will add an extra column with the name "*Land Use Category*" to the
GeoPackage layer
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
On 27/11/2024 05.48, Catania, Luke A ERDC-RDE-GRL-VA CIV via
QGIS-Developer wrote:
I am using a ge
My question: Is it possible to force
/QgsProcessingParameterProviderConnection /to re-read the list of
connections ? And, if possible, how ??
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
List info:
od creates a drop-down
with names of layers in the map /and/ a checkbox with the label
"Selected features only". Is it possible to set the checkmark
automatically when showing the processing userdialog ? And how ??
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
rs to create and
update object in a .tab file and save the file. Later this file - if
opened in MapInfo (or QGIS) - would be shown with the correct embedded
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
change. So.. Is
there some existing code / plugin / information so I don't have to
"reinvent the wheel" ?
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
List info: ht
inting the same message 3 times.
Why does it do that ? (And no, I haven't connected it 3 times to the
same event. If I connect it twice, I'll get *6* lines in the the
console. And I did the experiment with a new user profile).
Windows 10, QGIS 3.26.3
Med venlig hilsen / Best regard
to work for MS SQL Server connections.
If somebody steps up to the challenge I will send the information to my
customers so they can consider making QGIS better instead of paying me
for an ugly workaround.
Med venlig hilsen / Kind reg
add a single layer
using the data source manager. But it partially fails when opening a
project. The layers are registred, but it doesn't register the uri for
the individual layers. I assume the event "addedChildren" is fired
before the layers is fully loaded.
So is there some othe
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 29-07-2022 kl. 11:12 skrev Alessandro Pasotti via QGIS-Developer:
It is currently implemented for PG, Oracle, MSSQL and spatialite.
QGIS-Developer mailing list
List info: https://lists.osge
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 01-04-2022 kl. 17:38 skrev Jörg Höttges via QGIS-Developer:
Hi everyone,
I'm using QGIS 3.16 to 3.22. I created a table with multipolygon
objects in a SpatiaLite database. When editing one of the polygons
there appears a warning "Die Operation würden
file a ticket.
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 11-02-2022 kl. 16:42 skrev matteo:
c = QgsCheckableComboBox()
QGIS-Developer mailing list
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from Python?
Or is there any other Python Class I can use for this purpose ??
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/lis
after/ a LTR release, not just /before/. That would give us
a year to fix the possibly bad consequences of the version change
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 17-11-2021 kl. 19:54 skrev Sebastiaan Couwenberg:
On 11/17/21 19:45, Bo Victor Thomsen wrote:
* The suppo
bend a
little) . But when you come around to the LTR release you deep-freeze
any changes except security- and bug correcting patches
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 17-11-2021 kl. 08:27 skrev Luca Manganelli:
> [... ]
As an IT administrator in our public organization
ented every point release
(including my own, when I was a GIS admin)
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 16-11-2021 kl. 21:16 skrev Jürgen E. Fischer:
Hi Bo,
On Tue, 16. Nov 2021 at 18:41:31 +0100, Bo Victor Thomsen wrote:
So yes, the LTR point releases are used. Not all
her to upgrade this.
So yes, the LTR point releases are used. Not all point releases will be
installed every time, but some will.
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 16-11-2021 kl. 17:50 skrev Jürgen E. Fischer:
Hi Bo,
On Tue, 16. Nov 2021 at 12:00:07 +0100, Bo Victor Thoms
hatever that's decided regarding the LTR, I personally still will be a
staunch supporter of QGIS. But please don't throw the baby out with the
bathwater without due consideration and without trying alternative
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 16-11
When will users and GIS/IT administrators be notified of this mishap ?
There must a lot of user affected by this..
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 04-11-2021 kl. 01:11 skrev Nyall Dawson:
On Thu, 4 Nov 2021 at 08:12, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
Sandro's fixes
uot; and never "b". And QGIS hangs
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 03-11-2021 kl. 06:19 skrev Nyall Dawson:
On Wed, 3 Nov 2021 at 14:58, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
On 11/3/21 2:15 AM, Nathan Woodrow wrote:
My download of 3.16.12 is using SIP 5.4.0 it says:
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 25-10-2021 kl. 11:54 skrev Alessandro Pasotti:
QGIS-Developer mailing list
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What gives ? Is there some kind of "refresh" method I've overlooked??
Version: QGIS 3.20.3 on Windows 10.
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
cedure lurking somewhere in my dungeon of a
backup system. Send me a mail if you're interested.
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 20-09-2021 kl. 11:44 skrev PIERRE Sylvain:
Hi ,
In want to connect with QGIS to a MSSQL geodabase. But when connecting
to this DB it gen
Hi Alexandre -
Thanks for the heads-up regarding initialisation scripts and global
settings file.
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 12-07-2021 kl. 10:54 skrev Alexandre Neto:
Hi Bo,
This is some old stuff we wrote at Boundless, I believe it still
applies for QGIS
ghly visible" location.
* Any subsequent mistakes made by the user (Installation of dodgy
plugins, strange changes in setups ) is easily repaired by
running the Python script again.
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 12-07-2021 kl. 03:14 skrev Thomas Gra
ces, i.e
(From qgis.ini)
Configuration\MODELS_FOLDER=*C:\\Users\\Bo Victor
Configuration\SCRIPTS_FOLDERS=*C:\\Users\\Bo Victor
could be:
rary spatial index to
the resulting virtual layer ?? Some "magical keywords" in the creation
parameters for the layer ???
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
n / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 29-04-2021 kl. 14:32 skrev Alessandro Pasotti:
Hi Bo,
iface.activeLayer().source() should give you what you want.
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 2:21 PM Bo Victor Thomsen
mailto:bo.victor.thom...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi list -
I have a (probably t
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
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any cases are perfectly fine :-)
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 24-04-2021 kl. 12:14 skrev Tim Sutton:
Though I guess through service files you could present the RW database
to the editor roles and the RO database to the analyst roles. That way
you would not need duplicat
s to the replication database).
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 22-04-2021 kl. 20:08 skrev Rebassa Oliver, Joan:
Buenas tardes:
Tenemos configurado un cluster de base de datos de PostgreSQL de forma
que el nodo maestro de este cluster es el que permite las operaciones
Hi Andrea -
Close but no cigar. (aka.: It didn't work). But thanks for trying
I think, it would work if the dataprovider was "ogr" and not "postgres"
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 14-03-2021 kl. 13:01 skrev Andrea Giudiceandrea:
Bo Victor Th
s created with the function
*should* be created with a spatial index - except for dataprovider types
ogr/GPKG and ogr/Spatialite
So my question is: How can I get a spatial index on my new created table
(or during creation) *without* having some database-type specific code
Works like a charm. Thanks Etienne :-)
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 08-03-2021 kl. 10:55 skrev Etienne Trimaille:
configparser is designed to read INI file :
Hi list -
Is there a smart method - using Python - to read the entries
("Homepage", "Bug Tracker", "Code repository"...) in the "metadata.txt"
in the plugin directory ?
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Thanks Jorge for the information :-) .
You're right about my wish: I want to activate the Vertex Tool and lock
it to a specific object i a specific layer using Python from a plugin
(Exactly as you surmised)
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 08-02-2021 kl. 11:26
working fine. It's point 6 I'm asking about
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
Multiple thanks to both Alessandro and Etienne for helping me with this
question. I owe you both a large cold beer (each !) next time we meet.
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 10-01-2021 kl. 04:10 skrev Etienne Trimaille:
The connection API is indeed convenient for that
for a Postgresql database connection) as input and automatically
convert the settings values to a URI string.
Is there anyone, that can point me in the right direction ?
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
lection"): linestring, polygon, multipoint, multilinestring
and multipolygon.
The json text is already converted to a python dict using json.dumps().
AFAIK, it's trivial to convert from QgsGeometry to geojson, but I can't
find an existing method to do the opposite.
Med venl
Good idea -
But make it an option for the specific layers, so it's possible to turn
it "off" or "on" depending of the situation. And "off" should be the
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 02-11-2020 kl. 07:29 skrev Denis R
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 07-07-2020 kl. 00:45 skrev Nyall Dawson:
On Mon, 6 Jul 2020 at 22:38, Greg Troxel wrote:
Bo Victor Thomsen writes:
3. I like the idea, that you can build QGIS with both the QT ver 5.x
and QT ver 6.x in a (limited) time period. That gives the plugin
prepared: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkrheaWuShU
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 06-07-2020 kl. 00:44 skrev Nyall Dawson:
Hi lists,
I'd like to raise a proposal which has been percolating away in the
back of my mind for the last month:
1. Qt 6
That is correct. Terms like "Hillshade", "Ruggedness index" and and a
*lot* of other terms doesn't have a "proper" translation (at least in
Danish). I assume that's the case for a lot of languages.
Den 30-06-2020 kl. 11:57 skrev Ian Turton:
On Tue,
here is a lot of GIS terms that is English
in origin, but haven't a well defined local translation. (With some
hilarious results if they are translated). Not all translators is
well versed in every aspect of GIS.
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 30-06-2020
I plan
to write a feature request about this later today)
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 18-05-2020 kl. 17:49 skrev Jonathan Moules:
Hi Bo,
Looking at the WAL docs for SQLite (https://www.sqlite.org/wal.html)
(what geopackage is built from) I see this:
curs with 3.10.0 , 3.10.2 ...3.12.2)
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
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Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 06-04-2020 kl. 11:36 skrev Johannes Wildermuth:
Hello developers
I've been currently working on a python plugin in which I have to find
all possible intersections on one layer. I want to improve the
efficiency of this task. It roughly looks like this:
for i,
this mailing-list,
that can point me in the right direction ?
(The correct course of action would be to program it in C++. However I
can't find the time - or intellectual energy - to brush up my very
rusty knowledge of C++ :-/)
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
ct course of action would be to program it in C++. However I
can't find the time - or intellectual energy - to brush up my very
rusty knowledge of C++ :-/)
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
mber doing this working correctly in QGIS ver. 2.x.
Can anyone confirm this error before i report it ?
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/m
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
AestasGIS Denmark
Den 14-02-2020 kl. 14:03 skrev Martin Steiger:
I hope I write to the correct address with my request.
In the "Kantonsverwaltung Zug" we use QGIS since version 2.16 in the
department of geoinformati
2 cents and 2 minor points:
* One country's freedom fighters is another country's terrorists.
* The EPSG in the CRS code is an acronym for "European *Petroleum*
Survey Group"
Don't mix personal moral/ethics with licensing
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
ot; from my point of view.
And, by the way, Postgres is not "awful" on Windows any more. Just
ordinary "Windows bad" compared to the Linux version :-).
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 21-11-2019 kl. 11:30 skrev Jürgen E. Fischer:
On Thu,
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 20-11-2019 kl. 22:59 skrev Andreas Neumann:
Hi Alessandro,
To be honest - I don't know much about this single sign-on on Windows.
I just noticed that with some software, one doesn't have to login a
second ti
d maybe further enumerate through a specific file in the
chosen directory (ex. a geopackage) containing several data layers.
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
List info
ython code embedded in the project ?
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 30-10-2019 kl. 13:00 skrev Raymond Nijssen:
S project (file) is *content* you create with QGIS and not code. And
therefore not GPL licensed.
You can also write a top secret letter using LibreOffice, ri
QGIS projects ? Same license or copyrigt af QGIS
itself. Or what ??
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 30-10-2019 kl. 08:11 skrev Raymond Nijssen:
On 30-10-19 07:11, Tim Sutton wrote:
ections as a part of their
GIS education.
I'll try to incorporate this knowledge into the curriculum - hopefully
without exploding their brains (or mine) !
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 25-09-2019 kl. 10:12 skrev Kristian Evers:
For funsies, let
ch typically uses a very large number of layers in their daily use of
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 23-09-2019 kl. 16:34 skrev bauer.jo...@swm.de:
Dear QGIS developers,
we are facing some crucial performance issues while loading a big QGIS
The pr
200 m between ED50 and ETRS89)
How come ? Or is the error-source sitting ca. 70 cm in front of the
screen ?? (I have a 34" large flatscreen :-)
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
dIn og læs de seneste nyheder fra LIFA A/S
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Med venli
This will probably be "facepalm" moment for me..
However: Where can I find a changelog for the different point releases
of QGIS ?, i.e. 3.8.1, 3.8.2
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing
ayer = layers[0]
def saveProject():
def closeProject():
It works after enabling macro's. (You'll have to change the layer name
back to your original layer name)
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 14-08
Has anyone tried to ascertain how big the overhead is when using SSL -
and why ?
Bo Victor Thomsen
AestasGIS Denamrk
Den 18-06-2019 kl. 14:15 skrev Stefan Steiger:
Uh, ah, yea, also, sending a password for a DB-user over the intranet-network
in plain text is rather bad.
While the
lty part.
IMHO ,The Geoserver community should recognize that different dataproviders
uses different naming conventions for the meta-table "geometry_columns" and
take the necessary steps to support both versions.
(Removes brown paperbag over head, looks into mirror and says: Next tim
n sqlserver)
* PostGIS view use "type"
* Spatialite uses "geometry_type"
* GeoServer uses "type"
and so on
How do we ever reach "world peace" or solve the climate crisis if we
even can't agree on the name of friggin' meta table col
es have the same issues.
Obviously, the above is a far cry from a really rigorous investigation
of the problem, but it points at some of the "pain" points
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 09-05-2019 kl. 13:36 skrev Lars I. Nielsen, LIFA A/S:
Hi developers.
st = mySource.split(' ')
But that depends on that no part id or value contains a "blank"
Is there a more secure method to do the spiltting?
Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards
Bo Victor Thomsen
QGIS-Developer mailing list
Thanks Nyall -
"I'll be back !" - in about a week or so
Den fre. 7. dec. 2018 kl. 00.09 skrev Nyall Dawson :
> On Fri, 7 Dec 2018 at 00:13, Bo Victor Thomsen
> wrote:
> > There is not much difference in the SQL Server execution times for the 3
> queries (arou
icinity of 20%
> >
> >
> >
> > I would happily ditch MS SQLServer forever for spatial work and mainly
> use Postgres. However, my customers have a different opinion :-(
> >
> > Den tor. 6. dec. 2018 kl. 11.17 skrev Nyall Dawson <
> nyall.daw...@gmail.com>
Ok, I'll take a look and monitor the queries from QGIS 2 and 3 and report
back. It will take a couple of days
And thanks Nyall
Den tor. 6. dec. 2018 kl. 11.54 skrev Nyall Dawson :
> On Thu, 6 Dec 2018 at 20:34, Bo Victor Thomsen
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Nyall -
> >
fferent opinion :-(
Den tor. 6. dec. 2018 kl. 11.17 skrev Nyall Dawson :
> On Thu, 6 Dec 2018 at 20:05, Bo Victor Thomsen
> wrote:
> > I've tried switching the validity check off as described. As far as I
> can measure, there is no time difference with or without the validity
nstead of using SQLServer :-)
Den tor. 6. dec. 2018 kl. 10.17 skrev Nyall Dawson :
> On Thu, 6 Dec 2018 at 19:05, Bo Victor Thomsen
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi list -
> >
> >
> >
> > I've done some experiments with a dataset consisting of 44 rows and
of the water, but simple
retrieval of layer data using a MBR search)
Unfortunately, I can't just switch to the OGR driver since I have some
write issues with this driver.
What gives ???
Med venlig hilsen
Bo Victor Thomsen
Try "C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.0\apps\qgis\python\plugins\db_manager"
Bo Victor Thomsen
LIFA Denmark
Den 19-06-2018 kl. 05:19 skrev Shiva Reddy:
Thanks but I don’t use osgeo4 but mine is standalone installation of
Sent from my iPhone
On 18-Jun-2018, at 10:08 PM, Jor
Get rid of it and use developer ressources to reduce start-up time for
the main QGIS program in stead.
Bo Victor Thomsen
Municipality of Frederikssund.
Den 19/02/17 kl. 23:33 skrev Nyall Dawson:
Hi all,
Just wanted to raise the discussion about the future of the
, Bo Victor Thomsen wrote:
To the QGIS developers (and not a newbie QGIS plugin developer like me) -
Is there a QGIS python binding for class "QgsMapToolCapture". Or do I
have to recreate the various point, line and polygon capture tools ?
My goal is to have 3 tools (point, line a
python bindings exist or not ?
* If the first answer are "not": Is there some QGIS / qt / python
based replacement for "QgsMapToolCapture" ??
Bo Victor Thomsen
Qgis-developer mailing list
Thanks Tom -
Sorry about kidnapping the thread. That was not my intention.
Bo Victor
Den 06/01/17 kl. 16:02 skrev Tom Chadwin:
Hi Bo
QgsProject.instance().readBoolEntry("ScaleBar", "/Enabled", False)[0]
or something close to that.
Buy Pie Spy: Adventures
7;m "only" interested in reading the present settings i.e. "on"/"off"
and how to set or unset them using Python.
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 06-01-2017 kl. 13:39 skrev Lene Fischer:
We both use SGAS 2.1.2
Lene Fischer
-Oprindelig meddelelse
on of "ø" in the Python
path: There is 2 *different* versions: "N*\xc3\xb8*debo" and "N*\xf8*debo"
"\xf8" -> "ø" in Latin1 encoding.
"\xc3\xb8" -> UTF-8 "ø" -> "ø" (if UTF8 "ø" is interpreted as a 2
e QGIS 2.16 starts without a
The error is reported as defect #23317
Bo Victor Thomsen
Qgis-developer mailing list
List info: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
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receiver for 60$ that can use both GPS and
GLONASS. When this device either breaks or is outclassed quality-wise by
newer devices, then buy a new 60$ receiver without buying a new tablet.
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 13/04/16 kl. 13:06 skrev Tariq Al-Sadoon:
I'm trying to a
You could do some kind of "cowboy" trick and remove the reference to
3044 from the srs.db database, table tbl_srs. The warnings from last
post still apply :-)
Bo Victor Thomsen
GIS & Datab
r involved.
* This might not have any kind of influence!
* This might destroy your QGIS installation!
* You might be struck by lightning from the QGIS gods (or whatnot;-)
So use it with caution and have a backup of the original srs.db handy
Bo Victor Thomsen
rely on apt-get)
(And an apology to Jürgen for first sending this posting to his private
email instead of the QGIS developer list)
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 09-03-2016 kl. 10:00 skrev Jürgen E. Fischer:
Hi Nathan,
On Wed, 09. Mar 2016 at 09:44:07 +1000, Nathan Woodrow wrote:
I know i
> Qgis-developer mailing list
> Qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org
> List info: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
> Unsubscribe: http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer
Med venlig hilsen
Bo Victor Thomsen
quest about environment variable substitution to the
existing issue 12623.
Bo Victor Thomsen
On 22-06-2015 11:55, Blumentrath, Stefan wrote:
See also:
Maybe it is a bit tricky for a general solution, since variables are defined
and name
the variable ? Or should a put it on the
wish list in the bug tracker ?
Bo Victor Thomsen
Qgis-developer mailing list
f the file srs.db for security reasons beforehand ;-)
Bo Victor Thomsen
On 22-05-2015 09:42, Otto Dassau wrote:
I would like to understand QGIS behavior a little better for CRS handling.
I have a tif/tfw file (input.tif) and would like to create compressed geo
database and find the
epgs:3006 as the first candidate and doesn't look any further. You might
have a look on this thread:
http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-user/2013-February/021233.html ,
which describes a somewhat similar situation
Bo Victor Thomsen
On 22-05
strong, general advise is to store the data in a database like
postgresql/postgis. Any file based format like shape-files, tab-files or
spatialite is not suitable for this kind of environment.
Bo Victor Thomsen
On 22-05-2015 13:18, Wisse Beets wrote:
Dear QGIS users,
I am
s. Suddenly a script will fail because it's trying make an otherwise
legal operation on a type of object its not supposed to deal with. You
can of course remedy the situation with a lot of "if-then-else" type
checking or "onerror" goto's but your scripts rea
of course - clean up the current errors in QGIS when splitting contents
of data sources by object types.
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 02-04-2015 kl. 13:52 skrev Olivier Dalang:
In some projects of mine, I work with multiple geometry types in one
postgis table, us
s the best solution for handling large amounts of GIS vector-data.
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 24-03-2015 kl. 19:49 skrev Pedro Camargo:
I am currently working with some large geographic files (~130Gb
divided in thousands of files) and I need to output the result o
I forgot to write: If there is a non-core plugin, that every user must
have installed, then install the plugin(s) before you distribute the
qgis wien directory to the new pc's, and when qgis is started on the
original pc with the qgis2.bat command. The plugin will then be
installed in the ..ind
t-cut to qgis2.bat and place it on the desktop
I can't help you with the deinstall of the old qgis.
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 11-03-2015 kl. 11:34 skrev aleksei.pop...@asconit.com:
I have 50 users with Qgis standalone from 1.8 to 2.6 – Windows XP to
7 - 32 /
When and how will the creation of menu items and push buttons for the
plugins be done?
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 27-08-2014 09:37, Luca Manganelli skrev:
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
I have seen plugins occasionally getting broken: are you
mentation, i.e: all the
"secondary" efforts in making good and stable software. With the current
cycle periods there would be one "bug-fix" version every year. This
period coincide - in my experience - with the minimum accepted time
t; release cycle would give a chance
to remedy some of the problems without extra costs and still give
developers a chance to add new features on a continuing basis.
Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 22-07-2014 17:45, Paolo Cavallini skrev:
Il 22/07/2014 17:17, Bo Victor Thomsen ha scr
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