[Tango-L] Roots of Tango

2008-02-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
While often a popular topic of discussion, it’s actually very difficult if not impossible to try to isolate the “roots” of a dance by identifying a particular place of origin or with a particular historical dance. It seems much more appropriate to discuss “influences” rather than roots. As far as

Re: [Tango-L] Origin of Tandas

2008-03-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dubravko - as far as you could tell, what were the dancers doing when Los Reyes del Tango were playing continuously? Did they stay together for (say) two dances and then split up, or what? John Ward Bristol, UK __ Find the answer to your questio

Re: [Tango-L] Origin of Tandas

2008-03-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sergio, thanks for the very interesting explanation on the origin of tandas. It certainly makes sense now, that it was related to the number of dances normally on a ticket. Not surprising that it had little or nothing to do with changing the style of the music being played and certainly not a cha

Re: [Tango-L] Finnish Tandas

2008-03-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes I can confirm everything Richard says us is correct. As to websites on Finnish tango, try: http://www.tangomarkkinat.fi/english/etusivu.htm http://www.fimic.fi/ (search on "tango" - there are no direct links to the articles) and my blog http://www.finnishtango.blogspot.com/ John Ward Brist

Re: [Tango-L] Origin of Tandas

2008-03-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the comments on tandas. I don't find them surprising. Huck, I totally agree that we don’t cater to beginners, that we generally hold the codigos more important than any compromise. As you said, our approach is to favor those with (ten) years of experience. As far as asking beginn

[Tango-L] Finnish tango videos

2008-03-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A brief extract of the Tangomarkkinat dancing competition in 2005: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoDwCWl3mu0 "Satumaa" played on a strange Swedish folk instrument: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FVVfxW4UMI The ladies' duet at the Tangomarkkinat singing competition in 2007: http://www.youtube.co

Re: [Tango-L] Use and Abuse of Tandas

2008-03-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Steve, You wrote: >From the dancers' perspective, the success of this strategy depends critically on the dj playing well-constructed tandas throughout the night. Absolutely. And I would go further to say that the ability of a dj to choose an appropriate sequence is just as critical, if not mo

[Tango-L] the sexy-tango myth

2008-04-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When Shahrukh Marchant created TANGO-L in the '90s I participated in it for several years. I just returned to it and began by scanning Lucy Lynch's archive of the last couple of years. I noticed that people are still making the silly claim that tango is the sexiest of all dances. Get real, pe

[Tango-L] Nuevo tango just another evolutionary wave

2008-04-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have absolutely no trouble watching, learning, or doing nuevo tango - and I'm an old geezer in his 60s. And I certainly don't shave my head or grow a goat's-beard beard or dress in cargo pants. In fact, I usually wear a vest and tie and dance dress shoes and an Armani suit or jacket - NOT fo

[Tango-L] Following is active & mulitLEVEL leads

2008-04-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Floyd Baker (Buffalo's Ladies Only lesson report) wrote of exercises to improve following. I want to second and emphasize a point he makes - following is as active a process as leading. In a couple of weeks Casa de Practica here in Los Angeles (LINK - casedepractica.com) is beginning a series

[Tango-L] seven second dance sequence

2008-04-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Richard Lipkin, who provides the incredibly helpful www.NewYorkTango.com website, writes > Here is a clip from the Argentine film "La voz de mi ciudad" with Mariano Mores and orquesta playing Taquito Militar. There is a seven second dance sequence at 2:53 which is performed in such a di

[Tango-L] body, hand leads

2008-04-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keith, HK writes ---> Why should the lady 'ignore' the man's weight changes or, more importantly, how should she know when to ignore them and when to follow them? I've always believed that the man should change weight so that the lady doesn't even feel it. If she does feel it, she should fo

[Tango-L] Ladies Leading

2008-05-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The second Tuesday there starts here in L.A. a practica hosted by CasaDePractica.com for ladies who lead. I intend to go as a follower. When I first saw women leading (mostly) other women I was annoyed. It meant that TWO women were taken out of the pool of women dancers. I was also annoyed b

Re: [Tango-L] Ladies Leading

2008-05-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nina Pesochinsky---> So where did the men get the naive idea that following is not having "to think or be responsible or anything but just float along and enjoy the music." ?! [followed by some of the problems women have dancing] "THE men"? Gotta watch that generali

[Tango-L] The Show-Tango Crime

2008-05-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One of the biggest offenses commited at milongas is what might be called "the show-tango crime." It is when a couple do movements during a dance which might have been taken unchanged from a show. The crime does one or more of four things. - It takes up space normally used by several couples.

[Tango-L] Cautions About Lifts

2008-05-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In the show-tango "crime" post I described one lift (the first) in almost enough detail for tango dancers to do it. I left out one detail that I may have wrongly assumed everyone would know. "Lift" is a misnomer. A lift is actually a LEAP followed by a lift. A follower isn't just a heavy wei

Re: [Tango-L] Tango Diversity under one big tent: Nuevo & milonguerohappy together?

2008-05-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is a lot of sense in what Ron says. After all, you never see anyone dancing ballroom tango at a milonga. At least I never have. Perhaps it is time to rename nueveo "Argentine Ballroom Tango" to go alongside International Ballroom and American Ballroom, and to have special events devoted t

[Tango-L] Finding tango in out-of-the-way places

2008-05-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Finding tango in small towns is hard. There are several ways to go about it, aside from TANGO-L and such which usually don't work too well. One way is bring up Google.com, select Maps, and enter "city" "state" milonga. Put the city and the state in double quotes if they are two or three words.

[Tango-L] Tips for Followers?

2008-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Recently I went to Lynn Lewin's practica here in L.A. for ladies who lead (www.casadepractica.com). There were six women and two men, counting me, at the practica, which is held in a garage turned dance venue with a beautiful wooden floor which has just enough give to feel soft but not like a t

[Tango-L] What Women (Tango Dancers) Want

2008-05-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Most people stereotype women, including women themselves. I love their diversity. There are several reasons. I started out to be a psychologist in college and got halfway to a degree before changing to another program. In a way I'm still a psychologist; about a dozen years ago I began workin

[Tango-L] Coming to LA?

2008-06-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you come to LA feel free to contact me for advice about where to go dancing. But first check out a couple of useful websites. The first is mine, the second by Vladimir Estrin. Each has its advantages. Among mine, if you click on the address of a milonga a map will pop up showing its locat

[Tango-L] Milongas of Buenos Aires

2008-06-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A useful guide to tango in Greater Buenos Aires is maintained by the government. Among many web pages on the site is one that lets you find milongas for any day and locale. Clicking on a milonga name brings up a window with info about it, including a link to the milonga's web page if it has

[Tango-L] Milongas of Buenos Aires - 2

2008-06-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Several people have emailed me asking for the names of the milongas I went to. It was several years ago; I don't remember. The curious might look at my writing web page for some specifics. It has a link to a diary of my visit, written when I got back home, and expanded from daily posts to TAN

[Tango-L] Confiteria Ideal

2008-06-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Darlene writes-> I never went to Confiteria Ideal (and it was only mentioned as a place tourists go). The person who told you that was wrong. Certainly tourists go there, but the place is hardly deluged with them. It's very popular with Argentines, for several reasons. It is centrally

[Tango-L] Tango Police

2008-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The wonderful thing about tango is that there is no official organization to define what tango is, with tango police penalizing someone when they see them doing in-authentic tango. Of course this doesn't keep those with an officious mindset from setting up their own tastes as the One True Authe

[Tango-L] Homesick for Buenos Aires?

2008-06-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can you be homesick for a city you only visited a couple of weeks several years ago? It seems you can. I got tears in my eyes as I watched this video, and it seemed as if my heart hurt in my chest. In it a modern tango orchestra plays "El Huracan" and shows many photos of Buenos Aires. http:/

[Tango-L] Don't pick on XXXXX

2008-06-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Don't pick on whoever-it-is for his posts and their number. If they get really excessive the moderator will step in. Meanness like this is why some people never contribute to TANGO-L. And drives some away. Larry de Los Angeles Sav

[Tango-L] Molinetes - the REAL tango basic

2008-06-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Have you learned molinetes, also called giros? If so, you know what many Argentines consider the real tango basic. The linear pattern of the 8CB and its cousins are derided by some as tango for foreigners. "Mingo" Pugliese was one of the foremost champions of the molinete. Molinete means whe

[Tango-L] What the heck is a Right foot front cross step?

2008-07-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jack Dylan wrote > > Right foot front cross to left foot back cross; > Right foot back cross to left foot front cross; > Right foot open step to left foot open step; > Left foot front cross to right foot back cross; > Left foot back cross to right foot front cross; and > Left foot open step

[Tango-L] So what is an OPEN mean?

2008-07-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jack Dylan wrote --> "Astrid, These concepts are only of any value to the man, as leader; they have no relevance to the lady, as follower. So don't worry your pretty little head about it :-))" Oooh, are you in deep shxx, at least if any of the women you want to dance with are on tango-l. A

Re: [Tango-L] How do yoou know it is tango

2008-07-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks, Sergio, for a very wise and clear answer to the question. I agree with you that tango comes in many forms, and that doing one style does not mean you are somehow desecrating tango. Nor does it mean you cannot do other tango styles. In particular, I have noticed that tango stage profes

[Tango-L] The real, true, AUTHENTIC Argentine tango

2008-07-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Every few weeks, it seems, a brawl takes place in this and other like forums over what is REAL Argentine tango. You will never see such over what real British tango is, except maybe its name. The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance about a century ago renamed it International tango to make i

[Tango-L] Is tango sexy?

2008-07-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jack Dylan writes -> Larry, are you suggesting that tango is NOT sexy? I can dance with a lady who might be middle-aged and 20 pounds overweight. But if she really knows how to tango, man, when she's in my tange embrace, she's the sexiest woman alive! :-) Erh, Jack, your ideas of unsexy

[Tango-L] The language of Tango

2008-07-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Every dance is a language of the body. Some dances are very limited in how many "words" they have, ways to "pronounce" those words, and how they can be combined into "sentences" and "paragraphs" and so on. Some have more range. What's unique about tango is that the range of its language is a

[Tango-L] The Volcada

2008-07-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The discussion of the volcada which Jean-Pierre Sighe pointed out http://www.tangomagdalena.com/Newsletters/vol11_july08.html totally misrepresents what a volcada is (as well as being confusing in other ways). Volcada comes from the verb meaning to tip over, or pull off balance. It is an extrem

[Tango-L] Tango in Ireland

2008-07-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In mid- to late-September I plan to spend two weeks in Ireland, taking photos and getting impressions and consulting various libraries about life in Ireland in the mid-1800s. This will help me when I rewrite a fantasy novel and its sequel which take place there. I believe that the more fantasti

[Tango-L] How to lead volcadas

2008-08-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Anne Atheling asked me to give some links to videos showing volcadas. So I did a YouTube search which returned 625 videos. After about an hour and maybe 30 videos I gave up. Even the tutorials don't help. Why? Because they don't break the volcada combinations down. (Well, two did. Poor camera a

[Tango-L] Open/crossed step uses?

2008-08-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jack Dylan wrote > I [took] some time and trouble to explain [the difference between an 'open' step and a 'crossed' step] but received no feedback. I hope you found my comments useful. They were useful. Thanks! Part of the difficulty understanding what open and crossed mean is the ter

Re: [Tango-L] Leading with arms or hands

2008-08-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [Tango-L] Leading with arms or hands There is absolutely nothing wrong with using one's arms or hands to help lead a figure. What often is wrong is HOW some people use those - as a primary lead rather than a seconary "helping" one. There is a hierarchy of leads. Most important is the upper to

[Tango-L] Boleos - back and front

2008-08-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tom Stermitz wrote -> Many people think boleo is a kick of the leg, when in fact the kick is a decoration of the boleo. The basic boleo is (usually) a spiral at the waist, that results in the supporting leg pivoting and the loose leg floating behind and perhaps wrap before coming aro

Re: [Tango-L] Social Tango

2008-08-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Carol Shepherd writes -> I compare dance 'styles' to dialects of the same language. Beautiful analogy. Or maybe more, a fundamental reality. Thinking of dance as a language of the body puts a lot of matters in perspective. The special nature of tango is that it has an enormously bigger

[Tango-L] Those vulgar "belly bumpers"

2008-08-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nina Pesochinsky writes -> You can read the archives of the tango-l. There is a story in detail about how Susana Miller invented the term "milonguero" when she began teaching in the early 1990s. The reason that Puppy and others didn't say that they danced "milonguero style" is because they

Re: [Tango-L] Those vulgar "belly bumpers"

2008-08-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Trini writes > The video [showing Puppy dancing with Geraldine (Rojas?)] also takes place in a large hall with plenty of room. In a more crowded room, Puppy might dance quite differently The distance between him Geraldine was only 2 or 3 inches, so perhaps not. But a good point. I

[Tango-L] Going to Ireland!

2008-08-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Barring emergencies I will be in Ireland the last two weeks in September. Anyone here with pointers about traveling there that I (and others making similar trips) might not already have come across? Or about the Irish milongas? My schedule allows me to go to Los Bohemios del Tango in Dublin on Fr

[Tango-L] Ricardo Vidort y Myriam Pincen - not just walking

2008-08-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't think Ricardo Vidort & Myriam Pincen were just walking & little more than that. If you look closely they were doing some pretty fancy stuff. It just wasn't as obvious as what show tango dancers do - who must dance so that people in the far balconies can enjoy their dancing. Incidentally, at

[Tango-L] Class announcements do not go here

2008-08-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Announcements of classes, festivals, and such do not go in this forum. Use TANGO-A for that. You will get much more attention there. TANGO-L is for discussions. Save on Trade Schools - Click here. http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL

Re: [Tango-L] Learning vs. Practicing at Milongas

2008-09-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Shahrukh Merchant writes --> One learns elements, figures and techniques at classes, but one learns _how to dance_ at the Milongas. Exactly. Every time you do a movement, whether in a class, practica, or milonga, you are practicing. But the focus is different depending on the context. In

Re: [Tango-L] Cadencia y ritmo

2008-09-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In Spanish as every other language the same word can have several meanings. Salida means exit, but also beginning. The second meaning comes from the first - you begin a voyage by leaving a house or train station or the sidelines of a dance floor. So with cadencia. One meaning is a general on

Re: [Tango-L] Labor Day Festival: a complaint

2008-09-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
that the danzon and tango have similar roots (both are based on the habanera), this delayed start would indicate some commonality. The danzon is still danced in Cuba and Mexico, particularly Veracruz and Mexico City. Original Message: - From: Jack Dylan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date

Re: [Tango-L] Volcada (instructional video)

2008-09-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jean-Pierre Sighé writes in the following link ---> The Cruzada MUST be lead and not just assumed. http://www.tangomagdalena.com/Newsletters/vol12_august08.html Actually ALL parts of a volcada combination must be lead. The volcada is just the extreme lean. Lean + amague/front boleo + cruz

Re: [Tango-L] Lead an invitation that can be ignored or faught

2008-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My reaction to Laurie's statement was different than that of some on this list. I simply took it as a statement of fact, acknowledging that women are active participants in a dance, not puppets. Most of the time they seek to relax into the direction the leader supplies, but IN AN EMERGENCY it i

Re: [Tango-L] How to initiate lean

2008-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The answer to this question is: all of the above! Both methods mentioned so far work: "suspension" and placing a woman's free foot behind her supporting foot with a slight twist of the leader's upper body as if about to lead a backward ocho or a back boleo. A third tactic (which no one has yet

[Tango-L] Lead an invitation that can be ignored or faught

2008-09-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are times when it is the duty of the woman to ignore or resist a lead - when to do what the leader requests will get someone hurt. I pride myself on keeping alert to what's going on around me and protecting the women I dance with. But I'm not perfect. Sometimes I miss danger, as when some

[Tango-L] Best time to visit Buenos Aires

2008-09-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've decided to spend a month (or I hope two) in Buenos Aires. When is the best time of year to go? Just judging from weather.com it seems that mid-summer, January and February, is the worst time, especially for tango lovers. I have heard that many milongas do not have air conditioning, or do

[Tango-L] (over)explained tango

2008-09-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nina Pesochinsky wrote ---> So what is the value of an over-explained tango? One or two people seemed to take this as a put-down of some sort. I thought it funny: a clever play on the words that David Thorn had just used, when he was talking about an over-turned ocho (one that turns more tha

[Tango-L] Lead and follow

2008-10-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I first had the principles of leading and following made clear to me more than 40 years ago, by the translation of a book by a French dancing master writing in the mid-1800s. Those principles are simple. The details are not, and they vary from dance to dance. (1) The embrace must be good. (2)

[Tango-L] Lead and follow

2008-10-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[part 2 of "Lead and follow"] (2) A man must know very clearly what he wants his partner to do. The certainty alone gives a woman the confidence to surrender her will to his. But his knowledge will also communicate details of his desire to her in a dozen subtle ways, many of which he is not

[Tango-L] Returning to the Basics

2008-10-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This Wednesday I'm going to the Portland TangoFest in Oregon, organized by Clay Nelson and his compadres. http://www.claysdancestudio.com/tangofest/index.shtml This is number 12, so I'm guessing they're doing something right! Mostly I just intend to go to all the milongas, visit a friend, and s

[Tango-L] Is the Milonga going Military?

2008-10-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The milonga Mario cites http://youtube.com/watch?v=d70Zz7j2m90 is an example of different people perceiving the same activity in very different ways. I thought it charming and expressive. It is also an example of how you might dance in the literally shoulder- to-shoulder very-popular milongas o

[Tango-L] What to do when teh floor is tight

2008-10-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I went to the welcome milonga held here in Portland Oregon at the Tango Fest. There were several hundred people so, despite the large floor, the crowd was tight. Not as much as the most popular milongas in Buenos Aires, but not much looser. Which brings up the question - what can you do to make

[Tango-L] Bs As dancers are not so hot

2008-10-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When I went to Buenos Aires one fact I noticed was that, on the average, tango dancers there were not nearly as good as those in the places where I had danced in the US. I thought about this quite a bit after I returned home. Finally I realized why the difference in quality. The key is that p

[Tango-L] Variations in Tango Styles

2008-11-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Barbara Garvey, another voice of clarity and common sense in this forum, pointed out something very important in the examples of tango nuevo given by Sergio. Chicho and Fabian dance very differently even though both were supposedly dancing the same tango style. Chicho, for that matter, seems t

[Tango-L] The closest-to-perfect tango couple

2008-11-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Boy, you guys are tough! The performance by Pablo Rodriguez & Noelia Hurtado in Zagreb down-thumbed because of their arm and head positions. Whew! Glad there are no videos of ME dancing. I wonder. Are there ANY couples these critics consider near perfect? What about the rest of you? Who w

[Tango-L] under-turned and over-turned ochos

2008-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The year after Fabian Salas was last here in L.A. "Chicho" Frumboli came here several times. One of his classes covered under-turned and over-turned ochos. Up to then, despite having maybe three dozen teachers face-to-face (though most just for a few hours) and seen lots of videos, ochos just

[Tango-L] How tango evolves

2008-11-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lois Donnay wrote -> I am currently in Buenos Aires, and am seeing more and more "tango" performances in the milonga that have less and less Argentine tango in them, and more "Dancing with the Stars". Completely choreoghraphed, lots of lifts, less musicality __ It

[Tango-L] How tango evolves

2008-11-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charles wrote -> [Observing Chicho] for a number of years now ... ten years ago. If there was any open space at all he would be flying around the room passing people, dodging in and out, spinning like a washing machine. __ My observations were in 2003 and 2004. I

[Tango-L] Milongas en Buenos Aires

2008-11-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charles wrote -> Last time I was [in Buenos Aires] (eight months ago) I noticed that crowds and styles varied from night to night, even at the same location, according to who was the DJ/sponsor. __ Excellent point. The same location often hosts several different

[Tango-L] How tango evolves

2008-11-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jack Dylan writes ---> this is ... my opinion [only] on his dancing; Chicho might well be a great teacher and choreographer. I found him a middling teacher (of course he MIGHT have improved since 2003/4). A lady friend took one class and said never again. His focus, she said, was just on the

[Tango-L] obsession with nuevo

2008-11-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I see in this and other tango forums a near-hysterical obsession with nuevo tango and its perceived threat to "real authentic tango" - which usually means "tango the way I do it" but justified often by claiming their way is how its done in the tango Mecca of Buenos Aires. In the 20 years I've b

[Tango-L] obsession with nuevo - a remedy?

2008-12-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mario wrote -> Oscar Casas teaching ganchos and leg wraps? Joe Grohens wrote -> As has been amply explained, this stuff is NOT tango. I believe that videos like this should be posted on nuevo-l. Au contraire. Almost all of the nuevo tango moves were invented by the milongueros long ago

[Tango-L] Tango the Religion

2008-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Why does the Argentine tango spawn such passionate controversies? Heel versus toe. Close versus elastic embrace. Nuevo versus traditional. And dozens of other controversies. All dance genres spawn passionate differences. I've seen them in swing, ballroom, and Latin dances. But tango's deb

Re: [Tango-L] Women's role

2007-07-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Best thread in many moons! Usually we see the comments on the great leading ability of Argentine men, which is generally attributed to either being immersed in the music for many years and/or being products of the Latin machismo culture. But considering this discussion, could it also be the impac

Re: [Tango-L] Women's role

2007-07-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
annot dance well without them. W. B. Smith Original Message: - From: Carol Shepherd [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 14:14:31 -0400 To: tango-l@mit.edu Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Women's role Rather than relying on references to the superiority of ethnicities and other ster

Re: [Tango-L] Tango Competition in Buenos Aires

2007-08-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think it is safe to say that Janis’s preferences and biases are pretty well-known here. Anyone who follows this list very long knows where she is coming from. Competitions, particularly those in BA, are part of the tango world whether we care for them or not. And Manuel is correct; competition

Re: [Tango-L] Tango in Buenos Aires

2007-08-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Novitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2007 17:25:14 -0300 To: tango-l@mit.edu Subject: [Tango-L] Tango Competitions If you ask the people who dance here about the competitions, most ignore them. They have no interest. In this years Campeonato the organizers were desperate to find couples to

[Tango-L] musicality

2007-12-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can I say something? Deep down, I'm not really a fan of dancing tango to non-tango music. Having said that, if the Michigan Tango Club is the same lauded Ann Arbor group, and they're using this approach, then something MUST be working right. Seriously, I haven't met a single Ann Arbor leader w

Re: [Tango-L] rose in mouth - silly head snaps

2008-01-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Here is a reference in the archive to head snaps: http://pythia.uoregon.edu/~llynch/Tango-L/2005/msg01347.html John Ward Bristol, UK __ Get up to £150 by recycling your old mobile - visit www.tiscali.co.uk/recycle __