Hash: SHA1
D. Richard Hipp wrote:
> Christian Smith wrote:
>>> /tmp/ is rwx by anyone
>>> root stats /tmp/tmpdb.root.1072 (pid==1072)
>>> Nonexistant
>>> User ln -s /etc/fstab /tmp/tmpdb.root.1072
>>> root creates /tmp/tmpdb.root.1072
>>> fstab erased.
Hash: SHA1
I was considering creating a table for each package identified as
category/grp/class/package/version and storing dependencies and files in
there; but I decided not to cerate thousands of tables :) I'm still
examining the idea, it may be usefu
i was updating sqlite 2.8.14 -> 2.8.15 and now I get this single
regression failure:
Error: can't read "result(*)": variable isn't array
Is this an actual problem or is this a bug in the test itself?
Thanks, but you must have misunderstood my post.
I know how to configure projects under both Visual Studio 6 and 2003
(I've been working with VS for quite a few years now).
The reason why I asked the OP to exactly specify which option he means
is that I found his mail not very precise. To make su
Steve Frierdich wrote:
Attached is a Power Point presentation that shows how to select a
Multi Threaded DLL or a Debug Multi Threaded DLL for the user run-time
library for a Visaul Studio Project. In short below are the steps to
take. In the Power Point are visual representations of the
I touched on a similar topic in my blog:
The comments there got distracted onto the question of how to use XML data
in a relational database, and pointed off to http://www.sqlxml.org/ and
There was a suggestion to
I was guessing that the OP means the option for runtime library.
But the question wasn't very precise.
If it's really about the choice of runtime library, then you don't have
to use "multithreaded dll". You can any version of the runtime. The
only thing you should do is to select the same versio
In VS 6, we generally find that you need to compile everything with
Multithreaded-dll, even the libraries, or you get very strange error
messages as the compiler tries to link with conflicting run-time
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 20:54:13 +0100, Rolf Schaeuble
Hi all; I have been trying to find a good XML schema for describing
databases, so that I can, among other things, produce documentation
for my database format. Is there a good (free) one already out there,
that is genarally accepted/used? I'm not looking to export data, just
the description of th
What do you mean with "Multithreaded" or "Mulithreaded-DLL" project? Can
you explain exactly where you can select between these two options, and
whether you are using Visual Studio 6 or 2002/2003?
Rolf Schäuble
Michael Knigge wrote:
this question is slightly OT here but.
I want to com
Andrew Shakinovsky wrote:
I am looking at the PRAGMA auto_vacuum command. How efficient is this (as
far as time is concerned. I am not concerned about space)?
Autovacuum makes the database a little larger (by a few percent)
and it makes DELETE operations a little slower (by about 20%, IIRC).
More d
On Sat, 8 Jan 2005, John Richard Moser wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>What can be in an SQL table?
>Can tables contain tables? I want to be able to search for a given
>package and find what files are in it, search for a file and find what
>packages supply it. . . what
I am contemplating using SQLite as a message queueing mechanism, and was
wondering whether this would be efficient. In particular, I will be adding
new records to a table, while another process removes those records when it
is ready to handle that "message".
My question relates to possible fragmen
Christian Smith wrote:
/tmp/ is rwx by anyone
root stats /tmp/tmpdb.root.1072 (pid==1072)
User ln -s /etc/fstab /tmp/tmpdb.root.1072
root creates /tmp/tmpdb.root.1072
fstab erased.
SQLite wouldn't work like that. It would read the file (which is actually
/etc/fstab) and determine that
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, John Richard Moser wrote:
>Christian Smith wrote:
>> On Tue, 11 Jan 2005, John Richard Moser wrote:
>>>While most of this isn't of general interest, I'd like to point out that
>>>I create the database by opening it with o
2. disable asserts. I don't know how this is done in C, but I assume
that in
a release build, asserts are off.
Disable asserts() using -DNDEBUG=1. This more than doubles the speed
of SQLite. Asserts() are turned off in release builds.
We build sqlite3.08 as follows: ./configure --disable-shared
mike cariotoglou wrote:
2. disable asserts. I don't know how this is done in C, but I assume that in
a release build, asserts are off.
Disable asserts() using -DNDEBUG=1. This more than doubles the speed
of SQLite. Asserts() are turned off in release builds.
D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED
I use eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 with de 3.0.8 Wrapper created
by Rob Groves that you will find in
http://www.codeproject.com/database/CppSQLite.asp and with
de WinCE port http://sqlite-wince.sourceforge.net/ created by
Nuno Lucas.
You will find a manual steb-by-step of install this WinCE port in
Miquel Matas wrote:
Please, what kind of application developent do you use me to develop
in pocketpc and sqlite 3.0??
Are you asking about the IDE or the application itself?
IDE: Embedded Visual Studio 4 and Visual Studio 2003 (it runs on pdas
and on desktops).
application: it's actually a platf
Markus Oliver Junginger wrote:
D. Richard Hipp wrote:
Not true. V2.8 stores the first 240 or so bytes of data for each
row on a single disk page and the rest on overflow pages. ...
Thanks for the clarification. So, it seems V3.x is the right choice
for embedded software, too, and we will migrat
D. Richard Hipp wrote:
Not true. V2.8 stores the first 240 or so bytes of data for each
row on a single disk page and the rest on overflow pages. ...
Thanks for the clarification. So, it seems V3.x is the right choice for
embedded software, too, and we will migrate to V3.x in the long term.
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