Re: [Trisquel-users] software updates repos vs build myself

2012-09-29 Thread Andresmp
zacundo as far as I know, the reason they fall out of date is for stability reasons. companies normally prefer this. before making a release they freeze the soft on the repos at a point where you are sure it works. to make an update you have to make sure it will not break some other depende

Re: [Trisquel-users] What would make you become an associate member?

2012-10-15 Thread Andresmp
Hi Chris, I have been using trisquel for the past year and would like to be an associate member. I tried the paypal thing as I live outside UK. I ran into some problems: At first my web was set to spanish as I am of spanish nationality. When I went to the paypa thing it obliged me to choo

Re: [Trisquel-users] What would make you become an associate member?

2012-10-16 Thread Andresmp
For associate membership avoiding paypal you can always do a direct bank transfer standing order to the spanish acount. I'm sure it can be sorted out. Thanks for the suggestions for the paypal thing I will look into it.

[Trisquel-users] Midori makes internet think you run Safari and Mac

2012-10-16 Thread Andresmp
Hello I just installed trisquel mini. I never ran midori and I really like it. It is really fast on my net book. But today I visited and it seemed to think that I was running a Mac. I then visited and that says the following: Safari

Re: [Trisquel-users] Midori makes internet think you run Safari and Mac

2012-10-16 Thread Andresmp
Yes just did it. it is under Edit> preveences> net (red in spanish) tab. choose identify as midori. now thinks I run firefox on linux: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux) AppleWebKit/534.26+ Midori/0.4

Re: [Trisquel-users] What would make you become an associate member?

2012-10-16 Thread Andresmp
** Your membership was registered correctly, you are now a associate member of the Trisquel Project! Your much appreciated contribution will continue to guarantee the sustainability of the project. Your membership status will soon be shown in your profile and forum post

Re: [Trisquel-users] What would make you become an associate member?

2012-10-16 Thread Andresmp Contacting me: On this website, mailing list users and usuario (spanish and english) hopefully translator in near future. Languages: English (UK but sometimes slip to USA) Spanish (spain) Primary skills: little Translatio

Re: [Trisquel-users] Midori makes internet think you run Safari and Mac

2012-10-17 Thread Andresmp
Humm it might not be a bug. it is a requirement for midori not to be discriminated from the web.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What would make you become an associate member?

2012-10-17 Thread Andresmp
Done: thought that I needed special access for the wiki. thanks Sir Grant!

Re: [Trisquel-users] A FSF supported project needs help: mediagoblin

2012-10-22 Thread Andresmp
mediagoblin looks great, i think i might go for the t-shirt. but about me using it: will the following make sense? i have an old laptop with pentiumIV or older. i would install trisquelminiand make it into some sort of web server for a media goblin web page. the computer might die or need to

[Trisquel-users] usb PAM login

2012-10-22 Thread Andresmp
i havebeen reading on loging in to trisquel using a usb PAM. [0] would this still work? even with mini? in spain we have a national id card with some chip for net identification. i also have a card reader. would it be possible to log in using this? does anybody have something similar? [0]

Re: [Trisquel-users] usb PAM login

2012-10-26 Thread Andresmp
hello tius, brand inves the box said it worked for linux. for the moment i have only used it as a sd, xd and xd reader. not for chip and pin. but according to the box it should work fir id identity to govement web pages. model number: c37009703137 hopefully i'll try the log in bit soon. i'

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF giving away Trisquel GNU/Linux installers at Win 8 launch

2012-10-26 Thread Andresmp
already signed the petition?

Re: [Trisquel-users] usb PAM login

2012-10-26 Thread Andresmp
The brand is Inves. Note. I have been told this works

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 (Pre-Alpha (?) Screenshots)

2012-10-26 Thread Andresmp
hopefully will be able to test mini soon.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Adapteva Parallella - is it genuinely free software compatible?

2012-10-26 Thread Andresmp
Congratulations seems it came though! with hours to spare!

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Adapteva Parallella - is it genuinely free software compatible?

2012-10-27 Thread Andresmp
This is also freedom friendly. what was the ISP kickstarter? can you post a link? following the comments above, this would help science, 3d animation, and general number crunching. there probably some company interest as well as personal. kickstarter has had a huge buzz lately and some of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't send E-mails from Gmail using E-mail clients on our network

2012-10-27 Thread Andresmp
I am really under my depth with email configuration. But have you tried connecting your ethernet directly to the network? bypassing your router. Since it works in your uni and does not work in your home it might be the router is configured in some way? Sorry probably stating the obvious.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How-to: Enable Integrated PDF support on Firefox-based Browsers

2012-10-28 Thread Andresmp
alias body. you are a legend thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fallback mode to disappear - DE brainstorming

2012-11-13 Thread Andresmp
How about LXDE with Compiz? that is what knoppix uses on its live CD. As far as I heard gnome 3 is fully scriptable. Kinda like emacs is the comparison I heard in faif podcast.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel install hanging

2012-11-13 Thread Andresmp
Today on Trisquel mini downloaded from torrent seemed to stop at: trisquel dbus(2068): (system) successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.Upower' I am trying now Trisquel normal without internet connection. Will let you know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel install hanging

2012-11-13 Thread Andresmp
Installation finished! wow that was quick!

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Shumway" - a JavaScript SWF Runtime

2012-11-13 Thread Andresmp same link but showing full page. just read it. this seems very good! seems you will not need to install it because they aim to make it built in html5 .

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fundraising campaign: Privacy Friendly Mail (TLS/OpenGPG/etc) Software

2013-09-12 Thread Andresmp
ok... back on subject? Lembas it seems paypal unfroze their funds and they are back in the game.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The BBC

2013-09-19 Thread Andresmp
Lembas thank you for the links. please open a new channel if you are deviating from the subject or responding to a deviation to the subject simply create a new subject and respond to a link to it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] duckduckgo on Thunderbird and on gnome3

2013-09-23 Thread Andresmp
OK, the duckduckgo links need to be changed so they look like this: or something similar I will work on this in the near future. That way I guess duckduckgo knows that the search came refered from a trisquel machine? Not sure.

[Trisquel-users] duckduckgo on Thunderbird and on gnome3

2013-09-23 Thread Andresmp
I do not know how to make it so that trisquel can be seen as linked if anybody knows please tell me so that I can modify my settings. Please note I am going to put some links to the gnome extension website it is still in beta testing but the gnome foundation do say that they check that the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Netinstall wrong desktop default: how do I change it?

2013-10-06 Thread Andresmp
thanks! i just looked up tasksel awesome command, thanks!

[Trisquel-users] why does project honey pot block me?

2013-10-06 Thread Andresmp
i try to get to trisquel forum when using orbot on android phone (tor) and I get blocked by honey pot. when i turn off the proxy I am OK to come and post.

Re: [Trisquel-users] why does project honey pot block me?

2013-10-06 Thread Andresmp
ah, thanks. I turned the settings in and off and now I am able to get in. it is fairly consistant.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Little problem with Librecad

2013-10-07 Thread Andresmp
According to wikipedia it is a fork of qcad. as per tutorials there are links on the web page of the project? Sorry I have not used it, I am more into 3D like free cad, but I am still looking at getting some t

Re: [Trisquel-users] Geopublisher - quickly create digital multimedia atlases and publish them

2013-10-13 Thread Andresmp
same, conclusions here, but I habe not found where to download the code. i guess you only need to ask for it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to get non-techies to start hosting their own servers

2013-10-13 Thread Andresmp
Thank you for questions and answers, I was looking for server with freedom box and owncloud and this information clearly helps!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to transfer GPG key to another computer

2013-10-25 Thread Andresmp
thank you for this! i guess the same applies for putting it on your phone using k-9?

Re: [Trisquel-users] OLinuXino - free alternative to raspberry pi?

2013-10-25 Thread Andresmp
thanks for this info, I am looking to make my usb printer wireless and I thought single board was the way to go with if I understand fsf page correctly a beagleboard with trisquel will not have the gpu working, which I

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to transfer GPG key to another computer

2013-10-27 Thread Andresmp
For completeness sake, What if you have your keys in a separtate /home partition and you have to reinstall trisquel? Will seahorse be OK with using the settings in .gpg?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreoffice export to pdf tool

2013-11-09 Thread Andresmp
thanks for the help!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Andresmp
smiley same here, thanks to them I learnt a great deal about free software. and thanks to a previous news on trisquel 5 I heard of trisquel. also previous magazine donates to fsf and all their tutorial code is gpl. their podcast is creative commons. they have looked into scribus. in the pr

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Andresmp
plus they use the term 'free software' and not 'open source'. i feel they post it as it is and then readers such as smiley and myself take an informed decision. we chose trisquel others might want mint, but they will be aware they are not running a purely free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Applications (Pitivi 0.9 and cairo)

2013-11-23 Thread Andresmp
Hi, just recently I installed pitivi it is on version 0.15.2, out of curiosity, 0.9 is an older version, right? why are you installing an older version and not using the default availble in add/remove programs? have you tried sudo apt-get install cairo? Maybe it is looking for an old version

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Applications (Pitivi 0.9 and cairo)

2013-11-23 Thread Andresmp
Maybe he is using trisquel-mini

[Trisquel-users] screen capture in trisquel-mini scrot

2013-11-23 Thread Andresmp
Hello All, This has been raised in [0] , [1] , [2] sorry if it is repeat. I am running trisquel-mini and I installed the gnome packages on top of it. Still using the lxde desktop though. When I press print screen key on my keyboard an error message would pop up saying that a child process ca

[Trisquel-users] Minor video editing with command line

2013-11-23 Thread Andresmp
Hi just a quick post to share what I have discovered and maybe someone might suggest a better way of doing things next time. Or answer some of my questions. I think it will be useful for people wanting to create video tutorials for trisquel The case scenario: I had a couple of videos that w

Re: [Trisquel-users] What should I remove/install to make a media center from the base Trisquel 6.0 install?

2013-11-23 Thread Andresmp
you can install trisquel-mini? I have found that if you install a new desktop on top of your previous one it will work if you choose the other desktop on login. Where I find that it starts failing is when you have more than 3 different desktop enviorments. I now have trisquel-mini and I ins

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compile Abrowser for Windows and OS X

2013-11-23 Thread Andresmp
Hi ssdclickofdeath, I was interested in this so that I could sync the tabs from the browsers. This stopped working for me some time ago.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Applications (Pitivi 0.9 and cairo)

2013-11-23 Thread Andresmp
I have not used it, but maybe parabola gnu/linux is best for bleeding edge packages?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Applications (Pitivi 0.9 and cairo)

2013-11-24 Thread Andresmp
hi theseus, I admire your commitment to help free software, you are past knowledge, hopefully dome one else can help. all I can suggest is to run pitivi from the terminal and post the message here and in the pitivi mailing list.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minor video editing with command line

2013-11-27 Thread Andresmp
Thanks Magic Banana! ogg convert never failed me, but I wanted something that I could scale up or batch script. I do not recall ogg convert having a comand line interface. I will install transmageddon to see if it can do what I want.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sentient code: An inside look at Stephen Wolfram's utterly new, insanely ambitious computational paradigm

2013-12-01 Thread Andresmp
what G4JC said. and an easy to use programming language that is propietary in my mind seems worst than an easy to use tablet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice is asking the community where should 50% of their profits go

2013-12-01 Thread Andresmp
i am getting subscription as a christmas present. linux format magazine introduced me to trisquel. at least they use the freesoftware term.

[Trisquel-users] Just joined gnusocial is there a trisquel group?

2013-12-07 Thread Andresmp
Hi all, some time ago I was using and I joined tbe trisquel group. I am unsure but I think the microblog feed on no longer works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Projects - fund them with Kickstarter

2013-12-07 Thread Andresmp
Agreed a crowd funding campaign such as mediagoblin did sounds like a good idea.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Having Trouble Installing Trisquel 6.0

2013-12-11 Thread Andresmp
Hi sorry to hear you having problems. I problably can not help you much but can you try to do a liveUSB from the disc you have? Then change model bios startup accordingly. also, to help others that problably know more than myself understand better your problem please provide the make and m

Re: [Trisquel-users] Having Trouble Installing Trisquel 6.0

2013-12-11 Thread Andresmp
the domain does not exist. What made it trust worthy?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software is getting better...and faster that it seems

2013-12-11 Thread Andresmp
Thank you for your research! I am also interested in CAD soft and freeCAD would be my test, I did not try it in depth yet. gnumeric for spreadsheets inkscape with the sozi addon for cool presentations gwyddion for SPM data analysis .

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compile Abrowser for Windows and OS X

2013-12-11 Thread Andresmp

Re: [Trisquel-users] small, silent "server"

2013-12-11 Thread Andresmp
think pinguin provides the type of computer you like. i find acer aspire one netbook zg5 to be good ssd with linpus preinstalled and available second hand. never used it as home server. pleaselet us know howyou get on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Having Trouble Installing Trisquel 6.0

2013-12-12 Thread Andresmp
And at low speeds.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software is getting better...and faster that it seems

2013-12-12 Thread Andresmp
Calc vs excel vs gnumeric and others.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software is getting better...and faster that it seems

2013-12-12 Thread Andresmp
This is great! I think I will use it for my presentations, if you do not mind. I always wanted to do a costume Beamer presentation but never got down to such level of control. The Sozi presentation I have is: Not very serious,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard Shortcuts for Abrowser

2013-12-12 Thread Andresmp
Thanks, Not sure that I improved it, but I added/changed some things.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] free video formats

2013-12-12 Thread Andresmp
My try to make it short: open with a sentence with what you want so that they can read clearly what the letter is about. Your choice of subject line is important as well as it might be the only thing they see. I am not sure, but they might come back with something like ogg not being viewable

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need help booting the Toutatis image from HDD

2013-12-12 Thread Andresmp
Thank you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard Shortcuts for Abrowser

2013-12-12 Thread Andresmp
linked rather than copied: under further info.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software is getting better...and faster that it seems

2013-12-12 Thread Andresmp
sorry, I did not explain myself correctly. I went as far as installing it and doing a couple of extusions. And I saw it as a good substitute. I did not get any further, I guess I am looking for a project to use it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel project goals and finances

2013-12-12 Thread Andresmp
Hi guys, you can problably get more info here. the objective of 100 members might be out of date now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free software is getting better...and faster that it seems

2013-12-13 Thread Andresmp
Thanks! I really wanted something to work on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] freedom friendly netbook

2013-12-13 Thread Andresmp
I have been using the acer aspire one zg5. came pre installed with linpus. 6 years later ssd still works, replaced battery for one that lasts 7 or 8 hours, and scavenged anitherone for a spanish keyboard. i have seen the same model for sale second hand for £1. I am tempted to buy for a 3 yea

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome shell privacy issue : Auto answering voice and video calls

2013-12-15 Thread Andresmp
yes, it can be disabled.

Re: [Trisquel-users] malware

2013-12-15 Thread Andresmp
first define malware next, from my point of view, if you take a ppa or a *.deb package that helps you install propietary software such as skype on your trisquel machine it means you have malware. an antivirus is for virii not all malware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gnome shell privacy issue : Auto answering voice and video calls

2013-12-15 Thread Andresmp
i have not tried to replicate it but from my conversation on gnusocial: in context: it is a bug. you can only disable it manually but running in desktop it just connects. frankly I would no

[Trisquel-users] /home does not mount after suspend

2014-01-23 Thread Andresmp
Hello. I think I have this bug [1] but since nobody has posted for 4 years I am not hoping for a resonse. I close the lid of the acer aspire One that that has an SD card in the storage expansion. This SD card holds the /home drive. When I open the lid and hit any key to resume from susp

Re: [Trisquel-users] /home does not mount after suspend

2014-01-24 Thread Andresmp
I think if I unmount and have the system logged out I will not be able to log in. Since the password is kept in /home , right?

Re: [Trisquel-users] /home does not mount after suspend

2014-01-25 Thread Andresmp
OK, where do I start/find the script that does the suspend? linux dot com [1] seems to suggest installing apmd. But since it was actually suspending I do not think it should be necesary? [1]

Re: [Trisquel-users] /home does not mount after suspend

2014-01-25 Thread Andresmp
OK are the scripts I am supposed to modify the ones found here? /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keeping notes

2014-02-06 Thread Andresmp
could you post a link on this Org syntax? sounds very interesting!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Novena - The free notebook

2014-04-03 Thread Andresmp crowd funding now. Wifi is deblobbed?

Re: [Trisquel-users] New (first) libre planet in UK

2014-08-21 Thread Andresmp
Hi Salparadise, I imagined that was the case with several of us so I decided to go ahead and create one. there is also the fsfe I believe one of the fsfe fellows lives closer to your area.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New (first) libre planet in UK

2014-08-23 Thread Andresmp
Hi salparadise, Are the groups in Manchester and Birmingham FSFE groups? they certainly are not in libreplanet wiki that I have seen. Could you send links? FSFE you can become a fellow. which as far as I can tell is similar to becoming a member of the fsf. But I am sure you can show up to t

Re: [Trisquel-users] New (first) libre planet in UK

2014-08-23 Thread Andresmp
This is amazing! Brixtion is not too far. Are you part of the group? would you like to come over? There is a coderDojo soon and I would like as much free software as possible.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New (first) libre planet in UK

2014-08-23 Thread Andresmp
Thanks for the support. I already meet up with others in the area but most are not too concerned with free as in freedom software. I am hoping to get more free software people involved.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New (first) libre planet in UK

2014-08-24 Thread Andresmp
Ah! found it. it is in the unofficial group list: Many other gnu/linux or programing languages groups. I have added a link to my group under london. Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] New (first) libre planet in UK

2014-08-24 Thread Andresmp
Hi Alexander, OK. once I know how to add that to the wiki page I will. Any suggestions would be useful! Hopefully the ics will be attached. Sadly the forum does not accept ics files so I renamed it to a txt file. simply change the extension.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New (first) libre planet in UK

2014-08-31 Thread Andresmp
Thank you all. axgb islington is not too far on the disctric line! Still far for lynton and others but if you do not mind signing up to the libreplanet wiki that way we hava a bit more critical mass in UK!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't believe I missed this, but ODF won in the UK to be default

2014-08-31 Thread Andresmp
I am going to talk about this with my local representatives this Friday. I suggest any other UK residents do the same. ask them to slowly shift towards libreoffice and openoffice. there are loads of UK copanies that support this now. The reason is about competition and helping local small m

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ask for help: how to hide hard disk?

2014-08-31 Thread Andresmp
Hello Freeuniverse, welcome to trisquel and gnu/linux. Sorry this will not be an answer as I do not know how to do it. But I have two questions: when creating the freeusb did you leave some free space? if you did not then when you do find out how to do it it will not be saved. why do you

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to install gnome-shell

2012-12-15 Thread Andresmp
Hi, I just installed gnome-shell in trisquel 5.5 I was using trisquel mini. during the instalation of gnome is asked me what login manager I wanted and I chose the gnome one (there can only be one unless you do some network stuff). For the moment gnome3 looks really good. I find it less con

Re: [Trisquel-users] Interested in volunteering? Read this... update

2012-12-16 Thread Andresmp
Hello All, Now let me get this straight: Ruben said in the following: One way we can start to work things out is by having a weekly development meeting on the irc, and discuss this bottom-line problems there. I suggest doing it at the #trisqu

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to install gnome-shell

2012-12-17 Thread Andresmp
Thanks! i did not realize that I will change my file so that it refers trisquel.

[Trisquel-users] how do i cancel my usb

2012-12-20 Thread Andresmp
hi, i took up membership. but i do not need the usb. how do i cancel the usb key?

Re: [Trisquel-users] how do i cancel my usb

2012-12-20 Thread Andresmp
thaanks, missed that. done.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Interested in volunteering? Read this... update

2012-12-20 Thread Andresmp
good minutes here: can i suggest open new thread for each conversation/meeting? as per reaching out: can we suggest ruben to go to freeasinfreedom faif podcast? or floss weekly or linux outlaws or any other? webcasts

Re: [Trisquel-users] Screen does not work on Live mode Acer aspire 1360

2013-01-22 Thread Andresmp
Oh! I also tried other non free distribuitons such as ubuntu and lubuntu. Same problem. The only one that seemed to work was crunchbang linux. But of course I want trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Enabling Gnome 3 in Trisquel 6 - now works

2013-03-19 Thread Andresmp
i am still on 5.5.using gnome3 absutly loving it. luckly i do not need orca so it runs decently on my netbook. thanks for the cheatsheet. i really liked alt+printscrn ctl+shift+alt+r for video recording *webm file that plays in browser is in home folder and middleclicking on an icon to load an

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does anyone knows how to improve the upload of videos for Trisquel Abrowser?

2013-03-24 Thread Andresmp
web based games are problably popular because they can then go and talk to friends on other os that can play the same games. also does not involve using admin rights. i think there is a way to only give admin rights only to install without passwords the stuff on the install uninstall softwa

Re: [Trisquel-users] Open scientific software (molecural biology)

2013-03-27 Thread Andresmp
hi sorry not my area of science. But in the off chance you did not check this page: some of the software I use in my area is there. take special note of the biopython and bioperl pakages.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's Wrong With Flash: An Explaination

2013-03-27 Thread Andresmp
thank you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's Wrong With Flash: An Explaination

2013-03-27 Thread Andresmp
how do I get abrowser to not to atempt to load flash?

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's Wrong With Flash: An Explaination

2013-03-28 Thread Andresmp
By the way, I thought Mozilla had already demonstrated HTML5 games some time ago with browser quest

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best way to test Trisquel

2013-03-28 Thread Andresmp
For several tests I always go with liveUSB. Probably because I always install something. As per the global menu: would installing gnome3 do the trick?

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