[SNN] Putin proposes doctrine of European non-intervention at Moscow forum

2014-07-04 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://m.rbth.com/ Putin proposes doctrine of European non-intervention at Moscow forum Russian President Vladimir Putin laid out his vision for a new European approach to conflict resolution at a meeting of ambassadors and permanent representatives of the Russian Federation, held at the Min

[SNN] Vitaly Churkin: Crisis in Ukraine may lead to humanitarian catastrophe

2014-07-05 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://rbth.com/ Vitaly Churkin: Crisis in Ukraine may lead to humanitarian catastrophe RBTH: Russia's presidency of the UN Security Council is nearly over. How would you sum it up for the benefit of our readers? Vitaly Churkin: There has been a lot of work, including over and above what wa

[SNN] Srdja Trifkovic interview with RT International

2014-07-06 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Published on Jul 4, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_m6n5jF6xc&feature=youtu.be

[SNN] On this day, 158 years ago was born one of the greatest masterminds that mankind has ever had

2014-07-10 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://nb.rs/events/event.php?id=26150 Теслин дан у Народној библиотеци Србије Виртуелна изложба: galerija.nb.rs 10.07.2014. у 8.00 h Грађа из фонда НБС изложена је и у витринама у холу испред Централне читаонице Улаз је слободан Happy 158th, Nikola Tesla! St

[SNN] ISIS Orders Government Workers To Stop Feeding Christians In Mosul…

2014-07-16 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://weaselzippers.us/193313-isis-orders-government-workers-to-stop-feeding-christians-in-mosul/ ISIS Orders Government Workers To Stop Feeding Christians In Mosul… ISIS also threatens to charge anyone caught giving rations to Christians and Shiites according to Sharia law. (AINA) — ISIS has o

[SNN] EXCL- 4 Turkish Military Officers Training ISIL Terrorists in Iraq and Turkish Weapons to Syria duty-free

2014-07-16 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.islamicinvitationturkey.com/2014/07/15/excl-4-turkish-military-officers-training-isil-terrorists-in-iraq-and-turkish-weapons-to-syria-duty-free/ EXCL- 4 Turkish Military Officers Training ISIL Terrorists in Iraq and Turkish Weapons to Syria duty-free Date and Time:15 July 2014 -

[SNN] Hague rules Netherlands ‘liable’ for Srebrenica massacre victims

2014-07-16 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Hague rules Netherlands ‘liable’ for Srebrenica massacre victims The Hague has ruled that the Netherlands was accountable or the deaths of over 300 victims of the Srebrenica massacre in 1995. The hearing came as families of the victims accuse the Dutch government accusing its UN peacekeepers of

[SNN] Kiev deployed powerful surface-to-air missile systems to E. Ukraine ahead of the Malaysian plane crash reports

2014-07-17 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://rt.com/news/173636-buk-malaysian-plane-crash/ ___ Kiev deployed powerful surface-to-air missile systems to E. Ukraine ahead of the Malaysian plane crash reports ___ Published: Jul 17,

[SNN] 777 Shot Down Over Ukraine | Veterans Today

2014-07-17 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/07/17/777-shot-down-over-ukraine/ 777 Shot Down Over Ukraine Getting Past The Lies Israeli owned Fox News propagandizing for a World War, blames Russian ground based missiles — By Gordon Duff with Jim W. Dean We have people on the scene now (1:45PM EST

[SNN] ITAR-TASS: World - Ukraine’s anti-aircraft missile system dispatched to Donetsk Wednesday

2014-07-17 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://en.itar-tass.com/world/741173 Ukraine’s anti-aircraft missile system dispatched to Donetsk Wednesday MOSCOW, July 17. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine’s armed forces dispatched the Buk anti-aircraft missile system battalion to the area of the city of Donetsk on Wednesday, a well-informed sourc

[SNN] Lavrov: Russia won’t take control of Malaysian plane’s black boxes

2014-07-18 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Lavrov: Russia won’t take control of Malaysian plane’s black boxes Published time: July 18, 2014 11:46 Edited time: July 18, 2014 12:39 Get short URL The crash site of the Malaysian Boeing 777 outside Shakhtyorsk, Donetsk Region (RIA

[SNN] Malaysia MH17 crash: 10 questions Russia wants Ukraine to answer

2014-07-19 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Malaysia MH17 crash: 10 questions Russia wants Ukraine to answer Published time: July 18, 2014 20:59 Get short URL Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov (A still image from RT video)

[SNN] What Happened to the Malaysian Airliner? -- Paul Craig Roberts - PaulCraigRoberts.org

2014-07-20 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/07/19/happened-malaysian-airliner-paul-craig-roberts/ __ What Happened to the Malaysian Airliner? -- Paul Craig Roberts - PaulCraigRoberts.org __ July 19, 2014 Washingto

[SNN] Militia forces to move MH17 bodies to Donetsk, concerns over intl experts’ absence

2014-07-20 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Militia forces to move MH17 bodies to Donetsk, concerns over intl experts’ absence Published time: July 20, 2014 12:47 Edited time: July 20, 2014 13:36 Get short URL Members of the Ukrainian Emergency Ministry transport a body

[SNN] Ukrainian Su-25 fighter detected in close approach to MH17 before crash

2014-07-21 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://rt.com/news/174412-malaysia-plane-russia-ukraine/ Ukrainian Su-25 fighter detected in close approach to MH17 before crash - Moscow Published time: July 21, 2014 12:59 Edited time: July 21, 2014 14:36 Get short URL Image

[SNN] What Did US Spy Satellites See in Ukraine?

2014-07-21 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://consortiumnews.com/2014/07/20/what-did-us-spy-satellites-see-in-ukraine/ What Did US Spy Satellites See in Ukraine? Exclusive: The U.S. media’s Ukraine bias has been obvious, siding with the Kiev regime and bashing ethnic Russian rebels and Russia’s President Putin. But now – with

[SNN] It was Putin's missile! - By Pepe Escobar

2014-07-21 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Central_Asia/CEN-01-190714.html Jul 18, '14 THE ROVING EYE It was Putin's missile! By Pepe Escobar And here's the spin war verdict: the current Malaysia Airlines tragedy - the second in four months - is "terrorism" perpetrated by "pro-Russian separatists", arme

[SNN] Guilt By Insinuation -- Paul Craig Roberts

2014-07-21 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
PaulCraigRoberts.org - http://www.paulcraigroberts.org - Posted By pcr3 On July 21, 2014 @ 2:13 pm In Articles & Columns - Guilt By Insinuation How American propaganda works. Paul Craig Roberts Why hasn’t Washington joi

[SNN] The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : What the Media Won’t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17

2014-07-21 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2014/july/20/what-the-media-won%E2%80%99t-report-about-malaysian-airlines-flight-mh17.aspx What the Media Won’t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 Just days afte

[SNN] Russian Defense Ministry registered a Ukrainian jet near Malaysian plane

2014-07-21 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://rbth.com/ Russian Defense Ministry registered a Ukrainian jet near Malaysian plane The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane crashed near the town of Shakhtyorsk in the Donetsk Region on July 17. Source: Reuters Russian air monitoring services registered a Ukrainian plane, tentatively a

[SNN] Whistleblower: U.S. Satellite Images Show Ukrainian Troops Shooting Down MH17

2014-07-22 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.infowars.com/whistleblower-u-s-satellite-images-show-ukrainian-troops-shooting-down-mh17/print - Infowars - http://www.infowars.com - -- Whistleblower: U.S. Satellite Images Show Ukrainian Troops Shooting Down MH17

[SNN] James Bissett - Globe and Mail - letters to the editor - July 22, 2014

2014-07-22 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/letters/july-22-made-in-moscow-and-other-letters-to-the-editor/article19701889/ Doug Saunders would have us believe that Russia is solely responsible for the chaos that has erupted in Ukraine (‘The World Has Not Acted Fast Enough To Curtail Russi

[SNN] US Claims of Flight MH17 Downing by Militia Remain Unfounded – Russia’s Defense Ministry

2014-07-24 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://en.ria.ru/russia/20140724/191186319/US-Claims-of-Flight-MH17-Downing-by-Militia-Remain-Unfounded-.html US Claims of Flight MH17 Downing by Militia Remain Unfounded – Russia’s Defense Ministry MOSCOW, July 24 (RIA Novosti) – The United States has not yet provided any documented e

[SNN] CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Russia Today host battle - Lucy McCalmont - POLITICO.com

2014-07-24 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.politico.com/story/2014/07/chris-cuomo-russia-today-peter-lavelle-argue-109275.html CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Russia Today host battle The gloves came off between CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Russia Today’s Peter Lavelle on Wednesday in a lengthy segment over the handling of the investigation

[SNN] MH 17 Satellite Photo shows 30 Miles of Debris Field of Bodies

2014-07-25 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/07/24/mh-17-satellite-photo-shows-30-miles-of-debris-field-of-bodies/ MH 17 Satellite Photo shows 30 Miles of Debris Field of Bodies | Veterans Today - By Stew Webb

[SNN] HRW blames Kiev army for indiscriminately killing civilians with missiles

2014-07-25 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
HRW blames Kiev army for indiscriminately killing civilians with missiles Published time: July 25, 2014 08:35 Edited time: July 25, 2014 10:46 Get short URL Viktor Stepanenko (69 years) by his house in the township of Snezhnoye that

[SNN] Stephen Cohen: Is a Russian-American War on the Horizon?

2014-07-25 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Stephen Cohen: Is a Russian-American War on the Horizon? Nation in the News on July 24, 2014 - 0:16PM ET Pro-Russian demonstrators take part in a rally in central Donetsk. (Reuters/Konstantin Chernichkin) "The shootdown of [Malaysian Airlin

[SNN] Watch 'Nigel Farage Turns His Back' On EU Anthem In Opening Ceremony : European Parliament News

2014-07-26 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Watch 'Nigel Farage Turns His Back' On EU Anthem In Opening Ceremony : European Parliament News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16wTU-W_wHE &feature=youtu.be

[SNN] Washington Is Escalating the Orchestrated Ukrainian "Crisis" to War

2014-07-26 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Washington Is Escalating the Orchestrated Ukrainian “Crisi

[SNN] Paul Craig Roberts: Does Russia (And Humanity) Have A Future?

2014-07-27 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Paul Craig Roberts: Does Russia (And Humanity) Have A Future? Filed under: Uncategorized — grypa666 @ 18:23 …Washington is accustomed to its free pass, granted by the world, to murder and to lie, and now is using it against Russia.

[SNN] Albania PM Seeks Advice From Georgia's Saakashvili

2014-07-27 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
<>After he left office in November, Saakashvili moved to the US as a lecturer at Boston’s Tufts University.<> <>Balkan Insight has learned that a number of former officials who worked in Saakashvili’s government visited Albania recently to advise the government. <> <>The Albanian govern

[SNN] America Needs a Real Russia Policy

2014-07-27 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
The National Interest July 25, 2014 America Needs a Real Russia Policy "We need to ask hard questions about what we want to achieve, how we want to achieve it and the consequences of our actions." By Thomas E. Graham Thomas Graham is a managing director at Kissinger Ass

[SNN] MH17 HOAX: Crash Scene Evidence Reveals No Boeing-777 Engine

2014-07-27 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
FYI http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/07/26/mh-17-hoax-crash-site-evidence-reveals-no-boeing-777-engine/ MH17 HOAX: Crash Scene Evidence Reveals No Boeing-777 Engine It’s now established that US and international troops were deployed to the Ukraine under Exercise Rapid Trident - a 12-

[SNN] 'Fake': Russian Defence Min rebuffs US sat image claims

2014-07-28 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://rt.com/news/176120-fake-ukraine-images-defence/ 'Fake': Russian Defence Min rebuffs US sat image claims Published time: July 28, 2014 11:29 Edited time: July 28, 2014 12:25 Get short URL Courtesy of U

[SNN] Hague court had no authority in Yukos case, ruling politicized – Moscow

2014-07-28 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Hague court had no authority in Yukos case, ruling politicized – Moscow Published time: July 28, 2014 18:38 Get short URL The Hague’s arbitration court was not legally empowered to view the case of Yukos Oil Company v. Russia, and

[SNN] Senior Kosovo figures face prosecution for crimes against humanity

2014-07-29 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Senior Kosovo figures face prosecution for crimes against humanity * , Tuesday 29 July 2014 09.42 BST The Kosovo Liberation Army fought an insurgency against the Serbian regime of Slobodan Milosevic. Photograph: Alban Bujari/EPA Leading political figures in Kosovo

[SNN] Ukraine Violates MH17 Resolution, Blocks Moscow’s Press Statement – Russia’s UN Envoy

2014-07-31 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://en.ria.ru/world/20140731/191509303/Ukraine-Violates-MH17-Resolution-Blocks-Moscows-Press-Statement.html Ukraine Violates MH17 Resolution, Blocks Moscow’s Press Statement – Russia’s UN Envoy UNITED NATIONS, July 31 (RIA Novosti) - Amid complaints of lack of access to the crash si

[SNN] Land for gas: Merkel and Putin discussed secret deal could end Ukraine crisis - Europe - World - The Independent

2014-07-31 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/land-for-gas-secret-german-deal-could-end-ukraine-crisis-9638764.html Merkel and Putin negotiate to trade Crimea’s sovereignty for guarantees on energy security and trade Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hand with German chancellor Angela

[SNN] Russia threatens Europe with higher energy prices

2014-07-31 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Russia threatens Europe with higher energy prices Today @ 09:04 BRUSSELS - Russia on Wednesday (30 July) reacted angrily to the EU economic sanctions, threatening to increase energy prices. * EU imports 30 percent of its gas from Russia (Photo: jiva

[SNN] Shocking Analysis of the ‘Shooting Down’ of Malaysian MH17

2014-07-31 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
ARTICLE #1 Shocking Analysis of the ‘Shooting Down’ of Malaysian MH17 Source: http://www.anderweltonline.com/wissenschaft-und-technik/luftfahrt-2014/shocking-analysis-of-the-shooting-down-of-malaysian-mh17/

[SNN] Neo-Nazis Travelling to Ukraine to Fight Against “Separatists” and Establish a “Fascist Dictatorship”

2014-08-01 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.globalresearch.ca/neo-nazis-travelling-to-ukraine-to-fight-against-separatists-and-establish-a-fascist-dictatorship/5394274 Neo-Nazis Travelling to Ukraine to Fight Against “Separatists” and Establish a “Fascist Dictatorship” "My goal is a white Ukraine" - Swedish neo-Nazi Mikael S

[SNN] War Tax: Ukrainian Junta Plans Escalation Of 108-Day War

2014-08-01 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
War Tax: Ukrainian Junta Plans Escalation Of 108-Day War Thu Jul 31, 201


2014-08-01 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
THE NATION http://www.thenation.com/article/180825/why-washington-risking-war-russia# Kiev’s siege of the Donbass, supported by the Obama administration, is escalating an already perilous crisis. As The Nation has warned repeatedly, the unthinkable may now be rapidly unfoldin

[SNN] ‘Wrong time, altered images’: Moscow slams Kiev’s MH17 satellite data

2014-08-01 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
‘Wrong time, altered images’: Moscow slams Kiev’s MH17 satellite data Published time: August 01, 2014 10:27 Edited time: August 01, 2014 14:28 Get short URL http://rt.com/news/177296-ukraine-mh17-satellite-images/

[SNN] Zbigniew Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen

2014-08-01 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
January 15, 1998 Zbigniew Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen by Alexander Cockburn And Jeffrey St. Clair Q: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs ["From the Shadows"], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in

[SNN] OSCE Monitors Identify "Shrapnel and Machine Gun-Like Holes" indicating Shelling. No Evidence of a Missile Attack. Shot Down by a Military Aircraft?

2014-08-02 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
“Support MH17 Truth”: OSCE Monitors Identify “Shrapnel and Machine Gun-Like Holes” indicating Shelling. No Evidence of a Missile Attack. Shot Down by a Military Aircraft? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, July 31, 2014

[SNN] Russian sanctions crushing German business

2014-08-02 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Russian sanctions crushing German business Published time: August 01, 2014 11:20 Get short URL Reuters/Tobias Schwarz 2.9K293 Tags Corporate Results , Sanctions

[SNN] Big Brother’s war on Palestine, Ukraine and the truth

2014-08-03 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Big Brother’s war on Palestine, Ukraine and the truth Big Brother’s war on Palestine and Ukraine. Sun Aug 3, 2014 2:16PM GMT By John Pilger The other night, I saw George Orwells's '1984' performed on the London stage. Although crying out for a contemporary interpretation, Orwell's war

[SNN] American Intelligence Officers Who Battled the Soviet Union for Decades Slam the Flimsy “Intelligence” Against Russia

2014-08-04 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Posted on July 29, 2014 by WashingtonsBlog

[SNN] If Nuclear War Doesn't Exterminate Us Ebola Virus Might -- Paul Craig Roberts

2014-08-04 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/08/01/nuclear-war-doesnt-exterminate-us-ebola-virus-might-paul-craig-roberts/ Posted By pcr3 On August 1, 2014 @ 8:59 pm == If Nuclear War Doesn’t Exterminate Us Ebola Virus Might Obama’s White House Press Confer

[SNN] Kiev Junta To Levy War Tax On Workers' Wages

2014-08-05 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.nrcu.gov.ua/en/148/573144/ National Radio Company of Ukraine August 5, 2014 War tax to be imposed on wages, lottery prizes The war tax will be imposed on wages and other payments of the labor payment fund and lottery prizes, Head of the State Fiscal Service Ihor Bilous said at a pre

[SNN] 113-Day War In Ukraine: Refugee Number Approaching One Million

2014-08-05 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/special/2014-08/05/c_133534523.htm Xinhua News Agency August 5, 2014 Number of displaced surges due to Ukraine conflict: UNHCR GENEVA: The deteriorating situation in eastern Ukraine has led to surging numbers of internally-displaced people (IDPs), the Office

[SNN] Trifkovic on RT: US dictating EU foreign policy

2014-08-05 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]

[SNN] Press Digest: UN mulls Russian offer of humanitarian aid to Ukraine

2014-08-06 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://m.rbth.com/ Press Digest: UN mulls Russian offer of humanitarian aid to Ukraine Vedomosti The Vedomosti newspaper writes that Russia has offered to send humanitarian aid to the so

[SNN] BOVARD: When the spoils of war are human organs - Washington Times

2014-08-07 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/aug/4/bovard-when-the-spoils-of-war-are-human-organs/ BOVARD: When the spoils of war are human organs - Washington Times Former President Bill Clinton continues to be feted around the world as a progressive champion of human rights. However, a European

[SNN] Trifkovic on EU, US in Ukraine (Chronicles)

2014-08-07 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/srdja-trifkovic-on-rt-us-dictating-terms-of-eu-foreign-policy Trifkovic on RT: U.S. dictating terms of E.U. foreign policy View all posts from this blog By:Chronicles | August 05

[SNN] Will Putin Realize That Russia Holds The Cards? -- Paul Craig Roberts

2014-08-07 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
August 6, 2014 Will Putin Realize That Russia Holds The Cards? Paul Craig Roberts More evidence, about which I hope to write at length, is piling up that Europe has acquiesced to Washington’s drive to war with Rus

[SNN] Russia bans agricultural products from EU, USA, Australia, Norway, Canada

2014-08-07 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Russia bans agricultural products from EU, USA, Australia, Norway, Canada Published time: August 07, 2014 08:30 Edited time: August 07, 2014 12:31 Get short URL RIA Novosti / Alexander Kryazhev Download video

[SNN] Bill Clinton’s Most Abominable Freedom Fighters Uncloaked

2014-08-07 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Return to Kosovo Bill Clinton’s Most Abominable Freedom Fighters Uncloaked by JAMES BOVARD Former president Bill Clinton continues to pirouette around the world as a visionary humanitarian and senior statesman. But the sordid truth about some of his favorite “freedom fighters” is finally bec

[SNN] US Warns Russia Against Humanitarian Intervention in Ukraine

2014-08-09 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
(No comment from me necessary – the hypocrisy is obvious for all to see) US Warns Russia Against Humanitarian Intervention in Ukraine Power: US Won't Allow Russia to Create Humanitarian Corrid

[SNN] Putin's Approval Rating Soars to 87%, Poll Says

2014-08-09 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Putin's Approval Rating Soars to 87%, Poll Says * The Moscow Times * Aug. 06 2014 21:34 * Last edited 21:34 President Vladimir Putin's approval rating has reached a record high of 87 percent, according to the results of a survey published Wednesday by the independent Levada C

[SNN] Fresh evidence of how the West lured Ukraine into its orbit - Telegraph

2014-08-09 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/vladimir-putin/11023577/Fresh-evidence-of-how-the-West-lured-Ukraine-into-its-orbit.html The West is demonising President Putin when what set this crisis in motion were recklessly provocative moves to absorb Ukraine into the EU How odd it has been to

[SNN] The West on the wrong path - Handelsblatt

2014-08-10 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
The West on the wrong path 08.08.2014, 13:53 Uhr In view of the events in Ukraine, the government and many media have switched from level-headed to agitated. The spectrum of opinions has been narrowed to the width of a sniper scope. The politics of escalation does not have a realistic goal – a

[SNN] Ron Paul: US 'hiding truth' on downed Malaysian Flight MH17

2014-08-10 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Ron Paul: US 'hiding truth' on downed Malaysian Flight MH17 Published time: August 10, 2014 13:06 Get short URL Ron Paul (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski) Former Congressman Ron Paul said the US knows ‘more than it is telling’ about the Ma

[SNN] CIA Intervention in Ukraine Has Been Taking Place for Decades

2014-08-10 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2014/08/09/cia-intervention-in-ukraine-has-been-taking-place-for-decades/ CIA Intervention in Ukraine Has Been Taking Place for Decades Glory to Ukraine! A massive pro-EU rally in Kiev, November 24, 2013. What role did the CIA have amping up the demonstrations


2014-08-11 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
America Started This Ukraine Crisis by William Pfaff Paris, August 7, 2014 -- I find it very disqui

[SNN] Can a Peaceful Outcome Be Salvaged in Ukraine?

2014-08-12 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://orientalreview.org/2014/08/12/can-a-peaceful-outcome-be-salvaged-in-ukraine/ Can a Peaceful Outcome Be Salvaged in Ukraine? On 4th August, the world marked 100 years since World War I, a conflict that resulted in 16 million deaths and was in many ways a prerequisite for Word War II

[SNN] How to bring the Ukraine crisis to a peaceful end

2014-08-13 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
By Rodric Braithwaite The crisis in Ukraine has stirred ancient suspicions of Russia in the west, and barely rational cold war p

[SNN] ISIS and the Kosovar Albanians

2014-08-14 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Center for Islamic Pluralism ISIS and the Kosovar Albanians by Stephen Schwartz The Huffington Post August 12, 2014 http:

[SNN] Cyprus calls for EU meeting on Russian food embargo

2014-08-14 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Cyprus calls for EU meeting on Russian food embargo Today @ 09:28 1. By EUOBSERVER The Cypriot government has officially requested a special meeting of EU farm and fisheries ministers to assess the negative effects

[SNN] Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists

2014-08-14 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]

[SNN] Obama Was Unaware of Arms Transfers to Israel

2014-08-15 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://news.antiwar.com/2014/08/14/obama-unaware-of-arms-transfers-to-israel/ Obama Was Unaware of Arms Transfers to Israel The Obama Administration has halted missile shipments to I

[SNN] Who Owns the Future?

2014-08-16 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Who Owns the Future? Patrick J. Buchanan http://www.creators.com/conservative/pat-buchanan/who-owns-the-future-565cb49faa.html

[SNN] Russia to request MH17 probe report

2014-08-18 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Russia to request MH17 probe report Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:7PM Related Interviews: * ‘Kiev ultimately liable for plane crash’

[SNN] EU Tells Serbia Not to Exploit Russian Embargo

2014-08-19 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/eu-expects-from-serbia-not-to-missuse-russian-embargo EU Tells Serbia Not to Exploit Russian Embargo A meeting of EU foreign ministers on Friday said it expected candidate countries - of which Serbia is one - to “refrain from measures aimed at exploiti

[SNN] Why Is Washington Risking War With Russia?

2014-08-21 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Why Is Washington Risking War With Russia? Katrina vanden Heuvel, Stephen F. Cohen - The Nation http://www.thenation.com/article/180825/why-washington-risking-war-russia

[SNN] The U.S. Needs Russia - the Baltimore Sun

2014-08-23 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Baltimore Sun August 19, 2014 The U.S. needs Russia Instead of alienating Russians, we should be pulling them in By Jerome Israel Jerome Israel is a former senior executive at NSA and the FBI. His email is vseznayu...@gmail.com . The U.S. needs

[SNN] Kerry: Ukrainians Can "Choose" Path Dictated By Washington

2014-08-24 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/219669.html Interfax-Ukraine August 23, 2014 US supports right of all Ukrainian people to choose own path - greeting from Kerry U.S. State Secretary John Kerry on behalf of U.S. President Barack Obama and the people of the United States congratulate

[SNN] Russia’s Humanitarian ‘Invasion’

2014-08-25 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Russia’s Humanitarian ‘Invasion’ By Ray McGovern Global Research, August 24, 2014 12 0 103 Official Washington’s war-hysteria machine is running at full speed again after Russia unilaterally dispatched a convoy of trucks carryin

[SNN] Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault

2014-08-26 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
_ September/October 2014 ESSAY Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin John J. Mearsheimer JOHN J. MEARSHEIMER is R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science

[SNN] Merkel offers EUR 500M for Ukraine's peace, reaffirms Crima belongs to Kiev

2014-08-27 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
<> So it's important to recognize the territorial integrity (of the borders established) after the Second World War," she said. (A.Merker) <> http://www.standartnews.com/english/read/merkel_offers_eur_500m__for_ukraines_peace_reaffirms_crima_belongs_to_kiev-4937.html Merkel offers EUR 500M for Uk

[SNN] NATO’s Summit in Wales: Why Anders Fogh-Rasmussen?

2014-08-28 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
NATO’s Summit in Wales: Why Anders Fogh-Rasmussen? Column: Politics Region: USA in the World NATO will hold its 2014 summit in Wales under Secretary-General Anders Fogh-Rasmu

[SNN] The Causes of the MH17 Crash are “Classified”.

2014-08-28 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
The Causes of the MH17 Crash are “Classified”. Ukraine, Netherlands, Australia, Belgium Signed a “Non-disclosure Agreement” By Global Research News Global Research, August 23, 2014 Live Journal

[SNN] Putin calls on militias to open a humanitarian corridor for encircled Ukrainian military

2014-08-29 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Putin calls on militias to open a humanitarian corridor for encircled Ukrainian military Russia August 29, 5:42 UTC+4 Russia will continue to render humanitarian aid to the population of Donbass © ITAR-TASS/Michail Klimentiev MOSCOW, August 29. /ITAR-TA

[SNN] Washington Piles Lie Upon Lie -- Paul Craig Roberts

2014-08-29 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
August 28, 2014 -- Washington Piles Lie Upon Lie -- Paul Craig Roberts The latest Washington lie, this one coming from NATO, is that Russia has invaded Ukraine with 1,000 troops and self-propelled artillery. How do we know that this is a l

[SNN] » Ex-CIA Official Proposes Assassination of Putin

2014-08-29 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.infowars.com/ex-cia-official-proposes-assassination-of-putin/ In a recent op-ed, a former CIA official suggested the removal of Russian President Vladimir Putin, by assassination if necessary, should be the primary objective of the Obama administration in its strategy for Ukraine

[SNN] Kissinger says concept of modern era order is in crisis

2014-08-30 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Kissinger says concept of modern era order is in crisis Henry Kissinger Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:57AM GMT Related Viewpoints: * Washington piles lie upon lie Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger has

[SNN] Slovakia to start reverse gas supplies to Ukraine

2014-09-02 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Slovakia to start reverse gas supplies to Ukraine Commercial reverse supplies of natural gas from Slovakia to Ukraine via Vojany-Uzhgorod pipeline start on September 2, RIA Novosti reports. The planned volume of supplies is 27 million cubic meters of gas per day, according to representatives of

[SNN] Hope US won't help Ukraine as it did Libya and Iraq – Lavrov

2014-09-02 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Hope US won't help Ukraine as it did Libya and Iraq – Lavrov Published time: September 02, 2014 11:40 Edited time: September 02, 2014 13:19 Get short URL Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.(Reuters / Sergei Karpukhin) 1193079

[SNN] Western hypocrisy sinks to new depths

2014-09-02 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Western hypocrisy sinks to new depths Ukrainian troops are seen at their position during fighting with pro-Russian fighters in the eastern Ukrainian town of Ilovaysk. Tue Sep 2, 2014 1:12PM GMT By L

[SNN] Russia set to adjust its military doctrine toward NATO

2014-09-02 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Russia set to adjust its military doctrine toward NATO Tue Sep 2, 2014 11:33AM GMT Russia will adjust its military doctrine in response to NATO’s plans to boost its presence in Eastern Europe, a senior Russian official says. The deputy secretary of Russia’s National Security Council, Mikhail Po

[SNN] Crisis in Ukraine: Time to abandon illusions

2014-09-02 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Crisis in Ukraine: Time to abandon illusions 29 August 2014 VoxEurop Gazeta Wyborcza Schneider As Donetsk and Luhansk burn while its people suffer from constant bombardment, hunger and lack of basic amenities, many have crit

[SNN] Germany Treats Ukrainian Troops In Bundeswehr Hospitals

2014-09-02 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2014-09/02/c_133615526.htm Xinhua News Agency September 2, 2014 Injured Ukrainians flown to Germany for medical treatment BERLIN: 20 injured Ukrainian soldiers have arrived in Germany on Tuesday for medical treatment, the German army Bundeswehr sai

[SNN] Senator: U.S. Fully Supports Ukraine In War With Russia

2014-09-03 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/221459.html Interfax-Ukraine September 3, 2014 U.S. to continue its full support of Ukraine in countering aggression - Senator Levin Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has received Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services Carl

[SNN] FW: Carnegie Corp's Intention to Stimulate Debate on US-Russia Policy

2014-09-03 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Friends, The following is, to my mind, a brilliant strategy on the part of the powerful Carnegie Corporation. They are getting involved in the rapidly escalating war in Ukraine. They have given cover for 25 major academic specialists in the international relations to speak out indi

[SNN] Putin, Poroshenko Largely Agree on Ukraine Cease-Fire Steps

2014-09-03 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
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[SNN] UK should accommodate Putin in Ukraine: Tory MP

2014-09-03 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
UK should accommodate Putin in Ukraine: Tory MP British Tory MP Edward Leigh Wed Sep 3, 2014 2:28PM GMT Britain should “accommodate” Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine as the country is “part of the Russian soul”, a senior Tory MP says. Edward Leigh, former trade minister, said Wed

[SNN] Ukraine ceasefire: Putin lays out 7-step plan to stop hostilities in E. Ukraine

2014-09-03 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Ukraine ceasefire: Putin lays out 7-step plan to stop hostilities in E. Ukraine Published time: September 03, 2014 12:19 Edited time: September 03, 2014 14:14 Get short URL Russian President Vladimir Putin talks to journalists foll

[SNN] Hot rhetoric, chilly war? September 3, 2014 David Miller, RBTH Politicians and analysts on the future of U.S.-Russia relations.

2014-09-03 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
Hot rhetoric, chilly war? September 3, 2014 David Miller, RBTH Politicians and analysts on the future of U.S.-Russia relations. Source: Russia Beyond the Headlines - http://rbth.com/international/2014/09/03/hot_rhetoric_chilly_war_39505.html)

[SNN] France says it cannot deliver Mistral warship to Russia over Ukraine

2014-09-03 Thread &#x27;ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
France says it cannot deliver Mistral warship to Russia over Ukraine Published time: September 03, 2014 16:03 Edited time: September 03, 2014 17:29 Get short URL The Mistral-class helicopter carrier (Reuters/Stephane Mahe) 1.1K45

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