-03-07 Thread FAC_BROSSER
(If this repeats a previous message, I apologize. I'm having trouble sending messages out on this net, despite Michael Perelman's assistance.) Sid Shniad reported an ILO study that suggests much lower unemployment rates in East Asia than elsewhere, notably Western Europe. Although