Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-09-05 Thread a1716479
BTW Not over?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-09-04 Thread a1716479
My point was features-convenience do not conflict with freedom-power, if the constraining elements of closed source are removed, and solely the functionality is achieved. The two are not mutually exclusive. I'm not ignoring the trend, which is obvious. My point is these things

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-09-02 Thread davesamcdxv
I'm not especially religious, but my point was exactly that, the false gods will be phased out over time, not incorporated. There is no reason someone could not create a program that handles flash securely for example. From the looks of it, unfortunately, that's doesn't seem to be happening

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-09-02 Thread nux
the false gods will be phased out over time, not incorporated Depends which branch of Christianity you're talking about. Catholicism, which was born in Imperial Rome, took from the Roman tradition the practice of incorporating local gods and saints into the Catholic hierarchy, as well as

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-09-02 Thread davidvargas1
salparadise Very well compare and spoken with fortitude and certitude.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-09-02 Thread davesamcdxv
the false gods will be phased out over time, not incorporated Let's agree to disagree, then.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-31 Thread shiretoko
Sorry, I can't stand this anymore. I will tell you one of the reasons why the free software movement remains tiny even after the biggest spying scandal in history: Because its main leader is running around, telling non-technical persons to visit and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-31 Thread onpon4
You could always ask him personally: I do think that BLAG shouldn't be listed, because frankly the latest release is horribly out-of-date and broken. (It's still listed because the BLAG developers are supposedly working on the next release; I don't think a general supposed

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-31 Thread davesamcdxv
If only Ruben had chosen a name that started with A, or a number.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-31 Thread magicbanana
Most GNU/Linux users have never heard of GNU. Like Ishamael, they say they are Linux users. They praise the features in the operating system, its security, etc. And yet, as you write, the free software movement remains tiny even after the biggest spying scandal in history. If people still do

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-31 Thread shiretoko
I want to stress the main point of my disagreement: Once a user acknowledges she has fundamental freedoms that deserve to be respected, she never goes back. This statement is wrong. It's just not true for the average user. The sacrifices she has to make are much too high. I wish the fsf

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-31 Thread magicbanana
I believe that statement is true. Even if sacrifices are to be made, the user who understands she deserves freedoms will keep on going front, towards software freedom. The user who goes back does not value her freedoms. She is the average user you are talking about. She has never heard of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-31 Thread adfenohuvlov
Em 2014-08-31 13:06, escreveu: I want to stress the main point of my disagreement: Once a user acknowledges she has fundamental freedoms that deserve to be respected, she never goes back. This statement is wrong. It's just not true for the average user. The sacrifices she has

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-31 Thread a1716479
I read your links Banana. If freedom was really as important to everyone who claimed it was as they say (Debian Devs for example) I would be able to raise my WIFI above 30 dBm without recompiling my CRDA. Also people who asked about the problem (other than myself) would not be treated

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-31 Thread magicbanana
I do not know what CRDA is but you apparently have the source code and are free to modify it. If freedom 3 is available as well, you can distribute copies of your modified version to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Freedom has

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-30 Thread a1716479
I think an important technique is improving functionality, and features. Linux is not limited in any way compared to closed source alternatives, which create their own limitations, and baggage. The list of constraints closed source places on itself are endless, as is the potential of

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-30 Thread a1716479
If you don’t think Linux is about creating a secure environment, then find me one Dev who thinks allowing third party executables to be installed with a double-click should be permitted in their distribution. I would argue that security is a core tenant of the free software movement.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-30 Thread magicbanana
Those are the core tenants of the free software movement: Discover them. You will hopefully acknowledge that you, like any user, deserves essential freedoms that are above any convenience.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-30 Thread davesamcdxv
If you don’t think Linux is about creating a secure environment, then find me one Dev who thinks allowing third party executables to be installed with a double-click should be permitted in their distribution With that logic Genesis, Yes, ELP, and Jehtro Tull are all only about the money.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-29 Thread a1716479
Considering iTunes had an unpatched phin-phisher back door in it for over four years, any employees installing it on corporate hardware could cause huge problems for a company.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-27 Thread joel
I believe it may be possible to override the convenience factor by providing informative and free (actually as in gratis) classes with FREE software. This could be foundation courses such as image manipulation, video/audio editing, basic web development, and—importantly—computer programming

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-22 Thread jabjabs
One can avoid paying Microsoft all they want, if it isn't dealt with moral terms and the the idea of proprietary software isn't considered a 'major issue' - then they will not see themselves get entrapped by the next big company that is out to lock people in. I have escaped Microsoft, now

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-21 Thread simonafreeman
Nothing but fud:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-21 Thread icarolongo
See the screenshot date: 2004-01-21 And the info: Early LiMux linux prototype screenshot from 2004/2005

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-21 Thread legimet . calc
OK, but it still uses KDE 3.5 and is based on the unsupported Ubuntu 10.04.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-20 Thread nux
A problem with this is that whilst it's relatively easy to get all the proprietary software for free from torrent sites, there is no motive to try libre software other than from a moral point of view. So you could try to get youngsters to try Ardour and free synths, but if they can get

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-20 Thread ashok . biollay
I hope they will keep using GNU/Linux and not come back to proprietary operating systems. Would be good that others towns and cities adopt Trisquel. ^^

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-20 Thread zatroch
All of you, read this:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-20 Thread nux
Yes. Echoed here also.. .

[Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread tegskywalker Its a shame because I feel that they are giving up and this will fall on the backs of the tax payers. This is also why its essential to get younger people educated about free and open source software at an early age

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Let's not spread the FUD, shall we? The actual headline of the article is Is Munich City About to Switch Back to Windows from Linux?, despite the clickbait URL. And looks like the source for this rumor is Neowin, a Microsoft news web site. This is exactly the kind of level of journalism one

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread tegskywalker
I think the real reason is that people are so hung up on Microsoft Office and used to the interface and the tools. Other than that, they can use the same web browsers (Chrome, Chromium, Firefox) and have the ability to open and save PDF files on the majority of GNU/Linux distros.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread onpon4
t3g said: I had never heard of the OS they used for the deployment and it was probably not the best option to go with something that wasn't Ubuntu or at least Ubuntu based. What the hell is LiMux? From Wikipedia: LiMux is a project by the city of Munich to migrate their software systems

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread onpon4
I first heard about this from this post: It includes the following quote: [Josef Schmid's] views aren't held universally, with the City Council defending the 'LiMux' project

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread tegskywalker
I think this comment pretty much sums up that Microsoft may have a hand in this: Microsoft, whose German HQ relocates to Munich in 2016, say they are 'ready to talk' if and when things change.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread nux
Microsoft, whose German HQ relocates to Munich in 2016, say they are 'ready to talk' if and when things change. I think it pretty much explains the whole situation. Sad to say, but given Microsoft's previous tactics I don't give Linux much of a chance in Munich in the long term. It would

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread legimet . calc
Why did they decide to make their own distro?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread onpon4
I don't know, but it's not like they built it entirely from scratch, and other government projects to migrate to GNU/Linux have done the same thing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread legimet . calc
Just look at the interface. It uses KDE 3.5.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread jabjabs
Having worked in places like this, I get the feeling that some of the reasons why the users complain can be extremely shallow, 'Doesn't run iTunes but I don't want to tell the Boss that' kind of things. Only anecdotal evidence here but it is a factor.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread onpon4
Yeah. What of it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread legimet . calc
It looks really ugly, I don't think anyone would like to use such an interface.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread onpon4
Sure. I think it's ugly, too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread jabjabs
It is characterless but functional, essentially what a government needs. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Munich gives up on GNU/Linux and free/open source software

2014-08-19 Thread nux
I get the feeling that some of the reasons why the users complain can be extremely shallow Yup, I can attest to that. And some will simply refuse to cooperate - they will not try, they will not learn, they will make up problems and whine to the wrong people, deliberately, they will do