Re: CS>PH/Alkalizing

2004-09-25 Thread Jason
Hi Betsy: Some colloidal silvers are mildly acidic, the best ( in my opinion only ) are neutral, with a PH of close to 7.0. If one has an acidic problem, and one consumes large quantities of 7.0 PH CS, then it will have a mild alkalizing effect. Almost all alkalizing solutions utilize sodium (

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2004 #698

2004-09-25 Thread sol
Cats have a unique liver metabolism among mammals. You may have saved your cats lives in the short term only to substitute liver damage down the line. I repeat, this is one blanket statement that anyone with cats should heed, ALL essential oils are extremely toxic to cats. All contain the damag

Re: CS>silver pottery surfaces in milk

2004-09-25 Thread Marshall Dudley
Have you taken a look at Tollens reagent? This mixture will coat a surface with silver. http://download.micron

CS>light and healing--Nenah

2004-09-25 Thread Meadow Lake
Hi, Nenah. You are one of the 'brighter lights' I was thinking of!! I am aware that the freqs. and wavelengths are different for different colors, and that is why we need to determine what wavelengths are getting through the filters and in what proportions, at least, that seems reasonable to

Re: CS>light and healing--Nenah

2004-09-25 Thread
Here's a thought. What would happen if I shined my 660nm LED array into a clear glass jug of CS ? Hmmm... Now I guess I'll have to try that. Steve -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To

CS>Cats Sensitive to Essentail Oils

2004-09-25 Thread Garnet
Although I am very open to hear any verifiable information that EOs are not liver toxic for cats, just because some have survived does not mean they are safe for all cats, or even the one that survives. I heard about Tee Tree a long time ago, being too strong for cats, and that they tend to immedi


2004-09-25 Thread Garnet
Dr Jacob's did not say if it 10% by volume or weight, but I would just get in the ball park and see if it works. Can't hurt you, as urea is in many hand lotions and cosmetics as a moisturizing, and probably anti-bacterial ingredient. By volume you would need to rehydrate the urea to some standard

Re: CS>Cats Sensitive to Essentail Oils

2004-09-25 Thread sol
According to information I have read, cats have a unique liver metabolism among mammals. This does not rule out individual differences, but it is a species biological blueprint that is just part of the evolutionary and genetic uniqueness of the cat. It is why a dog can have an aspirin and a cat

Re: CS>cats and essential oils (and dogs, too)

2004-09-25 Thread sol
I see that Connie posted links explaining the liver metabolism of cats. There wasn't a subject header though, so I thought others may have missed it as I did the first time, so am posting her email in it's entirety in this reply. Though perhaps off topic, I think the warnings important enough t

RE: CS>Gatorade (homemade) and CS results

2004-09-25 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Terry, No, I use regular drugstore 3% H2O2 which I have been selling and if necessary making for about 60 years. I find that this works well, is NOT dangerous to use as the 35% is and is much more economical. If I can be of help, let me know. Sincerely, ___ Ri