Bill Evans wrote:
> Sarcasm, Hugh, sarcasm.
<<> Sarcasm IS WASTED ON Hugh,...>>
You mispelt HuGe.
> I was implying that I was hopelessly behind the times since I
> was not aware that they released nine service patches on Thursday.
It does matter if it is 9 or 90. The only service patc
Bill Evans wrote:
> Sarcasm, Hugh, sarcasm.
You left out some words.
> Sarcasm IS WASTED ON Hugh,...
There, I fixed it for you.
> I was implying that I was hopelessly behind the times since I
> was not aware that they released nine service patches on Thursday.
It does matter if it is 9 or 90.
Isn't she a
famous soccer player? :)
-Original Message-From: William H
Allow me to personally offer my mea culpa.
Sonja, comment noted. I did apologize in a later message. Allow
me to personally offer my mea culpa.
The important thing I was saying was to keep you machine up to date:
That is, of course, if you give a damn.
bill evansHartselle, AL[EMAIL PR
You’re right, and you’re
right. My memory tends to come and go, I
think (I remember bad things for some reason lol). I’m not that much of a Dolly Parton
fan, either, but I’ve heard of a lot of what she wrote and sang (I
thought, anyway).
-Original Message-
We all
01 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Netscape vs Outlook 2K (non-Bama)(ANOTHER
> Microsoft has a very bad habit of not only leaving gaping security holes
> in their software but they also secretly sneak in code to send directory
> listings of the contents of your HD (and other things) ba
Ah… Kind of like I was sarcastically
saying you were a bumbling fool for (based on my perception from what you’d
said) not
being aware of the release on Thursday?
I agree, the service patches (actually
they weren’t called “service patches” but rather “critical
updates” and other minor se
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2001 6:41
Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] Netscape vs
Outlook 2K (non-Bama)(ANOTHER advantage)
Youre showing my
youth (or my age, one), since I dont remember that song J
Message-Maybe it's his &qu
Sarcasm, Hugh, sarcasm.
I was implying that I was hopelessly behind the times since I was not aware
that they released nine service patches on Thursday.
bill evansHartselle, AL[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Sat, 27 Oct 2001 18:35:12 -0500 "Hugh Wolfgang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
You’re showing my youth (or my age,
one), since I don’t remember that song J
-Original Message-
Maybe it's his "coat of many colors" ala Dolly Parton.
(remember the song?)
Please accept my apologies for referring to
you as a bumbling fool, Bill. I
interpreted your comments concerning running XP to be thinking that I was
running a beta (which I was, at one time).
Maybe it's his "coat of many colors" ala Dolly
Parton. (remember the song?)
- Original Message -
William H
First off: My apology to the RTF membership for arguing with Hugh.
I *know* better.
Service Patches on Win 2k (Not to be
Thats my final Answer wrote:
> You must have a 200 gig harddrive to hold all that Data !
No, the 200 GB RAID array is just for Hugh's email.
Phil Harbison
To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
a BLANK subject line and the single
First off: My apology to the RTF membership for arguing with Hugh. I
*know* better.
Service Patches on Win 2k (Not to be confused with 'Patches' by Jerry
Reed): Since I am not running XP to run a 'Windows Update' on, I would have
had to have read about it to have even known they existe
You missplet "WolfCrank"
-Original Message-
I've been running XP for 6 months ! Can someone tell
me where the Wolfcrack filter is located ?
To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
a BLANK subject line and the single word "UNSUBSCRIBE" (without t
LOL - Whatever.
They (Microsoft) only finalized the 'gold' code about 8-10 weeks ago and I have
already seen many holes already exposed by writers and none fixed by Microsoft.>>
Actually, there were NINE patches released
by Microsoft on Thursday.
In addition, you k
LOL - Whatever. They (Microsoft) only finalized the 'gold' code about
8-10 weeks ago and I have already seen many holes already exposed by writers and
none fixed by Microsoft.
In addition, you know exactly what I mean: Never, ever trust a XX.0
release. Always wait for a service pack, unl
Be nice, or be gone!
-Original Message-From:
Hugh Wolfgang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To:
Saturday, October 27, 2001 5:23 PMSubject: RE: [RollTideFan]
Netscape vs Outlook 2K (non-Bama)(ANOTHER advantage)
I've been running XP for 6 months ! Can someone tell
me where the Wolfcrack filter is located ?
--- Hugh Wolfgang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Windows XP was released to the public two days ago,
> you bumbling fool.
> It's BEEN *thoroughly* investigated by the tech
> community!
> -Or
> Date: Saturday, October 27, 2001 6:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Netscape vs Outlook 2K
> (non-Bama)(ANOTHER advantage)
> Hugh - you are a brave man to be running Win XP
> before it has been
Windows XP was released to the public two
days ago, you bumbling fool. It’s
BEEN *thoroughly* investigated by
the tech community!
-Original Message-
Don't worry, Hugh.
All of your data is in the RTF archives.
Hugh - you are a brave man to be running Win XP
before it has
> Date: Saturday, October 27, 2001 6:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Netscape vs Outlook 2K
> (non-Bama)(ANOTHER advantage)
> Hugh - you are a brave man to be running Win XP
> before it has been
Don't worry, Hugh. All of your data is in the RTF
-Original Message-From:
William H Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To:
Saturday, October 27, 2001 6:02 PMSubject: Re: [RollTideFan]
Netscape vs Out
Microsoft has a very bad habit of not only leaving gaping security holes
in their software but they also secretly sneak in code to send directory
listings of the contents of your HD (and other things) back to Microsoft
HQ in Redmond, Washington.
Every time they have been exposed for these privacy
I'll stick to Windows XP, thank you.
Hugh wrote:
> The FBI can, and will, spy on whoever it wants to, whether they
> are using IE, or Netscape.
It belongs to the al Qada.
To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
a BLANK subject line and the singl
Rick McMahan wrote:
> Clue me in Johnny, what do you mean, broadcast secret information?
A lot of viruses only affect Outlook users (i.e., they depend on
flaws in O or OE to proliferate). They also use your Outlook
address book to target other victims. At least in this area,
Netscape is more se
- Original Message -
From: "Phillip L. Harbison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
My home and office are
> both Microsoft-Free Zones (tm).
Like that will keep him out?
To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
a BLANK subject line and the single word "UNSU
Johnny Coste wrote:
> ANOTHER advantage to Netscape is that it doesn't broadcast your
> secret information to those web owners that want to retrieve it!
Netscape also supports almost every flavor of UNIX including
Linux. Not that I would run IE, OE, or any other microsnot
product even if they we
I use netscape. It works fine.
Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.
To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
a BLANK subject line and the single word "UNSUBSCRI
It is a proven fact that Microsoft products are notoriously insecure. However, to say
that an advantage of Netscrap is that it doesn't broadcast your secret information to
those web owners that want to retrieve it is, at best, naive. The FBI can, and will,
spy on whoever it wants to, whether
Clue me in Johnny, what do you mean, broadcast secret information?
> -Original Message-
> From: Johnny Coste
> ANOTHER advantage to Netscape is that it doesn't broadcast your
> secret information to
> those web owners that want to retrieve it!
To unsubscribe from this list ju
ANOTHER advantage to Netscape is that it doesn't broadcast your secret information to
those web owners that want to retrieve it!
Rick McMahan wrote:
> AGREED 100%! I decided to give Netscape mail a try for one day (version
> 6.1). Outlook 2K may not be the greatest internet email app, but it s
32 matches
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