Re: Lowering query time

2014-02-04 Thread Jack Krupansky
processed can help. Any multivalued fields with lots of values? -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Joel Cohen Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 1:43 PM To: Subject: Re: Lowering query time 1. We are faceting. I'm not a developer so I'm not quite sure how

Re: Max Limit to Schema Fields - Solr 4.X

2014-02-04 Thread Jack Krupansky
What will your queries be like? Will it be okay if they are relatively slow? I mean, how many of those 100 fields will you need to use in a typical (95th percentile) query? -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Mike L. Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 10:00 PM To: solr-user

Re: Solr and SDL Tridion Integration

2014-02-03 Thread Jack Krupansky
If SDL Tridion can export to CSV format, Solr can then import from CSV format. Otherwise, you may have to write a custom script or even maybe Java code to read from SDL Tridion and output a supported Solr format, such as Solr XML, Solr JSON, or CSV. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message

Re: Apache Solr.

2014-02-03 Thread Jack Krupansky
PDF files can be directly imported into Solr using Solr Cell (AKA ExtractingRequestHandler). See: Internally, Solr Cell uses Tika, which in turn uses PDFBox. -- Jack Krupansky -Original

Re: Score of Search Term for every character remove

2014-02-03 Thread Jack Krupansky
I think he want to do a bunch of separate queries and return separate result sets for each. Hmmm... maybe it would be nice to allow multiple q parameters in one query request, each returning a separate set of results. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Erick Erickson Sent

Re: Special character search in Solr and boosting without altering the resultset

2014-02-01 Thread Jack Krupansky
q=+term1 term2^0.6 Will require term1 but term2 is optional. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: abhishek jain Sent: Saturday, February 1, 2014 10:27 AM To: ; 'Ahmet Arslan' Subject: RE: Special character search in Solr and boosting without altering

Re: Realtimeget SolrCloud

2014-01-31 Thread Jack Krupansky
handler name was. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: StrW_dev Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 4:56 AM To: Subject: Re: Realtimeget SolrCloud That seemed to be the issue. I had several other request handlers as I wasn't using the simple /get

Re: Storing ranges on documents and searching all document with specific value included

2014-01-31 Thread Jack Krupansky
What does your actual query look like? Is it two range queries and an AND? Also, you have spaces in your field names, so that makes it more difficult to write queries since they need to be escaped. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Avner Levy Sent: Saturday, January 18

Re: KeywordTokenizerFactory - trouble with exact matches

2014-01-30 Thread Jack Krupansky
See: You can also pre-configure the field query parser with the defType=field parameter. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Srinivasa7 Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:37 AM To: Subject: Re

Re: Not finding part of fulltext field when word ends in dot

2014-01-30 Thread Jack Krupansky
requires that 26KA (without the trailing dot) to be in the index. It seems counter-intuitive, but the attributes of the index and query word delimiter filters need to be slightly asymmetric. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Thomas Michael Engelke Sent: Thursday, January 30

Re: how to write an efficient query with a subquery to restrict the search space?

2014-01-30 Thread Jack Krupansky
Lucene's default scoring should give you much of what you want - ranking hits of low-frequency terms higher - without any special query syntax - just list out your terms and use OR as your default operator. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: svante karlsson Sent: Thursday

Re: Solr middle-ware?

2014-01-30 Thread Jack Krupansky
that even if these examples are not formally released, at least people can view and copy them. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Alexandre Rafalovitch Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 8:00 AM To: Subject: Solr middle-ware? Hello, All the Solr

Re: KeywordTokenizerFactory - trouble with exact matches

2014-01-30 Thread Jack Krupansky
. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Aleksander Akerø Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 9:31 AM To: Subject: Re: KeywordTokenizerFactory - trouble with exact matches Yes, I actually noted that about the filter vs. tokenizer. It's easy to get confused

Re: KeywordTokenizerFactory - trouble with exact matches

2014-01-29 Thread Jack Krupansky
not match. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Aleksander Akerø Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 9:55 AM To: Subject: Re: KeywordTokenizerFactory - trouble with exact matches update: Guessing that this has nothing to do with the tokenizer. Tried

Re: Not finding part of fulltext field when word ends in dot

2014-01-29 Thread Jack Krupansky
What field type and analyzer/tokenizer are you using? -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Thomas Michael Engelke Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 10:45 AM To: Subject: Not finding part of fulltext field when word ends in dot Hello everybody

Re: Not finding part of fulltext field when word ends in dot

2014-01-29 Thread Jack Krupansky
=solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory/ /analyzer /fieldType Thank you for taking a look. 2014-01-29 Jack Krupansky What field type and analyzer/tokenizer are you using? -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Thomas Michael Engelke Sent

Re: Solr Nutch

2014-01-28 Thread Jack Krupansky
for both scaling of query response and availability if nodes go down. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: rashmi maheshwari Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 11:36 AM To: Subject: Solr Nutch Hi, Question1 -- When Solr could parse html, documents like

Re: Solr server requirements for 100+ million documents

2014-01-28 Thread Jack Krupansky
they are on different machines.) -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Susheel Kumar Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 10:54 AM To: Subject: RE: Solr server requirements for 100+ million documents Thank you Erick for your valuable inputs. Yes, we have to re-index

Re: how to include result ordinal in response

2014-01-03 Thread Jack Krupansky
Or just use the internal document ID: fl=*,[docid] Granted, the docID may change if a segment merge occurs and earlier documents have been deleted, but it may be sufficient for your purposes. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Upayavira Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 5:58

Re: adding wild card at the end of the text and search(like sql like search)

2014-01-02 Thread Jack Krupansky
The defType parameter applies only to the q parameter, not to fq, so you will need to explicitly give the query parser for fq: fq={!queryparsername}filterquery -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: suren Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 7:32 PM To:

Re: Need Help for Location searching

2013-12-31 Thread Jack Krupansky
on those four fields with a boost, although I'm not sure a boost will be of any value in the case of a dismax which is providing an exact match anyway. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: rashi gandhi Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 8:15 AM To:

Re: Prevent indexing of several phrases

2013-12-21 Thread Jack Krupansky
Wouldn't it be better or at least easier to simply filter out the unacceptable phrases before you send them to Solr for indexing? -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Jorge Luis BetancourtGonzález Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2013 3:05 AM To: Subject

Re: Cross referencing of solr documents

2013-12-20 Thread Jack Krupansky
to have multiple documents with the same unique ID (which is now no longer unique.) Tell us a little more about your data model and why you chose it. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: neerajp Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 12:57 AM To: Subject

Re: Not able to query strings ending with special characters.

2013-12-19 Thread Jack Krupansky
That's a feature of the standard tokenizer. You'll have to use a field type which uses the white space tokenizer to preserve special characters. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: suren Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 10:56 AM To: Subject

Re: Unknow Query exception

2013-12-14 Thread Jack Krupansky
top-level query typically defaults to matching all documents, or *:*, so if you want that effect, use: docKey:*:* Two other possibilities: docKey:* -- all documents with a value in the field *:* -docKey:* -- all documents with no value in the field -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message

Re: Similarity search with Solr

2013-12-13 Thread Jack Krupansky
Just use the edismax query parser with bigrams and trigrams enabled and the default operator set to OR. That will select all sentences even vaguely similar and will more highly score sentences that have a greater number of words and phrases that match. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message

Re: Similarity search with Solr

2013-12-13 Thread Jack Krupansky
Do a proof of concept implementation and see for yourself if you find the performance acceptable. I mean, performance should be reasonably decent. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Jayni Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 12:22 PM To: Subject: Re

Re: Shouldn't fuzzy version of a solr query always return a super set of its not-fuzzy equivalent

2013-12-04 Thread Jack Krupansky
Ah... although the lower case filtering does get applied properly in a multiterm analysis scenario, stemming does not. What stemmer are you using? I suspect that swimming normally becomes swim. Compare the debug output of the two queries. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From

Re: Using the flexible query parser in Solr instead of classic

2013-12-03 Thread Jack Krupansky
query parser. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Karsten R. Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 1:24 AM To: Subject: Using the flexible query parser in Solr instead of classic Hi folks, last year we built a 3.X Solr-QueryParser based

Re: Solr query syntax.

2013-12-02 Thread Jack Krupansky
The edismax (ExtendedDisMax) query parser is the best, overall. There are other specialized query parsers with features that edismax does not have (e.g., surround for span queries, and complex phrase for wildcards in phrases.) -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: elmerfudd

Re: Why is 'solr.RegexReplaceProcessorFactory' not changing fields that are being indexed?

2013-11-29 Thread Jack Krupansky
Any chance that you had already indexed some data before your finalized these configuration settings? That pre-existing data would need to be manually reindexed for the update processor to be effective. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Dishanker Raj Sent: Friday, November

Re: Expansion of fields in fl parameter

2013-11-28 Thread Jack Krupansky
If you have chosen to use improper field names, then in the fl parameter you need to reference them using the field function: fl=id,field(01text) The basic concept is that Solr doesn't ban improper field names, but that they don't work in all contexts. -- Jack Krupansky -Original

Re: problems with boolean query

2013-11-28 Thread Jack Krupansky
Yeah, purely negative sub-queries have had problems, so rewrite: fq = (access:Allow*) OR (-access:*) as fq = (access:Allow*) OR (*:* -access:*) -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Thomas Kurz Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 10:34 AM To: Subject

Re: LanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor uses only firstValue() on multivalued fields

2013-11-27 Thread Jack Krupansky
it with an update processor that copied the field and massaged the multiple values into what you really want the language detection to see. You could even implement that processor as a JavaScript script with the stateless script update processor. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message

Re: weak documents

2013-11-27 Thread Jack Krupansky
Just bite the bullet and do the query at your application level. I mean, Solr/Lucene would have to do the same amount of work internally anyway. If the perceived performance overhead is too great, get beefier hardware. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Thomas Scheffler Sent

Re: Term Vector Component Question

2013-11-27 Thread Jack Krupansky
That information would be included in the debugQuery output as well. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Jamie Johnson Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 9:32 AM To: Subject: Term Vector Component Question I am interested in retrieving the tf

Re: Term Vector Component Question

2013-11-27 Thread Jack Krupansky
- although a tf value of 0 basically tells you that. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Jamie Johnson Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 11:38 AM To: Subject: Re: Term Vector Component Question Jack, I'm not following, are you suggesting to turn on debug

Re: Term Vector Component Question

2013-11-27 Thread Jack Krupansky
To be honest, this kind of question comes up so often, that it probably is worth a Jira to have a more customized or parameterized explain. Function queries in the fl list give you a lot more control, but not at the level of actual terms that matched. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message

Re: (info) how view lucene merge process

2013-11-27 Thread Jack Krupansky
What do you really want to do/accomplish? I mean, for what purpose? You can turn on the Lucene infostream for logging of index writing. See: Set infostream to true. There are some examples in my e-book. -- Jack

Re: Storing solr results in excel

2013-11-26 Thread Jack Krupansky
consumed by an application. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: kumar Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 3:31 AM To: Subject: Re: Storing solr results in excel If we specify wt=csv then results appear like csv format but i need to store them in seperate

Re: building custom cache - using lucene docids

2013-11-24 Thread Jack Krupansky
of segments is performed. Even one tiny merge and all subsequent saved document IDs are invalidated. Be careful with your merge policy - normally merges are happening in the background, automatically. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Erick Erickson Sent: Sunday, November 24

Re: Parse eDisMax queries for keywords

2013-11-21 Thread Jack Krupansky
in the manner that you're describing. Or, simply settle for a heuristic approach that may give you 70% of what you want using only existing Solr features on the server side. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Mirko Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 5:30 AM To: solr-user

Re: search with wildcard

2013-11-21 Thread Jack Krupansky
and a better description. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Ahmet Arslan Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 11:40 AM To: Subject: Re: search with wildcard Hi Adnreas, If you don't want to use wildcards at query time, alternative way is to use NGrams

Re: How to index X™ as #8482; (HTML decimal entity)

2013-11-21 Thread Jack Krupansky
question: I need to store the HTML Entity (decimal) equivalent value (i.e. #8482;) in SOLR rather than storing the original value. Maybe the original poster could clarify the nature of their need. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Michael Sokolov Sent: Thursday, November 21

Re: How to index X™ as #8482; (HTML decimal entity)

2013-11-21 Thread Jack Krupansky
more of a platform guy than an app-specific guy - give the app developer tools that they can blend to meet their own requirements (or interests or tastes.) But Solr users should make no mistake, SGML entities are a perfectly valid intermediate format for rich text. -- Jack Krupansky

Re: How to index X™ as #8482; (HTML decimal entity)

2013-11-21 Thread Jack Krupansky
Would you store a as #65; ? No, not in any case. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Michael Sokolov Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 8:56 AM To: Subject: Re: How to index X™ as ™ (HTML decimal entity) I have to agree w/Walter. Use unicode

Re: Solr is deleting newly created index from index folder

2013-11-20 Thread Jack Krupansky
not to AND with a sub-query, so make it: -endtime:1970-01-01T01:00:00Z And then it is simply a clause of the Boolean query. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: vishalgupta084 Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 7:31 AM To: Subject: Solr is deleting newly

Re: How to index X™ as #8482; (HTML decimal entity)

2013-11-20 Thread Jack Krupansky
Any analysis filtering affects the indexed value only, but the stored value would be unchanged from the original input value. An update processor lets you modify the original input value that will be stored. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Uwe Reh Sent: Wednesday

Re: How to index X™ as #8482; (HTML decimal entity)

2013-11-20 Thread Jack Krupansky
AFAICT, it's not an extremely bad idea - using SGML/HTML as a format for storing text to be rendered. If you disagree - try explaining yourself. But maybe TM should be encoded as trade;. Ditto for other named SGML entities. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Walter

Re: How to index X™ as #8482; (HTML decimal entity)

2013-11-19 Thread Jack Krupansky
You could use an update processor to map non-ASCII codes to SGML entities. You could code it as a JavaScript script and use the stateless script update processor. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Developer Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 5:46 PM To: solr-user

Re: Solr xml img parsing exception

2013-11-14 Thread Jack Krupansky
that there is no matching /img. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Marcello Lorenzi Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 9:26 AM To: Subject: Solr xml img parsing exception Hi, I have installed a Solr 4.3 instance and we have configured manifoldcf to pass

Re: Query on multi valued field

2013-11-14 Thread Jack Krupansky
processor as a JavaScript script. The simplest approach to the query side would be to expand the special query syntax in your application layer. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: giridhar Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 10:45 AM To: Subject: Re

Re: Query on multi valued field

2013-11-14 Thread Jack Krupansky
s/work/word/ word delimiter filter -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Jack Krupansky Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 11:34 AM To: Subject: Re: Query on multi valued field I suppose you could define the field as tokenized text with the work

Re: Modify the querySearch to q=*:*

2013-11-13 Thread Jack Krupansky
that have a value in the default search field. In many cases this would give identical results to a *:* query, but in some apps it might not. Still it would be nice to know who originated this suggestion to use *\* instead of *:* - or even simply *. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message

Re: queries including time zone

2013-11-13 Thread Jack Krupansky
I believe it is the TZ column from this table: Yeah, it's on my TODO list for my book. I suspect that tz will not affect NOW, which is probably UTC. I suspect that tz only affects literal dates in date math. -- Jack Krupansky

Re: Indexing a token to a different field in a custom filter

2013-11-12 Thread Jack Krupansky
Any kind of cross-field processing is best done in an update processor. There are a lot of built-in update processors as well as a JavaScript script update processor. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Dileepa Jayakody Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 1:31 AM To: solr-user

Re: How we can get JSON response using CloudSolrServer

2013-11-12 Thread Jack Krupansky
is already in Java, why do you need JSON? The real purpose of a JSON response is usually simply to more easily map it to Java (or JavaScript.) -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Dharmendra Jaiswal Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 4:54 AM To: Subject: How we

Re: Modify the querySearch to q=*:*

2013-11-12 Thread Jack Krupansky
of config settings. -- Jack Krupansky From: Abhijith Jain -X (abhijjai - DIGITAL-X INC at Cisco) Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 7:22 PM To: Subject: Modify the querySearch to q=*:* Hello, I upgraded Solr to 4.4.0(previous Solr version was 3.5). After the full

Re: Modify the querySearch to q=*:*

2013-11-12 Thread Jack Krupansky
to see how the parameters are being processed. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Abhijith Jain -X (abhijjai - DIGITAL-X INC at Cisco) Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 8:03 PM To: Subject: RE: Modify the querySearch to q=*:* Thanks for the quick reply. I

Re: Unit of dimension for solr field

2013-11-11 Thread Jack Krupansky
be easier to master. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Ryan Cutter Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 10:18 AM To: Subject: Re: Unit of dimension for solr field I think Upayavira's suggestion of writing a filter factory fits what you're asking

Re: Error instantiating a Custom Filter in Solr

2013-11-08 Thread Jack Krupansky
Thanks for the plug Erick, but my deep dive doesn't go quite that deep (yet.) But I'm sure a 2,500 page book on how to develop all manner of custom Solr plugin would indeed be valuable though. But I do have plenty of example of using the many builtin Solr analysis filters. -- Jack

Re: Can't find some fields in solr result

2013-11-04 Thread Jack Krupansky
Is it possible that you added stored=true later, after some of the documents were already indexed? Then the older documents would not have the stored values. If so, you need to reindex the older documents. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: gohome190 Sent: Monday, November

Re: Query OR operator triggers weird exception

2013-10-31 Thread Jack Krupansky
Maybe your schema has omitted position information for the text field which is required to query phrases. That would throw an exception on every server for a distributed query. Still, that does seem like an odd exception for a simple query problem. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message

Re: Atomic Updates in SOLR

2013-10-30 Thread Jack Krupansky
/solr/update/processor/UniqFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory.html My e-book has more examples as well. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Anupam Bhattacharya Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 6:05 AM To: Subject: Atomic Updates in SOLR I am working

Re: Atomic Updates in SOLR

2013-10-30 Thread Jack Krupansky
for 4.5 yet, but the gist of the examples is the same.) -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Jack Krupansky Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 9:03 AM To: Subject: Re: Atomic Updates in SOLR Unfortunately, atomic add is add to a list (append) rather

Re: query with colon in bq

2013-10-30 Thread Jack Krupansky
Escape any special characters with a backslash, or put the full term in quotes. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: jihyun suh Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 6:28 AM To: Subject: query with colon in bq I have a question about query with colon

Re: Computing Results So That They are Returned in Search Results

2013-10-30 Thread Jack Krupansky
,my-func(field1),my-func(field2) -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Alejandro Calbazana Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 10:10 AM To: Subject: Computing Results So That They are Returned in Search Results I'd like to throw out a design question

Re: Computing Results So That They are Returned in Search Results

2013-10-30 Thread Jack Krupansky
an example of exactly what you want. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Alejandro Calbazana Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 12:46 PM To: Subject: Re: Computing Results So That They are Returned in Search Results Sounds really close to what I'm looking

Re: Solr Highlighting Best Practices Guideline

2013-10-29 Thread Jack Krupansky
There are some detailed examples in my e-book as well. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Erwin Gunadi Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 8:21 AM To: Subject: RE: Solr Highlighting Best Practices Guideline Hi Furkan, thanks for the reply. I

Re: Phrase query combined with term query for maximum accuracy

2013-10-29 Thread Jack Krupansky
You need some parentheses: title:john doe^30 OR description:john doe^10 should be: title:(john doe)^30 OR description:(john doe)^10 -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: michael.boom Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 7:20 AM To: Subject: Phrase query

Re: Many Dynamic Fields + Indexing Strategy

2013-10-29 Thread Jack Krupansky
cores for the bulk data for each tenant, but have a single common collection with a subset of tenant data which your admin application can use to do searches across tenants for common metadata. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Alejandro Calbazana Sent: Tuesday, October 29

Re: Single multilingual field analyzed based on other field values

2013-10-28 Thread Jack Krupansky
and place in the desired field. And finally remove any temporary fields. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: David Anthony Troiano Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 4:47 PM To: Subject: Single multilingual field analyzed based on other field values Hello

Re: Indexing on plain text data and base64 encode data in a single HTTP POST request

2013-10-26 Thread Jack Krupansky
. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: neerajp Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2013 12:50 PM To: Subject: Indexing on plain text data and base64 encode data in a single HTTP POST request Hi, I am using Solr for searching my email data. My application is in C

Re: Global User defined properties - solr.xml from Solr 4.4 to Solr 4.5

2013-10-25 Thread Jack Krupansky
in the conf subdirectory of the core. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: marotosg Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 11:26 AM To: Subject: Re: Global User defined properties - solr.xml from Solr 4.4 to Solr 4.5 Hi Erik. thanks for your help. I tried

Re: Normalized data during indexing ?

2013-10-25 Thread Jack Krupansky
and returned on queries. You could use a regex replacement or write a JavaScript script with a stateless script update processor to do more extensive mapping. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Bruno Mannina Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 11:08 AM To: Subject

Re: Solr - what's the next big thing?

2013-10-25 Thread Jack Krupansky
Nothing of great significance that I have heard of, yet. Solr 4.x has lots of ongoing significant improvements and will likely to have a lot more in the months ahead. Ditto with Lucene improvements - lots of ongoing work to enhance 4.x. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From

Re: Please explain SolConfig.xml in terms of SolrAPIs (Java Psuedo Code)

2013-10-25 Thread Jack Krupansky
My e-book does describe all of the configuration elements of solrconfig in some detail. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Amit Aggarwal Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 6:19 AM To: Subject: Please explain SolConfig.xml in terms of SolrAPIs (Java

Re: Global User defined properties - solr.xml from Solr 4.4 to Solr 4.5

2013-10-25 Thread Jack Krupansky
Yes, it is unfortunate that the properties property was removed. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: marotosg Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 12:52 PM To: Subject: Re: Global User defined properties - solr.xml from Solr 4.4 to Solr 4.5 Right

Re: Solr - what's the next big thing?

2013-10-25 Thread Jack Krupansky
But a lot of that big yellow elephant stuff is in 4.x anyway. (Otis: I was afraid that you were going to say that the next big thing in Solr is... Elasticsearch!) -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Otis Gospodnetic Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 2:43 PM To: solr-user

Re: Searching on special characters

2013-10-24 Thread Jack Krupansky
that uses the keyword tokenizer to maintain a single token but also applies a regex filter to strip special characters and applies a lower case filter and give that an intermediate boost. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 9

Re: fq with { or } in Solr 4.3.1

2013-10-23 Thread Jack Krupansky
}? If you are simply trying to pass the braces as literal characters for a string field, either escape them with backslash or enclose the entire term in quotes: catid:\{123\} catid:{123} -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Peter Kirk Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 4:57 AM

Re: Class name of parsing the fq clause

2013-10-23 Thread Jack Krupansky
Not in just a few words. Do you have specific questions? I mean none of that relates to parsing of fq, the topic of this particular email thread, right? -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Sandeep Gupta Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:58 AM To:

Re: New query-time multi-word synonym expander

2013-10-23 Thread Jack Krupansky
? Either way, it may be reasonably satisfactory, but some clarity would help. Thanks! -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Otis Gospodnetic Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 1:28 PM To: Subject: New query-time multi-word synonym expander Hi, Heads up

Re: What is the right fieldType for this kind of field?

2013-10-23 Thread Jack Krupansky
Trailing wildcard should work fine for strings, but a23* will not match A23* due to case. You could use the keyword tokenizer plus the lower case filter. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Bruno Mannina Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 1:54 PM To: solr-user

Re: What is the right fieldType for this kind of field?

2013-10-23 Thread Jack Krupansky
Yes, that blog post appears to use the proper technique for case insensitive string fields. The so-called keyword tokenizer merely treats the whole string value as a single token (AKA keyword) and does NOT do any further tokenization. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From

Re: Class name of parsing the fq clause

2013-10-21 Thread Jack Krupansky
, Good luck! Happy hunting! -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: YouPeng Yang Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 2:57 AM To: Subject: Class name of parsing the fq clause Hi I search the solr with fq clause,which is like: fq=BEGINTIME:[2013

Re: Local Solr and Webserver-Solr act differently (and treated like or)

2013-10-21 Thread Jack Krupansky
Did you completely reindex your data after emptying the stop words file? -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Stavros Delisavas Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 10:05 AM To: Subject: Re: Local Solr and Webserver-Solr act differently (and treated like

Re: Custom FunctionQuery Guide/Tutorial (4.3.0+) ?

2013-10-21 Thread Jack Krupansky
Take a look at the unit tests for various value sources, and find a Jira that added some value source and look at the patch for what changes had to be made. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: JT Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 1:17 PM To: Subject

Re: Custom FunctionQuery Guide/Tutorial (4.3.0+) ?

2013-10-21 Thread Jack Krupansky
Hopefully at the end of the week. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: fudong li Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 1:45 PM To: Subject: Re: Custom FunctionQuery Guide/Tutorial (4.3.0+) ? Hi Jack, Do you have a date for the new version of your book

Re: Issues with Language detection in Solr

2013-10-18 Thread Jack Krupansky
against simple name fields is a misuse of the language detection feature. I mean, it is designed for larger blocks of text, not very short phrases. See some examples in my e-book. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: vibhoreng04 Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 2:01 PM To: solr-user

Re: SOLRJ replace document

2013-10-18 Thread Jack Krupansky
updateLog. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Brent Ryan Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 4:59 PM To: Subject: SOLRJ replace document How do I replace a document in solr using solrj library? I keep getting this error back

Re: Issues with Language detection in Solr

2013-10-18 Thread Jack Krupansky
Sorry, but Latin is not on the list of supported languages: -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: vibhoreng04 Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 3:07 PM To: Subject: Re: Issues with Language

Re: SOLRJ replace document

2013-10-18 Thread Jack Krupansky
By all means please do file a support request with DataStax, either as an official support ticket or as a question on StackOverflow. But, I do think the previous answer of avoiding the use of a Map object in your document is likely to be the solution. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message

Re: Local Solr and Webserver-Solr act differently (and treated like or)

2013-10-17 Thread Jack Krupansky
, or some field type analyzers can use the stop filter and some would not have it. This does mean that you would have to use different field types for fields that want different stop word processing. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Stavros Delisavas Sent: Thursday, October 17

Re: Boosting a field with defType:dismax -- No results at all

2013-10-16 Thread Jack Krupansky
Get rid of the newlines before and after the value of the qf parameter. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: uwe72 Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 5:36 AM To: Subject: Boosting a field with defType:dismax -- No results at all Hi there, i want

Re: Solr Copy field append values ?

2013-10-16 Thread Jack Krupansky
Appended. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: vishgupt Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 6:25 AM To: Subject: Solr Copy field append values ? Hi , Schema like this external_id is multivalued field. copyField source=upc dest=external_id / I want

Re: AW: Boosting a field with defType:dismax -- No results at all

2013-10-16 Thread Jack Krupansky
dismax doesn't support wildcard, fuzzy, or fielded terms. edismax does. My e-book details differences between the query parsers. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: uwe72 Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 12:26 PM To: Subject: AW: Boosting a field

Re: Local Solr and Webserver-Solr act differently (and treated like or)

2013-10-16 Thread Jack Krupansky
So, the stopwords.txt file is different between the two systems - the first has stop words but the second does not. Did you expect stop words to be removed, or not? -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Stavros Delsiavas Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 5:02 PM To: solr-user

Re: field title_ngram was indexed without position data; cannot run PhraseQuery

2013-10-15 Thread Jack Krupansky
for that sequence, but that requires position info in the index but you have omitted them. That's one theory. So, if that theory is correct, either retain position info by getting rid of the omit, or remove the autoGeneratePhraseQueries. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Jason

Re: Span Not Queries

2013-10-15 Thread Jack Krupansky
. Bush. What is your specific use case? -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Ankit Kumar Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 3:58 AM To: Subject: Span Not Queries I need to add Span Not queries in solr . Ther's a parser Surround Query Parser i went through

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