Correction to URL for Web orders of Twangfest tix

1999-04-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
We (we this time being not the Twang Gang, but me) inadvertently included some ASCII formatting junk in the URL you can use to order Twangfest 3 tickets online through Village Records. Try this: sf=title/se=st I

Twangfest 3: Advance Tickets, More News, and Much, Much Less!

1999-04-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
That steady "thump, thump, thump" you're hearing, ever increasing in intensity? No, it's not Excedrin Headache #43, brought on by the latest P2 dustup, it's just us (us being your Twang Gang) beating the drum for Twangfest 3. We're a mere seven weeks away from the blessed event--June 10-12--and

Twangfest 3 update

1999-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
Brace yourselves, folks, there'll be a lot more of these, but we (we being your Twang Gang) want to keep you apprised of all the latest regarding the last Twangfest of the millenium. First off, it looks like the Oak Grove Inn is, at least temporarily, sold out-- due to reservations made by two

And you think earthquakes and floods bite...

1999-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
In an attempt to reverse the faux cowboy "cleansing" of our nation's west coast--I'll bet you think Roy Rogers and Gene Autry died of natural causes, don't you?--the Rangers will be singin', playin', eatin', and sleepin' out that way August 12-23. We've got gigs in the LA area on Saturday Aug 14

Twangfest accommodations

1999-03-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
Looks like you early birds got the best rooms, as the Oak Grove Inn, the official Home Away From Home of Twangfest, tells us there are no more rooms available with two double beds for the weekend of June 10-13. They do have rooms with one bed still available, so hop on it (1-800-OAK-GROV) if you

Twangfest web banner

1999-03-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
Just a quick note from your Twang Gang to let you know that we've got a spiffy new animated GIF banner announcing Twangfest 3 for your personal or business web page. Placing this li'l gem on your web page will help get out the word on Twangfest (be sure to hot-link it to!) and

Re: Inflammable Material on WXDU Playlist

1999-03-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
As Chad was saying: Soft Boys/Yodelling Hoover/Wading Through a Ventilator Does anyone know if it is possible to find Soft Boys albums anywhere? I have been searching for a while for anything I can find on CD or LP on the web and in used record stores and special order stores, but no no avail.

Re: Boot recommendations

1999-03-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
With all due respect to you mad dogs and (one) Englishman, I can't believe nobody has mentioned El Paso's own Tony Lama. My first pair (black iguana) were TL's, and I still wear them 12 years later. For sheer pointy-toedness, though, you can't beat the pair of Chisholms I've got; you could kill

More on Twangfest/Plea for Donations

1999-03-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
Sometimes we P2 lifers forget that there are a heck of a lot of you out there who don't really know the origins of Twangfest, the Twang Gang, etc., so it's high time to give a little history here. In early 1997, it was becoming evident that a fair amount of P2-ers were in bands--good bands, too,

Twangfest 3 update

1999-02-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
Lest you think your Twang Gang is employing the House impeachment manager method of news dissemination, we thought we'd better let y'all in on what's been going on with plans for Twangfest 3 (June 10-12 in St. Louis, as you'll recall), rather than just let things sorta leak out. (1) Headliners:

Tennessee...I hear you calling me

1999-02-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Wyatt)
Had to use that subject line, now that the King of Bluegrass is in the hospital... Believe it or not, I have been told that I don't pimp my band nearly often enough in this hallowed forum--which was kind of a surprise, since I feel that my whole life has been dedicated to the pursuit of