[Talk-de] Datenspende: amtliche Planungsdaten Küstenautobahn A20

2016-01-23 Per discussione Joachim Kast
Hallo, die Niedersächsische Landesbehörde für Straßenbau und Verkehr stellt die aktuellen Planungsdaten der Küstenautobahn A20 zur Verfügung. Die Einzelheiten stehen im Wiki: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_Planungsdaten_K%C3%BCstenautobahn_A20 Viele Grüße Joachim

[Talk-GB] Hashtagging schools project chagesets

2016-01-23 Per discussione Bogus Zaba
I have submitted nearly 80 changesets for schools in Denbighshire, but I only used the #OSMSchools on about half of these (once I had left it off one, I part-replicated the same non-hashtagged comment in subsequent comments). Is there any way to fix this? I believe that it is not possible to edit

[OSM-ja] 2/6 OpenStreetMap勉強会 「バス停編」

2016-01-23 Per discussione yuu hayashi
hayashiです。 ’バスに詳しい人達’からの要望でバス停にテーマを絞ったOSM勉強会みたいなマッピングパーティを開きます。 リレーションの中でも難しいといわれる「バスルート」をハンズオンします。 現在、「バスマップサミット」筋の人たちが10人以上参加することが見込まれています。 OSMマッパーからも、バス停やバス路線に興味のある方の参加をお待ちしています。 日時: 2月6日(土) 10:30-17:00 場所: 東京都杉並区高円寺北2-3-17 ヴァル研究所 下記URLから参加申し込みできます。 http://connpass.com/event/25921/

Re: [OSM-co] Resumen de Talk-co, Vol 90, Envío 14

2016-01-23 Per discussione claudia patricia arroyave
El 23 de enero de 2016, 7:00, escribió: > Envíe los mensajes para la lista Talk-co a > talk-co@openstreetmap.org > > Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-co > > O por

Re: [Talk-it] Cimiteri comunali

2016-01-23 Per discussione Federico Cortese
Il 22/gen/2016 21:33, "Daniele Gitto" ha scritto: > > Il 22/01/2016 20:02, Marco_T ha scritto: > > I cimiteri anche se gestiti dal comune, di solito, sono un luogo consacrato > > secondo un rito religioso > > Questa non la sapevo > Non la sapevo nemmeno io, infatti non ho mai

[OSM-talk-fr] [Fun] OpenRandomMap

2016-01-23 Per discussione PanierAvide
Bonjour à tous, Le projet OpenStreetMap regorge d'outils et de visualisations, souvent utiles, sur des thématiques bien variées. Citons pour exemple OpenBeerMap, OpenSolarMap, OpenEvacMap, OpenLoveMap, OpenTopoMap, OpenEventMap, OpenSeaMap, OpenCycleMap... Pour aider la communauté à

Re: [Talk-it] alla ricerca del tag...

2016-01-23 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
sent from a phone > Am 23.01.2016 um 13:30 schrieb Damjan Gerl : > > BTW Per le varie sedi/centri operativi dhl/traco/bartolini sono posti dove io cliente posso andare, oppure è solo un ufficio per gli impiegati? io una posta privata ho mappato qui:

Re: [Talk-it] sentieri segnalati ma senza ref

2016-01-23 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
sent from a phone > Am 22.01.2016 um 21:23 schrieb Gianmario Mengozzi > : > > Crei una relazione route=hiking senza il tag ref=* > Valorizzando osmc:symbol=* senza il nr del sentiero. +1, i singoli marcatori si possono mappare con information=trail_blaze ciao,

Re: [Talk-de] Open Data: Rheinland-Pfalz lässt kostenlosen Zugriff auf Geodaten zu

2016-01-23 Per discussione Joachim Kast
> Ich denke, dass Joachim Kast beim Amt nachfragen wird (er dürfte dort > schon die richtigen Ansprechpartner kennen). Solange müssen wir uns > gedulden. Die veröffentlichen halt leider immer erst freitags. Das wird wohl ein stressiges Jahr mit der ganzen Nachfragerei :-)

Re: [Talk-se] Operator på postlådor

2016-01-23 Per discussione Johnny Blästa
Hej! I Sundsvall finns det röda brevlådor, som tillhör Sundsvalls Citypost, så visst finns det behov av att kunna ha annan operator än PostNord. MVH Johnny Blästa Den 23 jan 2016 13:37 skrev "Kristoffer Malmström" : > Bara en liten rättelse.. Posten har inte köpts upp av

Re: [Talk-se] Operator på postlådor

2016-01-23 Per discussione David Hall
Bring och PostNord är i och för sig de enda operatörer som har utdelning över stora delar av landet men det finns även lokala postoperatörer. Lista finns hos PTS ( https://www.pts.se/upload/Ovrigt/Post/postoperatorer-150930.pdf) men huruvida de har brevlådor eller inte anges inte. / David On

Re: [Talk-se] NVDB på väg att släppas som öppna data

2016-01-23 Per discussione Erik Johansson
2016-01-20 13:29 GMT+01:00 Per Eric Rosén : > Trafikverket verkar ha beslutat att öppna data enligt Vinnovas > definition[1], vilket lyder > > ”Data kan kallas öppna data om vem som helst fritt får använda, återanvända > och distribuera dessa med som största motprestation att ange

[Talk-in] weeklyOSM 287

2016-01-23 Per discussione Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue # 287, is now available online in English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the openstreetmap world: http://http:// www.weeklyosm.eu /archives/6699

Re: [Talk-it] alla ricerca del tag...

2016-01-23 Per discussione Damjan Gerl
23.01.2016 - 08:34 - Martin Koppenhoefer: Am 22.01.2016 um 21:07 schrieb Any File : L'unico metodo saperre aggiungere un'altra key (come si fa per i bar che vendono anche tabacchi, dove oltre a amenity=cafe si può aggiungere tobacco=yes ) in questo caso aggiungo

Re: [Talk-it] Cimiteri comunali

2016-01-23 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
sent from a phone > Am 23.01.2016 um 10:03 schrieb Federico Cortese : > > Sul grave_yard, da quel che ricordo, dalla wiki si legge chiaramente che si > tratta di un piccolo cimitero annesso ad una chiesa, ben diverso dal cimitero > comunale. Quindi non mi sembra valido

[Talk-se] Operator på postlådor

2016-01-23 Per discussione Andreas Vilén
Jag har noterat att många postlådor i Sverige är taggade med operator=Posten. Nu när Posten köpts upp/bytt namn till Postnord vore det kanske en idé att ändra taggningen? Finns det andra än Posten/Postnord som har den här typen av postlådor i Sverige? Vad jag vet finns inte det, så en omtaggning

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [Fun] OpenRandomMap

2016-01-23 Per discussione Greg
Je trouve le principe rigolo, surtout avec des résultats comme celui-ci : http://www.kirikoo.net/images/14Anonyme-20160123-143855.png Des intéressés pour construire quelque chose dessus ? 2016-01-23 14:10 GMT+01:00 PanierAvide <panierav...@riseup.net>: > Bonjour à tous, >

[OSM-co] Mapeo Remoto Nazareth - Iniciamos en 1 hora

2016-01-23 Per discussione Artesano
Iniciamos en 1 hora mapeo remoto de la tarea https://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1418 -- Juan Carlos Pachón ___ Talk-co mailing list Talk-co@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-co

Re: [Talk-cz] Silnice se v zimě neudržuje

2016-01-23 Per discussione Miroslav Suchý
Dne 19.1.2016 v 09:12 Miroslav Suchý napsal(a): > Pokud by se někomu chtělo to označit tak takto neudržované silnice jsou > veřejně dostupné ... > http://www.susjmk.cz/wpimages/other/art60/neudrzovane2015.pdf Tak jizni morava je hotova. Na znojemsku v tom maji docela bordel, ale nejak to slo.

[Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 2016-01-20

2016-01-23 Per discussione Dave Hansen
These are based off of Lambertus's work here: http://garmin.openstreetmap.nl If you have questions or comments about these maps, please feel free to ask. However, please do not send me private mail. The odds are, someone else will have the same questions, and by asking on the talk-us@

[Talk-cat] #OSMRookie: Intervenció d'etiquetatge bàsic a Catalunya

2016-01-23 Per discussione yo paseopor
Hola gent! Ja sabeu que hi ha vegades que m'avorreixo més del compte i em poso a pensar en coses estranyes. Arrel de la reorganització de la wiki vaig fer pública una llista de municipis a la que vaig començar a constatar que a Catalunya tenim molts municipis amb carrers mal traçats i sense nom,

[Talk-it] Materiale per "OSM per ciclisti"

2016-01-23 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Mi sono impegnato di organizzare dei mini-corsi all'interno della FIAB (Federazione Italiana Amici della Bicicletta) su come inserire dati rilevanti per ciclisti in OSM. L'accento dovrebbe essere su: - aspetti delle strade rilevanti per ciclisti - ciclopiste - ciclovie (relazioni) -

Re: [Talk-cz] Silnice se v zimě neudržuje

2016-01-23 Per discussione Petr Vozdecký
...no a ted by to chtelo hlidat rozdilove aktualizace v tom seznamu, protoze za par let to bude natolik jinak, ze pripadny dobrovolnik bude muset zacit od zacatku... Minimalne by bylo vhodne zachytit (a nekam umistit) treba textovou podobu toho seznamu ke dni (tve) aplikace tech dat a

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenRandomMap

2016-01-23 Per discussione Joseph Reeves
My favourite remains http://openwhatevermap.org/ :) Joseph On 23 Jan 2016 15:43, "PanierAvide" wrote: > Hello everyone, > > The OSM project is associated to many tools and online maps, most of the > time useful, about various themes. For example, we have OpenSeaMap, >

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] ville fortifiéee

2016-01-23 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel
Bonjour, tu peux regarder comment ils ont cartographié la vieille ville fortifiée de Nuremberg, en particulier au nord il y a des talus en plus de la fortification proprement dite. http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/49.4535/11.0772 Je dis ça de mémoire, peut-être est-ce simplement la forme

Re: [Talk-it] Cimiteri comunali

2016-01-23 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Secondo me la wiki non è (più) coretta. La "mia" definizione viene da Wikipedia. Il testo della wiki è stato recentemente modificato. ___ Talk-it mailing list Talk-it@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it

Re: [Talk-it] alla ricerca del tag...

2016-01-23 Per discussione Damjan Gerl
23.01.2016 - 14:43 - Martin Koppenhoefer: Am 23.01.2016 um 13:30 schrieb Damjan Gerl : BTW Per le varie sedi/centri operativi dhl/traco/bartolini sono posti dove io cliente posso andare, oppure è solo un ufficio per gli impiegati? io una posta privata ho mappato qui:

[Talk-it] il PCN risulta ostico?

2016-01-23 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Risulta anche a voi oggi difficoltà ad avere il WMS del PCN 2006/12 oggi? -- Simone Girardelli _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ___ Talk-it mailing list Talk-it@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it

Re: [Talk-dk] Cykelsti-netværk

2016-01-23 Per discussione Michael Andersen
Hej. Jeg har redigeret intensivt over stort set hele DK (http://yosmhm.neis-one.org/?Hjart)og vil mene at kvaliteten udenfor hovedstadsregionen generelt er mindst lige så god som indenfor. Vi har ikke tilstrækkeligt med seriøse bidragsydere rundt omkring til helt at kunne gardere os mod

[Talk-es] Etiquetaje; estado de las calles españolas

2016-01-23 Per discussione yo paseopor
¡Buenas gente! Aunque mi ámbito habitual suele ser más la lista catalana, a veces me doy un garbeo por el grupo español de Telegram y comentando el desarrollo de un nuevo preset para una campaña de etiquetaje "básico" llegamos a la conclusión de que en ciertas zonas de España queda mucho por

Re: [Talk-it] alla ricerca del tag...

2016-01-23 Per discussione Paolo Monegato
Il 22/01/2016 17:14, Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto: 2016-01-22 16:43 GMT+01:00 demon.box >: - centro riparazione cellulari e apparecchiature elettroniche (tablet, ecc.) propongo: shop=mobile_phone_repair

Re: [Talk-us] osm meetup in austin ?

2016-01-23 Per discussione Andy Wilson
Hey there Rihards. Welcome to Austin! We have a small (but growing) group of OSMers and can definitely make a mapping party happen. We've not been posting to that wiki page out of ignorance to its existence, but there have been a few OSM events and meetups in the past year or so. If you already

Re: [Talk-it] il PCN risulta ostico?

2016-01-23 Per discussione Andrea Albani
Confermo. Normalmente ha prestazioni pessime, ma oggi non serve neanche un tile che sia uno. Il giorno 23 gennaio 2016 19:07, girarsi_liste ha scritto: > Risulta anche a voi oggi difficoltà ad avere il WMS del PCN 2006/12 oggi? > -- > Simone Girardelli >

Re: [OSM-co] Mapeo Remoto Nazareth - Iniciamos en 1 hora

2016-01-23 Per discussione Artesano
Iniciamos mapeo remoto en 30 minutos quienes todavía no se han inscrito en la mesa de ayuda por favor enviar su cuenta de Gmail. 2016-01-23 9:11 GMT-05:00 Artesano : > Iniciamos en 1 hora mapeo remoto de la tarea > https://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1418 > > -- > Juan Carlos

[OSM-talk] OpenRandomMap

2016-01-23 Per discussione PanierAvide
Hello everyone, The OSM project is associated to many tools and online maps, most of the time useful, about various themes. For example, we have OpenSeaMap, OpenCycleMap, OpenBeerMap, OpenSolarMap, OpenEvacMap, OpenLoveMap, OpenTopoMap, OpenEventMap, ... In order to help the community and

Re: [Talk-dk] Cykelsti-netværk

2016-01-23 Per discussione Soren Johannessen
I forlængelse af hvad Michael har skrevet om forstadskommunerne - Så har det undret mig snart et par år, at de 17 kommuner i Nordsjællandsområdet og Hovedstaden, der er med i Supercykelsti samarbejdet ikke er gået ind og tjekket deres område for mangler/fejl mm. Deres rutenavigationsværktøj er

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenRandomMap

2016-01-23 Per discussione Russ Nelson
Joseph Reeves writes: > My favourite remains http://openwhatevermap.org/ :) If the goal of having a map on the front page of osm.org is to illustrate the extent of our data, perhaps we should be using a random tile set just as OWEM does, and allow people to choose "Standard" as one of the

Re: [Talk-us] Fwd: State Park Boundary shp file

2016-01-23 Per discussione Jack Burke
You can copyright a publication of facts, too. I could publish a book called Ugly Red Things and copyright it. But nothing would stop you from publishing your own book, Red Things That I Find Ugly. On January 23, 2016 1:48:51 PM EST, Russ Nelson wrote: >Kevin Kenny writes:

Re: [Talk-us] Fwd: State Park Boundary shp file

2016-01-23 Per discussione Kevin Kenny
On 01/23/2016 01:48 PM, Russ Nelson wrote: New York courts are free to rule any way they want, but copyright doesn't allow you to own facts. This is well-adjudicated in higher courts. If you could claim a copyright on facts, you could control people's speech, and the First Amendment does not

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] places de stationnement pour autocars

2016-01-23 Per discussione althio
Cherche quelque chose autour de ça : amenity=parking http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dparking access=no tourist_bus=designated http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access#Land-based_transportation **grillé par Eric** 2016-01-23 22:25 GMT+01:00 Muselaar :

Re: [talk-au] JOSM Scanaerial plugin on NSW LPI layers

2016-01-23 Per discussione Andrew Davidson
The work flow that JOSM wants you to use is to have your new data in one layer and the existing OSM data in another and to "merge selection" on individual items.  I'm assuming this is to slow down people just dump-and-running. I found it useful to use the merge approach as you can delete the ways

[OSM-talk-fr] Conservatoires et écoles de musique

2016-01-23 Per discussione Muselaar
Bonsoir, J'ai l'impression qu'il n'y a rien de prévu pour taguer les conservatoires et écoles de musique, comme les écoles d'art, du reste. Pourtant, ce sont des équipements généralement publics, tout à fait spécifiques, qu'il serait autant nécessaire de signaler, sans que cela ne surcharge

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] places de stationnement pour autocars

2016-01-23 Per discussione Éric Gillet
Le 23 janvier 2016 à 22:25, Muselaar a écrit : > Comment tague-t-on le parkings ou places de parking pour autocars de > tourisme ? > Il est possible de distinguer les types de véhicules autorisés (sur route, parking, etc.) avec les clés détaillées ici

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Conservatoires et écoles de musique

2016-01-23 Per discussione JB
Pour ma part, j'ai opté pour amenity=music_school. 50 occurences en France, 300 dans le monde. C'est du taggage au canard, trop éloigné d'une école classique pour surcharger un amenity=school, assez spécifique pour son tag à lui. Et un peu sur le modèle du plus répandu amenity=driving_school.

[OSM-talk-fr] places de stationnement pour autocars

2016-01-23 Per discussione Muselaar
Bonjour, Comment tague-t-on le parkings ou places de parking pour autocars de tourisme ? Je n'ai rien trouvé dans le wiki, ni sur la liste. Je n'ai peut-être pas mis les bons mots… Muselaar ___ Talk-fr mailing list Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org

Re: [Talk-GB] 2016 first quarterly project:Schools

2016-01-23 Per discussione Andy Mabbett
On 7 January 2016 at 11:35, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote: > we need a corresponding key name for > Scottish schools. These are (mostly) not listed in Edubase and the > Scottish Government have their own list and ID numbers for their > schools. I've used the

Re: [Talk-us] users cam98 and cameronk1998 causing issues around austin

2016-01-23 Per discussione Shawn K. Quinn
On Sun, 2016-01-24 at 07:34 +0200, Rihards wrote: > these two new useraccounts seem to be used by the same person : > https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/cam98 > https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/cameronk1998 This may well be the same user as an account named Cam4rd98, which I remember causing

[OSM-talk-fr] Projet transports en commun

2016-01-23 Per discussione specimail-forums
Bonjour à tous, je suis Djam, cartographe épisodique des Alpes-Maritimes (et ailleurs).Je reviens un peu à OSM pour compléter les réseaux de bus, cars et autres transports en communs, qu'ils soient locaux, interurbains, départementaux ou régionaux. Pour avoir une vision au niveau de mon

Re: [talk-au] JOSM Scanaerial plugin on NSW LPI layers

2016-01-23 Per discussione Nev Wedding
Your work flow using the geometries has worked very well for me with the LPI data and the last bit regarding the merging each item separately into the existing OSM data seems prudent and makes for easier management of the data. Much appreciated Nev > On 24 Jan 2016, at 9:11 AM, Andrew Davidson

[Talk-in] On a interface for translation

2016-01-23 Per discussione sibi kanagaraj
Dear all , As noted in the mail by Arun in Wikimedia India mailing list [1],the translations for most of the map feature names is not available in Indic Languagues . I am planning to take up the task of translating a bulk amount of data to Tamil . But , I am facing an issue as I am not that

[OSM-ja] 富田林市インポート作業完了報告

2016-01-23 Per discussione 浅野和仁
浅野です。 昨年の10月17日に開始しました富田林市域の道路と建物のインポート作業につきまして下記のとおり作業が終了しましたことを報告します。 11月15日 幹線道路(国道・主要地方道・大阪府道)の既存データの位置修正終了。 12月12日 幹線道路(国道・主要地方道・大阪府道)以外の道路インポートを終了。 12月19日 Talk-jaで指摘された交差点の未接続、道路種別、source記述等の修正を終了。 12月27日 建物データのインポートを終了。 1月18日 奈良女子大西村氏、大阪市立大吉田氏等によるチェックが終了しインポートを完了。

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Conservatoires et écoles de musique

2016-01-23 Per discussione bernard
Bonjour, S'il y a consensus, il faudrait l'incorporer dans le wiki Le 23/01/2016 23:41, JB a écrit : Pour ma part, j'ai opté pour amenity=music_school. 50 occurences en France, 300 dans le monde. C'est du taggage au canard, trop éloigné d'une école classique pour surcharger un amenity=school,

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet transports en commun

2016-01-23 Per discussione Jean-Christophe Becquet
Le 24/01/2016 08:21, specimail-for...@yahoo.fr a écrit : je suis Djam, cartographe épisodique des Alpes-Maritimes (et ailleurs). Je reviens un peu à OSM pour compléter les réseaux de bus, cars et autres transports en communs, qu'ils soient locaux, interurbains, départementaux ou régionaux.

[Talk-us] potentially incorrect addresses in austin import

2016-01-23 Per discussione Rihards
data from http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Austin,_TX/Buildings_Import might be slightly incorrect - see the buildings on both sides of http://osm.org/go/Ts0vgp2HQ?layers=N= one had no housenumber, and one seemingly had incorrect housenumber. didn't spot information on where to report

Re: [Talk-us] osm meetup in austin ?

2016-01-23 Per discussione Rihards
On 2016.01.23. 19:39, Andy Wilson wrote: Hey there Rihards. Welcome to Austin! We have a small (but growing) group of OSMers and can definitely make a mapping party happen. We've not been posting to that wiki page out of ignorance to its existence, but there have been a few OSM events and

[Talk-us] users cam98 and cameronk1998 causing issues around austin

2016-01-23 Per discussione Rihards
these two new useraccounts seem to be used by the same person : https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/cam98 https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/cameronk1998 unfortunately, their edits completely mess up the map - they seem to delete valid data, in some cases replace it with rough replacements that

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] places de stationnement pour autocars

2016-01-23 Per discussione bernard
Bonjour Par les tags : access=no bus=yes Le 23/01/2016 22:25, Muselaar a écrit : Bonjour, Comment tague-t-on le parkings ou places de parking pour autocars de tourisme ? Je n'ai rien trouvé dans le wiki, ni sur la liste. Je n'ai peut-être pas mis les bons mots… Muselaar