On 24/07/2012 07:10, Pascal Oettli wrote:
If you want to do it, you can add "R.exe" in you "Path" variable. Go to
"Advanced System Settings", then "Environment Variables". But I'm not
sure whether it is the best way to use R under Windows.
The documentation says to put the *path to* Rte
This is likely a trivial problem but have not found a solution.
Imagine the following dataframe:
Lat Lon x1 x2 x3
0110 NA NA .1
0111 NA .2 .3
0112 .4 .5 .6
I want to generate another column that consist of the first value in
each row from columns x1 to
I have a data frame like this:
structure(list(Date = c("24/07/2012", "25/07/2012", "26/07/2012",
"27/07/2012", "28/07/2012", "24/07/2012", "25/07/2012", "26/07/2012",
"27/07/2012", "28/07/2012"), State = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, -1L,
-1L, -1L, 1L, -1L)), .Names = c("Date", "State")
If you want to do it, you can add "R.exe" in you "Path" variable. Go to
"Advanced System Settings", then "Environment Variables". But I'm not
sure whether it is the best way to use R under Windows.
Le 24/07/2012 13:53, goss a écrit :
Hi all,
I am new to R.
I downloaded and
Hi all,
I am new to R.
I downloaded and installed R 2.15.1
I tried typing R.exe --help at the DOS Command line C:\", but I keep
R.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command
I tried many variations of R.exe --help, but roughly the same response
Any ideas?
Try this:
AB<-ifelse(is.na(A),ifelse(is.na(B),NA,B), ifelse(is.na(B), A, A+B))
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 2 NA
[2,] 1 4
Perhaps something like:
Reduce(function(x,y){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; y[is.na(y)] <- 0; x + y}, list(A,B,C))
Not the most elegant, but it will get the job done.
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Thiago Couto wrote:
> Hi,
> I have three matrices which could be, for example:
> A = 0,
It would appear you are not sending the same thing from RCurl as you are from
the browser. I recommend using Firebug in Firefox to confirm what actually
needs to be sent.
This doesn't really look like an R problem. If you have trouble with http
protocol, you should look somewhere else (stackove
Did you run the following first?
> library(ChemoSpec)
Le 24/07/2012 06:33, DVigneault a écrit :
Hey all--
I'm brand new to R, and have just installed the ChemoSpec because I'd like
to do PCA of NMR datasets. I was following along with the vignette and
trying to load t
Check this link
Hope it helps.
- Original Message -
From: FJ M
To: R
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 10:23 PM
Subject: [R] Integrate(dnorm) with different mean and standard deviation help
I'm trying to pr
Hey all--
I'm brand new to R, and have just installed the ChemoSpec because I'd like
to do PCA of NMR datasets. I was following along with the vignette and
trying to load the sample data as follows...
NMRTest <- loadObject("SrE.NMR.RData")
...and got the following error message:
Error: could n
You can try,
[1] "2009-10-01"
Date[1:1], format: "2009-10-01"
- Original Message -
From: paladini
To: r-help@r-project.org
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 9:05 AM
Subject: [R] date conversation
You can try dbLoad() from hash package. Not sure whether it will be successful.
- Original Message -
From: Lorcan Treanor
To: r-help@r-project.org
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 8:02 AM
Subject: [R] Large data set
Hi all,
Have a problem. Trying to read in a data set that
I can able to analyse ordered category multinomial data for the
ungrouped data using R, but I have a problem to apply the method for the
group data.
Alternative is to rearrange the data into ungroup form. But I would like
to analyse the data in group format. Advice on this is highly
I am looking at the effect of allelochemicals produced by two freshwater
macrophyte species on two different algal species at different days. I am
comparing the effect of each macrophyte on each algae at each day. I received
help from someone doing the LMEM (Linear mixed-effect models) and
Upgraded to 2.15.1 from 2.15.0 this morning, on Windows 7.
I'm setting R_HOME in Control Panel, and before the upgrade, 2.15.0
recognized the value with no problems and would use it to find
rprofile.site, etc.
Now, after upgrade, neither .0 nor .1 recognize it at all. From the cmd
line, Windows ind
Dear all,
I am a R beginner, and I am looking for a way to do the same thing for all
levels of a column in a table.
Basically, I have a bunch of protein sequences composed of different amino
acid residues, and each residue is represented by an uppercase letter. I
want to calculate the ratio o
Yes, I should learn to read.
Le 24/07/2012 11:54, Peter Ehlers a écrit :
On 2012-07-23 19:48, Pascal Oettli wrote:
Maybe the following could help:
> f <- function(x) dnorm(x, mean=2, sd=1)
> integrate(f, -1.96, 1.96)
0.4840091 with absolute error < 1.4e-12
Or yo
I am looking at the effect of allelochemicals produced by two freshwater
macrophyte species on two different algal species at different days. I am
comparing the effect of each macrophyte on each algae at each day. I
received help from someone doing the LMEM (Linear mixed-effect models) and
Dear all,
I am quite new to R and I am having trouble writing the polynomial
contrasts for an ordinal factor in MANOVA.
# I have a model such as this
fit<-manova(cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3)~Groups,data=Events) # where groups is an
ordinal factor with 4 levels
# how to set polynomial contrasts for the "Groups"
I am trying to get contents of a REST response:
This is a web application (myweb-app) which is providing a REST web service
Unfortunately, the HTTP status sent back is 404.
If I request the url using Chrome/IE, I get a HTTP status 200 OK
I have three matrices which could be, for example:
A = 0, NA
NA, 3
B = 1, NA
0, NA
C = 1, NA
1, 1
(The point is that they all may have NA's in some cells)
QUESTION: How do I perform a element-by-element sum of the elements of
I'm attempting to fit boosted regression trees to a censored response using
IPCW weighting. I've implemented this through two libraries, mboost and
gbm, which I believe should yield models that would perform comparably.
This, however, is not the case - mboost performs much better. This seems
Hello, all. I'm new to R and just beginning to learn to write functions. I
know I'm out of my depth posting here, and I'm sure my issue is mundane.
But here goes. I'm analyzing the American National Election Study (nes),
looking at mean values of a numeric dep_var (environ.therm) across values
of a
integrate(dnorm, -1.96, 1.96, mean=2, sd=1)
Read the help for integrate! It tells you that the
integrate function has a "..." argument which consists of
"additional arguments to be passed to f".
Rolf Turner
On 24/07/12 14:23, FJ M wrote:
I'm trying to provide different
On 2012-07-23 19:48, Pascal Oettli wrote:
Maybe the following could help:
> f <- function(x) dnorm(x, mean=2, sd=1)
> integrate(f, -1.96, 1.96)
0.4840091 with absolute error < 1.4e-12
Or you could note the '...' argument indicated on the help page:
integrate(dnorm, lower = -1.96
> integrate(dnorm, mean = 2, sd = 1, -1.96, 1.96)
0.4840091 with absolute error < 1.4e-12
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 10:23 PM, FJ M <> wrote:
> I'm trying to provide different parameters to the integrate function for
> various probability functions. I'm using dnorm as the simpl
Maybe the following could help:
> f <- function(x) dnorm(x, mean=2, sd=1)
> integrate(f, -1.96, 1.96)
0.4840091 with absolute error < 1.4e-12
Le 24/07/2012 11:23, FJ M a écrit :
I'm trying to provide different parameters to the integrate function for
various probabilit
I'm trying to provide different parameters to the integrate function for
various probability functions. I'm using dnorm as the simplest example here.
For instance integrate(dnorm, -1.96, 1.96) produces the correct answer for a
normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. I've tried
>> I would appreciate
>> * guidance regarding translation of IDL routines to R, generally
>> * assistance translating two IDL routines to R, specifically
> You could do a more
I know the problem now. Previously i use as.timeSeries function, but the
error message of setar function still came out. Anyway, many thanks to
Pascal for the solution.
Best Regards,
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Pascal Oettli wrote:
> Hello,
> It works for me (with a warning mess
On 24/07/12 12:12, Stephen Sefick wrote:
I am thinking about submitting a package to CRAN that contains some
units conversion functions that I use on a regular basis. Would this
be helpful to the community, or would it be better to keep this as a
personal package? I don't want to clutter CRAN
If you haven't already, you might try "findFn" in the sos package to
look for other functions that do things similar to what your functions
do. If your package offers some functionality not present in other
packages, I'd encourage you to submit it to CRAN. Again, if you haven't
already done t
At 06:33 PM 7/23/2012, David Winsemius wrote:
I didn't see a clear way to use either reshape() or the plyr/reshape2
packages to do this, (but would enjoy seeing an example that improved
my understanding on this path) so I just looked at your "x" and then
created a scaffold with the number of ro
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 8:12 PM, Stephen Sefick wrote:
> I am thinking about submitting a package to CRAN that contains some units
> conversion functions that I use on a regular basis. Would this be helpful
> to the community, or would it be better to keep this as a personal package?
> I don't wa
I am thinking about submitting a package to CRAN that contains some
units conversion functions that I use on a regular basis. Would this be
helpful to the community, or would it be better to keep this as a
personal package? I don't want to clutter CRAN.
many thanks,
Stephen Sefick
R can do all this, but you'll need to get into specifics a little
more. Most of your code is covered by R's ?read.table, ?data.frame,
?array, ?file and ?Extract. See the ncdf (or ncdf4 or RNetCDF)
package for examples that will look quite similar to the IDL code that
opens a NetCDF file.
You coul
I would appreciate
* guidance regarding translation of IDL routines to R, generally
* assistance translating two IDL routines to R, specifically
Why I ask:
I'm slowly learning how to do atmospheric modeling. One language that
has been been popular in this space is IDL
On 7/23/2012 4:25 PM, Jean V Adams wrote:
I am having trouble using the R2wd package. The last time I used it
successfully, I was running an earlier version of R and an earlier version
of Word with an earlier Windows OS. I'm not sure which if any of these
changes might be contributing to the pr
On Jul 23, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Jeff wrote:
At 10:38 AM 7/23/2012, you wrote:
You might also find it useful to use Hadley Wickham's plyr
and/or reshape2 packages, whose aim is to standardize and simplify
data manipulation tasks.
I have already used R enough to have correctly imp
I tend not to use match.call for this because it feels like I'm repeating
work (argument matching) that has already been done. Also, match.call's
output needs to be processed a bit to get the expressions.
The following 2 functions give the same results, a "pairlist" of the unevaluated
arguments m
... or better still, the idiom used in update.default:
-- Bert
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 2:45 PM, Bert Gunter wrote:
> Bill:
> Is there some reason to prefer your "odd idiom" to match.call, perhaps
> as as.list(match.call()), as proposed by Hadley?
> -- Ber
Is there some reason to prefer your "odd idiom" to match.call, perhaps
as as.list(match.call()), as proposed by Hadley?
-- Bert
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 2:25 PM, William Dunlap wrote:
> list(...) evaluates the things in ...
> E.g.,
>> f0 <- function(x, ...) list(...)
>> f0(1, warni
list(...) evaluates the things in ...
> f0 <- function(x, ...) list(...)
> f0(1, warning("Hmm"), stop("Oops"), cat("some output\n"))[[2]]
Error in f0(1, warning("Hmm"), stop("Oops"), cat("some output\n")) : Oops
In addition: Warning message:
In f0(1, warning("Hmm"), stop("Oops"
You actually have a SAS programmer who has never heard of R?
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 11:52:14 -0700 willsurg wrote:
> I will see if my SAS programer can do that, He initially had no idea what R
> was, which is what prompted me looking for someone who knew R
> --
> View this message in cont
I am having trouble using the R2wd package. The last time I used it
successfully, I was running an earlier version of R and an earlier version
of Word with an earlier Windows OS. I'm not sure which if any of these
changes might be contributing to the problem. Right now I'm using
R versio
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 2:12 PM, S Ellison wrote:
>>> One of the things I would love to add to my package would be the
>>> ability to compare more than two expressions in one call. But
>>> unfortunately, I haven't found out so far whether (and if so, how) it
>>> is possible to extract the element
>> One of the things I would love to add to my package would be the
>> ability to compare more than two expressions in one call. But
>> unfortunately, I haven't found out so far whether (and if so, how) it
>> is possible to extract the elements of a "..." object without
>> evaluating them.
interesting idea, the problem is that I have a dataset of 27,000 and already
of coded in SAS. I have the R code and just need someone to duplicate it in
SAS. :)
View this message in context:
Sent from
I will see if my SAS programer can do that, He initially had no idea what R
was, which is what prompted me looking for someone who knew R
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list
Dear Andigo,
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 07:42:49 -0700 (PDT)
Andigo wrote:
> Dear John,
> yes, the superscript shall say that the quadratic term of Catholicproportion
> is included as well (plus the interaction terms with it). In my dataset the
> quadratic Catholicproportion is already included as a
I am not a professional and sorry if I bring any incorrect concept.
When you say impute, I guess you want to replace the missing part
by its conditional expection.
This is not safe if you do non-linear opearations later. An simple example
is the expection of quadratic form, E(X'AX) != E(X)'AE(X).
> One of the things I would love to add to my package would be the
> ability to compare more than two expressions in one call. But
> unfortunately, I haven't found out so far whether (and if so, how) it
> is possible to extract the elements of a "..." object without
> evaluating them.
Have a look
Hello R users,
I've just defended my PhD dissertation, and I'm engaging in discussions with
the "ruler lady". She has some problems with my figures. The problem is
that my nodes overlap the text that I've put inside of them.
Here is a url for the figure:
Diviya Smith wrote
> Hi there,
> I would like to solve the following equation in R to estimate 'a'. I have
> the amp, d, x and y.
> amp*y^2 = 2*a*(1-a)*(-a*d+(1-a)*x)^2
> test data:
>amp = 0.2370 y=
> 0.0233 d=
> 0.002 x=
> 0.091
> Can anyone suggest how I can set this up?
Weren't you told to take a look at read.table() (both the function
help and the manual describing it)?
If the rows correspond in each data file, something like
do.call(cbind, lapply(dir(), read.table))
will possibly align the results of read.table()-ing each file in your
To parse tha
Far too vague a question but perhaps something like
barplot(1:12, col = c("brown1", "brown3", "brown2", "firebrick",
"firebrick1", "firebrick4",
"firebrick3", "firebrick2", "darkred", "red4", "red3"))
legend("topleft", col = c("brown1", "brown3", "brown2", "firebrick",
"firebrick1", "firebrick4",
On 23/07/2012 2:46 PM, Diviya Smith wrote:
Hi there,
I would like to solve the following equation in R to estimate 'a'. I have
the amp, d, x and y.
amp*y^2 = 2*a*(1-a)*(-a*d+(1-a)*x)^2
test data:
amp = 0.2370 y=
0.0233 d=
0.002 x=
Can anyone suggest how I can set this up?
See ?pol
Hi Andrew,
I do not think there is a reason to avoid it for univariate regression
other than:
1) as was stated the predictors must be continuous
2) it will be slower (non issue for a handful of regressions on a few
thousand cases but for people doing thousands of regression on
millions of observa
I encountered this error when I used readLines on a text file, and some of
the lines were empty. Once I extracted empty rows it worked fine, EG
Text = readLines("~/text.txt")
extracts = which(Text == "")
Text = Text[-extracts]
View this message in context:
Hi there,
I would like to solve the following equation in R to estimate 'a'. I have
the amp, d, x and y.
amp*y^2 = 2*a*(1-a)*(-a*d+(1-a)*x)^2
test data:
amp = 0.2370 y=
0.0233 d=
0.002 x=
Can anyone suggest how I can set this up?
[[alternative HTML version dele
I'm having trouble building a dataset. I'm working with Census data from
Brazil, and the particular set I'm trying to get into right now is a
microdata sample which has 4 data files that are saved at .txt files full of
numbers. The folder also has lot of excel sheets and other text files
I am wokring on stacked R plot but i want to use shade color of red for each
stack and corresponding legend. How can i use it?
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing lis
Hi all,
I need to estimate the coefficient of Varma model with linear constraints. The
packages that I found that deal with Varma are dlm and dse. Does any of them
can be used in that case? I will be very grateful for any help.
Anna Dudek
AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
Hi everybody,
I am doing Indicator species analysis using the function "indval" from the
package "labdsv".
For further analysis I need the values "Number of Significant Indicators"
and "Sum of Indicator Values" that is calculated from the summary on my
indval object.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Dear John,
yes, the superscript shall say that the quadratic term of Catholicproportion
is included as well (plus the interaction terms with it). In my dataset the
quadratic Catholicproportion is already included as a variable of its own,
so it should be fine or do I have to use the syntax with "p
Hi Miles and Yves,
I agree with Miles to use lavaan to do regression so that FIML can be used.
This is one of the amazing things that lavaan can do. If lavaan can handle
missing values for the univariate regression using FIML, I don't see why you
want to avoid it.
From: Andrew Miles
I have a minor follow-up question:
In the example below, "ann" and "nn" in the third element of text are
matched. I would like to ignore all matches in which the character following
the match is one of [:alpha:]. How do I do this without removing the
"ignore.case = TRUE" argument of the strap
Hi, I am looking to hire someone to convert a small bit of R code into SAS
code. The R code is about 2 word pages long and uses Snell's law to convert
likert scales. If you are willing to look at this, or could point me to
someone who would, it would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
On Jul 23, 2012, at 18:58 , Nathan Miller wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've spent quite a lot of time searching through the help lists and reading
> about how best to run perform a 2-way ANOVA with unbalanced data. I realize
> this has been covered a great deal so I was trying to avoid adding yet
> anot
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 6:24 AM, MaheshT wrote:
> Hi,
> I need some help with Portfolio Optimization problem. I am trying to find
> the minimum variance portfolio subjected to constraints on weights like
> /x1< w1 x3< w2
> I need help with solving for the minimum variance portfolio as solv
Dear Nate,
I don't want to repeat everything that I previously said on this subject, both
on this email list and more generally, but briefly: The reason to do so-called
type-II tests is that they're maximally powerful for the main effects if the
interactions are nil, which is precisely the circ
Why not just call the R code from SAS since SAS is supposed to have an
interface for using R within SAS?
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Barry Rowlingson
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Frank Harrell
> wrote:
>> It would make much more sense to convert in the opposite direction.
>> F
Is it important that you end up with a data frame? If not, it would be
very easy to generate a list with the unique values for each column. For
df <- data.frame(v1 = sample(5, 20, T), v2 = sample(7, 20, T),
v3 = sample(9, 20, T), v4 = sample(11, 20, T))
lapply(df, uniq
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Frank Harrell wrote:
> It would make much more sense to convert in the opposite direction.
> Frank
I got the fear when I saw the unit of R code length was '[presumably
MS] Word pages'.
We had one student who wrote all her R code in MS Word (and coloured
bits of
Did you try this?
image(x, xlim=c(0, 100), ylim=c(0, 100))
li li wrote on 07/22/2012 09:28:33 PM:
> Dear all,
>I have a question regarding changing the xlim and ylim in the
> image().
>For example, in the following code, how can I have a heatmap with
> xlim=ylim=c(0, 100
It would make much more sense to convert in the opposite direction.
willsurg wrote
> I am looking to hire someone to convert a small bit of R code into SAS
> code. The R code is about 2 word pages long and uses Snell's law to
> convert likert scales. If you are willing to look at this,
This looks really ugly but it 'may' do what you want. I was too lazy to
generate enough raw data to check. Note i changed the names in x as they were
a bit clumsy.
x <- data.frame( id = c(1,2), Event1= c(1,0), YEvent1 =
c(68.25,0), Event2 = c(0,1), YEvent2 = c(0,68.5))
y <- data.fra
Hi all,
I've spent quite a lot of time searching through the help lists and reading
about how best to run perform a 2-way ANOVA with unbalanced data. I realize
this has been covered a great deal so I was trying to avoid adding yet
another entry to the long list considering the use of different SS,
At 10:38 AM 7/23/2012, you wrote:
You might also find it useful to use Hadley Wickham's plyr
and/or reshape2 packages, whose aim is to standardize and simplify
data manipulation tasks.
I have already used R enough to have correctly imported the actual
data. After import, it is i
I think this is a boundary issue. In your op you've said "less" not
"less than or equal to".
Try using "<=" and ">=" to see what happens, I bet it solves it.
Rui Barradas
Em 23-07-2012 14:43, wwreith escreveu:
1.15 60 0.553555415 0.574892872
1.15 60 0.5
Dear all,
I'd like to ask you if there is a way to combine Rsquare, BIC, AIC values
after making imputations in R.
There are five data sets I imputed with mice and and than when I create new
variable and apply ologit model,
I could extract Beta coefficients and its standard errors, but don't know
Use read.table() with the row.names= argument set to the column number that
represents the row.names (presumably 1) and then convert the data.frame to a
A <- read.table(file="fname.csv", row.names=1)
B <- as.matrix(A)
If you are using Windows, you can open Excel, copy the data, Copy and t
This is chopped off. What happens next is important. EM can be used to
compute covariance matrices and conducts the statistical analysis without
imputing any missing values or it can be used to impute missing values to
create one or multiple data sets.
You might find Missing Data by Paul D. Allis
Sounds like you would find it worthwhile to read a good Intro R
tutorial -- like the one that comes shipped with R. Have you done so?
If not, why not? If so, how about the data import/export manual?
I certainly wouldn't guarantee that these will answer all your
questions. They're just places to s
Your first example creates a four-way table (sex, familyhist, numrisk,
hypertension) and your second example adds four more risk factors. From the
second example, you can use margin.table() to sum across any set of
dimensions and ftable() to present the results of different slices. You
should be ab
I'm new to R.
I am trying to create panel data with a slight alteration from a typical
At present, I have data on a few hundred people with the dates of
occurrences for several events (like marriage and employment). The dates are
in year/quarter format, so 68.0 equa
On Jul 23, 2012, at 15:06 , Guillaume Meurice wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have some encoding problem which I'm not familiar with.
> Here is the case :
> I'm read data files which can have been generated from a computer either
> with global settings in french or in english.
> Here is an exemp
On 23/07/2012 9:06 AM, Guillaume Meurice wrote:
Dear all,
I have some encoding problem which I'm not familiar with.
Here is the case :
I'm read data files which can have been generated from a computer either with
global settings in french or in english.
Here is an exemple ouf data file :
* E
First of all, try to determine the smallest file you can read with an
empty workspace. Once you have done that, then break up your file
into that size sets and read them in. The next question is what do
you want to do with 112M rows of data. Can you process them a set a
time and then aggregate t
You have to supply a 'day' or the date is not known:
> c = '2009/10'
> d=strptime(paste0(c, '/1'), format="%Y/%m/%d")
> d
[1] "2009-10-01"
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 9:05 AM, paladini wrote:
> Hello,
> when I convert a factor like this a=01.10.2009
> into a date using b=strptime(a, format="%d. %
try this; looks for strings of numbers with commas and quotes them:
> x <- readLines(textConnection("Time,Value
+ 32,-7,183246E-02
+ 32,05,3,469364E-02"))
> # process the data putting in quotes on scientific
> x.new1 <- gsub("(-?[0-9]+,[0-9]+E-?[0-9]+)", '"\\1"', x)
> x.new1
[1] "Time,Value"
I am currently trying to build a statistical model using MARS (multiple
adaptative regression splines) with package library "earth" v3.2-3
However I could not find a way to add a circular predictor, namely the wind
direction [0-360°] . In GAMS (library "mgcv") there is the possibility to
On 2012-07-22 03:31, otsvetkova wrote:
How to adapt this piece of code but for: - gamma distribution - 3 parameter
log normal
More specifically, where can I find the specification of the parameter
(lmom) for pelgam() and pelln3()?
Lmom package info just gives: pelgam(lmom), lelln3(lmom), where l
Thanks for the helpful explanation.
As to your question, I sometimes use lavaan to fit univariate regressions
simply because it can handle missing data using FIML rather than listwise
deletion. Are there reasons to avoid this?
BTW, thanks for the update in the development version.
Andrew Mi
I am actually trying to perform accumulation curves with the function
"accumcomp" (package BiodiversityR). I am working on a data set species
- sampling date - sampling sites and I would like to see the impact of
sampling pressure (increasing sampling date) on species richness.
when I convert a factor like this a=01.10.2009
into a date using b=strptime(a, format="%d. %m. %Y").
It works very well.
But when I try to convert c = 2009/10 into a date using
d=strptime(c, format="%Y/%m")
it doesnt work at all. I get d=NA.
What did I do wrong?
Thank you very much for you
Hi all,
Have a problem. Trying to read in a data set that has about 112,000,000
rows and 8 columns and obviously enough it was too big for R to handle. The
columns are mode up of 2 integer columns and 6 logical columns. The text
file is about 4.2 Gb in size. Also I have 4 Gb of RAM and 218 Gb of
I need some help with Portfolio Optimization problem. I am trying to find
the minimum variance portfolio subjected to constraints on weights like
/x1< w1
I need help with solving for the minimum variance portfolio as solve.QP
doesn't allow me to specify the lower boundaries.
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