[QUAD-L] Fwd: This mornin when I woke up...

2005-06-24 Thread reelquick
  -Original Message-From: CRitc25089To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: REEL QUICK; WyldKat01Sent: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 23:32:46 -0400Subject: Fwd: This mornin when I woke up...   -Original Message-From: HaroldevelynTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Jbmissinglink;

[QUAD-L] Fwd: Urge Your Senators to Join the Movement to Allow Independencefor People with Disabilities

2005-06-24 Thread reelquick
  -Original Message-From: Asclepios/MRC Advocacy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Carol ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 12:28:02 -0700Subject: Urge Your Senators to Join the Movement to Allow Independencefor People with Disabilities[Original message attached...] --- Begin Message -

[QUAD-L] RE: Illegal aliens and this list

2005-06-23 Thread reelquick
The illegal aliens being here DO directly affect this list. Remember they are getting the same benefits you do even though they are not entitled to them. They ARE NOT citizens. I have to go to the medicaid office ever so often for son's disability and you see more Mexicans there than you do whites

[QUAD-L] RE: tahouston

2005-06-23 Thread reelquick
Let's revisit it again. You took everything I said out of context. You didn't revisit it at all. I didn't talk about all the other minorities...you did. Wait about 10 years, then see where we are on these issues.   Why don't we get a new topic...something like all of you trying to make great improv

[QUAD-L] RE :forum discussion

2005-06-22 Thread reelquick
IMMIGRANTS,NOT AMERICANS,MUST ADAPT.   I been watching the opinions and not commenting much. However isn';t this what I said in the 1st place in a nutshell. The only peoples that are coming here in hordes are the Mexicans...soon we will be North Mexico and Mexico will be South Mexico. Some Mexican

[QUAD-L] Fwd: Tell Senators Grassley and Baucus to Reconsider Negotiating with Drug Makers

2005-06-18 Thread reelquick
  -Original Message-From: Asclepios/MRC Advocacy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Carol ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 14:09:31 -0700Subject: Tell Senators Grassley and Baucus to Reconsider Negotiating with Drug Makers[Original message attached...] --- Begin Message --- Asclep

[QUAD-L] Caregiver not showing up

2005-06-17 Thread reelquick
Well it happened to us today. Caregiver no show. she had not got there by 9:30 am, I was tired wanted to go to bed. Had already gave John his morning food and meds. the caregivers are supposed to be there by 9am. My husband was getting ready to go on a job. so I called a different one...no answer.


2005-06-17 Thread reelquick
 I am John's mother and   legal guardian. We live in KY. Don't think KY has any plans like that but who knows what they do behind your back. John is not on a vent, thank goodness. He got the trach out when he was in rehab. They will not tell me I can't keep my son at home. If I can raise enough mo

[QUAD-L] Hey John

2005-06-17 Thread reelquick
It's not just the places you mentioned. actually it's a joke taking the handicapped anyplace. a building may be accessible, like a Dr's office but then the exam rooms are so small you can hardly get a wheelchair in them. and then how do you get a good exam. they can't lift the person up on the exam

Re: [QUAD-L] Carol

2005-06-17 Thread reelquick
 I am John's mother and   legal guardian. We live in KY. Don't think KY has any plans like that but who knows what they do behind your back. John is not on a vent, thank goodness. He got the trach out when he was in rehab. They will not tell me I can't keep my son at home. If I can raise enough mo

[QUAD-L] Look at this

2005-06-17 Thread reelquick
LIFE BEYOND FIFTY http://www.my-tgif.com/life_beyond_fifty.htm

[QUAD-L] Fwd: Results of today's immigration votes in Congress

2005-06-17 Thread reelquick
 This is the site to vote on immigration issues -Original Message-From: CRitc25089To: REEL QUICKSent: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 03:17:12 -0400Subject: Fwd: Results of today's immigration votes in Congress[Original message attached...] --- Begin Message ---   -Original Message-From: [EMAIL

[QUAD-L] this topic is wrong

2005-06-16 Thread reelquick
I didn't write this the way it looks:   The following part was written by someone else and I replied to it.   " Guess what my CNA didn't show and they can't find her. So I'm sitting here in my night gown. Has anyone has this happen to you. What do you do?"   I wrote this answer:   This is why we k

Re: [QUAD-L] MEX Takeover?

2005-06-16 Thread reelquick
 Well maybe not an immediate takeover, but in the years to come. They are breeding like flies, their children ARE getting an education and will end up going to college. They are here to stay whether you like it or not. when you go to McDonalds now they wait on the window. and if you ask for anythi


2005-06-15 Thread reelquick
" Guess what my CNA didn't show and they can't find her. So I'm sitting here in my night gown. Has anyone has this happen to you. What do you do?"   This is why we keep more than one caregiver and divide up the hours among them. Then if one can't show up we can call one of the others. We don't depe

[QUAD-L] Fwd:

2005-06-14 Thread reelquick
  -Original Message-From: WyldKat01To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; REEL QUICKSent: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 06:33:54 -0400Subject: =./\.=..=./\.=./\.=..=./\.=    A young virgin couple are finally wed.  Each one is nervous about the impending night, but neither are willing to admit

[QUAD-L] topics

2005-06-14 Thread reelquick
Seems we have several topics going on at the same time. 1. rebuilding Iraq 2. war with Iraq 3. illegal mexicans in the US 4. should illegals get the same benefits as  Americans do?   Why don't we just focus on one at the time?

[QUAD-L] re: John's computer

2005-06-14 Thread reelquick
You said that John DOES use the computer so that implie he CAN and DOES.  Also, their are computer programs or ones already IN the computer that will make all print however big is needed.  The visually impaired use this feature.   Also, what does eating (or not eating) have to do with using the PC

[QUAD-L] Re: John being mute

2005-06-14 Thread reelquick
Diannawell aren't we picky. there is nothing wrong with John's mind. I was only telling you that he is finally learning to eat. Of course it has nothing to do with his using the computer. Sometimes you all don't know how you sound in your emails to other people.

[QUAD-L] John on line

2005-06-13 Thread reelquick
I'm just curious but why doesn't John get on line and meet some of us?   Mark   Mark you and others can ask John that yourselfhis aol address is    istroked.he does have a computer that speaks his words for him. However most of the day when his caregivers are there they are involved in ex

[QUAD-L] RE: my son John

2005-06-13 Thread reelquick
John I'll not ever put my son John in a nursing home as long as I am able to keep him at home. He has the perfect set up and is content. He lives in our former family room which is in a full walkout basement. He has his own roll in shower ( donated to us in 2002 by a real nice contractor.which was 

[QUAD-L] Mark for President

2005-06-13 Thread reelquick
Sure Mark you got all the answers why not take a try at the presidency, I'm sure all on this list will support you. I might be able to scape up $20.00 for your cause. It would be more than I've ever given any other person that ran.


2005-06-13 Thread reelquick
Delimited...BOY YOU ARE A JOKE. hOW MUCH YOU THINK YOU GET ON SSDI? It sure is never enough. There are always co pays on prescriptions. John has to pay $308. a month for private insurance out of his SSDI which is less than $900 a month.There is no money left over to party on and even if there were

[QUAD-L] quad list

2005-06-13 Thread reelquick
Dianna I realize I am posting to the quad list, however some quads have more movements than others and a lot of them are not mute. John is mute due to all the damage the stroke caused. And he is just now starting to eat real food. He is still on a G tube. How many of you are mute and can't eat? Mos

[QUAD-L] Again Quad pirate

2005-06-13 Thread reelquick
You know you can't do anything about what is going on in Washington and all the crookedness and neither can I unless I want to write endless emails and voice my opinion loudly. I don't have that kind of time on my hands. My plate is already running over with things to do.But you seem to be able to

[QUAD-L] re"quapirate's ranting

2005-06-13 Thread reelquick
Seems you are not looking at all the true facts. all this that you speak of ties right in with the Mexicans being here. It's all of a bigger picture that you don't see yet. It has not happened. I'm sure it will be pure chaos when it does. I'd call it " the buyout of America " by George Bush and his

[QUAD-L] hospital troubles

2005-06-13 Thread REELQUICK
Try filing an appeal with Medicare, usually they will come across. Also John does not go back to the hospital her had the stroke at. He has not been in the hospital for  2 years. I tell his Dr's they can treat him, give us the antibiotics, we will care for him at home. Hospitals are not set up for

Re: [QUAD-L] Sorry

2005-06-13 Thread REELQUICK
Well the topic was Mexicans and you keep straying off it and bringing up other stuff of which I know nothing about. Just taking care of my son and all his affairs and caregivers and also me working a 3rd shift full time job about does it for me. Also for the past 3 weeks I've been suffering thru ar

[QUAD-L] re: immigration

2005-06-11 Thread REELQUICK
"if your son married a foreigner, she automatically becomes an american citizen.  that is of course, if he is an american citizen to start with. "  This is far from the truth. She is not an automatic citizen. If they have a baby together it is a citizen the minute it is born. She has to wait the 1

[QUAD-L] Sorry

2005-06-11 Thread REELQUICK
Sorry  you don't see behind the scenes what I see. I see people desperate to stay here no matter what it takes and they are not citizens, not even legal to be here. The bosses look the other way and hire them anyway. They don't even file income taxes in april. They use false social security numbers

[QUAD-L] immigration opinion

2005-06-10 Thread reelquick
You are correct Rollingluv. I went to McDonalds the other day to get 2 hot fudge sundaes. the guy waiting on me...I told him I wanted them put in a sack so they would not spill. He had to get the manager to see what I wanted. I say if they can't speak our language they don't need to be working the

[QUAD-L] RE: Mexicans and melting pot

2005-06-10 Thread reelquick
You all really don't know what you are talking about , I am able bodied and care for my son who is the quad. the ones of you that feel sorry for the Mexicans and hispanics will live long enough to get bit by it. Most of you are not able bodied and don't see what I see every day. A white woman is no

[QUAD-L] RE: Houston's remarks

2005-06-10 Thread reelquick
Doesn't matter who used to own what. The issue is TODAY and who lives where and what we have to put up with. And you are not living when all these takeovers are done...so get with it man and realize you can't do anything about what your ancestors done. Its just like the Blacks feeling sorry for the

[QUAD-L] RE: legal visas

2005-06-10 Thread reelquick
My son's chines bride is coming here legally if she ever gets here. then she can stay and work and be a wife to my son. We eagerly wait her arrival. But she will be legal and can stay here. Its taking a long time but it will be right when she does get here.

[QUAD-L] Joke

2005-06-10 Thread reelquick
   After the baby was born, the panicked Japanese father went to see the obstetrician. "Doctor," he said, "I don't mind telling you, but I'm a little upset because my daughter has red hair.  She can't possibly be mine."    "Nonsense," the doctor said. "Even though you and your wife both have black

[QUAD-L] re: overload of Mexicans

2005-06-09 Thread reelquick
I dont think being poor is any excuse for Mexicans coming to the US illegally.If they want to come here why cant they do it the correct way. As for Asia and the Chinese they have a large country, perhaps we could round up all the Mexicans that are here illegally and give them a choice of going back

[QUAD-L] Armchair police of Mexicans

2005-06-08 Thread reelquick
As you put it Lori " all this armchair police of the Mexicans is futile" is not so. things can be done about them. there is a group that I correspond with that are now waging battle in Washington against some of the things that Bush is proposing. One of the matters is : that Mexicans not be allowed

[QUAD-L] Re: Lori

2005-06-02 Thread reelquick
Lori you'll probably have to do your own searching...go to google.com and put in  your state and the words "brain and spinal cord programs. You may have to do seperate searches for each one of them.

[QUAD-L] RE: Kerry

2005-06-02 Thread reelquick
Yes I agree I am a Bush hater and I voted against him, I don't think Kerry would have been any better. What we need in office is a Woman and not Laura Bush. Men have been trying it for over 200 years and have not got it right yet. It's time for a change. I still believe we should have stayed out of

[QUAD-L] On a lighter note

2005-06-02 Thread reelquick
A car company can move its  factories to Mexico and claim it's a Free Market A toy company can outsource  to a Chinese subcontractor and claim it's a free  market. A major bank can incorporate in  Bermuda to avoid taxes and claim it's a free  market.    We can buy HP Printers made in 

[QUAD-L] Pics of my son's new wife and daughter

2005-06-02 Thread reelquick

[QUAD-L] re: Bush

2005-06-01 Thread reelquick
We don't need any more Bush's in any political office. They will destroy our country and some other country will move in and take over.

[QUAD-L] re:waivers

2005-06-01 Thread reelquick
Who has time to go and visit the Governor and write all these letters and make all these phone calls. I still work a full time job, take care of my quad son's affairs pay all his bills and do all his errands. He is mute and cant do any calling. They are our elected officials , they supposed to do w

[QUAD-L] RE:waiver programs

2005-06-01 Thread reelquick
There are no waiver programs in KY that pay a private attendant for a person. You will spend all your time on the phone if you want to get anything done. All the people on this list calling all the needed vendors daily won't make things any easier. I've been waiting over a month for the Home Health

[QUAD-L] RE: stem cells

2005-06-01 Thread reelquick
John has tentavively been accepted at Dr Huang's clinic in Beijing china for surgery in March 2006 pending his MRI arrival in China. I mailed it over a month ago and it has not got there yet. Youngest son, who is married to a chinese girl, says it is probably sitting in the customs office.   I stil

[QUAD-L] RE: can of worms

2005-05-30 Thread REELQUICK
Seems some states have different programs or they are named different names. My problem right now is JUST finding someone to work. Sometimes they will show up for an interview. I advertise in the local paper to find people and all the hippa laws make it so you can't find out any info about the prev

[QUAD-L] Another can of worms

2005-05-29 Thread REELQUICK
Bush needs to be impeached before he bankrupts our great country.

[QUAD-L] re: fetus

2005-05-28 Thread REELQUICK
Can a 2 month old fetus live on its own? Exactly when can a fetus be determined a baby? I need to be educated about all this stem cell research. Seems some here  think it is OK to incinerate fetuses. Carol

[QUAD-L] RE:stem cells

2005-05-27 Thread reelquick
Silas, I'm fairly new to this list and I'm afraid every time I write something it stirs up a can of worms. I didn't know much about stem cells til December when I read an article and got interested. I asked someone here at work what they do with the fetuses after they are aborted ( shows how dumb I

[QUAD-L] re:stem cells

2005-05-27 Thread reelquick
Dave, I think you took my words out of context. Most people DO NOT know what happens to aborted fetuses. It is my opinion if they are going to die anyway, whay not use to to help people that need help. CArol

[QUAD-L] RE: stem cells

2005-05-26 Thread reelquick
In my opinion most of the dilemma is about aborted fetuses. Majority of the people think that these poor little babies are killed and then buried. This is very far from the truth. These fetuses DO NOT get buried. They get INCINERATED and are useless to anyone. I believe we need to get this fact out

[QUAD-L] RE: name of book

2005-05-26 Thread reelquick
First of all you have to research and make sure a title has not already been taken. However the public does need to be made aware of lots of issues regarding the medical field and lack of resources. My son that is the writer is not the one that had the stroke. Carol

[QUAD-L] Re: aides or caregivers

2005-05-25 Thread reelquick
Perhaps we should name this book EXCUSES caregivers give to not show up for work. With another chapter about reasons they need to leave early. I'm so exhausted from taking care of all the paperwork I don';t have time to write a book But if any of you decide to write this book I can give you a list

[QUAD-L] re:caregivers

2005-05-11 Thread reelquick
It's really hard to find a good caregiver. I have gotten so I don't hire anyone with small children, a lot of times they use thas as an excuse to call in. Also I request they have a dependable car and their own phone...and live in this county. I have them fill out an application and I interview the

[QUAD-L] RE: nursing homes

2005-05-09 Thread REELQUICK
Silas, it depends on what stte you are in. Here in KY  there are group homes for the disabled and also assisted living facilites. Carol

[QUAD-L] Re Medicare

2005-05-07 Thread REELQUICK
Well re: Medicare being pushed on us...seems it is automatic after you've been disabled 2 years whether you want it or not. John did a lot better just having his High risk private pay Insurance thru the state of KY along with Medicaid than he does now with Medicare. Because everyone else follows Me

[QUAD-L] re:medicare

2005-05-07 Thread reelquick
 We are in KY, my son John who  is 40 yrs now had a brainstem stroke in 2001 which left him a quad. He pays $308 mo for private high risk insurance and is also on part A and B of medicare and also is on Medicaid. Its a joke trying to figure it all out. We keep him at home in the basement which is

[QUAD-L] Wheelchair repair

2005-04-30 Thread reelquick
My son John has a Jazzy 1122 wheelchair that we got in July 2002. We haven't had much trouble with ittil now. The "tech" came out last week and said the cables are going bad. He didn't tell me how much it would cost to replace them or anything. This is the only w/c  he has ever had. Does anyone kno

[QUAD-L] Re: Medicaid

2005-02-28 Thread REELQUICK
I responded to an email written by Loren LW a few weeks ago. Here is what I wrote back to him re: Medicaid. I agree that now is the time to act in regards to Medicaid. You write: Medicaid is the spirit of American compassion in action. Through Medicaid, Americans help 46 million of our fello

[QUAD-L] Re: medicaid

2005-02-08 Thread REELQUICK
I agree that now is the time to act in regards to Medicaid. You write: Medicaid is the spirit of American compassion in action. Through Medicaid, Americans help 46 million of our fellow citizens. This includes people with disabilities, the neediest of our elderly, and low-income families. CIT

Re: [QUAD-L] Paralysis Device Human Trial Can't Match Canine Success

2005-01-30 Thread REELQUICK
There is a Dr Huang in Beijing China that is having sucess with stem cells implanted in the spine...some have movements with in hours of the surgery. And for a fraction of the cost that it would cost if it were legal here in the states.   Carol in KY

[QUAD-L] re: movie

2005-01-29 Thread REELQUICK
I think the motto should be " Better disabled than Dead".   At least you have a chance to recover  and live a near normal life if you live at home with relatives.   But the medical community doesn't see it this way.   I getting ready a packet of info to send to Dr Huang in Beijing China. I have c

[QUAD-L] RE: Queer & disabled

2005-01-29 Thread REELQUICK
What is the big deal about being Gay and disabled. I've had many emails that are the same words, do you not know how to copy and paste and why not quit repeating what someone else has already said. I'm sure there are many disabled people that may be gay but that is the lifestyle they choose.   A

[QUAD-L] Re attendant pay

2005-01-21 Thread REELQUICK
I live in Lexington KY. I always try to start someone out at $7.00 no taxes with held. Depends on what they know...and none know how to take care of my son John who had a brainstem stroke that left him a quad. We usually give them 3 or 4 days of full training and this covers most every thing the

[QUAD-L] Re: price control

2005-01-17 Thread REELQUICK
Sorry to be 8 days late in reading mail but do get a lot of it. I too am worried about the excessive costs of things that my son John needs. The DME place that he got his wheelchair wants $8000 to make it so he can drive it with a switch operated by his thumb. They knew this all along but waited

[QUAD-L] Question to Brainstem stroke people

2004-12-28 Thread REELQUICK
Do any of you have problems with your temps going too high and you don't have a fever or infection? Do you know what causes this? My son John's temp went to over 104 Sunday night. His Oxygen level was ok, just had a high rapid pulse, no signs of infection. I did suction him...just clear fluid.

[QUAD-L] re: foot drop

2004-11-04 Thread REELQUICK
My son John who had a stroke 3 yrs ago has foot drop. His OT ordered AFO's and a Standing frame. We got the AFO's last week but they sent the wrong kind. He also got the standing frame Sat night. We had to have someone make it as Medicare would not pay for it.Yesterday he stood in it for 16 minu

[QUAD-L] re: movie

2004-10-29 Thread REELQUICK
I thought the movie was well done but it seemed to skirt the problems that are real to caregivers and the patient. Seemed like it told a good story but so much was left out that we have to deal with. Carol

[QUAD-L] wound healing

2004-10-29 Thread REELQUICK
One of the things we have found to be helpful with John's skin is a homemade Butt Paste. You mix A nd D ointment with Zinc with Miconazole..its made for women but we use it in the butt paste. You mix equal parts. this recipe was given to me by a nurse that had worked in the pediatric section of

[QUAD-L] Re: Pain

2004-10-18 Thread REELQUICK
I'm not sure how well this would work in other peoples situation but its worth a try. for John, my son who had the stroke we use rice bags..they are wool or cotton men's socks filled with rice and then tied at the top. We then heat them in the microwave ( time depends on size of socks and how mu

[QUAD-L] Re : back

2004-10-18 Thread REELQUICK
I don't post often but do offer some limited advice on occassion. I am able bodied, my son John had the brainstem stroke and I am a caregiver for him. One of his other caregivers has the same symptoms as you and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis. You may want too get checked out for that

Re: [QUAD-L] attendants care

2004-09-25 Thread REELQUICK
Living alone and being able to talk is one thing, but John my son who had the stroke was left mute and also a quad. by careful manageing of his funds he gets about 10 hours care a day from 2 different funds and we make up the rest of the money. He is hoping that if he gets more movements back th

[QUAD-L] Re" magic bullets

2004-08-15 Thread REELQUICK
We only have enough for 1 more month. However we been using Benefier daily mixed into white grape juice and it seems to work well...sometimes t well. Carol