Re: [Trisquel-users] meme

2020-05-09 Thread jabjabs
I already thought it was banned... oh you mean the drink! Yeah I can see were you are going with that. Don't need to ban it but at least make it very undesirable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Richard Stallman Does Not and Cannot Speak for the Free Software Movement

2019-09-17 Thread jabjabs
This a thousand times over! The apparent crime he did was to even question the structure of the legal system. That is still taboo it appears.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Computer will not shut down

2019-07-21 Thread jabjabs
If it is like my T400, it has to do with the Wifi driver. When I am running with the Wifi on it will not shut down until I use the physical Wifi switch to isolate it. Might not be a solution for you but that is what works for me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What do you do to keep your browser from consuming too much memory

2019-01-12 Thread jabjabs
High five for the dad joke! Do that or just use Lynx/Links/Elinks. No graphics, no problem!

Re: [Trisquel-users] I finally migrated to Trisquel

2018-10-13 Thread jabjabs
Congratulations on the move, I hope you enjoy it for years to come. I know I have.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel site was down?

2018-04-24 Thread jabjabs
Yep it was out yesterday. All good now, carry on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 Flidas screenshots.

2018-04-24 Thread jabjabs
You can customize the look a fair bit, MATE and the old Gnome interface from T7 are both great setups.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas is here

2018-04-18 Thread jabjabs
Horrah! Kudos to all the folk involved. A wonderful piece of work here. Also I can finally install it on a Libreboot system from the GUI, had been having lots of trouble with that for the past few months.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 operating system and Windows based viruses

2018-01-24 Thread jabjabs
Depends on what you are doing. If you are passing files over to people still using Windows then it would just be a good will to scan for any issues - these viruses would would have come into the system externally than be infected via Trisquel. I do not know of any Libre AV for Windows so I

Re: [Trisquel-users] have you installed signal on replicant?

2017-12-21 Thread jabjabs
Doesn't Signal usually use Google play services to make the contact links? I know there is a Libre version ( but it uses a different server backend to make it work. Am I missing something here?

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2017-12-21 Thread jabjabs
I have said for a while that I feel Purism has some good intentions but they mess up the message so badly some times. Their business interests butt up against the moral ones and they let the business side win. I'm sure if they could make fully-Libre hardware they will be the first to jump

Re: [Trisquel-users] I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-12-19 Thread jabjabs
I am somewhat hopeful that they decide to bite the bullet and jump T8 straight to LTS 18.04 base.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-12-18 Thread jabjabs
It also solves a lot of security issues that plagued the old extension system.

Re: [Trisquel-users] After installing Trisquel 7 dual boot with Ubuntu , Grub is asking for password to boot Ubuntu

2017-12-18 Thread jabjabs
I had this happen years back with a Windows partition (I was young and foolish!). I recall it was a big with GRUB and one that cannot be fixed without installing a newer version from somewhere. That said, you should do like I did and take it as a sign that you should stay clear of that non-

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-18 Thread jabjabs
Great to see this happening. I got a T400 off you a few months back and it has been wonderful. My daily driver. Will purchase off you again. 10 out of 10.

Re: [Trisquel-users] System76. A step in the right direction.

2017-12-04 Thread jabjabs
Absolutely. I think they kind of mean well but really they are a VERY long way from complete. Purism is a little better but they are in the same boat. Lots to be done.

Re: [Trisquel-users] unable to mount microsoft lumia phone

2017-07-23 Thread jabjabs
I had this issue years back and I never could solve it. Figured it was just another one of Microsoft's little silly technical choices that was designed to lessen the non-windows experience. Was one of the reasons I moved to free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 Review!

2017-07-15 Thread jabjabs
Yep that is correct. I was too focused on the libre firmware instead of speed I guess. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 Review!

2017-07-13 Thread jabjabs
Apart from the dates... ditto. T400 from Minifree, 4GB RAM and 160GB HDD. The high RPM HDD does make it feel a lot more snappy than I was expecting, an upgrade to an SSD will be glorious on this thing. It definitely pack a lot of punch performance wise. I am used to a Core Duo 1.4Ghz mach

Re: [Trisquel-users] A Liberated Version of Youtube-DL is Almost Here!

2017-07-08 Thread jabjabs
That looks fantastic! I agree with you, as cool as Youtube-DL is - the terminal keeps a lot of people away from it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] System 76 Is Coming Out With a Free Distro

2017-07-04 Thread jabjabs
Ouch... but true. *high five*

Re: [Trisquel-users] Certificate outdated?

2017-07-04 Thread jabjabs
Normally I would say "Don't go near it!" but I'm assuming it is just a brief lapse by Ruben.

Re: [Trisquel-users] System 76 Is Coming Out With a Free Distro

2017-07-04 Thread jabjabs
We can try but I'm not to optimistic about it. They are just interesting in selling "A powerful Linux laptop" rather than a laptop that respects users rights.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thinkpad 400s

2017-07-03 Thread jabjabs
Yeah, it took me about 5 minutes of looking before I figured out its location.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-20 Thread jabjabs
Microsoft even used something similar for a while on their awful Surface RT tablets. That has been dropped as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot T400 on Minifree reduces in price once again

2017-06-19 Thread jabjabs
Thank you so much for doing this. Just ordered mine yesterday! Great to see these freedom loving machines getting some exposure.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot issues an "Open Letter to the Free Software Community"

2017-04-03 Thread jabjabs
Next time I speak with Zammit I will see what his take on it is. So far great news!

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread jabjabs
We live in interesting times. Their opinion comes from a state of media driven fear, it can be very hard to reason with these people other than playing the long game of pointing out just how unlikely their paranoid thoughts are to actually be the case. My partner always thinks I'm "hacking"

Re: [Trisquel-users] First development alpha iso images of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas"

2016-11-30 Thread jabjabs
See 2016 isn't so bad after all. Thanks to everyone involved! I will give my Xmas donation a bit earlier this year. ;) Would have done it anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Well, I just installed Powershell

2016-08-21 Thread jabjabs
Exactly. MS would rather make 'open source' software in an effort to squeeze Oracle/Amazon/IBM our of the picture than to keep it proprietary and lose business. This is a power play, nothing more. Note Microsoft never say Free software or GNU as it would push the ethics, even when they shi

Re: [Trisquel-users] Well, I just installed Powershell

2016-08-21 Thread jabjabs
While that would be cool technology wise and to some degree security wise. But that would be yet another example of why the Linux kernel should have been moved over to GPLv3. On GPLv2 MS would still be able to ship it without allowing people to modify their local version.

Re: [Trisquel-users] explaination about free software mouvement and Trisquel in Trisquel 8 Flidas

2016-08-18 Thread jabjabs
Having a short video/audio clip with a brief explanation would be fairly cool to do. There could be longer form stuff (Stallman speech audio) but best not to over do it and clog up the data pipes. I will look into seeing if I can figure something out video wise but with my usual schedule, d

Re: [Trisquel-users] Dual boot Windows 7 wants username

2016-06-26 Thread jabjabs
Purism forked it into PureOS as well, basically Trisquel with Cinnamon on top. Not sure if they have kept it entirely intact as Purism do appear to favor modern conveniences a bit in place of pure freedom - at least at the hardware level. Also I agree, if one doesn't like the situation eith

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-23 Thread jabjabs
With those kind of conditions, glad to see them go.

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-05 Thread jabjabs
The one think I really like about Trisquel is the slower release cycle, the it will be done when it is done mentality. Ubuntu is its own thing, we would all be best to ignore its movements. Not having the push an shove to be out on an exact date on an exact minute so that there can be the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel is about ethics not technology or innovation

2016-06-05 Thread jabjabs
Can't like this post enough. The technology talk while nice can drown out the really important issues.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wacom tablets

2016-05-26 Thread jabjabs
Krita, it is perfect for these tablets.

Re: [Trisquel-users] If you could go back in time and talk to your former "owned" self

2016-05-17 Thread jabjabs
I will say that personally, I do still use a smart phone (no Google, only f-droid stuff) but that is part a requirement of my job and secondly - this is one point where I am directly trading privacy for convenience. Having a phone in an emergency situation (it has happened before) was literal

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's your favorite not-so-famous application on Trisquel?

2016-04-25 Thread jabjabs
At the last Free software Melbourne (Australia) meetup - we had a great show and tell session for a load of great programs. The ones we covered where as follows. Screen ruler - You can place an on ruler on you screen so that you can easily measure elements. Red shift - Allows the screen to r

Re: [Trisquel-users] Will Trisquel 8 embrace Snap packaging for custom, Trisquel specific, applications?

2016-04-25 Thread jabjabs
I guess it really depends on how they are handled, if the Trisquel team want to maintain snap packages then why not? It is still free software so the issue is only with the technology and not the ethics.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Ubuntu Userspace for Windows Developers -- A Project by Canonical and Microsoft. What is your idea?

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
MS doesn't care what operating system you run so long as you are using and paying for their tools/services. They Embrace Libre OS's/iOS/Android because they want to get people locked into their ecosystem. Anything to make money as you said.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is linux-libre compatibility better compared to hurd?

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
The lack of USB support should be the most shining example of where they are up to in terms of functionality. It is a long way behind but it is still a very interesting project. The fact that it is GPLv3 however means that there is a potentially very bright future ahead in terms of guaranteei

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Ubuntu Userspace for Windows Developers -- A Project by Canonical and Microsoft. What is your idea?

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
So far there is no public plan to support X11 applications. Not only is that a bigger technical problem, I don't think they want to show too much love to the competition as it will eventually make their software look bad.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mono relicensed to MIT with a patent promise

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
The idea of building a program using non-GPL tools is just horrifying. Even having the option to close up the tool chain means eventually somebody will try and close it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] will you distribute information about lowrisc, an open source cpu beeing made?

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
I cannot speak for Stallman, I don't like to associate software/hardware to 'does Stallman run X?' - it makes the movement more a cult that worships certain people rather than the work and philosophy that is present. If I was offered a choice of Intel/AMD X86 systems OR lowRISC then I would

Re: [Trisquel-users] A question about applying the GPLv3

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
It is also way a nice thing to give credit where it is due even if it doesn't relate the specifics of the immediate project code.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommended gaming emulators

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
This topic cuts to the very core of free software. There is no doubt that these games are non-free in every sense. The issue for people is that do they want to be locked into this poor deal for the sake of entertainment? There should be no debate expect for each individuals decision on what t

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another free engine of a commercial Game: Serious Sam

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
This is a huge problem with most game engines. They can liberate their code, and I am forever grateful to those that do it; but most engines now have an extensive web of dependencies on other non-free programs. Be in the programming systems or the more high level stuff like audio/physics fr

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keystroke fingerprinting is a thing apparently

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
Same here, NoScript is your friend. It is also the reason why I can't read anything of Forbes. :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keystroke fingerprinting is a thing apparently

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
It doesn't even have to be non-free, non-free just makes it easier to hide it's functionality. Just having any program load without users knowledge is a very bad trait to have. LibreJS is okay but can still allow malicious code to run provided it has the right license, I mean how many peopl

Re: [Trisquel-users] will you distribute information about lowrisc, an open source cpu beeing made?

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
Firstly, While lowRISC is a cool project for what it is, OpenRISC is a better project. lowRISC is under the BSD-pushover license and is able to be locked down by various manufacturers. OpenRISC is GPL and needs all modifications to be published. Secondly, we focus on Free software/free hard

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
Thank you very much! *high five*

Re: [Trisquel-users] 2016 RMS talk in Zurich

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
There is a term for this in the skeptics community, the Gish Gallop. There was a creationist Duane Gish who used to debate people by simply bombarding the other side with an excess of false arguments or misinformation with out allowing time for a full response, this was also exacerbated by ma

Re: [Trisquel-users] Root Galaxy Note 4 via Trisquel

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
Rooting devices on GNU/Linux systems some times is so much harder than it should be! And that is even when you ignore the freedom side of the software!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Turn off the screen reader

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
Also, if you want to permanently remove it from your system. sudo apt-get remove gnome-orca

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thinkpenguin N Wifi USB

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
I have been using these adaptors for the last 2 years or so and have had no issues at all. Range is fairly good and the speed is more than acceptable. As for the stability of the drivers, I haven't really noticed any big issues with them. They work when needed and don't get in the way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Spam attack

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
I found it odd in light of these events just how much the Mint Team where changing (or not updating) the underlying tech. Really worrying even if it is software I don't use. I merely assumed it was Ubuntu with a different desktop engine and a different package manager layout.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Breaking the trend, Bill Gates supports the FBI backdoor for the iPhone

2016-04-15 Thread jabjabs
When ever MS talks about their security/privacy they are very aware to avoid ever making solid commitments about what they provide. If instance, they will talk about their 'Windows Hello' facial recognition system and how amazing the technology is; but they will never commit to any real low

Re: [Trisquel-users] xsnow

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
Wow that licence really sucks. It is simple toys like this that could be used as a brilliant introduction to programming for beginners. Shame really, it could have been something really cool. (Pun slightly intended :P )

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF Vision Survey | The Free Software Foundation needs your feedback. Their vision survey is up until the end of January.

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
This is actually a really good point. The vacuum they leave in other counties has allowed others to take up the torch and to fill the gap but that is not an excellent solution.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need for compromise in Free software? With Richard Stallman

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
Direct Links to files. Ogg Theora 1080p Video - Ogg Theora 720p Video - Ogg Vorbis Audio -

Re: [Trisquel-users] I present myself :D

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
You don't necessarily have to do this. If you end up using Trisquel or any other Distro full time then just be happy with that. Shopping around across all the distros can lead to a negative emotional impact as the idea that you may have missed something in another distro can lead to a feeli

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flyer Ideas about distributed computing

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
This is why I am producing some talks for people, ones that focus on the main issues that are present today followed up with the best solution we have - free software. If people are aware of the issues, the solution will be much more welcoming.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
That is just proof it is working. If it wasn't for the GNU/Linux language - I don't think I would have found the free software movement when I did.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ZFS will be available for Trisquel 8. Will you use it?

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
I see this as the same issue I have with Systemd. I don't have one. Is the technology free? If yes then that is what really matters. ZFS, if it works then great but I have no reason to complain.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
Embrace, Extend, Extingush. I wish it was something we had made up about MS but those are the direct words from Microsoft leaked emails from 1998.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
It is very confusing to people, I have seen Android described many times as 'Linux but not Linux'. GNU/Linux is very direct, Android mentioned in relation to Linux unfortunatly causes people to think it is the GNU system as well even though it isn't related. Linux is a very cool and powerful

Re: [Trisquel-users] Creator of Debian committed suicideā€¦or beign murdered?

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
Roll on Ian. I won't comment on the issues of what lead to this event as there just isn't enough information yet. That said we do need to look into it to get to the bottom of issue regardless of what it was.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft wants you to train you in using Linux

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
I don't so much hope for defeat, I hope they change their ways and liberate their technology. If that is not possible then defeat is the only other option.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help me come up with a name for this Trisquel fork.

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
This was what I was thinking. It is better for us to band together and improve a project to further greatness than further fragmentation. While I can see the potential for a slightly different flavour of Trisquel to be added to the current ISO's but even then it would have to be a fairly big

Re: [Trisquel-users] Grub deleting windows xp and 7 boot files

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
Personally I have tried to dual boot Trisquel and Windows only once - The installation found the other partition and set it up Grub immediately failed to ever boot Windows. I didn't really think much of it as it was done as an experiment. I never did figure out a solution to it, wasn't real

[Trisquel-users] Need for compromise in Free software? With Richard Stallman

2016-02-07 Thread jabjabs
Brian Lunduke - formally of Linux Action show fame - did this excellent interview with several people for the FS community in regards to if we need compromise in free software (guess where Stallman stands? :P ).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please help me with this strange system hang issue!

2015-12-07 Thread jabjabs
Came here to say this, I have the same issue if I run Trisquel on a 2010 Mac Mini - the Nouveua drivers just simply didn't support the chipset very well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 100% Open Source Hardware & 100% Open Source Software

2015-12-07 Thread jabjabs
Exactly, Free software isn't just great for freedom it is actually just genuinely great software. Krita for instance is astoundingly good, it is amazing that it is free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Trisquel support MP3 now?

2015-11-27 Thread jabjabs
Exactly, it is a very bad thing to put your content into a patented or even worse a DRM based format; But it shouldn't be a reason for you to not decode it into a libre system/format. DVD for example is a terrible format but because we can decode it with free software - we can at least use it

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Fingerprints of Abrowser

2015-11-26 Thread jabjabs
Always fun to see what the browser is pushing out. Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer - very cool add-on - one of the defaults for any of installs. Everyone should give it a try.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does replicant support 3G/4G on any devices?

2015-11-17 Thread jabjabs
This feels like an area of hardware where the input/out of the networking chips should be sand boxed with only very limited functionality. Essentially, while it could ask for microphone/GPS information it should be up to the OS to determine what it does and does not send/receive. If there are

Re: [Trisquel-users] Untransparent Bloatware

2015-11-17 Thread jabjabs
Thank you for this! I am a little tired of it constantly reading when I log in. Trying to logic with *asterisk* *asterisk* *asterisk* *asterisk* *asterisk* coming out of the speaker isn't always welcome. :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel wallpapers

2015-11-03 Thread jabjabs
Very cool work indeed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ideas for making free software/movies more popular

2015-11-03 Thread jabjabs
"3. "Copy" popular games especial the easier ones. (e.g. Five nights at Freddy, Slender)" I went to PAX AU last weekend (big hall of corporate marketing really) and I was surprised at just how little originality is left in the games industry, even the 'indie' developers just pushing out mos

Re: [Trisquel-users] How To Make Sure You Stay Libre

2015-10-28 Thread jabjabs
They have a very poor track record, almost every Chinese designed phone I have checked calls back to home eventually. It does suck that this happens but at least it is reporting back to a government other than your own or its allies.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat - The Force Awakens

2015-10-22 Thread jabjabs
Essentially it is a more security focused. Tor available at any times, Libre JS as standard plus a few changes to the configuration. Very cool project.

Re: [Trisquel-users] You can help save freedom by donating a small amount to the Save Wifi publicity effort. Will you help? (yes you Trisquel users!)

2015-10-19 Thread jabjabs
Couldn't donate much but more than happy to help out the cause.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread jabjabs
I suppose to real big difference is that the Libre kernel won't recommend any non-free drivers where as the Debian one will. It doesn't included them from the get go and still needs user intervention to install them but Linux-libre won't even do that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Feud between Chris & Francis Over! (I think)

2015-10-15 Thread jabjabs
That is all cool. Always good to let off some steam once in a while, always interesting to read through any way. Onward and upwards.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ASUS Chromebook C201 now supported in libreboot - ARM CPU

2015-10-14 Thread jabjabs
Completely agree, while a new system like this isn't very complete and still has issues - it is a great step gap until we have a even more free solution.

Re: [Trisquel-users] iTunes replacement for my iPod

2015-10-13 Thread jabjabs
Sorry but that is propritary software and we won't help you with installation of a restrictive product of the nature. We won't to give you more freedoms not keep you couped up in the digital jail just for the sake of convienience. Why not try a libre ulternative like InkScape, this is a truel

Re: [Trisquel-users] iTunes replacement for my iPod

2015-10-13 Thread jabjabs
Most Libre music players such as Rhythmbox/Amarok usually support these older devices. Here is an older tutorial but it should give you an idea that it works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Netflix/Hulu?

2015-10-13 Thread jabjabs
Broken websites, DVD playback, mp3 and m4a can all very easily be played back with Libre software. Technology isn't a big issue except when it comes to DRM.

Re: [Trisquel-users] iTunes replacement for my iPod

2015-10-13 Thread jabjabs
Is this for an iPod touch or an iPod classic? The classic doesn't need to be modified although I would highly recommend Rockbox OS as it is a brilliant free software media system for the classics. IPod touch and all ios devices are locked down to the extreme and there is nothing you can do

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-11 Thread jabjabs
Just a piece of advice, make sure to use a thick vinyl sticker as normal ones will just show the Apple logo shinning through. I have a Copyleft over mine but I needed 4 layers to dull the logo significantly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Netflix/Hulu?

2015-10-10 Thread jabjabs
No definetly not Libre in any sense. Use propritary software to run, the code they send is propritary and is one of the worst examples of DRM. I can see the appeal of a platform like that (it is a rented library I suppose) but there are so many issues presented.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Shocking....!! Micro$0 ft is planning to propose dual-boot with Android OS.

2015-10-10 Thread jabjabs
I think you mean NSA/Micro$$soft Bugindows Snooping edition.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Atrack developers to Trisquel

2015-10-07 Thread jabjabs
One idea I had was that we should outreach to other Libre distros, ones that no longer have the time and effort to maintain an entire system to themselves. Essentially combine forces to get more work towards a more singular goal. It has been a thought I have pondered for a while, one that p

Re: [Trisquel-users] Modernizing the Trisquel forums

2015-10-04 Thread jabjabs
I have no issue with the forum or wiki. While yes things can be improved there is nothing really important missing. The biggest feature of a forum is the community, everything else is just minor details.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Happy Software Freedom Day for all

2015-09-23 Thread jabjabs
And here is your second. The page on his site explains it all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is this Librem13 fully free this time?

2015-09-13 Thread jabjabs
This has happened a few times in the Skeptics community, I know that is why there is the James Randy Education Fund million dollar challenge. Here in Australia our Skeptics group (well the Sydney one) received several million dollars anonymously from a multi millionaire. It can happen it just

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft Officially Announces VP9 Support In Edge. Opus may be coming soon

2015-09-13 Thread jabjabs
Maybe one day they will, it will take a huge change on MS's part and adopting a new business model that actually encourages people to use their software rather than lock them into it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Miaow - The first Free/Open graphics processor.

2015-09-06 Thread jabjabs
The commercially available part was a given, the freedoms part actually could be an issue seeing as this is based off AMDs open parts. Yet another example of Open doesn't necessarily mean free.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Miaow - The first Free/Open graphics processor.

2015-09-06 Thread jabjabs
Text to make it easier for everyone. "Say Hello to MIAOW, the First Open Source Graphics Processor By Alexander Hellemans While open-source hardware is already available for CPUs, researchers from the Vertical Research Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have announced at the Hot Ch

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