Re: [R] (no subject)

2006-01-12 Thread Christoph Lehmann
type ?par and then have a look at: cex.lab, cex.main cheers christoph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Dear ladies and gentlemen! When I use the plot funtion how can I change the size of the title for the x and y axes (xlab, ylab)and the size of the axes label ? Thank you very much. With best

Re: [R] Getting eps into Word documents.

2005-10-03 Thread Christoph Lehmann
as far as I know (and I am not a specialist), there is no way of importing EPS in word, nor in openoffice, if you want to be able to see the graphics in the word processor and not only a placeholder. So either a) use formats such as bmp, png, or b) under windows: convert eps to e.g. wmf using a

Re: [R] Creating an array [0 to 101] of a list

2005-09-30 Thread Christoph Lehmann
a - array(vector(list, 3), dim=c(3)) a[[1]] - list(x = 1, y = 0, z = -1) a[[2]] - list(x = 0, y = 1, z = -1) a[[3]] - list(x = 0, y = -1, z = 0) HTH christoph Rainer M. Krug wrote: Hi I looked, but I didn't find it: I need an array [0 to 101] where each element is a list (the result of

[R] plot.augPred sorted and labelled according second factor

2005-09-29 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi using this code example: library(nlme) fm1 - lme(Orthodont, random = ~1) plot(augPred(fm1)) is there any way to have the plots in each cell labelled and ordered according to Orthodont$Sex? I.e. in addition to the bar with the label for Orthodont$Subject there is another bar labelling the Sex

[R] savePlot(type=wmf) in loop fails, since too fast

2005-09-16 Thread Christoph Lehmann
hi working with R-2.1.1 on winxp, in a loop I draw to a trellis.device which takes some time. After the drawing I call savePlot(). it seems, the loop is too fast for the savePlot() call to finish. Is there any solution for such a problem? Calling the same steps outside the loop, works fine. many

[R] lme model: Error in MEEM

2005-08-18 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi, We have data of two groups of subjects: 32 elderly, 14 young adults. for each subject we have 15 observations, each observation consisting of a reaction-time measure (RT) and an activation maesure (betadlpcv). since we want to analyze the influence of (age-)group and RT on the activation, we

Re: [R] lme model: Error in MEEM

2005-08-18 Thread Christoph Lehmann
sorry, RT had an error in raw data and was treated as a factor. after correction of the raw data (RT is numeric) now it works fine. thanks a lot christoph --- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --- Von: Douglas Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] An: Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kopie: r-help

[R] nonparametric 2way repeated-measures anova

2005-06-28 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Dear useRs is there any nonparametric test for the analysis of variance in a design with two within-factors (repeated measures on both factors)? Friedman is not appropriate here, therefore I am grateful for any alternative test. thanks for any hint cheers christoph --

[R] studentized CIs for a correlation using package boot

2005-05-21 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Dear useRs I need to compute studentized confidence intervals for a correlation, using the boot library. For this CIs we need to compute a variance estimate of the statistic (here correlation coeff) from each boostrap sample. There are 2 important points, I think: (1) We need to do a fisher

Re: [R] Change class factor to numeric

2005-05-06 Thread Christoph Lehmann
?as.factor states: To revert a factor 'f' to its original numeric values, 'as.numeric(levels(f))[f]' is recommended and slightly more efficient than 'as.numeric(as.character(f)) christoph Petr Pikal wrote: Hi On 6 May 2005 at 8:51, Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr wrote: as.numeric() Not

Re: [R] Help with R

2005-05-05 Thread Christoph Lehmann
I heard that 'R' does not do a very good job at handling large datasets, is this true? importing huge datasets in a data.frame with e.g. a subsequent step of conversion of some columns into factors may lead into memory troubles (probably due to memory overhead when building out factors). But

Re: [R] selections of data by one variable

2005-05-04 Thread Christoph Lehmann
test - data.frame(cbind(1:10,11:20)) names(test) - c(a, b) test[test$b == 17,] test[test$b %in% c(13, 15, 17),] Tu Yu-Kang wrote: Dear R experts, My problem is as follows: Suppose I have a data frame d comprising two variable a-c(1:10) b-c(11:20). I now want to select a subgroup

[R] RMySQL installation: libz missing

2005-05-03 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I run suse linux 9.1 and I installed MySQL server, client, devel, bench. DBI is installed, when I try to install RMySQL I get an error saying, that libz is missing. (paths to libs were set:export PKG_CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include/mysql/ export PKG_LIBS=-L/usr/lib/mysql/ -lmysqlclient) so my

Re: [R] RMySQL installation: libz missing SOLVED

2005-05-03 Thread Christoph Lehmann
it seemed to be a problem with the rpm for suse 9.1.. I installed and compiled R2.1 using the sources, then installation of RMySQL succeeded mmmh .. Christoph Christoph Lehmann wrote: Hi I run suse linux 9.1 and I installed MySQL server, client, devel, bench. DBI is installed, when I try

[R] RMySQL query: why result takes so much memory in R ?

2005-05-02 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I just started with RMySQL. I have a database with roughly 12 millions rows/records and 8 columns/fields. From all 12 millions of records I want to import 3 fields only. The fields are specified as:id int(11), group char(15), measurement float(4,2). Why does this take 1G RAM? I run R on

[R] summary(as.factor(x) - force to not sort the result according factor levels

2005-05-02 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi The result of a summary(as.factor(x)) (see example below) call is sorted according to the factor level. How can I get the result not sorted but in the original order of the levels in x? test - c(120402, 120402, 120402, 1323, 1323,200393, 200393, 200393, 200393, 200393)

[R] large dataset import, aggregation and reshape

2005-04-24 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Dear useRs We have a data-set (comma delimited) with 12Millions of rows, and 5 columns (in fact many more, but we need only 4 of them): id, factor 'a' (5 levels), factor 'b' (15 levels), date-stamp, numeric measurement. We run R on suse-linux 9.1 with 2GB RAM, (and a 3.5GB swap file). on

Re: [R] Bootstrap / permutation textbooks

2005-04-24 Thread Christoph Lehmann
look at: AC Davison, DV Hinkley: Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications there is also a R-library 'boot', based on methods reported in this book C Peter Soros wrote: Dear R experts, I would like to explore if and to what extent bootstrapping and permutation statistics can help me for my

[R] lsfit result - how to compute t-values for coefficients

2005-04-22 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I used lsfit instead of lm since I have a huge Y data-set (X being constant for all Y). Since I require the t-values for all coefficients: which would be the fastest way to compute them, eg for the example: ## using lsfit with a matrix response: t.length - 5 d.dim - c(t.length,7,8,9) #

[R] apply vs sapply vs loop - lm() call appl(y)ied on array

2005-04-21 Thread Christoph Lehmann
) dim(z) - d.dim[2:4] date() ## -- -- Christoph LehmannPhone: ++41 31 930 93 83 Department of Psychiatric NeurophysiologyMobile: ++41 76 570 28 00 University Hospital of Clinical Psychiatry Fax:++41 31 930 99

Re: [R] lda (MASS)

2005-04-21 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Now, I use my real dataset (900 instances, 21 attributes), which 2 classes can be serparated with accuracy no more than 80% (10xval) with KNN, SVM, C4.5 and the like. I thinks these accuracies are based on cross-validation runs. Whereas the 80% accuracy you report using LDA is not based on

Re: [R] apply vs sapply vs loop - lm() call appl(y)ied on array

2005-04-21 Thread Christoph Lehmann
it. The original post was from William Valdar, on April 19.) Hope this helps, Matt Wiener -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christoph Lehmann Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:24 AM To: Subject: [R] apply vs sapply vs loop

Re: [R] basic question

2005-04-21 Thread Christoph Lehmann
sapply(split(test, test$year), function(x) list(x.s = sum(x$x), y.s = sum(x$y), z.s = sum(x$z))) or for one variable only aggregate(test$x, list(id = test$year), sum) cheers christoph jose silva wrote: I know this question is very simple, but I am not figure it out I have the data frame:

[R] indexing an array using an index-array, but one entry being ', '

2005-04-19 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I have the following array: test - array(c(1:16), dim = c(3,4,3)) test ## I call some enries using an index array test.ind - array(rbind(c(1,2,1), c(3,3,2)), dim = c(2,3)) test[test.ind] ## suppose I want all values in the 2nd row and 4th col over ## all three 3rd dimensions test[2,4,] how to

Re: [R] indexing an array using an index-array, but one entry being ', '

2005-04-19 Thread Christoph Lehmann
dimensions test[2,4,] ## using an index array nn - dim(test)[3] voxel.ind - c(2, 4) test.ind - array(cbind(rep(voxel.ind[1], nn), rep(voxel.ind[2], nn), 1:nn), dim = c(nn, 3)) test[test.ind] cheers christoph Christoph Lehmann wrote: Hi I have the following array: test - array(c(1:16), dim = c(3,4,3

Re: [R] select cases

2005-04-19 Thread Christoph Lehmann
subset(,$sex == 'male') cheers c Faouzi LYAZRHI wrote: Hi, I would like to select a few cases (for example cases corresponding to sex=male) to make summary for another variable. How can I do this. Thanks for your help Fawtzy

Re: [R] Package 'R2HTML'

2005-04-19 Thread Christoph Lehmann
try this litte example: save the code below in a file test.Rnw and call then Sweave(test.Rnw, driver = RweaveHTML()) -- html body h1testing r2html/h1 plook at this: here you can write some text/p font color=darkredbSexpr format(Sys.time(),%Y)/b/font. echo=FALSE= summary(data.frame(c(1,2,3),

[R] colClasses = Date in read.delim, how to pass date-format?

2005-04-18 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I have a huge data-set with one column being of type date. Of course I can import the data using this column as factor and then convert it later to dates, using: sws.bezuege$FaktDat - dates(as.character(sws.bezuege$FaktDat), format = c(dates = d.m.y)) But the

Re: [R] colClasses = Date in read.delim, how to pass date-format?

2005-04-18 Thread Christoph Lehmann
)' is in fact taken by package chron. On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Christoph Lehmann wrote: I have a huge data-set with one column being of type date. Of course I can import the data using this column as factor and then convert it later to dates, using: sws.bezuege$FaktDat - dates(as.character

[R] read.delim: only first column import

2005-04-15 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi if I use read.delim, I can specify how many lines I want to import. Is there also a way to specify that, e.g. I want only the first column field of each line to have imported? thanks for a hint cheers christoph __ mailing

[R] aggregation question

2005-04-15 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I have a question concerning aggregation (simple demo code S. below) I have the data.frame idmeas date 1 a 0.6375137471 2 a 0.1877100632 3 a 0.2470984592 4 a 0.3064476903 5 b 0.4075735772 6 b 0.7832550852 7 b 0.3442650823 8 b 0.103893068

Re: [R] aggregation question

2005-04-15 Thread Christoph Lehmann
for all entries with a corresponding 'data' != 2 for this do I have to nest two aggregate statements, or is there a way using sapply or similar apply-based commands? thanks a lot for your kind help. Cheers! Christoph aggregate(data$meas, list(id = data$id), sum) Christoph Lehmann wrote on 4

RE: [R] aggregation question

2005-04-15 Thread Christoph Lehmann
way: sumWO2 - sapply(split(dat, dat$id), function(d) sum(d$meas[d$date != 2])) sumWO2 a b c 0.9439614 0.4481582 1.6967618 Andy From: Christoph Lehmann Dear Sundar, dear Andy manyt thanks for the length(unique(x)) hint. It solves of course my

[R] aggregate slow with variables of type 'dates' - how to solve

2005-04-15 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Dear all I use aggregate with variables of type numeric and dates. For type numeric functions, such as sum() are very fast, but similar simple functions, such as min() are much slower for the variables of type 'dates'. The difference gets bigger the larger the 'id' var is - but see this sample

[R] sweave bwplot error

2005-04-07 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I use sweave and have a problem with the following figure, but not with other figures: tt - data.frame(c(a, b, c), c(1.2, 3, 4.5)) names(tt) - c(x1, x2) bwplot(x2 ~x1, data = tt) ok now in sweave: \begin{figure}[H] \begin{center} echo=FALSE, fig=TRUE, height=5, width=10= lset(col.whitebg())

[R] scan html: sep = td

2005-04-04 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I try to import html text and I need to split the fields at each td or /td entry How can I succeed? sep = 'td' doens't yield the right result thanks for hints __ mailing list

[R] aov or t-test applied on all variables of a data.frame

2005-03-11 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I have a data.frame with say 10 continuous variables and one grouping factor (say 3 levels) how can I easily (without loops) apply for each continous variable e.g. an aov, with the grouping factor as my factor (or if the grouping factor has 2 levels, eg. a t-test) thanks for a hint cheers

Re: [R] aov or t-test applied on all variables of a data.frame

2005-03-11 Thread Christoph Lehmann
many thanks for the sapply hint. How can I use sapply for a compact result of the aov computation, say I call sapply(dd[-1], function(y, f) aov(y ~ f), f = dd$V1) aov gives the result in another form than t.test thanks a lot Peter Dalgaard wrote: Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi I

[R] plot question

2005-03-03 Thread Christoph Lehmann
I have the following simple situation: tt - data.frame(c(0.5, 1, 0.5)) names(tt) - a plot(tt$a, type = 'o') gives the following plot ('I' and '.' represent the axis): I I I X I I I X X I... 1 2 3 what do I have to change to get the following: I I I X I I I X

[R] matlab norm(h) command in R: sqrt(sum(h^2)) - use in an expression

2005-02-15 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi in matlab I defined a function (double gamma, parameters at the end of this mail) as h(i)=((t/d1)^a1)*exp(-(t-d1)/b1)-c*((t/d2)^a2)*exp(-(t-d2)/b2); h=h/norm(h); I do know that norm() in matlab is equal to: sqrt(sum(x^2)) in R so in R I do it like: #function (double gamama) h -

[R] D(eval(g)) problem, since Function `eval' is not in the derivatives table

2005-02-15 Thread Christoph Lehmann
thanks Andy and Dimitris for your reply to my expression/eval - problem starting with the resulting expression g I need g's derivative as expression, but I get: Function `eval' is not in the derivatives table: #function (double gamama) h -

[R] R on solaris 10 on a 64-bit ultra60 sparc

2005-02-14 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi since I have no experience with solaris and sparc-architecture. We installed the latest Solaris 10 on a 64-bit ultra60 sparc machine. Since the solaris 10 is said to run native linux-applications: can I just download any r-binaries for linux? if yes, for which distribution? or are there any

[R] label outliers in boxplot and/or bwplot

2005-02-11 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi Is there a way to lable (e.g. observation-number) the outliers in a boxplot? and in a bwplot? thanks a lot Christoph P.S. identify() is not available with bwplot, is it? __ mailing list

Re: [R] Handling large data sets via scan()

2005-02-04 Thread Christoph Lehmann
does it solve to a part your problem, if you use read.table() instead of scan, since it imports data directly to a data.frame? let me know, if it helps Nawaaz Ahmed wrote: I'm trying to read in datasets with roughly 150,000 rows and 600 features. I wrote a function using scan() to read it in (I

[Fwd: Re: [R] vectorization of a data-aggregation loop]

2005-02-02 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Department of Statistics UC Berkeley [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Tue, 1 Feb 2005, Christoph Lehmann wrote: Hi I have a simple question: the following data.frame id iwv type 1 1 1a 2 1 2b 3 1 11b 4 1 5a 5 1 6c 6 2 4c 7 2

[R] vectorization of a data-aggregation loop

2005-02-01 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I have a simple question: the following data.frame id iwv type 1 1 1a 2 1 2b 3 1 11b 4 1 5a 5 1 6c 6 2 4c 7 2 3c 8 2 10a 9 3 6b 10 3 9a 11 3 8b 12 3 7c shall be aggregated into the form: id t.a t.b

Re: [R] several boxplots or bwplots into one graphic

2005-01-25 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Christoph Lehmann wrote: Hi I have 10 variables and 2 groups. I know how to plot a bwplot for ONE var. e.g. var.a var.b var.c .. GROUP 0.2 0.5 0.2 .. 0 0.3 0.2 0.2 .. 0 .. 0.1 0.8 0.7 .. 1 0.5 0.5 0.1 .. 1 .. bwplot(var.a ~ GROUP, data = How can I plot 10 bwplots

[R] several boxplots or bwplots into one graphic

2005-01-24 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I have 10 variables and 2 groups. I know how to plot a bwplot for ONE var. e.g. var.a var.b var.c .. GROUP 0.2 0.5 0.2 .. 0 0.3 0.2 0.2 .. 0 .. 0.1 0.8 0.7 .. 1 0.5 0.5 0.1 .. 1 .. bwplot(var.a ~ GROUP, data = How can I plot 10 bwplots (or boxplots)

[R] classification for huge datasets: SVM yields memory troubles

2004-12-13 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I have a matrix with 30 observations and roughly 3 variables, each obs belongs to one of two groups. With svm and slda I get into memory troubles ('cannot allocate vector of size' roughly 2G). PCA LDA runs fine. Are there any way to use the memory issue withe SVM's? Or can you recommend

Re: [R] About ROC curves

2004-11-29 Thread Christoph Lehmann
package ROC from bioconductor, eg: Cheers! Christoph Xin Qi wrote: Hi, Dear all R users: Does someone know whether R can calculate the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curves? I didn't find it from the packages. Thanks a

[R] LDA with previous PCA for dimensionality reduction

2004-11-24 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Dear all, not really a R question but: If I want to check for the classification accuracy of a LDA with previous PCA for dimensionality reduction by means of the LOOCV method: Is it ok to do the PCA on the WHOLE dataset ONCE and then run the LDA with the CV option set to TRUE (runs LOOCV) --

Re: [R] LDA with previous PCA for dimensionality reduction

2004-11-24 Thread Christoph Lehmann
, though, why you use PCA followed by LDA. But that's another story. Best, R. On Wednesday 24 November 2004 11:16, Christoph Lehmann wrote: Dear all, not really a R question but: If I want to check for the classification accuracy of a LDA with previous PCA for dimensionality reduction by means

[R] biplot.princomp with loadings only

2004-09-30 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi is there a way to plot only the loadings in a biplot (with the nice arrows), and to skip the scores? thanks christoph __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide!

[R] and predict.glm: error ' no terms component'

2004-09-29 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi when I fit a glm by,y,family = binomial()) and then try to use the object for prediction of newdata by: predict.glm(object, newdata) I get the error: Error in terms.default(object) : no terms component I know I can use glm() and a formula, but for my case I

Re: [R] and predict.glm: error ' no terms component'

2004-09-29 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Lumley wrote: On Wed, 29 Sep 2004, Christoph Lehmann wrote: Hi when I fit a glm by,y,family = binomial()) and then try to use the object for prediction of newdata by: predict.glm(object, newdata) I get the error: Error in terms.default(object) : no terms component I know I can use

[R] nnet with weights parameter: odd error

2004-09-23 Thread Christoph Lehmann
month06 day 21 language R Thanks a lot Best regards Christoph -- Christoph LehmannPhone: ++41 31 930 93 83 Department of Psychiatric NeurophysiologyMobile: ++41 76 570 28 00 University Hospital of Clinical Psychiatry Fax:++41 31 930 99 61

[R] nnet and weights: error analysis using VR example

2004-09-23 Thread Christoph Lehmann
-- Christoph LehmannPhone: ++41 31 930 93 83 Department of Psychiatric NeurophysiologyMobile: ++41 76 570 28 00 University Hospital of Clinical Psychiatry Fax:++41 31 930 99 61 Waldau[EMAIL PROTECTED] CH-3000 Bern 60

[R] memory problem under windows

2004-09-14 Thread Christoph Lehmann
for your kind help Cheers Christoph -- Christoph LehmannPhone: ++41 31 930 93 83 Department of Psychiatric NeurophysiologyMobile: ++41 76 570 28 00 University Hospital of Clinical Psychiatry Fax:++41 31 930 99 61 Waldau

[R] Variable Importance in pls: R or B? (and in glpls?)

2004-09-12 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Dear R-users, dear Ron I use pls from the pls.pcr package for classification. Since I need to know which variables are most influential onto the classification performance, what criteria shall I look at: a) B, the array of regression coefficients for a certain model (means a certain number of

Re: [R] locator() in a multi-figure setting using mfrow(): SOLVED

2004-09-09 Thread Christoph Lehmann
thanks to some great hints by Paul Murrel I could solve it: here we are with one solution (code needs to be cleaned and simplified, but maybe one can understand it) ### ## create a multifigure setting nr - 4 nc - 2 opar - par(mfrow = c(nr, nc)) slices - 8 m - matrix(runif(100),10,10)

[R] locator() in a multi-figure setting using mfrow()

2004-09-06 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi based on some code from Thomas Petzoldt (see below), I have a question, about how to use locator() in a mfrow() multi-figure setting. I am sure this should be a kind of problem, which other people face too? we have 8 matrices each 10x10 fields, plotted as mfrow = c(2,4). how can I get, using

Re: [R] locator() in a multi-figure setting using mfrow()

2004-09-06 Thread Christoph Lehmann
I know, that I can use par(mfg = c(i,u)) to get the correct x,y coordinates of one of the 8 matrices/subimages, but how can I get the i and the j, means how can I know in which of the 8 images I am clicking in? thanks Christoph Christoph Lehmann wrote: Hi based on some code from Thomas Petzoldt

[R] huge array with floats: allocation error

2004-08-16 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi After searching through a couples of documents and the mailing list I dare to ask it here I need to define an array with the size 64 x 64 x 16 x 1000 for single-precision floating-point numbers. With 1G RAM I get always the error: cannot allocate vector of size 458752 Kb reached total

Re: [R] huge array with floats: allocation error

2004-08-16 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Thank you, Prof. Ripley I don't believe you read the rw-FAQ as the posting guide asks, though. You seem to be working under Windows, without saying so (and the posting guide does ask you to). So that's `a couples of documents' worth `searching through'. I apologize for not being more precise.

[R] association rules in R

2004-08-14 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I am interested in data mining problems. Has anybody ever programmed and worked with association rules in R? I am very grateful for any hint. Best regards Christoph __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] vectorizing a matrix computation

2004-07-20 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Dear R users I have a 4-dimensional matrix (actually several 3d (x,y, slices) matrices appended over time (volumes)) say, e.g. I want to z-transform the data (subtract the mean and divide by the std-deviation) for (slice in 1:slices) { for (x in 1:x.dim) { for (y in 1:y.dim) {

Re: [R] multiple hierarchical anova models

2004-07-13 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I can recommend you two files a) b) (in french) cheers let me know whether this helped you cheers christoph Matthias Unterhuber wrote: Hello, My name is Matthias and I do look

[R] locator() in a multiple plot setting

2004-07-13 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi based on some code from Thomas Petzoldt, I have a question: --- opar - par(mfrow = c(2,4)) slices - 8 m - matrix(runif(100),10,10) my.list - list() for (slice in 1:slices) { my.list[[slice]] - m } for (slice in 1:slices) { x - 1*(1:25) y - 1*(1:25) z - my.list[[slice]]

Re: [R] paired t-test with bootstrap

2004-07-13 Thread Christoph Lehmann
just a hint for further bootstrapping examples (worked out with R): Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications by A.C. Davison and D.V. Hinkley cheers christoph luciana wrote: Dear Sirs, I am a R beginning user: by mean of R I would like to apply the bootstrap to my data in order to test cost

[R] pixmapIndexed color question

2004-07-12 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I use pixmapIndexed tmp.vimp - array(0,c(x.dim,y.dim)) tmp.vimp - pixmapIndexed(tmp.vimp, col=rainbow) to plot values of a 2D matrix. I 'fill' the pixmapIndexed like: for (x in 1:x.dim) { for (y in 1:y.dim) { [EMAIL PROTECTED],y] - my.matrix[x,y] }} how can I

[R] image NAs error

2004-07-12 Thread Christoph Lehmann
tmp.vimp - matrix(NA, nrow = x.dim, ncol = y.dim) tmp.vimp - image(tmp.vimp, col=rainbow) gives: Error in image.default(tmp.vimp, col = rainbow) : invalid z limits In addition: Warning messages: 1: no finite arguments to min; returning Inf 2: no finite arguments to max; returning -Inf even

[R] sweave: graphics not at the expected location in the pdf

2004-06-25 Thread Christoph Lehmann
a graphic exactly here and now in the document? Many thanks and best regards Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide! http

Re: [R] Visual stimulus presentation using R?

2004-06-21 Thread Christoph Lehmann
(to an R structure, presumably) Any idea, suggestion? Cheers, Christoph. -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide! http

[R] lme newbie question

2004-06-11 Thread Christoph Lehmann
a trivial topic in R :) Cheers! Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide!

[R] classification with nnet: handling unequal class sizes

2004-03-31 Thread Christoph Lehmann
, ...) #res[rand == i,] - res[rand == i,] + predict(learn, data[rand == i,]) res[rand == i,] - res[rand == i,] + resmatrix(res[rand == i,],learn,data, rand, i) } } factor(levels(truth)[max.col(res/nreps)], levels = levels(truth)) } -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED

[R] classification with nnet: handling unequal class sizes

2004-03-30 Thread Christoph Lehmann
== i,]) res[rand == i,] - res[rand == i,] + resmatrix(res[rand == i,],learn,data, rand, i) } } factor(levels(truth)[max.col(res/nreps)], levels = levels(truth)) } -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED

[R] pca scores for newdata

2004-03-01 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Hi I used princomp on a dataset x[!sub,]. How can I get the scores for another dataset, say x[sub,]? I didn't succeed using predict() thanks for a hint cheers christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list https

[R] PLS scores for newdata

2004-03-01 Thread Christoph Lehmann
. many thanks for a hint cheers christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide!

[R] my own function given to lapply

2004-02-26 Thread Christoph Lehmann
-- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide!

[R] nlme vs aov with Error() for an ANCOVA

2004-01-15 Thread Christoph Lehmann
Residuals669 161.187 0.241 --- Signif. codes: 0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1 which looks weird or what would you recommend? thanks a lot Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list https

[R] array(list(),c(2,5)) gives error in R 1.8.1

2004-01-14 Thread Christoph Lehmann
by coercion thanks for help, I need this possibility for storing objects (lm results) in an array cheers Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list PLEASE do read

[R] comparing classification methods: 10-fold cv or leaving-one-out ?

2004-01-06 Thread Christoph Lehmann
-- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide!

[R] lda() called with data=subset() command

2004-01-05 Thread Christoph Lehmann
it just took the second level (mild AD) for the second class, even though the second level was not used for the lda computation (only the first level (C) and the third level (mod AD) what shall I do to resolve this (little) problem? thanks for a hint christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL

[R] lmList error if NA in variable not used

2003-12-19 Thread Christoph Lehmann
I try to fit a lmList model. If in the used dataframe a variable (a column) has some NA the lmList gives an error, even this variable is not used in the model. why? or what is my mistake? Error in : missing values in object thanks cheers christoph -- Christoph Lehmann

[R] partial proportional odds model (PPO)

2003-12-13 Thread Christoph Lehmann
..or any potential alternatives many thanks for your kind help christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] R^2 analogue in polr() and prerequisites for polr()

2003-12-08 Thread Christoph Lehmann
these prerequisites most easily: I have a three-level (ordered factor) response and four metric variables. many thanks Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [R] R^2 analogue in polr() and prerequisites for polr()

2003-12-08 Thread Christoph Lehmann
-square), means: how much of the variance of the dependent variable can be explained by the variance of the independent variables. thanks and best regards christoph On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 07:26, Prof Brian Ripley wrote: On 8 Dec 2003, Christoph Lehmann wrote: (1)In polr(), is there any way

[R] criterion for variable selection in LDA

2003-11-10 Thread Christoph Lehmann
, n2=15, number of potential variables: 37, no equal variance in the two groups)) many thanks cheers christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] using split.screen() in Sweave

2003-10-08 Thread Christoph Lehmann
='h',col=blue,lwd=2) Is there a similar way, doing this in Sweave? many thanks Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] plot width in Sweave

2003-10-07 Thread Christoph Lehmann
) @ \caption{Original stick function (stimulus train)} \end{center} \end{figure} many thanks christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] conversion of some lines of matlab code to R

2003-10-06 Thread Christoph Lehmann
/0.75,funct/max(funct),'g-') function h=DeHemo(t,tau,N) h=(t/tau).^(N-1).*exp(-t/tau)./(tau*factorial(N-1)); since I don't know matlab: is there any one who could tell me, how these lines would look like in R, means, how I could do this deconvolution in R? Many thanks Cheers Christoph -- Christoph

[R] convolution question

2003-10-06 Thread Christoph Lehmann
graphics device plot(convolution,type='o') many thanks! -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] using identify() together with plot () and pixmap()

2003-09-30 Thread Christoph Lehmann
(pixmapGrey(fmri.vtc[,,slice,volume])) identify(fmri.vtc[,,slice,volume]) warning: no point with 0.25 inches pressing the right mouse button I get: numeric(0) what is the problem here and how can I solve it? many thanks for your help Cheers! Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: [R] overlay two pixmap

2003-09-30 Thread Christoph Lehmann
On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 12:44, Roger Bivand wrote: Christoph Lehmann wrote: I need to overlay two pixmaps (library (pixmap)). One, a pixmapGrey, is the basis, and on this I need to overlay a pixmapIndexed, BUT: the pixmapIndexed has set only some of its pixels to an indexed color, many

[R] overlay two pixmap

2003-09-26 Thread Christoph Lehmann
, for this in pixmapIndexed not defined pixels it should be transparent. What would you recommend me to do? Should I go for another solution than pixmap? Many thanks Cheers Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] University Hospital of Clinical Psychiatry -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED

[R] Error from gls call (package nlme)

2003-09-25 Thread Christoph Lehmann
in a loop, I don't want such errors to occur, since this breaks my loop. what is the problem here? What are potential solutions? Many thanks Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] storing objects (lm results) in an array

2003-09-24 Thread Christoph Lehmann
? Many thanks Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] anybody running Rggobi on a redhat 9.0 system?

2003-09-22 Thread Christoph Lehmann
many thanks for your help Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list


2003-09-10 Thread Christoph Lehmann
for your kind help Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[R] logistic regression for a data set with perfect separation

2003-09-10 Thread Christoph Lehmann
, for obvious reasons makes no sense. Many thanks for your help Christoph -- Christoph Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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