
Thanks for continuing your discussion on the main listserve so as to
ensure all technical ideas and business requirements are captured. The
rationale behind what finally appears in the recommendations can too
easily become lost if no record is made; this has happened far too often
in the ebXML initiative itself, where the reason or background was
discussed in Face-to-Face meetings, but never put anywhere so people
could find out why the heck something was done the way it was in the
normative specifications.

Besides, if you bounce ideas off the wall in the main playground, you
never know who might come along and interject the most crazy idea that
breaks a logjam - who knows?  - maybe even my good friend Dave Frenkel
might come along and have something to say of actual relevance.

To illustrate the value of a transcript in standards development, the
answer to your question about the X12 838 Trading Partner Profile
transaction set can be found in Dave Minch's e-mail posted on 06 March
entitled "Use of the 838 for electronic exchange of TPA data," in the
WEDi/SNIP ID & Routing mailing list archives at

Dave did compile trading partner data attributes, and provided a
synopsis on the listserve.  He was unable to really map to the 838,
which we needed to know so we could honestly say we considered the 838 -
we tried to eat our own EDI "dog food" and found it wanting!  The matrix
Dave shows will probably be useful to you in devising your CPP elements
to describe partner capabilities.

Having all prospective CPP data elements organized (and continually
maintained) in a spreadsheet or wish-list at one place is certainly
superior to having to scrounge through the archives, but I hope it's now
apparent why these important discussions should transpire on the public
listserve so they're permanently archived.

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
+1 (614) 487-0320

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher J. Feahr, OD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Rishel,Wes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "William J. Kammerer"
Sent: Saturday, 20 April, 2002 02:30 PM
Subject: Data Elements for the WEDI-SNIP-CPP

All right, then...

As I recall, Dick Brooks was looking at the X12 transaction used for
describing preferred addressing and connection protocols for other
transactions (I can't recall the X12 transaction # but it was apparently
used by OASIS as a template for much of the CPP structure). Anyway...
has someone extracted a list of data elements from that transaction? If
so, that would be a good start on the basic connection elements.

Rachel, do you know if the CPP specification is entirely about the
registry *structure*, or has the OASIS group actually enumerated
minimum/required data elements for the CPP record? My assumption is that
each "industry" using the CPP would have an industry-specific, standard
library of XML tags defined for the CPP elements that people are most
often interested in. This is the part I was curious to know whether it
had been discussed at the level of OASIS's UBL Liaison Committee.

Kepa, could you provide us with a "brain dump" of what your were
thinking about for the "HIPAA-readiness and certification" data
elements? At a minimum, I would think that we would need a Y/N element
for each HIPAA transaction with regard to whether the entity is "ready
to test" and/or "ready to go live". Maybe we want fields to indicate
level of testing passed for each transaction... who the certifying
agency was, type of test data used, etc.

TANGENTIAL ISSUE: Kepa, have you decided to group or specialize your
test/sample data by general area of healthcare... as it relates to this
ADMINISTRATIVE consideration? If so, we might want to include the
general type of test data the CE used to obtain its certification. For
example, if we ever get our eyewear/vision code set, optometrists will
want to know that sending in a claim with the new vision codes will not
make the receiving system puke. I'm not sure we even have a suitable
standard breakdown of the industry into "segments with similar claim and
eligibility data requirements" (like "vision", "ambulance",
"anesthesia", "in-patient surgical", etc.). It feels like the taxonomy
breakdown, but probably doesn't have to be as granular. Maybe a
subgrouping of the standard taxonomy codes would do the trick, but since
taxonomy is primarily organized around the practice of medicine, it may
not map exactly to areas of special transaction handling, special
code-sets, etc.

I will volunteer to organize all prospective CPP data elements into a
spreadsheet/wish-list... then you can all attack it with your virtual


At 01:28 PM 4/20/02 -0400, William J. Kammerer wrote:
>Yes, definitely, I think we should "... jump right into the enumeration
>of the data elements now." - in effect, that might be a way of getting
>requirements into the open when you see what it entails.  Can we take
>your discussion and musings onto the Routing listserve?
>William J. Kammerer
>Novannet, LLC.

Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268

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