Re: Congratulations to the new Apache Solr PMC Chair, Jan Høydahl!

2021-02-19 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Congrats! On Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 10:06 AM Divye wrote: > > Congratulations Jan! > > Regards, > Divye > > On Fri, 19 Feb, 2021, 00:26 Anshum Gupta, wrote: > > > Hi everyone, > > > > I’d like to inform everyone that the newly formed Apache Solr PMC nominated > > and elected Jan Høydahl for the

Re: Solr Cloud freezes during scheduled backup

2021-02-02 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Pawel, This definitely sounds like garbage collection biting you. Backups themselves aren't usually memory intensive, but if indexing is going on at the same time you should expect elevated memory usage. Essentially this is because for each core being backed up, Solr needs to hold pieces of

Re: Change uniqueKey using SolrJ

2021-02-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi, SolrJ doesn't have any purpose-made request class to change the uniqueKey, afaict. However doing so is still possible (though less convenient) using the "GenericSolrRequest" class, which can be used to hit arbitrary Solr APIs. If you'd like to see better support for this in SolrJ, open a

Re: Ghost Documents or Shards out of Sync

2021-02-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
something to consider. Best, Jason On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 3:49 PM Jason Gerlowski wrote: > > Hi Ronen, > > The first thing I'd figure out in your situation is whether the > results are actually different each time, or whether the ordering is > what differs (which might

Re: Ghost Documents or Shards out of Sync

2021-02-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Ronen, The first thing I'd figure out in your situation is whether the results are actually different each time, or whether the ordering is what differs (which might push a particular result off the page you're looking at, giving the appearance that it didn't match). In the case of the

Re: Getting Solr's statistic using SolrJ

2021-02-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Steven, AFAIK, SolrJ doesn't have built in request objects for the metrics API. But you can still use the "GenericSolrRequest" class to hit any Solr API: e.g. SolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(); params.set("action", "list"); GenericSolrRequest request = new

Re: nested facets of query and terms type in JSON format

2020-12-10 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hey Arturas, Can't help you with the secrets of Michael's inspiration (though I'm also curious :-p). And I'm not sure if there's any equivalent of facet.threads for JSON Faceting. You're on your own there unfortunately. But you (or other readers) might find this "Query Facet" example handy -

Re: security.json help

2020-11-25 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Mark, It looks like you're using the "path" wildcard as it's intended, but some bug is causing the behavior you're seeing. It should be working as you expected, but evidently it's not. One potential workaround might be to leave out the "path" property entirely in your "custom-example"

Re: disallowing delete through security.json

2020-11-24 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hey Craig, I think this will be tricky to do with the current Rule-Based Authorization support. As you pointed out in your initial post - there are lots of ways to delete documents. The Rule-Based Auth code doesn't inspect request bodies (AFAIK), so it's going to have trouble differentiating

Re: SolrJ NestableJsonFacet ordering of query facet

2020-11-19 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Shivram, I think the short answer is "no". At least, not without sub-classing some of the JSON-Facet classes in SolrJ. But it's hard for me to understand your particular concern without seeing a concrete example. If you provide an example (maybe in the form of a JUnit test snippet showing

Re: Using fromIndex for single collection

2020-11-19 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Irina, Yes, the "fromIndex" parameter can be used to perform a join from the host collection to a separate, single-shard collection in SolrCloud. If specified, this "fromIndex" collection must be present on whichever host is processing the request. (Often this involves over-replicating your

Re: Faceting: !terms vs mincount precedence

2020-11-17 Thread Jason Gerlowski
ful. I know my response isn't a direct answer > to your question RE mincount... perhaps it can be made to work? > > ~ David Smiley > Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer > > > > On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 8:21 AM Jason Gerlowski > wrote

Re: Multiple Facets on Same Field

2020-11-17 Thread Jason Gerlowski
leaner separation between different facets (and output is assigned to > arbitrary keys). > Michael > > On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 9:36 AM Jason Gerlowski wrote: > > > > Hi all, > > > > Is it possible to have multiple facets on the same field with > > different

Faceting: !terms vs mincount precedence

2020-11-17 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hey all, I was using the {!terms} local parameter on some traditional field facets to make sure particular values were returned. e.g. facet=true={!terms='fantasy,scifi,mystery'}genre_s_s.facet.mincount=2 On single-shard collections in 8.6.3 this worked as I expected - "fantasy", "scifi", and

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Solr 8.6.3 released

2020-10-08 Thread Jason Gerlowski
The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Solr 8.6.3. Solr is the popular, blazing fast, open source NoSQL search platform from the Apache Lucene project. Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database

Re: BasicAuth help

2020-09-03 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Ali, 1. Solr doesn't have any support for LDAP authentication ootb (at least, as far as I'm aware). The BasicAuth plugin requires users to be defined in the JSON configuration. 2. What failed when you ran the documented BasicAuth example? What error messages did you get etc.? If there's

Re: Incorrect Insecure Settings Check in CoreContainer

2020-08-13 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hey Mark, I've fixed it for 8.7 as a part of this ticket here: Thanks for reporting this. Jason On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 3:19 PM Jason Gerlowski wrote: > > Yikes, yeah it's hard to argue with that. > > I'm a little confused becaus

Re: Incorrect Insecure Settings Check in CoreContainer

2020-08-11 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Yikes, yeah it's hard to argue with that. I'm a little confused because I remember testing this, but maybe it snuck in at the last minute? In any case, I'll reopen that jira to fix the check there. Sorry guys. Jason On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 9:22 AM Jan Høydahl wrote: > > This seems to have

Re: Slow query response from SOLR 5.4.1

2020-08-11 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hey Abhijit, The information you provided isn't really enough for anyone else on the mailing list to debug the problem. If you'd like help, please provide some more information. Good places to start would be: what is the query, what does Solr tell you when you add a "debug=timing" parameter to

Re: Survey on ManagedResources feature

2020-08-11 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hey Noble, Can you explain what you mean when you say it's not secured? Just for those of us who haven't been following the discussion so far? On the surface of things users taking advantage of our RuleBasedAuth plugin can secure this API like they can any other HTTP API. Or are you talking

Re: bin/solr auth enable

2020-07-31 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi David, I tried this out locally but couldn't reproduce. The command you provided above works just fine for me. Can you tell us a bit about your environment? Do you have the full stack trace of the NPE handy? Best, Jason On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 8:01 PM David Glick wrote: > > When I issue

Re: SOLR and Zookeeper compatibility

2020-07-22 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Mithun, AFAIK, Solr 7.5.0 comes with ZooKeeper 3.4.11. At least, those are the jar versions I see when I unpack a Solr 7.5.0 distribution. Where are you seeing 1.3.11? There is no 1.3.11 ZooKeeper release as far as I'm aware. There must be some confusion here. Generally speaking, since

Re: Restored collection cluster status rendering some values as Long (as opposed to String for other collections)

2020-06-25 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Aliaksandr This sounds like a bug to me - I can't think of any reason why this would be intentional behavior. Maybe I'm missing something and this is "expected", but if so someone will come along and correct me. Can you file a JIRA ticket with this information in it? Jason On Wed, Jun 24,

Re: Index files on Windows fileshare

2020-06-25 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Fiz, Since you're just looking for a POC solution, I think Solr's "bin/post" tool would probably help you achieve your first requirement. But I don't think "bin/post" gives you much control over the fields that get indexed - if you need the file path to be stored, you might be better off

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Getting rid of Master/Slave nomenclature in Solr

2020-06-18 Thread Jason Gerlowski
+1 to rename master/slave, and +1 to choosing terminology distinct from what's used for SolrCloud. I could be happy with several of the proposed options. Since a good few have been proposed though, maybe an eventual vote thread is the most organized way to aggregate the opinions here. I'm less

Re: Can't fetch table from cassandra through jdbc connection

2020-06-16 Thread Jason Gerlowski
The way I read the stack trace you provided, it looks like DIH is running the query "select test_field from test_keyspace.test_table limit 10", but the Cassandra jdbc driver is reporting that Cassandra doesn't support some aspect of that query. If I'm reading that right, this seems like a

Re: HTTP 401 when searching on alias in secured Solr

2020-06-16 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Just wanted to close the loop here: Isabelle filed SOLR-14569 for this and eventually reported there that the problem seems specific to her custom configuration which specifies a seemingly innocuous in solrconfig.xml. See that jira for more detailed explanation (and hopefully a resolution coming

Re: CDCR behaviour

2020-06-05 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Daniel, Just a heads up that attachments and images are stripped pretty aggressively by the mailing list - none of your images made it through. You might more success linking to the images in Dropbox or some other online storage medium. Best, Jason On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 10:55 AM

Re: SolrCloud upgrade concern

2020-05-27 Thread Jason Gerlowski
e. I am relying heavily on it. > Although, I am planning to use Solr 8.3. It has been long time since CDCR > was first introduced. I wonder what is the state of CDCR is 8.3. Is it > stable now? > > On Wed, Jan 22, 2020, 8:01 AM Jason Gerlowski wrote: > > > Hi Arnold, > >

Re: Query takes more time in Solr 8.5.1 compare to 6.1.0 version

2020-05-21 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Jay, I can't speak to why you're seeing a performance change between 6.x and 8.x. What I can suggest though is an alternative way of formulating the query: you might get different performance if you run your query using Solr's "terms" query parser:

Re: Rule-Based Auth - update not working

2020-05-17 Thread Jason Gerlowski
. We should really change this resolution order to be something more commonsense. Jason On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 2:52 PM Jason Gerlowski wrote: > > Hi Isabelle, > > Two things to keep in mind with Solr's Rule-Based Authorization. > > 1. Each request is controlled by th

Re: Rule-Based Auth - update not working

2020-05-17 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Isabelle, Two things to keep in mind with Solr's Rule-Based Authorization. 1. Each request is controlled by the first permission to that matches the request. 2. With the permissions you have present, Solr will check them in descending list order. (This isn't always true - collection-specific

Re: SolrJ connection leak with SolrCloud and Jetty Gzip compression enabled

2020-04-22 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Samuel, Thanks for the very detailed description of the problem here. Very thorough! I don't think you're missing anything obvious, please file the jira tickets if you haven't already. Best, Jason On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 6:12 PM Samuel Garcia Martinez <> wrote: >

Re: Request Tracking in Solr

2020-04-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Prakhar, Newer versions of Solr offer an "Audit Logging" plugin for use cases similar to yours. If don't think that's available as far back as 5.2.1 though. Just thought I'd mention it in case upgrading is an option. Best, Jason

Re: Checking in on Solr Progress

2020-03-02 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Very low-tech and manual, but worth mentioning... If there's a particularly large core that's doing a full recovery, and you have access to the disk itself you can navigate to the relevant directory for that core and run something like "watch -n 10 ls -lah" or "watch -n 10 du -sh ." to see how

Re: Replica type affinity

2020-02-03 Thread Jason Gerlowski
This is a bit of a guess - I haven't used this functionality before. But to a novice the "tag" Rule Condition for "Rule Based Replica Placement" sounds similar to the requirements you mentioned above. Good

Re: Solr fact response strange behaviour

2020-01-29 Thread Jason Gerlowski
>$SocketProcessor.doRun( > [tomcat-embed-core-9.0.17.jar:9.0.17] > at > > [tomcat-embed-core-9.0.17.jar:9.0.17] > at >

Re: Solr fact response strange behaviour

2020-01-29 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hey Adi, There was a separate JIRA for this on the SolrJ objects it sounds like you're using: SOLR-13780. That JIRA was fixed, apparently in 8.3, so I'm surprised you're still seeing the issue. If you include the full stacktrace and a snippet of code to reproduce, I'm curious to take a look.

Re: Solr cloud production set up

2020-01-28 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Rajdeep, Unfortunately it's near impossible for anyone here to tell you what parameters to tweak. People might take guesses based on their individual past experience, but ultimately those are just guesses. There are just too many variables affecting Solr performance for anyone to have a good

Re: SolrCloud upgrade concern

2020-01-22 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Arnold, The stability and complexity issues Mark highlighted in his post aren't just imagined - there are real, sometimes serious, bugs in SolrCloud features. But at the same time there are many many stable deployments out there where SolrCloud is a real success story for users. Small

Re: SOLR 7.5 Performance WARN

2020-01-15 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Akreeti, The "onDeckSearcher" count is the number of searchers that are currently being opened/warmed for a given core. New searchers are opened by (some types of) commits. So essentially, what this message means is that you're asking Solr to do commits so close together that commit N is

Re: understanding solr metrics

2020-01-02 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Akhil, I'm not an expert on these metrics, but the way I've been reading them: "meanRate" is a measure of how many requests come in per some unit of time. It has nothing to do with how long individual requests take. "mean_ms" is the average time taken by requests (in milliseconds). Hope

Re: Facing jwt authentication problem using solr 8.1.1

2019-12-20 Thread Jason Gerlowski
initial JWT config, with some default Rule-based config. > > Jan > > > 17. des. 2019 kl. 16:42 skrev Jason Gerlowski : > > > > Hey Jan, > > > > Is this a case of something that'd be fixed by > > ? > >

Re: Move SOLR from cloudera HDFS to SOLR on Docker

2019-12-19 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Wael, Getting configs and data out of Cloudera's HDP is about the same as moving data between any 2 Solr clusters. Moving configs is going to be the easy part. If you're currently using Solr in SolrCloud mode, then your configs all live in ZooKeeper. Recent versions of Solr have a utility

Re: Facing jwt authentication problem using solr 8.1.1

2019-12-17 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hey Jan, Is this a case of something that'd be fixed by ? Just wondering Best, Jason On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 5:43 PM Jan Høydahl wrote: > > Try something like this > >

Re: Possible data corruption in JavaBinCodec in Solr 8.3 during distributed update?

2019-11-21 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Very curious what the config change that's related to reproducing this looks like. Maybe it's something that is worth adding test-randomization around? Just thinking aloud.

Re: exact matches on a join

2019-11-21 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Are these fields "string" or "text" fields? Text fields receive analysis that splits them into a series of terms. That's why the query "Freeman" matches the document "A-1 Freeman". "A-1 Freeman" gets split up into multiple terms, and the "Freeman" query matches one of those terms. Text fields

Re: Possible bug in cluster status - > solr 8.3

2019-11-21 Thread Jason Gerlowski
It seems like an issue to me. Can you open a JIRA with these details? On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 10:51 AM Jacek Kikiewicz wrote: > > I found interesting situation, I've created a collection with only one > replica. > Then I scaled solr-cloud cluster, and run 'addreplica' call to add 2 more. > So

Re: CloudSolrClient - basic auth - multi shard collection

2019-11-20 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Nicholas, I'm not really familiar with spring-data-solr, so I can't speak to that detail, but it sounds like you might be running into either or There are partial workarounds on those issues

Re: Anyway to encrypt admin user plain text password in Solr

2019-11-14 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Vinodh, I don't know of any way to encrypt the credentials in "basicAuth.conf", and looking at the code that loads that file I don't see any logic to handle that sort of thing. So I'm near positive there's no way to avoid plaintext here. But, that said, I don't think this should really be

Re: Anyway to encrypt admin user plain text password in Solr

2019-11-13 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi, To clarify, Solr credentials are stored and shown in a few different places. In some situations the password might live in your "" file. It also might live in a separate basicAuth.conf file. If you're using SolrCloud, the password might appear in Solr's Admin UI (depending on

Re: Query on changing FieldType

2019-10-22 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Shubbham, Emir gave you accurate advice - you cannot (safely) change field types without reindexing. You may avoid errors for a time, and searches may even return the results you expect. But the type-change is still a ticking time bomb...Solr might try to merge segments down the road or do

Re: Solr enabled kerberos and create collection failed

2019-10-22 Thread Jason Gerlowski
I _think_ this is the fourth time you've submitted this exact question as a different email thread. Most of your other threads have responses on them, but maybe you're not seeing that for some reason. Maybe you won't be able to see this response either, but in case you can: I think you'll have

Re: Solr enabled kerberos and create collection failed

2019-10-22 Thread Jason Gerlowski
I _think_ this is the third time you've submitted this exact question as a different email thread. Both of your other threads have responses on them, but maybe you're not seeing that for some reason. Maybe you won't be able to see this response either, but in case you can: I think you'll have

Re: Solr enabled kerberos and create collection failed

2019-10-22 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi, You posted this same question in a different thread and Jorn Franke replied to say that you likely need to run "kinit" before invoking "bin/solr". That seems like a likely possible explanation to me. But, since you've given us very little information on how you've setup Kerberos and what

Re: Solaris Install Package

2019-10-17 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Andrew, I believe that yes, Solr should work on Solaris. I've never done so personally, but very occasionally I hear of someone doing so. Additionally, Uwe runs a Jenkins server that runs tests on Solaris (among other OSs), and the results for Solaris look to be pretty standard for our test

Re: Problems with restricting access to users using Basic auth

2019-09-03 Thread Jason Gerlowski
g. > > Thanks, > Salmaan > > > > > On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 1:34 PM Salmaan Rashid Syed < >> wrote: > > > Thanks a lot Jason, > > > > I will try this out and let you know. > > > > Thanks again. > > > &g

Re: Problems with restricting access to users using Basic auth

2019-08-28 Thread Jason Gerlowski
eturned status [200] Request [/collection3/select?q=*:*] returned status [200] Testing permissions for user [solr-user] Request [/admin/collections?action=LIST] returned status [403] Request [/collection1/select?q=*:*] returned status [200] Request [/collection2/select?q=*:*] return

Re: Problems with restricting access to users using Basic auth

2019-08-21 Thread Jason Gerlowski
uot;: "admin"}, {"name": "all", "role": "admin"} Hope that helps. Let me know if that still has any problems for you. Jason On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 6:48 AM Salmaan Rashid Syed wrote: > > Hi Jason, > > Is there a way to fix this in v

Re: Problems with restricting access to users using Basic auth

2019-08-21 Thread Jason Gerlowski
link which lists the > users and their *SHA256* coded passwords. How can I hide this and restrict > access to other collections? > > Thanks and regards > Salmaan > > > On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 5:07 AM Jason Gerlowski > wrote: > > > Hi Salmaan, > > > >

Re: Problems with restricting access to users using Basic auth

2019-08-20 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Salmaan, Solr's RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin allows requests through if none of the specified permissions apply. I think that's what you're running into in your example above. If you want to lockdown a particular API (or set of APIs) then you need to explicitly add a permission that

Re: Contact for Wiki / Support page maintainer

2019-07-29 Thread Jason Gerlowski
I was under the impression that non-committers could also edit the wiki pages if the requested the appropriate karma on the mailing list. Though maybe that changed with the move to cwiki, or maybe that's never been the case On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 4:10 PM Jan Høydahl wrote: > > All

Re: HowtoConfigureIntelliJ link is broken

2019-07-22 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Richard, Thanks for the heads up. I think this was a known issue. We recently moved our wiki from a Moin wiki to a Confluence one, and this changed the urls. There was an issue with the redirects at first, but they appear to be working now. Glad you were able to find what you needed

Re: Problems using a suggester component in the /select handler in cloud mode

2019-07-22 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Alexandros, The first step would be to package up your changes in a patch file, and upload that to the JIRA you linked to in your initial email. (SOLR-12060). More detailed instructions can be found here:

Re: Getting list of unique values in a field

2019-07-15 Thread Jason Gerlowski
The Solr ref-guide has examples which show how to do this too. Take a look at some of the faceting examples here: Best, Jason On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 9:50 AM David Hastings wrote: > > i found this: > >

Re: Release of Solr 8.1.2 bug fix

2019-07-03 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Edwin, Solr releases can be a messy process. They're subject to a lot of unforeseen issues that can drag the process out: test failures springing up at the last minute, other committers asking to squeeze in last minute fixes, infrastructure problems cropping up unexpectedly, etc. So

Re: Issue with Solr 7.7.2 - ClassCastException: org.apache.solr.common.util.ByteArrayUtf8CharSequence

2019-06-19 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi David, Thanks for the heads up. We'd hoped to put an end to these issues as a part of SOLR-13331, but missed some field types as you pointed out. We're aware of the issue and working on a fix for upcoming Solr versions. Anyone interested can watch our progress here:

Re: Intermittent error 401 with JSON Facet query to retrieve count all collections

2019-06-04 Thread Jason Gerlowski
e was raised on that thread > > but it's not had any > > attention. > > > > > > On Mon, 3 Jun 2019 at 14:46, Jason Gerlowski > > wrote: > > > > > Hi Colvin, > > > > > > We're

Re: alias read access impossible for anyone other than admin?

2019-06-04 Thread Jason Gerlowski
sure the "method" and "params" properties match the request. Since the properties aren't present, they're treated as wildcards and implicitly match. 4. So we've found a matching permission, now Solr checks whether "user" has the correct role. The permission s

Re: alias read access impossible for anyone other than admin?

2019-06-03 Thread Jason Gerlowski
"userD":[ > "readCollCProduction", > "readCollC55b", > "readCollB", > "readCollA"]}, > > > > On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 9:07 PM Sotiris Fragkiskos > wrote: > > > Terribly sor

Re: Intermittent error 401 with JSON Facet query to retrieve count all collections

2019-06-03 Thread Jason Gerlowski
"authentication": { "blockUnknown": true, "class": "solr.BasicAuthPlugin", "credentials": { "solradmin": "" }, "forwardCredentials": true }, ... } Jason On

Re: Intermittent error 401 with JSON Facet query to retrieve count all collections

2019-06-03 Thread Jason Gerlowski
One last note: as far as I can tell, nothing about this issue is specific to JSON Faceting or the JSON request API. It can be triggered just as easily with "/select?q=*:*". The bug created for this is: SOLR-13510 On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 9:17 AM Jason Gerlowski wrote: > &g

Re: Intermittent error 401 with JSON Facet query to retrieve count all collections

2019-06-03 Thread Jason Gerlowski
I'm also able to reproduce this bug on master. A few more notes about the bad behavior: - the behavior occurs regardless of the specific permissions configured in security.json. (i.e. whether the top permission is "all", or "security-edit", or there are no permissions at all.) - I tried looking

Re: Adding Multiple JSON Documents

2019-06-03 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi John, I believe the documentation there is correct. That is: those are two different "update" APIs. /update takes a JSON array of potentially multiple docs, /update/json/docs takes either a JSON array of multiple docs, or a single document not wrapped in the JSON array syntax. Best, Jason

Re: alias read access impossible for anyone other than admin?

2019-05-31 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Sotiris, Is this your second time asking this question here, or is there a subtle difference I'm missing? You asked a very similar question a week or so ago, and I replied with a few suggestions for changing your security.json and with a few questions. In case you missed it for whatever

Re: alias read access impossible for anyone other than admin?

2019-05-28 Thread Jason Gerlowski
on for the same that works > :) ? > > aroop > > > > On May 24, 2019, at 9:55 AM, Jason Gerlowski wrote: > > > > Hi Sotiris, > > > > First, what version of Solr are you running? We've made some fixes > > recently (esp. SOLR-13355) to RBAP, and th

Re: alias read access impossible for anyone other than admin?

2019-05-24 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Sotiris, First, what version of Solr are you running? We've made some fixes recently (esp. SOLR-13355) to RBAP, and they might affect the behavior you're seeing or any fixes we can recommend. Second, the order of permissions in security.json has a huge effect on how . Solr always uses the

Re: Solr RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin question

2019-05-07 Thread Jason Gerlowski
s": "solr.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin", >"permissions": [ > { >"name": "read", >"role": "readonly" > }, > { > "path": "*", > "role&q

Re: Solr RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin question

2019-05-06 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hey Jeremy, One important thing to remember about the RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin is that if it doesn't find any rules matching a particular API call, it will allow the request. I think that's what you're running into here. Let's trace through how RBAP will process your rules: 1. Solr

Re: JSON Facet query to retrieve count all collections in Solr 8.0.0

2019-04-17 Thread Jason Gerlowski
qrYFUQ2ffmlWQ4GUTk= > > E0w3/2FD+rlxulbPm2G7i9HZqT+2gMBzcyJCcGcMWwA="} > > }, > > "authorization":{ > >"class":"solr.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin", > >"user-role":{"user1":"admin"}, > >

Re: JSON Facet query to retrieve count all collections in Solr 8.0.0

2019-04-16 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Edwin, To clarify what you're running into: - on 7.6, this query works all the time - on 7.7 this query works all the time - on 8.0, this query works the first time you run it, but subsequent runs return a 401 error? Is that correct? It might be helpful for others if you could share your

Re: bin/post command not working when run from crontab

2019-04-14 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Carsten, I think this is probably worth a jira. I'm not familiar enough with bin/post to say definitively whether the behavior you mention is a bug, or whether it's "expected" in some odd sense. But there's enough uncertainty that I think it's worth recording there. Best, Jason On Fri,

Re: Documentation for Apache Solr 8.0.0?

2019-04-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
The Solr Reference Guide (of which the online documentation is a part) gets built and released separately from the Solr distribution itself. The Solr community tries to keep the code and documentation releases as close together as we can, but the releases require work and are done on a volunteer

Re: security.json "all" predefined permission

2019-03-29 Thread Jason Gerlowski
h and then use > the REST API to add all the permissions and roles, > in that way you are sure that they are syntactically correct, and hopefully > you get some errors if you do something wrong? > > -- > Jan Høydahl, search solution architect > Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.

security.json "all" predefined permission

2019-03-28 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi all, Diving into the RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin for the first time in awhile, and found that the predefined permission "all" isn't behaving the way I'd expect it to. I'm trying to figure out whether it doesn't work the way I think, whether I'm just making a dumb mistake, or whether it's

Re: Upgrading solarj from 6.5.1 to 8.0.0

2019-03-25 Thread Jason Gerlowski
aw the method of setting credentials based on > > individual request. > > But I need to set the credentials at solrclient level. If you remember the > > way to do it please let me know. > > > > Thanks > > > > On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 8:26 PM Jason Gerlows

Re: Upgrading solarj from 6.5.1 to 8.0.0

2019-03-21 Thread Jason Gerlowski
You should be able to set credentials on individual requests with the SolrRequest.setBasicAuthCredentials() method. That's the method suggested by the latest Solr ref guide at least: There might

Re: Solr collection indexed to pdf in hdfs throws error during solr restart

2019-03-14 Thread Jason Gerlowski
> When I restart Solr How exactly are you restarting Solr? Are you running a "bin/solr restart"? Or is Solr already shut down and you're just starting it back up with a "bin/solr start "? Depending on how Solr was shut down, you might be running into a bit of a known-issue with Solr's HDFS

Re: ClassCastException in SolrJ 7.6+

2019-03-11 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Gerald, That looks like it might be a bug in SolrJ's JSON faceting support. Do you have a small code snippet that reproduces the problem? That'll help us confirm it's a bug, and get us started on fixing it. Best, Jason On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 10:29 AM Gerald Bonfiglio wrote: > > I'm

Apache Solr Reference Guide 7.7 Released

2019-03-11 Thread Jason Gerlowski
The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce that the Solr Reference Guide for 7.7 is now available. This 1,431-page PDF is the definitive guide to using Apache Solr, the search server built on Lucene. The PDF Guide can be downloaded from:

Re: Solrj, Json Facets, (Date) stats facets

2019-03-11 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Andrea, It looks like you've stumbled on a bug in NestableJsonFacet. I clearly wasn't thinking about Date stats when I first wrote it; it looks like it doesn't detect/parse them correctly in the current iteration. I'll try to fix this in a subsequent release. But in the meantime,

Re: Hide BasicAuth JVM param on SOLR admin UI

2019-03-07 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Solr has a configuration option that allows redacting particular properties that appear in the Admin UI. I _think_ this is the functionality you're looking for. For more information, Kevin Risden has a great little writeup of it here:

Re: Solr Reference Guide for version 7.7

2019-03-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Edwin, I volunteered to release the 7.7 ref-guide last week but decided to wait until 7.7.1 came out to work on it. (You probably know that 7.7.0 contained some serious bugs. These would've required non-trivial documentation effort in the ref-guide, and 7.7.1 already had a release-manager

Re: Python Client for Solr Cloud - Leader aware

2019-03-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Ganesh, I'm not an expert on pysolr, but from a quick scan of their update code, it does look like pysolr attempts to send update requests to _a_ leader node for a particular collection. But that's all it does. It doesn't check which shard the document(s) will belong to and try to pick the

Re: Giving SolrJ credentials for Zookeeper

2019-03-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Ryan, I haven't tried this myself, but wanted to offer a sanity check based on how I understand those instructions. Are you setting the "zkCredentialsProvider", "zkDigestUsername", and "zkDigestPassword" system-properties on your client app/process as well as on your Solr/ZK servers? Or are

Re: %solr_logs_dir% does not like spaces

2019-03-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
+1 to submitting a JIRA, even if you cannot find an edit to solr.cmd to fix the issue. And +1 to the issue likely just being a lack of double-quotes around the reference to SOLR_LOG_DIR. Best, Jason Gerlowski On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 11:56 AM Erick Erickson wrote: > > If you can

Re: Spring Boot Solr+ Kerberos+ Ambari

2019-03-01 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Rushikesh, Solr's Kerberos authentication is completely independent of Ranger. You can set it up to use Ranger, as is common with Hortonworks HDP, but it's also possible to setup Kerberos+Solr without Ranger in the picture at all. I haven't come across a concise explanation of _how_ to do

Re: Suppress stack trace in error response

2019-02-22 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Jeremy, Unfortunately Solr doesn't offer anything like what you're looking for, at least that I know of. There's no sort of global "quiet" or "suppressStack" option that you can pass on a request to _not_ get the stacktrace information back. There might be individual APIs which offer

Re: Solr 7.7 UpdateRequestProcessor broken

2019-02-18 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hey all, I have a proposed update which adds a 7.7 section to our "Upgrade Notes" ref-guide page. I put a mention of this in there, but don't have a ton of context on the issue. Would appreciate a review from anyone more familiar. Check out SOLR-13256 if you get a few minutes. Best, Jason

Re: Getting repeated Error - RunExecutableListener

2019-02-18 Thread Jason Gerlowski
Hi Hermant, configoverlay.json is not a file with content provided by Solr out of the box. Instead, it's used to hold any changes you make to Solr's default configuration using the config API (/config). More details at the top of the article here:

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