Re: [Trisquel-users] Manually adding programs to Startup Processes.

2013-04-01 Thread clem11388
Ahh I see that License file in the Server download as well. I know that the GPL, especially version 3, is meant to be as respecting of user freedom as possible. But what is it that makes the Apache License unacceptable in 100% Libre Software? I skimmed through the License file, and did

Re: [Trisquel-users] Manually adding programs to Startup Processes.

2013-04-01 Thread clem11388
Awesome! I don't have any drives larger than 4gb right now, but will definately look into testing this!! :-) P.S. I actually formated the drive as FAT 32, Doesn't that allow larger sizes?

[Trisquel-users] Manually adding programs to Startup Processes.

2013-03-31 Thread clem11388
I am using a Live USB with Mini Trisquel 6.0 with about 3gb of persistence. Loving it. But I can't find a way to manually add my own startup processes to the Desktop Session Settings list. When I set Synapse to auto start inside its own settings. Its added to this list. But I want to add

Re: [Trisquel-users] Manually adding programs to Startup Processes.

2013-03-31 Thread clem11388
Thank you that worked Perfect. :-) its odd that even though I have 2 apps that have settings to startup at boot. Synapse and Guake Terminal Only Synapse was inside the autostart folder. But Guake starts fine, and so do Seafile and Keepassx after adding the launchers to the auto start folder.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Manually adding programs to Startup Processes.

2013-03-31 Thread clem11388
Oh really? I know both the Server and client apps are Open Source and you can run your own server if you wish. But does it use non free bits or something?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-08-28 Thread clem11388
Just seen your reply. :-) I've been using Minitube and VLC ( just typing in a terminal vlc and then the youtube url ) and they've worked great for a long time. But recently VLC has stopped having sound. The video usually plays, but without audio. And Minitube sometimes works like normal but

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-08-06 Thread clem11388
Yea, Its just seems hard to find specific and beginner documentation or tutorials. I actually have an account on the Portknox ownCloud service setup for now. But its a bit slow. So still hope to set up my own eventually. I Tried actually having it set up as different users, and each with

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-08-06 Thread clem11388
Thank you guys for that!. I don't know if I'll need to install things from source yet. But I'll definitely refer back to this for pointers. :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-08-04 Thread clem11388
Awesome, tested it and stopping it does indead make the page not show up in my browser at https://localhost/owncloud. Though a possible big problem is that when trying to check Force SSL it has a Test SSL link beside it so you can see if it will work with your setup. But mine won't load :-(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-08-03 Thread clem11388
THANK YOU! I thought it was there cause of the PPA I added. But removed that and still was there, so guess should have checked that first lol. Its just I was following the instructions on the ownCloud site and it was having me do a really long command that installed like 15 packages, and 5

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-08-03 Thread clem11388
Sorry getting my application names mixed up. I meant Synapse. The Gnome Do like launcher. Is ownCloud launched from the terminal? And after that, what local address do I need to go to on my browser in order to see it and login? I assume it will ask me for a new admin password and username?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-08-03 Thread clem11388
Latest Mini version. 5.5 I believe. But got my applications mixed up. I meant Synapse and not synaptic lol. would ownCloud normally show up in the application menu list? or as @lembas said, do I need to search for the ownCloud folder, then look for the executable binary I would need?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-08-03 Thread clem11388
Sorry took so long to reply to your specific comment. Its been busy round home lately and finally getting some extra time to try and work more on moving to Trisquel. :-) I have been unemployed for almost 3 years. Now finally have a part time job, as well as building a home based business

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-07-31 Thread clem11388
Sorry for the long delay. Been really busy lol. But I was gonna make the plunge and try and setup ownCloud on my CR-48 with Trisquel mini installed. The whole Learn by doing approach. :-) But on the first step, It came back saying it was unable to locate 3 packages: php-xml, php-mbstring

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman trying to derail Linux adoption once again

2012-07-31 Thread clem11388
I have to agree with the others here. If all you want is fun games, and free (as in price) software. Then that has nothing to do with Free Software or its movement. Its gratis, and that really helps no one. But to be fair, I first started using GNU/Linux back when when all I knew was I

[Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-07-10 Thread clem11388
Hello GNU/Linux guru's :-) I been using GNU/Linux systems for about a little more than 2 years now. I tend to be a slow learner. But have become fairly comfortable in the command line (as long as its not compiling from source) and have been completely free from Windows for about 1 year

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-07-10 Thread clem11388
Oh sorry, I forgot about the [ KeepassX password manager] and I didn't know that there was no option to edit a post once its made. I only tried apt-get keepassx from the terminal and it didn't work. Also, are all the games in the Ubuntu Software Center, that are

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-07-10 Thread clem11388
LOL the separate Home partition is actually one of my other reasons for wanting to do a fresh install as well. Would you know of any easy to understand, yet modern guides for doing this? I have read a few books that described doing it on RedHat 2 or 3 I think. But they were from way way back

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple just killed off the Samsung Galaxy Tab

2012-07-10 Thread clem11388
I sadly and most regrettably purchased an iPad first generation for my dad more than a year ago Back when I didn't understand the full implications or importance of things like this. Won't ever make that mistake again. For that product, or any Apple or other proprietary hardware / software

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-07-10 Thread clem11388
I looked for a little bit today and couldn't seem to find any hosted ownCloud services. But only looked on DuckDuckGo, so possibly have needed to search others as well. I have to head to work here in a little bit. (late shift) But I'm actually gonna try and work hard for the next couple days

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving from Ubuntu to fully Free Distro's

2012-07-10 Thread clem11388
Thank you sir! :) I'll try the Live USB again tonight and search the repos for those again. Maybe even do a test install with my second machine (unlocked CR-48 Chromebook) Wanna make sure I got all the differences down pat before making the switch. Not nearly as difficult as switching from

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple just killed off the Samsung Galaxy Tab

2012-07-10 Thread clem11388
Yup, but the Zatab is made by Zareason. The very popular GNU/Linux computer company. And they are making it completely open and will be have the option to come with no Operating System at all (for developer who prefer that) or with CyanogenMod, as they are currently helping the Dev's port CM