Re: [talk-ph] An OsmAnd personal user guide

2014-07-27 Per discussione Erwin Olario
Great find Eugene! *Erwin Olario* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - » email: erwin@*n**gnu**IT**y**.**net* | » mobile: (PHL): +63 908 817 2013 » OpenPGP key: 3A93D56B | 5D42 7CCB 8827 9046 1ACB 0B94 63A4 81CE 3A93 D56B On Sun, Jul 27,

Re: [talk-ph] OSM back in June 2007 compared to now

2014-07-27 Per discussione Mark Cupitt
What an awesone site. Just goes to show the power of OSM and the Open Source initiatives .. Manila is unbelievable .. almost nothing there .. Regards Mark Cupitt If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence See me on Open StreetMap

[talk-ph] Drones

2014-07-27 Per discussione Mark Cupitt
Drone memo bugs plane hobbyists*By Eric B. Apolonio* | Jul. 28, 2014 at 12:01am Hundreds of hobbyists “piloting” radio-controlled airplanes will have to comply with the memorandum of the Civil Aviation and Authority of

Re: [talk-ph] Drones

2014-07-27 Per discussione Nick Brown
Thanks Mark. I found the full memorandum at Sadly there are some glaring omissions in this legislation that will likely cause headaches for UAV operators and the

Re: [talk-ph] Drones

2014-07-27 Per discussione Mark Cupitt
Hi Nick, I am a pilot and until recently had a couple of planes here. I hung up my wings for Mapping Efforts pretty much because it was just becoming too hard to fly here, the volume of rules, regulations and security requirements was just making it too hard. Believe it or not, there is another

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Updated geocoding community guideline proposal

2014-07-27 Per discussione Alex Barth
On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Simon Poole wrote: If you apply this to your above example, the addresses would be subject to SA (however no further information), and while potentially one could infer that these are likely the addresses of the store locations, no further

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Updated geocoding community guideline proposal

2014-07-27 Per discussione Eric Gundersen
Let's not kid ourselves here. The overwhelming number of commercial OSM users are not driven by a motivation to help us, but by a motivation to save money (or perhaps a motivation to escape a monopolist's clutch but that boils down to the same). Frederik, saving money is not the point, it's all

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Updated geocoding community guideline proposal

2014-07-27 Per discussione Paul Norman
On 7/10/2014 7:52 PM, Alex Barth wrote: Please review: The next step is probably to update this page to represent what there is consensus on out of the discussions and remove what there isn't consensus on. Anyone want

Re: [Talk-br] Inconsistências no mapa

2014-07-27 Per discussione thundercel
Criado o tópico no fórum. From: Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2014 11:44 AM To: OpenStreetMap no Brasil Subject: Re: [Talk-br] Inconsistências no mapa Sugiro que seja criado tópico no fórum, para introdução,

Re: [Talk-br] Inconsistências no mapa

2014-07-27 Per discussione Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
Talvez se possa trabalhar com o seguinte fluxo: 1. Uma consulta *overpass* retrona todos os objetos em um .osm 2. O mapeador abre o arquivo no JOSM, seleciona tudo e adiciona à lista TODO (*plugin*) 3. Para cada alvo na TODO, o mapeador seleciona a região, faz o download, corrige,

[Talk-br] reverting changeset

2014-07-27 Per discussione thundercel
Amigos, continuando no esforço de correção de erros existentes na base acabei de me deparar com um erro de ambiguidade (oneway) que me deixou muito triste. Esse erro está em Esse erro encontra-se na área do Hospital Da Força

Re: [Talk-br] reverting changeset

2014-07-27 Per discussione Gerald Weber
Oi Marcio 2014-07-27 15:34 GMT-03:00 Esse erro não havia sido por mim criado e vendo as notas do mapa identifico que ele foi criado quando foi feito o reverting changeset 21388640 Se entendi corretamente, o changeset 21388640 não é uma reversão, trata-se de uma

Re: [Talk-de] Referenzpunkt für GPS-Gerät

2014-07-27 Per discussione Michael Reichert
Hallo, On 26. Juli 2014 23:03:50 MESZ, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: Am 26/lug/2014 um 20:22 schrieb Ronnie Soak Handelsübliche GPS kann man nicht kalibrieren. wenn man die Rohdaten mitschneiden kann, dann kann man AFAIK mit

Re: [Talk-de] OSM: ein bißchen Statistik

2014-07-27 Per discussione Werner Hoch
Hi, spiele seit längerem mit ähnlichen Statistiken: Die Daten sind vom April. mfg Werner Am Dienstag, den 22.07.2014, 06:36 + schrieb Elstermann, Mike: Dank Pascal Neis können wir uns wieder auf eine kurzweilige und

[Talk-in] CBI google maps

2014-07-27 Per discussione Deepak Cherian
Have you guys seen this? The internet giant had not taken permission from Survey of India, country’s official mapping agency, before organising a mapping competition in

Re: [Talk-in] CBI google maps

2014-07-27 Per discussione Sajjad Anwar
This was raised last year though. They just issued to the preliminary enquiry. ___ Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] CBI google maps

2014-07-27 Per discussione Sajjad Anwar
My thoughts are not very strong but, I think as long as we leave the vital points and defense installations out of the map, we won't grab much attention. Through Datameet and NIC, some of us are trying to setup a meeting with a few SoI officials to talk about opening up some data. More about that

Re: [Talk-it] BreBeMi inaugurata

2014-07-27 Per discussione paolo savini
ciao, chiedo un piccolo consulto, solitamente mi limito a mappare la zona in cui abito, e data la poca esperienza lascio stare le grandi strade, ma ho notato che vicino a casa mia, dove passa uno svincolo della brebremi, ogni cosa è taggata con embarkment, mi pare un po' eccessivo, per esempio,

Re: [Talk-it] BreBeMi inaugurata

2014-07-27 Per discussione Any File
2014-07-27 11:48 GMT+02:00 paolo savini ma ho notato che vicino a casa mia, dove passa uno svincolo della brebremi, ogni cosa è taggata con embarkment, mi pare un po' eccessivo, per esempio, che anche questo ponte e anche i canali di scolo attorno

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2014-07-27 Per discussione mircozorzo
Ok, messa nel porto di Genova Voltri. Non credo di riuscire a ricordarmi di cancellarla una volta smantellata, ma tutto sommato l'importante era toglierla da davanti al Giglio. ;-) Ciao, Mirco -- View this message in context:

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2014-07-27 Per discussione Stefano Cudini
ahahaha ecco xke non la trovato!! :) 2014-07-23 11:24 GMT+02:00 mircozorzo Scusate, non ho resistito ho spostato la nave. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Italy General

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2014-07-27 Per discussione mircozorzo
Ti dico la verità, l'avevo persa in mezzo al mare :-) Ho faticato un po' ma sono poi risalito alla posizione in cui l'avevo lasciata. Mirco -- View this message in context: Sent from the Italy General mailing

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2014-07-27 Per discussione John Doe
Proprio ieri qualche quotidiano ha bacchettato Google per non averla rimossa ancora. ___ Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2014-07-27 Per discussione mircozorzo
;-) Infatti so che mi sarei pentito di non aver aggiornato ogni 8 ore la posizione. P.S.: Però dai, con una connessione umts scarsa non è male. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Italy General

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-07-27 Per discussione Aury88
ok, ho inviato l'email agli uffici Affari Generali, Lavori Pubblici, Edilizia Urbanistica e Patrimonio, Territorio e Ambiente. vi informerò se ci sono sviluppi. ciao, aury - Ciao, Aury -- View this message in context:

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-07-27 Per discussione aborruso
Un grande in bocca al lupo. Informaci per favore anche se non ottieni alcuna risposta. Saluti __ Scusami per la brevità, ti sto scrivendo dal cellulare. website: 38° 7' 48 N, 13° 21' 9 E EPSG:4326 - Andrea Borruso

Re: [Talk-co] Compartir mapas y embeberlos

2014-07-27 Per discussione Fredy Rivera
2014-07-26 18:50 GMT-05:00 Igor TAmara Hola, me complace presentar , el cual es un recurso que permite crear mapas para compartir con otras personas e incluso embeberlos en páginas propias :) La verdad, está muy bien lograda, no veo si

Re: [Talk-co] Compartir mapas y embeberlos

2014-07-27 Per discussione Igor TAmara
Hace tiempo quería ofrecer esta herramienta, ya tenemos un buen despliegue, el desarrollador es muy amable y está muy interesado en que se le pueda dar uso, así que eventualmente si queremos, sería chévere tener una instancia servida con https, para ello sería hacer una campaña de recaudo y con

[Talk-dk] Amenity: Swimming pool

2014-07-27 Per discussione Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
Sign of the season: Jeg har kigget på OSM efter mit lokale friluftsbad. Det figurerer ikke på kortet, men da jeg så ønskede at tegne det ind, så viste det sig, at det allerede er lagt ind som punkt - amenity:swimming_pool:

Re: [Talk-dk] Amenity: Swimming pool

2014-07-27 Per discussione Leif Lodahl
Hej Morten, Det er korrekt at swimmingpools som punkt ikke renderes på standardkortet i OSM. Som polygon vises de. Leif Lodahl Den 27/07/2014 10.18 skrev Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér Sign of the season: Jeg har kigget på OSM efter mit lokale friluftsbad. Det figurerer

Re: [Talk-dk] Amenity: Swimming pool

2014-07-27 Per discussione Soren Johannessen
Hej Morten De fleste Swimming pool er tagget som leisure=swimming_pool og ikke som amenity=swimming_pool prøv at ændre dit eksempel og gerne indtegnet som en polygon, hvis muligt. vh Søren Johannessen On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 10:13

Re: [Talk-cz] Výšky budov

2014-07-27 Per discussione Lukas Novotny Dne 26. července 2014 20:23 Marián Kyral napsal(a): Dne 26.7.2014 08:59, Lukas Novotny napsal(a): Teď jsem se koukal snad na dvacet budov a u všech je uvedena výška. Tak to teda nevím odkud je lidi

Re: [Talk-cz] Výšky budov

2014-07-27 Per discussione Petr Vejsada
Ahoj, ahá, odkud kdo tu výšku bere těžko říct, ale když se podívám na reklamované budovy na ortofoto, tak, zdá se, mapa odpovídá skutečnosti. Co tam chybí, tak to je layer=. Podívej se na žižkovský vysílač v Praze. To je teprve masakr s výškami. Tubus má do určité výšky průměr X, od této

Re: [Talk-cz] Výšky budov

2014-07-27 Per discussione Michal Pustějovský
Vypadá to, že se někdo (dle historie fotrous)  pokoušel o 3D mapování, ale má to kompletně špatně. Části budov se nemají tagovat jako další budovy, ale správný postup je pomocí použití building:parts a relace building, více v EN zde:

[OSM-talk-fr] Routes Européennes

2014-07-27 Per discussione Aytfadc
Bonjour, Comment taguer les routes européennes ? int_ref : sur le way ou uniquement sur la relation? , ou sur les 2, ou supprimer l'un? int_ref : avec ou sans espace 'E01' vs 'E 01' ? Regroupement de relation avec ou sans master_route? (parfois network) int_ref ou ref dans la

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Smartphone, Android, Info de direction, Mapillary

2014-07-27 Per discussione Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
Comme le projet répond bien au besoins de photos géo localisées pour osm, est ce que ça ne serait pas plus simple d'avoir un plugin josm et de contribuer à la démarche plutôt que de garder ses photos pour soit ? D'ailleurs, à tout hasard, est ce bien possible de s'en servir pour cartographier ?

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Smartphone, Android, Info de direction, Mapillary

2014-07-27 Per discussione Christian Quest
Le 27 juillet 2014 13:12, Jean-Baptiste Holcroft a écrit : Comme le projet répond bien au besoins de photos géo localisées pour osm, est ce que ça ne serait pas plus simple d'avoir un plugin josm et de contribuer à la démarche plutôt que de garder ses photos pour soit ?

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Smartphone, Android, Info de direction, Mapillary

2014-07-27 Per discussione Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
Ça me semble un gagnant gagnant alors ! Je fais confiance aux geeks pour nous créer un truc un jour :) Comment font ils de l'argent si toutes les données sont dans cette licence ? Ils sont obligés de diffuser le produit de leurs analyses avec les mêmes conditions non ? Le 27 juil. 2014 15:06,

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Smartphone, Android, Info de direction, Mapillary

2014-07-27 Per discussione Christian Quest
Non, les photos sont diffusées par Mapillary en CC-by, mais ce qui est produit à partir des photos peut être rediffusé sous une autre licence. Ils offrent aussi des services payants, par exemple avec des photos privées. Le 27 juillet 2014 15:12, Jean-Baptiste Holcroft a

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Smartphone, Android, Info de direction, Mapillary

2014-07-27 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau
Le 27/07/2014 13:12, Jean-Baptiste Holcroft a écrit : Comme le projet répond bien au besoins de photos géo localisées pour osm, est ce que ça ne serait pas plus simple d'avoir un plugin josm et de contribuer à la démarche plutôt que de garder ses photos pour soit ? Comme il n'y a pas de

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Smartphone, Android, Info de direction, Mapillary

2014-07-27 Per discussione Christian Quest
D'ailleurs, l'appli Mapillary enregistre des paramètres complémentaires lors de la prise de la photo. Les données de la boussole par exemple, mais aussi celles des accéléromètres. Pour ceux que ça intéresse, j'ai écrit ce bout de script pour remettre celles de la boussole dans les données EXIF

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Smartphone, Android, Info de direction, Mapillary

2014-07-27 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau
Le dimanche 27 juillet 2014 18:53:46, Christian Quest a écrit : D'ailleurs, l'appli Mapillary enregistre des paramètres complémentaires lors de la prise de la photo. Les données de la boussole par exemple, mais aussi celles des accéléromètres. Je ne comprends pas, je n'ai besoin de rien pour

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Smartphone, Android, Info de direction, Mapillary

2014-07-27 Per discussione Christian Quest
Super ! (j'avais oublié le contenu de ton message d'origine) C'est qu'ils l'ont ajouté dans les dernières versions alors... je leur ait parlé de ce petit défaut au SOTM-EU et je leur avait envoyé les 3 lignes de script ci-dessus ;) Le 27 juillet 2014 19:32, Stéphane Péneau

[OSM-ja] OSM帽子の製作を進めます(Re: Merchandise (OSM 関連グッズ)(ステッカー,帽子,風呂敷))

2014-07-27 Per discussione Toshihisa Tanaka
としです. OSM帽子の製作の件です. twitter 経由で,一つ希望が来ていますので,ikiyaさん取りまとめ分と合わせ まして,合計5個になったので,OSM帽子製作を発注しようと思います. で,うっかりしていました.すみません.帽子は色が選べます. 以下のURLから,ご希望の色をお知らせいただけませんでしょうか. 特に指定がなければ, ケリー*ホワイトで製作依頼しようと思います. 発注する帽子の個数は,明日7月28日の22時頃の希望数で確定しようと思います.

Re: [Talk-GB] osm 10th birthday: press

2014-07-27 Per discussione Dan S
This is looking like a no. So let's just do our own celebrations without other people watching :) Dan 2014-07-23 21:23 GMT+01:00 Dan S Hi all, I'm looking forward to OSM's 10th birthday. It occurred to me that we should perhaps use it as a potential opportunity for

[Talk-GB] Road Hierarchy in Central Edinburgh

2014-07-27 Per discussione Donald Noble
There have been a couple of changes to the road hierarchy in central Edinburgh recently, partly related to the introduction of the trams, and also a trial cycle/pedestrian route along George Street. There were also some relic classifications from the tram construction where roads changed priority

Re: [Talk-GB] osm 10th birthday: press

2014-07-27 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
Dan, We're using our Birmingham event as a way to target new contributors rather than the press. Given that we got something on local news and radio during SOTM, we'd probably struggle to get any more airtime so soon. As you say it has to be a photogenic event. I'm sure the London group could do

Re: [Talk-GB] osm 10th birthday: press

2014-07-27 Per discussione Grant Slater
Hi All, OK, lets be crazy and try crowd source a 10th Birthday press release: Draft here, be bold, anyone can edit: Kind regards, Grant On 23 July 2014 21:23, Dan S wrote:

Re: [Talk-GB] London (Was: osm 10th birthday: press)

2014-07-27 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
Great work with the press statement. Can the London group please decide on a venue and update the OSM wiki page. I want to send out some tweets to UK organisations to invite them to attend one of the UK events. It would look better if there was an agreed venue for London. Cheers, Rob p.s. I'm

Re: [Talk-GB] highway=trunk Roads and Cycle Navigation

2014-07-27 Per discussione ianmspencer
No, it is a miscasting the problem to suggest we don’t tag trunk roads (which clearly was not part of the problem). The problem is that there is a tagging system in place which is ambiguous from an International point of view. So there should be a clear tagging that is distinct for the meaning

Re: [Talk-GB] osm 10th birthday: press

2014-07-27 Per discussione Dan S
Grant, Yes! Thanks for starting this. I've taken the liberty of being very bold. I've changed the tone to how press releases are normally written (essentially, written as if it was a newspaper article by a third party unconnected with osm), and I've even changed two of the paragraphs to appear as

Re: [Talk-GB] highway=trunk Roads and Cycle Navigation

2014-07-27 Per discussione SomeoneElse
On 27/07/2014 22:26, wrote: The problem is that there is a tagging system in place which is ambiguous from an International point of view. It is indeed the case that when someone in Germany tags a trunk road the default access rules are different to when someone in

Re: [Talk-us] Osm rending problems

2014-07-27 Per discussione Greg Morgan
You could submit a problem on the github page. It may be hard to pin point where the problem is. I run some old junk for editing. The browser says that piwik.js is really slow. I click to the kill button and move on. I can't tell if it is my equipment or something with the script. I can't say

Re: [Talk-us] exit_to vs destination

2014-07-27 Per discussione Paul Norman
On 7/15/2014 3:00 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote: I will follow up with some numbers, unless Paul changes his mind about this not having much interest and crunches the numbers before me. Of the approximately 28k exit_to nodes, 24k are children of two or three ways with exactly one of those ways