Problems installing Solr4 in Jetty9

2013-08-08 Thread Spadez
I've been unable to install SOLR into Jetty. Jetty seems to be running fine, and this is the steps I took to install solr: # SOLR cd /opt wget -O - $SOLR_URL | tar -xzf - cp solr-4.4.0/dist/solr-4.4.0.war /opt/jetty/webapps/solr.war cp -R solr-4.4.0/example/solr /opt/ cp -R /opt/solr-4.4.0/dist/

Re: Problems installing Solr4 in Jetty9

2013-08-08 Thread Spadez
Apparently this is the error: 2013-08-08 09:35:19.994:WARN:oejw.WebAppContext:main: Failed startup of context o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@64a20878{/solr,file:/tmp/jetty-,STARTING}{/solr.war} org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Could not find necessary SLF4j

Enabling DIH breaks Solr4.4

2013-08-08 Thread Spadez
Hi, I'm a bit stuck here. I had Solr4.4 working without too many issues. I wanted to enable the DIH so I firstly added these lines to the solrconfig.xml: lib dir=../contrib/dataimporthandler/lib regex=.*\.jar / lib dir=../dist/ regex=apache-solr-dataimporthandler-.*\.jar / Restarted and

Re: Enabling DIH breaks Solr4.4

2013-08-08 Thread Spadez
Thank you both so much for your help. The regex was indeed outdated. Everything works perfectly now! :) -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Solr4.4 DIH Headache

2013-08-08 Thread Spadez
Hi, QUESTION 1 First things first, for the dataimport handler. Is it correct that when I visit it from the admin panel it takes me to this URL: * * When I visit it on this page, it seems to load my config correctly in the right panel.

Data Import from MYSQL and POSTGRESQL

2013-08-07 Thread Spadez
For the data import handler I have moved he mysql and postgresql jar files to the solr lib directory (/opt/solr/lib). My issue is in the data-config.xml I have put two datasources, however, I am stuck on what to put for the driver values and the urls. dataSource name=quot;mysqlquot;

Adding Postgres and Mysql JDBC drivers to Solr

2013-08-06 Thread Spadez
Hi, I am running Solr4 on Jetty9 and I am trying to include the JDBC drivers for both MySQL and PostgreSQL. I'm a little confused about how I do this. I beleive these to be the two files I need:

Re: Adding Postgres and Mysql JDBC drivers to Solr

2013-08-06 Thread Spadez
Thank you very much -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Boosting based on value of field

2013-06-09 Thread Spadez
Hi, By the looks of it I have a few options with regards to boosting. I was wondering from a performance point of view am I better to set the boost of certain results on import via the DIH or instead is it better to set the boost when doing queries, by adding it to the default queries? I have a

Associate item with more than one location

2013-05-28 Thread Spadez
currently have an item which gets imported into solr, lets call it a book entry. Well that has a single location associated with it as a coordinate and location name but I am now finding out that a single entry may actually need to be associated with more than one location, for example New York

Solr DIH - Small index still take time?

2013-05-23 Thread Spadez
Hi, This is the situation, I have two sources of data in my dataimport handler, one is huge, the other is tiny: Source A: 10-20 records Source B: 50,000,000 records I was wondering what happens if I was to do a DIH just on Source A every 10 mins, and only run the DIH on source B every 24 hours.

Solr - Best Java Combination for performance?

2013-05-11 Thread Spadez
Hi, I was wondering, what setup have people had the most luck with from a performance point of view? Tomcat Vs Jetty Open JDK vs Oracle JDK I haven't been able to find any information online to backup any sort of performance claims. I am planning on using Tomcat with Open JDK, has anyone had

Moving from SOLR3.6 to SOLR4.0 - Last remaining warnings

2013-04-08 Thread Spadez
Hi. I have recently made the move from SOLR3.6 to SOLR4.0 and so far everything seems super apart frmo the fact that I had a lot of warnings in my logging section on the solr admin panel. I have tried to work through as many as possible but I have a few that I am not able to correct. This is the

Importing datetime

2013-03-19 Thread Spadez
This is the datetime format SOLR requires as I understand it: 1995-12-31T23:59:59Z When I try to store this as a datetime field in MySQL it says it isn't valid. My question is, ideally I would want to keep a datetime in my database so I can sort by date rather than just making it a varchar, so I

Put straight to a copyfield

2012-12-06 Thread Spadez
Hi, I currently have this setup: Bring in data into the description schema and then have this code: copyField source=description dest=truncated_description maxChars=168/ To then truncate the description and move it to truncated_description. This works fine. I was wondering, is it possible so

Is it ok to have a alphanumberic ID for entries?

2012-12-05 Thread Spadez
I was wondering, with my current setup I have an ID field which is a number. If I wanted to then change it so my ID field was actually a mix of numbers and letters (to do with the backend system), would this cause any sort of problem? I would never do any kind of sorting by ID on my search page,

Concern with using external SQL server for DIH

2012-12-05 Thread Spadez
Hi, I am looking to import entries to my SOLR server by using the DIH, connecting to an external postgre SQL server using the JDBC driver. I will be importing about 50,000 entries each time. Is connecting to an external SQL server for my data unreliable or risky, or is it instead perfrectly

SQL DIH - Can I have some guidance please?

2012-12-04 Thread Spadez
Hi. I am having a bit of trouble figuruing out the DIH for SQL files. I have asked around a few different places but havent got any replies so I was hoping you could help me. *I have a database schema like this:* CREATE TABLE company ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(60) NOT NULL );

Two databases merge into SOLR - How to keep unique ID?

2012-12-04 Thread Spadez
I have two databases (unfortunately they do have to be separate) which get imported into Solr. Each database has a primary key for each time but I am concerned that when it comes to importing the two into SOLR there will be more than one item with the same ID (one from each DB). Therefore, in

Re: SQL DIH - Can I have some guidance please?

2012-12-04 Thread Spadez
Thank you so much for your help. Based on the same schema in my first post and your help I created this, have I implemented it correctly based on your suggestion? I tried to comment it: dataConfig dataSource name=app-ds driver=org.postgresql.Driver

Re: SQL DIH - Can I have some guidance please?

2012-12-04 Thread Spadez
Thank you so much for the help, I really appreciate it. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

How to format xml for Solr import

2012-11-16 Thread Spadez
Hi, I was wondering if someone could show me an example XML file for use to import to solr. Bascially I have the following information that I am trying to import to solr: Title Description Keyword Description Source Location Name Location Co-ordinates URL Time I've never worked with XML before

Bash Script to start delta import handler

2012-11-16 Thread Spadez
Hey guys, I am after a bash script (or python script) which I can use to trigger a delta import of XML files via CRON. After a bit of digging and modification I have this: Can I get any feedback on this? Is there a better way of doing it? Any optimisations or improvements would be most

Newbie - Setting up date and distance facets

2012-10-16 Thread Spadez
I am using solr and I want to setup two different types of facets on my data. The first is date, so I would like it like this: Posted: Today 3 days 7 days All time Distance: 5 miles 10 miles 30 miles 100 miles How should I be setting up faceting? It looks like something I need to edit my

Re: Newbie - Setting up date and distance facets

2012-10-16 Thread Spadez
Thank you for the reply. The facet range gap loks good but it is too far down the line to be of use, I wish it was implemented though. What I want is really a more simple question Is it correct that to add facets on date and distance

Splitting up a location to make it searchable

2012-09-24 Thread Spadez
I am using Google for location input. *It often splits out something like this:* Shorewood, Seattle, Wa *Since I am using this index analyzer:* filter class=solr.EdgeNGramFilterFactory minGramSize=3 maxGramSize=30 / It means that if I search for Sho or Shorew I get the result I want. However,

ID reference field - Needed but not searchable or retrievable

2012-09-20 Thread Spadez
Hi. My SQL database assigns a uniqueID to each item. I want to keep this uniqueID assosiated to the items that are in Solr even though I wont ever need to display them or have them searchable. I do however what to be able to target specific items in Solr with it, for updating or deleting the

Correct way of storing longitude and latitude

2012-09-20 Thread Spadez
Hi, Sorry for all the questions today but I paid a third party coder to develop a schema for me but now that I have more of an understanding myself I have a questions. The aim is to do spacial searching so in my schema I have this: field name=latlng type=location indexed=true stored=false /

Highlighting without URL condition

2012-09-19 Thread Spadez
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to set up highlighting so it is on by default, and doesnt need to add to the URL. For example: http://localhost:8080/solr/select?q=bookhl=true I would like to have it so highlighting is on even if the URL is this:

Journey to enable highlighting

2012-09-19 Thread Spadez
Hi, So I want to enable highlighting on my results. When I run the query like this: http://localhost:8080/solr/select?q=bookhl=true I don't get any highlighted results. I am assuming that more is needed to actually enable highlighting. Commented out at the bottom of my solrconfig.xml is this:

Http 500 Error - Cant find the log file

2012-09-19 Thread Spadez
Hi, I have been making changes to my schema and unfortauntly I now get a error when viewing my Solr tomcat admin page. The error doesnt seem to explain the problem: HTTP Status 500 - Severe errors in solr configuration. Check your log files for more detailed information on what may be wrong. If

Re: Taking a full text, then truncate and duplicate with stopwords

2012-09-18 Thread Spadez
Ok, I’ve been doing a bit more research. In order to do the copyfield technique, I need to store the original full text document within Solr, like this: field name=truncated_description indexed=false stored=false field name=quot;keyword_descriptionquot; indexed=quot;truequot;

Re: Taking a full text, then truncate and duplicate with stopwords

2012-09-18 Thread Spadez
Ok, thank you for the reply. I have one more question then I think everything is cleared up. If I have this code: field field name=truncated_description type=text_general indexed=false stored=true field name=keyword_description type=text_stripped indexed=true stored=false /field copyField

Re: Only exact match searches working

2012-09-17 Thread Spadez
Thank you for the reply. I have done a bit of reading and it says I can also use this one: filter class=solr.NGramFilterFactory minGramSize=3 maxGramSize=30 / This is what I will use I think, as it weeds out words like at I as a bonus. -- View this message in context:

Taking a full text, then truncate and duplicate with stopwords

2012-09-17 Thread Spadez
I've hit a bit of a wall and would appreciate some guidance. I want to index a large block of text, like such: I dont want to store this as it is in Solr, I want to instead have two versions of it. One as a truncated form, and one as a keyword form. *Truncated Form:* *Keyword Form (using

Re: Taking a full text, then truncate and duplicate with stopwords

2012-09-17 Thread Spadez
Purely for searching. The truncated form is just to show to the user as a preview, and the keyword form is for the keyword searching. -- View this message in context: Sent

Re: Taking a full text, then truncate and duplicate with stopwords

2012-09-17 Thread Spadez
In an attempt to answer my own question, is this a good solution. Before I was thinking of importing my fulltext description once, then sorting it into two seperate fields in solr, one truncated, one keyword. How about instead actually importing my fulltext description twice. Then I can import

Re: Taking a full text, then truncate and duplicate with stopwords

2012-09-17 Thread Spadez
Thank you for the reply. The trouble is, I want the truncated desciption to still have the keywords. If I pass it to the keyword_descipriton and remove words like and i then if etc, then copy it across to truncated_description, my truncated description will not be a sentance, it will only be

Re: Only exact match searches working

2012-09-17 Thread Spadez
Ok. I can still define GramSize too? *filter class=solr.EdgeNGramFilterFactory minGramSize=3 maxGramSize=30 /* -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Re: Taking a full text, then truncate and duplicate with stopwords

2012-09-17 Thread Spadez
Maybe I dont understand, but if you are copying the keyword description field and then truncating it then the truncated form will only have keywords too. That isnt what I want. I want the truncated form to have words like a the it etc that would have been removed when added to keyword_description.

Re: Taking a full text, then truncate and duplicate with stopwords

2012-09-17 Thread Spadez
I'm really confused here. I have a document which is say 4000 words long. I want to get this put into two fields in Solr without having to save the original document in its entirety within Solr. When I import my fulltext (4000 word) document to Solr I was going to put it straight into

Re: Taking a full text, then truncate and duplicate with stopwords

2012-09-17 Thread Spadez
source value even if they analyze and index the value in different ways. -- Jack Krupansky -Original Message- From: Spadez Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 12:29 PM To: solr-user@.apache Subject: Re: Taking a full text, then truncate and duplicate with stopwords I'm really

Only exact match searches working

2012-09-16 Thread Spadez
Hi, I finally got my Solr working. It indexes posts and I can search it from my site. I have run into one problem though. If I have an entry as England, when I search England on my site, or england I get the result returned. When I search Eng it tells me there are no results. My question is

Re: Undefined field text

2012-09-10 Thread Spadez
I am sorry to come across as a bit simple, but I would rather fix this by making sure my default field in my schema.xml is defined, but I cant determine where my default field is within my schema.xml I've put it up on here: Would anyone be able to give me a bit

Undefined field text

2012-09-09 Thread Spadez
Hi, Im trying to do some work on my server but running into problems. When I try to ping the server through the admin panel I get this error, which I believe might be causing the problem: Can anyone give me a bit of guideance as to what might be going wrong? I'm using Solr 3.6. I think it may

Custom Geocoder with Solr and Autosuggest

2012-08-13 Thread Spadez
Hi, I want to create a very simple geocoder for returning co-ordinates of a place if a user enters in a town or city. There seems to be very little information about doing it the way I suggest, so I hope I am on a good path. My first decision was to divide SOLR into two cores, since I am already

Re: Is SOLR best suited to this application - Finding co-ordinates

2012-08-01 Thread Spadez
Normalising the data is a good idea, and it would be easy to do since I would only have around 50,000 entires BUT it is a bit complicated with addresses I think. Lets say I store the data in this form: TownCityCountry London, England Swindon, Wiltshire, England Wiltshire England England What

Is SOLR best suited to this application - Finding co-ordinates

2012-07-31 Thread Spadez
I am trying to make a system that returns co-ordinates for a given town, city, country or postcode query. I want to return the data in the fastest way possible since the server is going to be hammered and is going to need real concurency. Is Solr a good software solution to this? Would I be

Re: Is SOLR best suited to this application - Finding co-ordinates

2012-07-31 Thread Spadez
I already have a SOLR server up and running which is designed to receive keywords and co-ordinates and result item results. The way I see it I have three options: 1. Have one geocode solr server to convert place names to co-ordinates and another seperate Solr server to turn the items results. 2.

Re: Geocoding with Solr

2012-07-29 Thread Spadez
If I wanted to return long/lat from either town city or postcode, how would I structure it? If I was just searching for towns it would be easy, like this: *Town, City, Postcode, Country, Long/Lat* Orpington, Kent, Uk, 1.2/1.1 However, but there will be city entries and postcode, I dont how

Geocoding with Solr

2012-07-28 Thread Spadez
Hi! I am using Solr as my main search system for my site. Currently, I am using google to turn a place name (such as a postcode or city) into a long / lat co-ordinate. Then I am supplying this long / lat to Solr so it can perform a spacial search. I am really new to this, but I dont like my

Importing index - Real Time or Queued?

2012-07-19 Thread Spadez
Hi, Lets say I am running an auction site. There are 20,000 entries. 100 entries come from an on-site SQL database, the rest come from a generated txt file from scrapped content. I want to import any new SQL results onto the server as quickly as possible so they are searchable but I dont want to

Re: Importing index - Real Time or Queued?

2012-07-19 Thread Spadez
Thank you for the reply. Ok, well that brings another question. I dont like pre-optimisation, but I also dont like inefficiency, so lets see if I can strike a balance. It does seem really poor design to reimport 10,000 documents, when only one needs to be added. I dont like that, can you not

Re: Importing index - Real Time or Queued?

2012-07-19 Thread Spadez
This seems to suggest you have to reindex Solr in its entirety and cant add a single document at a time, is this right? -- View this message in context:

Internal Error 500 - How to diagnose?

2012-07-04 Thread Spadez
Hi, Sorry for this post, but im having a hard time getting my head around this. I installed Solr on Tomcat and it seems to work fine. I get the solr admin page and the it works page from tomcat. When I try to query my solr server I get this message: *Internal Server Error The server

RE: Internal Error 500 - How to diagnose?

2012-07-04 Thread Spadez
Thank you, the query seems to have got through, thats good i guess? *Jul 4, 2012 6:32:34 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/select

Help! Confused about using Jquery for the Search query - Want to ditch it

2012-06-07 Thread Spadez
Hi, My current method of searching involes communicating to solr using python. The clients browser communicates to the search API using jquery/json. However, although this works, I dont like the dependancy on Javascript. Either I can keep with this method and have a backup system in place that

Re: Help! Confused about using Jquery for the Search query - Want to ditch it

2012-06-07 Thread Spadez
Further to my last reply. How about I do the following: Send the request to the server using the GET method and then return the results in XML rather than JSON. Does this sound logical? -- View this message in context:

Re: Help! Confused about using Jquery for the Search query - Want to ditch it

2012-06-07 Thread Spadez
Final comment from me then Ill let someone else speak. The solution we seem to be looking at is send a GET request to SOLR and then send back a renderized page, so we are basically creating the results page on the server rather than the client side. I would really like to hear what people have

Re: Help! Confused about using Jquery for the Search query - Want to ditch it

2012-06-07 Thread Spadez
Thank you for the reply, but I'm afraid I don't understand :( This is how things are setup. On my Python website, I have a keyword and location box. When clicked, it queries the server via a javascript GET request, it then sends back the data via Json. I'm saying that I dont want to be reliant

RE: Help! Confused about using Jquery for the Search query - Want to ditch it

2012-06-07 Thread Spadez
Hi Ben, Thank you for the reply. So, If I don't want to use Javascript and I want the entire page to reload each time, is it being done like this? 1. User submits form via GET 2. Solr server queried via GET 3. Solr server completes query 4. Solr server returns XML output 5. XML data put into

RE: Help! Confused about using Jquery for the Search query - Want to ditch it

2012-06-07 Thread Spadez
Thank you, that helps. The bit I am still confused about how the server sends the response to the server though. I get the impression that there are different ways that this could be done, but is sending an XML response back to the Python server the best way to do this? -- View this message in

Schema / Config Error?

2012-06-06 Thread Spadez
Hi, I installed a fresh copy of Solr 3.6.0 or my server but I get the following page when I try to access Solr: It says errors to do with my Solr.xml. This is my solr.xml: I really cant figure out how I am meant to fix this, so if anyone is able to give some

Indexing new documents - Real time or hourly?

2012-05-13 Thread Spadez
Hi, I have the following situation. I have two feeds into my SOLR: 1. XML file containing around 30,000 entries, likely to be changing significantly each day, only changing once every 24 hours 2. A SQL database containing around 30 entries, only 1-2 new entries each day, but important to be

Re: Newbie Tries to make a Schema.xml

2012-05-10 Thread Spadez
Right, for Long/Lat I found this information: -Long / Lat Field Type- fieldType name=location class=solr.LatLonType subFieldSuffix=_coordinate/ -Fields- field name=latlng type=location indexed=true stored=true / field name=latlng_0_coordinate type=double indexed=true

Newbie Tries to make a Schema.xml

2012-05-09 Thread Spadez
Hi, I’m totally out of my depth here but I am trying, so I apologise if this is a bit of a basic question. I need the following information to be indexed and then made searchable by Solr: Title – A title for the company Company – The name of the company Description – A description of the company

Re: Newbie Tries to make a Schema.xml

2012-05-09 Thread Spadez
Thank you for the feedback. Yes they are uses for geospacial. After doing a bit of homework I found this correction. Is this how it should be done?    field name=lat type=tdouble indexed=true stored=true/    field name=lon type=tdouble indexed=true stored=true/ -- View this message in context:

Searching by location – What do I send to Solr?

2012-05-03 Thread Spadez
Hi, I'm finding it a bit hard to get my head around this. Say I am putting items on a map. This is how I am thinking it would work: A user submits an item and specifies the location as London On submission, I run a process to convert London to a Long/Lat which is stored in the database However,

Re: Searching by location – What do I send to Solr?

2012-05-03 Thread Spadez
Hi, This is quite a challenge. I know there are situations when you can get by with google maps api or similar, but they limit the number of requests and I need more than that, unfortunatly for the full service they charge a fortune! So, going back to my question, does anyone have any ideas or

Re: Searching by location – What do I send to Solr?

2012-05-03 Thread Spadez
I discounted geonames to start with but it actually looks pretty good. I may be stretching the limit of my question here, but say I did go with geonames, if I go back to my model and add a bit: Search for London-Convert London to Long/Lat-Send Query to Solr-Return Query Since my main

Importing formats - Which works best with Solr?

2012-04-20 Thread Spadez
Hi, I am designing a custom scrapping solution. I need to store my data, do some post processing on it and then import it into SOLR. If I want to import data into SOLR in the quickest, easiest way possible, what format should I be saving my scrapped data in? I get the impression that .XML would

Location Based Searching – Long Lat?

2012-04-16 Thread Spadez
Hi, If I want to do a proximity search and they have provided me with a name of a city, for example, “London”. How do I search this by proximity within Solr? I am assuming I first need a process to convert the city name to a long and lat, so that Solr can understand where London is. Is this

Securing Solr under Tomcat - IP best way?

2012-04-10 Thread Spadez
Hi, I’m in the process of working how to configure and secure my server running Nginx, and Nutch and Solr under Tomcat. Is the best security practice for securing Solr under Tomcat simply to only allow requests only from This way Solr isn’t exposed to the outside world and is only

Re: Securing Solr under Tomcat - IP best way?

2012-04-10 Thread Spadez
Thank you for the reply. I hate to take more of peoples time but can anyone elaborate more on the kind of firewall rules I should be looking at? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr -

Python and solr - Should I give up on this?

2012-04-07 Thread Spadez
Hi. Python is becoming an extremely popular language for web programming but the official python-solr interface isn't included since 1.3 and a lot of the ones on the web seem good but not production worthy yet, like mysolr. Can solr be used with python in a production environment or will I be

Updating Solr - Overright Configs?

2012-03-28 Thread Spadez
Hi, I am writing a bash script which will install SOLR. I had two quick questions: Is there a way to update SOLR, changing only the files which have changed from the previous version, or is it a case that I need to fully uninstall the old version and then reinstall the newest version. Secondly,

Java Server and PHP server

2012-03-16 Thread Spadez
Hi, Call me crazy, but I don’t like the idea of having a single server which not only runs my PHP site on Apache, but also runs SOLR and Nutch, inclusive of Tomcat. Is it a terrible idea to have one Rackspace VPS account which runs the PHP site with MYSQL database, and another rackspace account

Re: Geolocation in SOLR with PHP application

2012-03-09 Thread Spadez
A quick, bump, I could really do with some input on this please. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

Two Questions - Tomcat/Jetty Java/PHP

2012-03-02 Thread Spadez
Hi, I have two newbie questions. With all my searching I havent been able to find which would be a better choice to run my SOLR / Nutch install, Tomcat or Jetty. There seems to be a lot of people on the internet saying Jetty has better performance but I havent been able to see any proof of that.

SOLR - Just for search or whole site DB?

2012-02-21 Thread Spadez
I am new to this but I wanted to pitch a setup to you. I have a website being coded at the moment, in the very early stages, but is effectively a full text scrapper and search engine. We have decided on SOLR for the search system. We basically have two sets of data: One is the content for the

Re: SOLR - Just for search or whole site DB?

2012-02-21 Thread Spadez
Thank you for the information Damien. Is there a better database to use at the core of the sight which is more compatible with SOLR than MYSQL, or is hooking MYSQL up with SOLR simple enough. -- View this message in context:

Is Sphinx better suited to me, or should I look at Solr?

2012-02-20 Thread Spadez
I am creating what is effectively a search engine. Content is collected via spiders at then is inserted into my database and becomes searchable and filterable. I invision there being around 90K records to be searched at any one time. The content is blog posts and forum posts so we are basically