Re: CSpH

2006-07-12 Thread Jason E
Hi Pat: Concentrace and Coral Calcium won't do it. I have a method I use with individuals who are in real trouble with their PH; I developed the lowest cost method of raising the body's PH level, and have been using it with indivdiuals for a few years... But, I've come under alot of attack

Re: CSArgyria, Vit E, etc.

2006-06-22 Thread Jason E
Hi Terry: Thanks for those comments. I hope you don't mind that I quoted them here: Also, anyone who is having problems with the argyria cure is welcome to email me for assistance... The cure won't work if the lymphatic system is not properly

Re: CSArgyria treatment?

2006-06-21 Thread Jason E
Hi Mike: The short version: --- Cure for Argyria: The Formula 3 Vitamin E 1000 mg 100% Natural d-alpha Tocopheryl ( note that this can be a dangerous amount of Vitamin E ) 1 Selenium 100mcg yeast free 2 vegetarian Vitamin C 1000 mg 1 teaspoon MSM organic 1

Re: CSozonated olive oil

2006-06-14 Thread Jason E
Greetings, Yes, Saul often contradicts himself. He actually kicked me off the oxy plus list ( after Jim passed away ) for disagreeing with him. Of course, eventually I understood why, after corresponding with Ed McCabe. To get back to the point, under no circumstances should ANYTHING with

Re: CSozonated olive oil

2006-06-14 Thread Jason E
and drastically increased. 3 Minutes of ozonation, when the wrong substances are in direct contact with concentrated ozone, resulted in a stable conductivity change from initial readings of .3Us to 400 - 500 uS. Kind Regards, Jason sol wrote: Jason E wrote: To get back to the point, under

Re: CSozonated olive oil

2006-06-12 Thread Jason E
Ozonated olive oil should really be kept in glass. It should not be shipped unless it can be kept cold via refrigeration. Sherri Lee should know better, as her husband is Saul Pressman ( who like to go by Dr. Pressman, although he is just a chiropractor ). Kind Regards, Jason

Re: CSMorgellon Type Illness - Jason's experience

2006-05-29 Thread Jason E
Hi Edith: Mind you, I didn't expect the garlic to work. And I don't believe it would have worked independently. Few plants have more legends than Garlic. A Mohammedan legend related that when Satan stepped out from the Garden of Eden after the fall of man, Garlick sprang up from the spot

Re: CSMorgellon Type Illness

2006-05-28 Thread Jason E
Hi Arnold: These types of conditions are real. The first time I came in contact with such a case, a whole family was infected, including their cat. This was somewhere around nine years ago. The health department was called in to their house, but they could not identify any organism. You'd

Re: CShealing clay to jason

2006-05-28 Thread Jason E
Hi Zeb: In this case ( and many others ), that's what throws the authorities off. Something so contagious should have an easily identifiable vector. Nobody else acquired the infection. Therefore, an infectious contagion abviously doesn't exist, and delusions of parasitosis is assumed.

Re: CSDegenerative disk disease

2006-03-15 Thread Jason E
Greetings, Are these 150 watt heaters suitable for human use? ... or would one truly need a 300 watt far infrared heater? Thanks! ~Jason V wrote: This is where i got mine and they work great all mine are 150, they actually put out Far infrared

Re: CSRe: Far infrared bulbs

2006-03-15 Thread Jason E
Hi Mike: Yes... I'm more comfortable going with a source product that has been studied... the entire frequency range. I'm going to give this unit a test spin It's pricey, but I like the mineral plate concept.

Re: CSDegenerative disk disease

2006-03-13 Thread Jason E
Hi Daddybob: Which Ormus product did you utilize? Thanks, ~ Jason ransley wrote: OK, I don't really have a protocol for this, it's just a jumble of my experience. Background- Horrible back pain troubles since what I now think was my first ruptured lumbar disk at 17 yrs old in 1971. Came to

Re: CSargyria

2006-03-12 Thread Jason E
Hi Carol: Mark Metcalf long hinted at a cure for argyria. However, he did not prove it. I've spoken for hours with the anonymous person on the telephone, who first demonstrated this cure. This individual elects to remain anonymous because he wished to put this chapter of his life far behind

Re: CS Argyria

2006-03-11 Thread Jason E
Hi Charles: Yes. According to my discussion with an MD that attempted Chelation therapy with Argyria, it is useless. Laser treatment has proven far more successful, but not as successful as successfully flushing out the system. The argyria work doesn't work if one is not able to drink

Re: CSdental mercury/zeolite/detox

2006-02-15 Thread Jason E
Greetings, all: I've worked with quite a few people who had severe problems after having amalgams removed ( even with the Huggins protocol ). Those who were able to acquire a good internal healing clay, and a sufficent amount of sodium bentonite for bath use, all reported cessation of

Re: CSToxins

2006-01-08 Thread Jason E
Hi Jonathan: This is one reason why external detoxification treatments prove advantageous in detox protocols, including things such as clay baths, herbal wraps, steam baths, and various traditional forms of balneotherapy and pelotherapy. As an example, I once helped a very sincere

Re: CScayenne and silver

2006-01-07 Thread Jason E
Hi Reid: I initially did this research. Since I've started studying CS for lung conditions, I've only come across one case that utilizing a nebulizer with CS has not cured in short order ( provided that usage instructions were followed ). I became frustrated with this case. It was a case

Re: CScayenne and silver

2006-01-07 Thread Jason E
Oh! I forgot to answer your question, Reid: Cayenne opens up the capillaries, immediately providing increased circulation and oxygen to tissues. Kind Regards, Jason Reid Harvey wrote: Hi Charles, You Have wetted my appetite for cayenne, especially since I really like hot food, but could

Re: CSEIS and H2O2

2006-01-03 Thread Jason E
Greetings, all: If you have a quality brew made up of dissolved silver and silver particles, the addition of H2O2 will first: Increase the tyndall effective significantly See: The H2O2 silver reaction will continue for days, but is most

Re: CSH2O2 Verified

2006-01-02 Thread Jason E
Hi Bob: Once the h2o2 is added to the sol, agglomerates are either reduced ( creating more silver particles, which will not effect conductivity ) or they plate out ( which will not increase conductivity ) or drop from suspension. In a quality brew, I believe that particle sizing is

Re: CSbest 'green' food powder?/

2005-12-29 Thread Jason E
One of the best superfoods available is the Ultimate Meal. While not cheap, it's the single most comprehensive formulation I've been able to find... Kind Regards, Jason twll56 wrote: Swanson sells an affordable chlorella.They claim to use a more cost effective

Re: CSBook Report r.e. H202

2005-12-24 Thread Jason E
Hi Jonathan: I've ingested both H2O2 and freshly ozonated water; I wouldn't compare the two at all. O3 is very unstable. Even in distilled water, at room temperature, the O3 in fully satured water lasts for about 30 minutes. Hydrogen peroxide is not produced. Without the presence of

Re: CSCS in another group

2005-12-15 Thread Jason E
Greetings, all: Please keep in mind that the only professional I have found that condemns TEM is Frank Key... and Frank is an engineer and not a chemist. NIST standards still state that the proper method for particle size characterization of a colloid -- PARTICULARLY the smallest particles

Re: CSSilver ions in Colloidial Silver

2005-12-14 Thread Jason E
Hi Jim: They don't. It's the process that creates a product ( when making CS with any water that is not pure ) that is the problem. The end result of using salt in production is a product that is filled with silver debris; flakes, particles too large to be held in suspension, etc.; hardly

Re: CSCS in another group

2005-12-14 Thread Jason E
Hi Kelburn: Here's Movidyn as it was once marketed in the US . 3.2% metallic silver 3.2% silver nitrate 3.2% curpic nitrate ...not to mention that it was often stabilized using gelatin. That's a very high 6.4%

Re: CSMS and CS #2

2005-12-03 Thread Jason E
Greetings! A nice few emails, thank you! Some notes, for those interested: Although the Gerson institute is not the same since Max died ( once Max died, they tried switched quite a few trusted products to cheaper ones; ones that didn't work, and quite a few people suffered who didn't need

Re: CSMore nanosilver

2005-11-22 Thread Jason E
Hi Terry: Stan did not brew EIS... You should re-read Ode's post another twenty times ( *laughs* ). The isolated in EIS has a deeper meaning than just particles held in suspension. These particles, small enough to be held in suspension, with a concentration maintaining the oligodynamic

Re: CSEIS Raw Foods

2005-11-22 Thread Jason E
Ken: The best method to address this concern is ozonating foods with at least 3% or preferably 5% ozone. EIS will not necessarily work; it can work for the food surfaces, but only food surfaces. I've studied the works of a doctor in Tawain who has his patients on at least a 35% raw food

Re: CSCS Confusion

2005-10-21 Thread Jason E
Hi Rich: It would be interesting to learn more about this avenue of thought. The only references I've been able to find about silver hydronium indicates that this form of silver is not aqueous; furthermore, I haven't been able to find any reference to H6O3 as a form of hydronium. Hydronium

Re: CSCS Confusion

2005-10-20 Thread Jason E
Hi Bob! Hydronium is H30. Where are we getting the extra molecule of Hydrogen? Kind Regards, Jason Robert Berger wrote: Greetings all, The holy Grail of science, The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, defines an ion as An atomic of molecular particle having a net

Re: CSlemons and cancer

2005-10-16 Thread Jason E
Hi Faith: Lemons are truly one of nature's marvels. My independent testing of lemon water indicates that the standard natural med literatures are quite correct... Drinking FRESH lemon water produces a marked difference in the PH level of the body's soft tissues... Even upwards to 10-20

Re: CSSuperSilver

2005-10-07 Thread Jason E
Greetings Ian: This product may be American Biotech Labs Silver ( ASAP ) relabled. I would be willing to bet on it, but I know for certain that these guys ( ) do not manufacture their own product. Kind Regards, Jason Ian Roe wrote: Has

Re: CSolive leaf extract

2005-10-06 Thread Jason E
Hi Callie: I recommend actually taking two types of Olive Leaf Extract. One is any of the standard olive leaf extract products ( rich in oleuropein ), and the other is the d-lenolate compound isolated by East Park Research, based out of Las Vegas. Kind

Re: CSNitron Food grade DE

2005-09-14 Thread Jason E
Greetings, Here is a link to the fresh water D.E. that I use: Kind Regards, Jason sol wrote: I can't find the original message, but think this link was posted here: For anyone who may need to