Re: [Talk-GB] Recycling Points

2020-11-28 Thread Michael Booth
Jez, I'm confused :) Your first email recognised the difference between a recycling centre (i.e. a council-run 'tip' / 'dump' that you can normally drive into) and a recycling point (i.e. one with containers, found in supermarket car parks etc.). So I'm really not sure why you would tag the

Re: [Talk-GB] Documenting tagging practice for place nodes in London

2020-06-25 Thread Michael Booth
It seems like a number of those hamlets could be changed to something else. Also worth having a look at place=locality nodes, to see if they can be tagged as another place type (if it's a populated place - e.g. or the name added to a feature. On

Re: [Talk-GB] CWGC: worldwide, war graves

2020-04-25 Thread Michael Booth
This seems to be it: Found via a search for: "talk-gb" "Commonwealth" Daniel, what is actually being proposed to be added to OSM? Is it a list of CWG cemeteries that could then be checked a

Re: [Talk-GB] Strava heatmaps - permission reconfirmed

2019-11-24 Thread Michael Booth
Are you definitely logged in to an account on with that browser? If I log out then I too am missing the CloudFront cookies. On 24/11/2019 12:35, Philip Barnes wrote: On Wed, 2019-11-20 at 12:16 +, Michael Booth wrote: Just tried it and it works for me. The cookies have an expiry

Re: [Talk-GB] Strava heatmaps - permission reconfirmed

2019-11-20 Thread Michael Booth
nes wrote: On Mon, 2019-11-18 at 17:28 +0000, Michael Booth wrote: Only problem is that Strava's iD fork includes the low-res heatmap tiles, plus I don't think the Slide tool works anymore and it's a really old version of iD. The high-res heatmap tiles can be used in JOSM however,

Re: [Talk-GB] Strava heatmaps - permission reconfirmed

2019-11-18 Thread Michael Booth
Only problem is that Strava's iD fork includes the low-res heatmap tiles, plus I don't think the Slide tool works anymore and it's a really old version of iD. The high-res heatmap tiles can be used in JOSM however, by creating a Strava account and following the guide at: https://wiki.openstre

[Talk-GB] Additional NLS map layers

2019-10-31 Thread Michael Booth
Hi, Just to let everyone know there are now additional NLS maps available for use - some detailed ones mostly covering Scotland, but there's also the 1940-60s National Grid maps covering all of Great Britain. I got in touch with the NLS after noticing they were available on their website, th

Re: [Talk-GB] Next quarters project will be fixmes and notes

2019-09-24 Thread Michael Booth
Great idea. Think there should also be an effort to open notes for some fixmes which require a survey, as many go unnoticed. Fixmes can only be viewed in iD or with a QA tool, while notes can be viewed on and StreetComplete which is useful for actually going out and surveying them. M

Re: [Talk-GB] 'Sources' tags

2019-09-08 Thread Michael Booth
From the wiki: Tags such as imagery_used=Bing are set automatically by the iD editor and Vespucci on changesets . It

Re: [Talk-GB] RNLI Dunkirk Memorial

2019-09-03 Thread Michael Booth
Tagging it as type=memorial and memorial=yes doesn't seem very useful to me. Even though the wiki doesn't say you can use historic=memorial on a relation, I would tag it as that. It would be similar to this one nearby [1], would still get rendered and be recognised by data consumers. Or failin

Re: [Talk-GB] Alignment at Point of Sleat

2019-08-12 Thread Michael Booth
In addition, the ESRI imagery doesn't have the distortion around the rocky cliffs and also seems to match Bing further inland where the path comes from, so that should help you. On 12/08/2019 18:51, SK53 wrote: I had a quick look. The lighthouse as currently mapped sits fair & square on the bu

Re: [Talk-GB] How to Fix a "Fix-Me"

2019-07-31 Thread Michael Booth
Looks like the fixme was added to the end node of that road when it was first created, and then the person who added the loop probably didn't realise it was there so it remained. If you look at the node history and the changeset where it was created, you can see the loop being added and the fi

Re: [Talk-GB] Is this a footbridge?

2019-05-06 Thread Michael Booth
Ctrl + Shift + M for the measurement panel which shows the length of a way or dimensions of an area. Ctrl + Shift + B, H or L also show other info panels. On 05/05/2019 18:18, Martin Wynne wrote: p.s. Am I missing something? How can I see the actual dimensions of an element in the iD editor?

Re: [Talk-GB] We're missing changes to M1 Junction 36 which have apparently been in place for a year.

2019-02-10 Thread Michael Booth
You can get an RSS feed to keep an eye on the in your area at There's also one for the UK: I think a quarterly project on notes would be good for the summer, while people are more likel

Re: [Talk-GB] Changing highway=ford to ford=yes.

2019-01-06 Thread Michael Booth
Replying to this message as for some reason Dave's emails never come through to my inbox. I agree these should be updated to the new tag, but not simply with a automated edit - it would be much better to check each individual instance first before retagging. I've just looked at some of the h

Re: [Talk-GB] Network tag on railway stations

2018-11-17 Thread Michael Booth
If you look at the history of some stations, you'll see that about 6 years ago this was corrected to National Rail but it was reverted soon after, e.g. Clearly "Nation Rail" is wrong so it should be fixed. Perhaps this could be as part of a

Re: [Talk-GB] House of Fraser

2018-06-07 Thread Michael Booth
If you are going to do it use the notes feature, much more likely to get noticed than fixmes. On 07/06/2018 20:53, Andrew Hain wrote: House of Fraser today announced today that half their branches are to close, listing which ones. Although shops should not yet be removed does it make sense wit

Re: [Talk-GB] Scottish community councils

2018-05-28 Thread Michael Booth
Fife Council has their boundaries available here: - but the licence information says "none" so probably need to get them to release it under a proper licence? On 27/05/2018 11:55, Colin Smale wrote: Hi Saoirse, As far as I have b

Re: [Talk-GB] Petrol stations with fixme tag

2018-01-17 Thread Michael Booth
For the overpass-turbo link on your blog, I suggest you use this one instead: - which includes "in UK" in the query to limit the search to the UK instead of a normal bbox. The same can be done for other countries, councils and towns/cities with areas. On 17/01/2

Re: [Talk-GB] Mistagging of old telephone boxes

2017-12-22 Thread Michael Booth
Could be using Geograph - the phone box in this photo - - was added here: Though as the caption says, it's slated for removal due to lack of use (photo taken in January 2017) so a bit pointless to add it if

Re: [Talk-GB] The OSM UK map: abandoned railways may still have bridges.

2017-11-02 Thread Michael Booth
Assuming you are talking about this way: Nothing to do with disused=yes - it's not rendered because it's marked as railway=abandoned, which is the correct way to tag a former railway line where the tracks have been lifted but the route is still visib

Re: [Talk-GB] Select and correct a discovered key duplication of sorts in JOSM

2017-10-08 Thread Michael Booth
I think select all includes all of the vertex nodes in each of the ways. You need to select all, ctrl + F, then choose "find in selection" and click "type:way" to select only the ways. On 08/10/2017 15:50, Bob Hawkins wrote: I return to this thread because there is something I do not understan

Re: [Talk-GB] Tagging "Shared space" roads (Preston City Centre)

2017-10-01 Thread Michael Booth
One of the first edits I did in OSM was to change my local high street to a tertiary road from a living_street. I think I noticed it because it's rendered different by osm-carto and some routers wouldn't use the road for directions. It's a 20mph two lane road, except with three traffic calming

Re: [Talk-GB] Building that have been replaced

2017-08-04 Thread Michael Booth
Do you mean is no longer there, and has been rebuilt into a rectangular building? If so, have a look at the newer DigitalGlobe imagery, and also OS OpenData StreetView to see the new building. Mind and check imagery alignment as there's normally an o

Re: [Talk-GB] Birmingham Tree Import

2017-04-13 Thread Michael Booth
Surely instead of just using email to let users know about comments on changesets and notes, there should be some sort of notification on the OSM website as well? There already is a notification in the top right corner for unread messages - this should be extended to changesets and notes. The

Re: [Talk-GB] Rendering Stiles

2017-04-05 Thread Michael Booth
Might be worth commenting on this issue about adding kissing gate/stile icons, with any suggestions for rendering them on the standard layer: On 05/04/2017 10:09, Ian Caldwell wrote: I am having a conversation with a new mapper, he

Re: [Talk-GB] Blackwall Tunnel

2017-03-08 Thread Michael Booth
Seems to be missing from OSRM's list of barrier features that cars can be routed through: Might be worth opening an issue on their github about the problem. On 08/03/2017 22:

Re: [Talk-GB] Propose automated edit to update NAPTAN data in the west mids

2017-02-03 Thread Michael Booth
On a related note, what is the process for getting an import in places that don't already have NAPTAN data? I'd be interested in having bus stops in Fife imported. On 03/02/2017 17:52, Brian Prangle wrote: Hi everyone We have an opportunity to work with the regional transport authority TfWM

Re: [Talk-GB] New editors working on parks

2017-01-27 Thread Michael Booth
It's been mentioned on reddit: and People are commenting on changesets but if new users don't r

Re: [Talk-GB] [OSM-talk] This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application:

2016-12-09 Thread Michael Booth
I don't think it's possible to delete an object in When you edit a place, after all the other details the option at the bottom is "place does not exist", which presumably leaves a note and comment. With the complaints people have about, just imagine how many more there would b

Re: [Talk-GB] Suspicious edits in Tarbrax, South Lanarkshire

2016-12-05 Thread Michael Booth
There seems to have been a number of new users editing in the West Calder area, all creating their accounts around 25th November: It looks like they have come f

Re: [Talk-GB] Mapping dangerous - but valid - routes

2016-12-05 Thread Michael Booth
In case you haven't seen it, the roundabout is on Mapillary from both a car and bike perspective: On 05/12/2016 16:12, Stuart Reynolds wrote: Greetings At Stirling Corner, o

Re: [Talk-GB] UK suburbs

2016-10-06 Thread Michael Booth
addr:locality could cause confusion in OSM because place=locality is a named place with no population? I live in a post town so things are straightforward, but I've never been entirely sure how to tag addresses in the village and town either side of me. For example the Royal Mail address: x

Re: [Talk-GB] Users tagging Farmyard as place=farm (Was Summer quarterly project)

2016-09-13 Thread Michael Booth
I noticed via overpass-turbo there's quite a lot of place=farm to the north of Dundee, which seem to have all been added by the same person. Many of them have the place=farm node on top of an unnamed farmyard way, for example:

Re: [Talk-GB] wrong tag "tunnel_name""bridge_name"

2016-08-10 Thread Michael Booth
That's just for the UK though - global stats show bridge:name is used on ways 9611 times (plus a further 6565 nodes) compared to 5388 for bridge_name. On 10/08/2016 10:42, Ed Loach wrote: Checking there are 1957 bridge_name compared to 633 bridge:name – is the wi

Re: [Talk-GB] defibrillators - was: phone boxes used for other purposes

2016-04-21 Thread Michael Booth
Wow, poor excuse from the leisure centre - they should deal with the actual problem and not a hypothetical one! I've added one in my town's High Street, but unfortunately it doesn't show up on the standard map layer. It would be good if there was an "emergency" layer, which listed all the emer

Re: [Talk-GB] New users and P2

2016-02-25 Thread Michael Booth
There's already an android app that does some of that: I record traces and add notes/markers for various things and take photos, export it as a gpx, share the trace/photos to google drive, then download them for use

[Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-11 Thread Michael Booth
Hi all, new mapper with a question about the place=* tag. I noticed my town (population 6,000+) was tagged as place=village, so I looked at the wiki and also other places in my council area before making any changes. The wiki gives a suggestion to go by population: city > 100,000; town > 10,