William and Rachel,
I see what you mean about the CPP/A.
The CPP's chief value appears to lie in the ability to use it to
automatically negotiate the CPA, after which the two trading partners
[previously unknown to each other] could launch right into a supported
TRANSACTION. Clearly, this com
Peter Barry and I will be presenting a session on Identifiers, EDI
Addressing and Routing at the Fourth National HIPAA Summit at the
Renaissance Marriott in Washington, DC. on Friday, April 26, 2002 at
8:00 a.m. See http://www.hipaasummit.com/ for more information about
the HIPAA Summit.
Peter w
The OASIS ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement TC Web page
is at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-cppa/, where the
current draft (ebCPP-1_11.pdf) of the spec can be obtained. An even
newer CPPA Version 1.12 can be found in the e-mail archives at
This is from the CPA spec. document:
It is a further objective of this specification to facilitate migration of
both traditional EDI-based 415
applications and other legacy applications to platforms based on the ebXML
specifications. In 416
particular, the CPP and CPA are components of the migra
Thanks for clarifying the relationship between the CPP specification and
the separate CPP registry-structure specification. If I understand the
immediate task assigned to me, Dave, and Marcallee, however, it is to
propose a list of data elements that we consider important in the
The X12 transaction is the 838 Trading Partner Profile.
I don't know that it informed any of the work that resulted in the ebXML
CPP/CPA specification. The foundation for this was the work donated to the
ebXML effort by IBM.
CPP/CPA is **NOT** about a registry at all. There is a separate
Thanks for continuing your discussion on the main listserve so as to
ensure all technical ideas and business requirements are captured. The
rationale behind what finally appears in the recommendations can too
easily become lost if no record is made; this has happened far too often
in the e
William Kammerer is heading up the WEDI-SNIP end of this collaboration and
is archiving the (massive!) discussion on his novannet web site for the
time being. We are exploring 2 or 3 non-ebXML approaches to the "CPP"
information, but I sense an accelerated movement (within this WEDI-SNIP
All right, then...
As I recall, Dick Brooks was looking at the X12 transaction used for
describing preferred addressing and connection protocols for other
transactions (I can't recall the X12 transaction # but it was apparently
used by OASIS as a template for much of the CPP structure). Anyway