Can you please tell me exact instruction?
store it in where?
Deepak Parbhoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/28/2003 01:12 PM
Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"
To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Re: Preload JSP when it's startu
Sorry but I don't understand what you are trying to do,
could you be more explicit, then maybe we can help :-)
kind regrards,
> my real problem is, I have two different
> tomcats looking at the same folders.
> for each tomcat, I would like
> folder A to redirect to tomcat A
Hi Bhavdeep Sharma,
I tested the sample given at the link I downloaded the zip
file and configured IIS as specified in the docs. It works fine. But I dont
know it is JK2 or JK. One thing to remember is you have to put the DLL in
the bin dire
Write a script that calls the jsp's with '?jsp_precompile=true' as a
So if the page is called start.jsp you will make a request to:
As we know, first time when JSP is called, it's complied into Servlet
the next ti
As we know, first time when JSP is called, it's complied into Servlet and
the next time you call the same jsp, the respond time will be faster.
Thus, anywar for Tomcat to set to preload the JSP page when it's starting
up the server?
You can keep it as your own webapp or extend the manager or admin webapps by
downloading the source and changing it.
Santos Jha wrote:
Hello All,
Currently tomcat provides two administrative functionality called admin.
and manager. I have
Hi Nikola,
I have a write-up on this configuration. Only difference is that I am
using the Falsehope RPMs for Apache instead of Red Hat's. You can access
it at
I think what you are referring to is serverRoot, not serverConf. This is
a reported mist
>Is there any code I could use to send something to a printer?
>You can use the JavaScript window.print() function ;)
That's it eh. I always try to do things without JavaScript
tomcat runs on the server. if you want to print on the client side,
you'll have to program something on the client si
>> Tomcat doesn't have an option like that.
There are a number of ways:
1. using the "Refresh" header,
2. using the "Location" header,
yes. hm. my real problem is, I have two different
tomcats looking at the same folders.
for each tomcat, I would like
folder A to redirect to to
On 11/27/2003 06:41 PM Jose Antonio Chirinos wrote:
Hi, i have a web application that use web authentication through
"j_security_check" servlet; i need to add an extra parameter diferent
of "j_password" and "j_username"; i guess that i have to put the
extra parameter in the login form and in the de
That's it eh. I always try to do things without JavaScript (or at least functions that
do not need the javascript to work), it may be some kind of industry standard, but
there are people that still do not trust the scripting languages, therefore thier
javascript is turned off.
Oh well, will hav
Hi P.,
There are a number of ways:
1. using the "Refresh" header,
2. using the "Location" header,
these you can do using META tags
as in";
or using the servlet API as in
response.setHeader("Refresh", "3;";);
response.setHeader("Location", "ht
I got around my problem using reflection:
Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
java.lang.Object object = envCtx.lookup("userDatabase");
// This throws ClassCastException
System.out.println("Database id
Hello All,
Currently tomcat provides two administrative functionality called admin.
and manager. I have developed some functionality to see the userid ,ip
and browser type of the currently logged on users. Now I want to put
them together.
i.e When some one one logs in as admin. he should be
Apache running on linux with mod_jk2
Tomcat on windows. Running
Do I need to create a map to the shm file defined on the Linux server.
What is the purpose of this file and what is the recommended size?
To unsu
Hi, i have a web application that use web authentication through "j_security_check"
servlet; i need to add an extra parameter diferent of "j_password" and "j_username"; i
guess that i have to put the extra parameter in the login form and in the definition
of the realm; but where i have to inclu
Ever since trying to attach files to HTML e-mails I have had this problem.
I've just checked my mailcap file and this seems fine to me??? Or at least
it is according to The
contents of my mailcap file is below.
After all, there is a solution installing Apache and configuring certificates as
optional But there must be a Tomcat alone solution.
> -Mensaje original-
> De: Lira, Alesio
> Enviado el: jueves 27 de noviembre de 2003 11:17
> Para: Tomcat Users List
> Asunto: RE: Difficulty
Hi all,
i have a web application running on Tomcat 4.1.24/win2k that connect Oracle
connection properties are in file and i'd like to know where could be the
better way to store that properties files
To uns
Tomcat doesn't have an option like that. Which is why we usually recommend
using apache's ModRewrite, Redirect, ...
You could write a filter which does that.
P.van Kemenade wrote:
what is the correct way to redirect users to a completely different
server when they try to acces some add
I'm getting the following error when sending HTML emails. From looking
around the web it appears that my error could be from my mailcap file not
being configured correctly, or the include order of mail.jar and
activation.jar. How can I find out in which order Tomcat includes jars?
Has anyone
Why not use apache mod_rewrite ?
-Original Message-
From: Holger Klawitter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 27 November 2003 07:46
Subject: Re: Forwarding
Hash: SHA1
Am Thursday 27 November 2003 00:16 schrieb Kuba Królikowski:
> Dn
I'm a noob and all but..
Surely you could create a simple servlet to intercept all requests to
/something.jsp/ and simply forward it to /something.jsp?
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Hash: SHA1
Am Thursday 27 November 2003 00:16 schrieb Kuba Królikowski:
> Dnia 2003-11-26 23:00, Użytkownik Jeff Tulley napisał:
> > I think Kuba wants to redirect all requests that end with
> > "/something.jsp/" to "/something.jsp"
This should be possible with
Try creating a servlet which maps to a "bookmark-able" URL. Then have the
servlet use the RequestDispatcher to forward the request which will
generate the page (a JSP usually). The forwarded page is generated in the
same request, and the URL won't change.
Using this technique you can have the serv
what is the correct way to redirect users to a completely different
server when they try to acces some address ? I'm looking for a
config option (in server.xml or web.xml) that will return a http
redirect header, like apache's Redirect directive.
when people ask for
The most usual case that this behavior of tomcat is a nuissance, is when you wish to
accept a SSL session; but if there is no client certificate, go ahead but with some
functionality excluded. In my case, I give more sensitive information if a client
certificate is present. Trapping the Error 40
The simple kludge is to utilize multiple names for the same tomcat instance.
And all you need to do is mess with your /etc/hosts file. (Or
StandardServer.await: Invalid command '' received
Does someone know what this mean it gives this error each time I do shutdown
to the tomcat?
Yuval Zantkeren
“This email message and any attachments hereto are intended only for use by
the addressee(s) named above, and may contain legally
Adam Hardy wrote:
On 11/26/2003 09:56 PM Antonio Fiol Bonnín wrote:
i'm a tomcat newbie looking for information about tomcat and firewalls.
what i want to do is to connect apache2(mod_ssl) and tomcat with
mod_jk2 ,
where tomcat is within a firewall. which ports do i need to open for
to c
Thanks all (especially Walter do Valle, Wendell Holmes, Stéphane Brogi) for
the help. I will check on the link and try what they suggest.
Just an update that now I am getting the following error.
You could check out the commons-daemon jsvc (ships with TC 5.x, but should
work with 4.1.x as well). It doesn't handle the chroot problem (but, since
Solaris 8, I've almost given up on getting chroot to work). However, it
does handle the port-binding and then changing uid problem.
Thanks. I wrote
Hello all
Is there a way in Tomcat to inlcude pages ( ou <%@ include %>) from one
application context to another context?
context "/common" has a page called header.jsp
I need to inlclude this page in another page located in context "/shop" without
replicate the file.
Any help is we
you can, insert your war's file under the folder webapps,
and them you can start of your webserver.
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Bodycombe, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inviato: giovedì 27 novembre 2003 13:19
A: 'Tomcat Users List'
Oggetto: RE: How to deploy a WAR file i
I'm wondering what the servlet equivalent of <%@ page session=false %>
would be.
After all the discussion here about disabling URL rewriting, I have
knocked up a filter to overwrite the response so that encodeUrl() is
no-op'd (thanx Brice) for requests from callers like google that can't
you're right...frame way is fool-proof ;-). One posibility is using a
servlet as default index page. This servlet should redirect to whichever JSP
you would like. The way to do the redirection in order to the URL didn't
appear in the browser is the following:
-Original Message-
From: dakavara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 27 November 2003 12:14
To: Tomcat Users List (E-mail)
Subject: How to deploy a WAR file in Tomcat
How to deploy a WAR file in Tomcat.
Thanks &
How to deploy a WAR file in Tomcat.
Thanks & Regards,
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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry address of example is
They are using a single frame for their front page. Very handy.
- Original Message -
From: "Simone Chiaretta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 11:37 A
I am using Tomcat 4.1.27, JDK1.4.2 on Windows NT 4.0 and have added a new
JVM Option Number contaning the string value "-Xloggc:gc.log" to my
Windows registry in the Apache-Tomcat section.
Still I see no garbage collection log what so ever? Where is this log
supposed to go and is the syntax corr
...another possibilty could be to switch to POST-actions to navigate within
your site and make your entry page the only one being served via GET.
- Original Message -
To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 12:
Andoni wrote:
I am looking for a way to stop my users bookmarking pages in the site. There is a login screen and they shouldn't even really be let bookmark this. I was given someone's card today an then I went to his site: and when I find that as I look around
On 11/27/2003 12:22 PM Mario Ivankovits wrote:
If i start Excel two times, i also have to know which excel is what
sheet. I think this is something which a user, who uses this feature,
is familiar with. And mostley then, the are in different sections of
the application, or, the would like to compa
The url you gave us is not working.
Anyway, you can make an inclusion at the top of each page to redirect to
user to the start page (or, if u'r cool enough you can make a filter
But if you want to see just the main url you have to trick around with
HTML frames
The main page is a frameset
For the record, I solved my problem regarding the message...
Unable to get connection, DataSource invalid: "Cannot load JDBC
driver class 'null'"
... from my JSPs.
For anyone who is interested, here's what worked for me...
I was not always invo
I am looking for a way to stop my users bookmarking pages in the site. There is a
login screen and they shouldn't even really be let bookmark this. I was given
someone's card today an then I went to his site: and when I
find that as I look around the site the u
Adam Hardy wrote:
Are you sure about that? Without checking, I think that the jsessionid
cookie would be stored under the directory and the next app on the same server
should have it at
Well, this might be, but our application was
Its not as simple as I thought, but I have done it.
0. This is a short, short, very short howto
1. Prerequisites
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
Apache 1.3 or Apache 2
Ant (
( or
I realise that there are lots of entries about this error message in the log files but
my experience is different to theirs.
I have a perfectly functioning Tomcat 4.0.4 system working with Apache 1.3.26
I get a stack trace only every now and again from a user trying to access a page. It
Simone Chiaretta wrote:
This is wrong. The path should be ...\WEB-INF\classes\...
That was really the problem
I think I'm going to jump from the third floor and land over a bed of
Hi all.
I tried and managed to setup mod_jk2 with UNIX socket channel and I have some
First I tried to do it without "apr" handler. It would open a socket, but would
refuse connection from Apache. Then I tried with "apr", reasoning that AF_UNIX
socket is not native to JVM and JNI sh
On 11/27/2003 10:57 AM Mario Ivankovits wrote:
Hello !
This whole question about sharing the session cookies or not when
you open a new window seems a bit unnecessary to me. I often want
to test using two users and not share the cookies, but I just open
a different browser, e.g. if I'm using Mozil
> > And it seems it's not look at the place where it should
> look for the
> > class which is
> >
> D:\Documenti\Progetti\\admin\WEB-INF\class\com\piyosail
> > in
> > g\PiyoWebEngine.class
> This is wrong. The path should be ...\WEB-INF\classes\...
> Nixie.
That was really
Simone Chiaretta wrote:
i forgot to mention that the same configuration runs in tomcat 4.0.4
Strange. It shouldn't, unless you placed your package in some JAR under
.\WEB-INF\lib\ dir.
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Simone Chiaretta wrote:
While trying to run for the first time a JSP I get this error
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null
Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file
Hi All,
Is there any place where i can find examples on jakarta slide.
The idea that i got from slide is that it is a frameworkd for document and content
management systems.
Am i getting right ?
is there anyone who can let me know about jakarta slide/...
-Original Messag
The JDBCRealm does two things:
1) Authenticates the user (by checking password)
2) Authorizes the user (by checking roles)
The logs would seem to imply the JDBC driver is blowing up creating the
prepared statement in the second step (ie reading from the roles table).
I think Tim is right - he usua
When the Servlet Contrext Initilized and when will be destroyed.
I am thinking that, it will be initilized when ever the application server
starts, and destroyes when ever the application server stops.
I am correct ? or not ?
Thanks in Advance,
I had to add in user with admin permissions to get it to run...
Charles @ home
- Original Message -
From: "P. Chewning Toulmin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:07 AM
Subject: Problem getting Tomcat 4.1.29 on board
> Hi everyone,
Hi Everyone,
I have a client that just upgraded their Linux to the latest redhat
enterprise linux. They had a bunch of servlets that all worked with the
previous version just fine. Those servlets handled both post and get
request. After the update, all the servlets now display the following
Thank you for the quick reply.
"Shapira, Yoav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Howdy,
> By the time sessionDestroyed is call, the session has been
> invalidated. That doesn't mean you can't get information about it:
> only certain information ;) Htt
Hello !
This whole question about sharing the session cookies or not when you
open a new window seems a bit unnecessary to me. I often want to test
using two users and not share the cookies, but I just open a different
browser, e.g. if I'm using Mozilla, I open IE or Netscape4 or Firebird
or O
i forgot to mention that the same configuration runs in tomcat 4.0.4
Simone Chiaretta
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
To unsubscribe
Instead of denying access, try to allow it. I think the valve should
accept this syntax:
If you only deny access from other intranet computers, you are allowing
access from internet
Rodrigo Ruiz
Drinkwater, GJ (Glen) wrote:
I have tried to put
deny="*"/> in my conte
While trying to run for the first time a JSP I get this error
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null
Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file
On 11/26/2003 09:56 PM Antonio Fiol Bonnín wrote:
i'm a tomcat newbie looking for information about tomcat and firewalls.
what i want to do is to connect apache2(mod_ssl) and tomcat with
mod_jk2 ,
where tomcat is within a firewall. which ports do i need to open for
to connect to tomcat? th
This whole question about sharing the session cookies or not when you
open a new window seems a bit unnecessary to me. I often want to test
using two users and not share the cookies, but I just open a different
browser, e.g. if I'm using Mozilla, I open IE or Netscape4 or Firebird
or Opera. So
> I'm not sure if it makes a difference but try putting the
ResourceLinks before the Realm definition in server.xml.
> Liem
Thanks for the suggestion Liem - doesn't seem to make any
difference. I'm still getting the same response in
my browesr...
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable
I have tried to put
in my context but it keeps on throwing an exception
Catalina.start: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Syntax error in request
filter pattern *
Can wild cards be used in this context?
Does anybosy know how to only allow the localhost to access the ser
For ChannelSocket, the 'acceptCount' should have no effect at all.
"Travis Reeder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Over the past few days, my server has been crashing hard and often, now
> I see these every minute or so, would this have to do with the
> acceptCount in
You could check out the commons-daemon jsvc (ships with TC 5.x, but should
work with 4.1.x as well). It doesn't handle the chroot problem (but, since
Solaris 8, I've almost given up on getting chroot to work). However, it
does handle the port-binding and then changing uid problem.
"Marten Lehman
For what you want, I'd probably go with a Filter that stores the Principal
under a "well-known-name" for use by the Servlet. For Container level
security, it is clearly an error if the client won't provide a client-cert.
Note: I consider that the fact that you are getting any response at all to
72 matches
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