Re: [TruthTalk] "California Letter" Legalism and the Law

2002-11-30 Thread Marlin Halverson
That's fair. Good point.  But why choose to break the Law? --Marlin - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 3:29 PM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] "California Letter" Legalism and the Law I did not

Re: [TruthTalk] "California Letter" Legalism and the Law

2002-11-30 Thread Marlin Halverson
MAT 10:17   {But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils,    and they will scourge you in their synagogues;} LUK 6:22    {Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall    separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and   

Re: [TruthTalk] Thanksgiving

2002-11-30 Thread Marlin Halverson
Stephen must not have known better in Acts 7.  He goes back to the origins to show the people their sins.--Marlin THE DOCTRINE OF ORIGINS WHICH IS A FALSE DOCTRINE OF SATAN.   --Glenn Why should "Christians" follow such heathen practices?The X-Mas Files Vol 1  [The Truth On

Re: [TruthTalk] Thanksgiving

2002-11-30 Thread Marlin Halverson
I need a statement that states...if something did not originate in the Bible it is sin.  A statement like, "Thou shalt not kill" would be an example.  Something like, "thou shalt not begin a celebration that is not in the Torah as it shall be a sin unto thee". --Glenn JER 10:2    Thus saith

Re: [TruthTalk] Thanksgiving

2002-11-30 Thread Marlin Halverson
Dear Glenn:   1) You asked.  The scripture answered. 2) Now the scripture is a box?  Think outside scripture? 3) You ask for a scripture that says:"thou shalt not begin a celebration that is not in the Torah as it shall be a sin unto thee"  The scripture says: "What thing soever I command y

Re: [TruthTalk] Thanksgiving

2002-12-01 Thread Marlin Halverson
es given im the Sermon on the Mount "ADD TO" the old law, > so, in cases where the new supplants the old, the old law is no longer > valid. Therefore, DEU 12:32 loses its validity, wouldn't you say? > Blainer > > > On Sun, 1 Dec 2002 00:28:36 -0500 "Marli

Re: [TruthTalk] Thanksgiving

2002-12-01 Thread Marlin Halverson
gt; To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 7:41 PM Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Thanksgiving > > > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Marlin Halverson > > > OT law could be kept in the letter withou

Re: [TruthTalk] "Christian" as identity

2002-12-02 Thread Marlin Halverson
al) descent? I think your reasons are quite understandable. If > I'm not mistaken, I think David Miller has a problem with calling > himself a Christian, also--am I right David? Izzy > > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On B

Re: [TruthTalk] Thanksgiving

2002-12-02 Thread Marlin Halverson
sus Christ as your Messiah? > > On Sun, 1 Dec 2002 23:10:37 -0500 "Marlin Halverson" > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Marlin, I would be interested to know how you identify yourself, if > > not as a > > Christian. Izzy > > > > Dear Izzy, > >

Re: [TruthTalk] Circumcision

2002-12-03 Thread Marlin Halverson
"Do you believe that male Gentiles need to be circumcised in order to inherit eternal life?" Dear David, Yes. And women too! You see, Paul taught that we need the circumcision made without hands, circumcision of the heart. The writings of Paul indicate that physical circumcision is not require

Re: [TruthTalk]"Doctrine of Origins"

2002-12-05 Thread Marlin Halverson
"Doctrine of Origins" --Glenn   2 x 7 generations:   MAT 1:1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the    son of Abraham.MAT 1:2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas    and his brethren;MAT 1:3 And Judas begat

Re: [TruthTalk] Message-bearers

2002-12-06 Thread Marlin Halverson
Check the Greek.  "Mone," if I recall.  The word is used for dwellings later on.  It has to do with the meaning of the feast of tabernacles.  Dwelling places for the Spirit of God.  Who are these?   Got to go.   Love, Marlin - Original Message - From: ShieldsFamily To: [EM

Re: [TruthTalk]"Doctrine of Origins"

2002-12-06 Thread Marlin Halverson
The doctrine of origins teaches everything is a sin that didn't begin in the Bible. --Glenn   Thanks, Glenn for explaining what this label means to you.  I notice your word "everything."  All or nothing reasoning is a distortion.    Some people go through life as label makers.  They try to

Re: [TruthTalk] protestant laity

2002-12-06 Thread Marlin Halverson
Before doing so I would like to state that I have no authority at all to answer these questions, other than what I read in scripture, and what I have learned as a member of the protestant laity. --Perry Locke Laity? 1CO 11:3But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ;

Re: [TruthTalk] Nine Commandments for Christmas--Glenn

2002-12-06 Thread Marlin Halverson
Glenn, you have only nine ladies dancing December 26, 2001 / I’m sure you have all heard the Christmas carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” with its haunting melody. The carol dates back to the 16th century and its precise author is unknown. It ha

Re: [TruthTalk]"Doctrine of Origins"

2002-12-06 Thread Marlin Halverson
WHO WERE THE JUDAIZERS?The Jerusalem Council of Acts 15 - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 8:54 AM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]"Doctrine of Origi

Re: [TruthTalk] protestant laity

2002-12-07 Thread Marlin Halverson
"In order to help the newcomers on TT get a jump-start..."--Glenn   Dear Brethren,   To answer incessant accusations by busybodies among the people of God, Paul wrote, and I quote:   GAL 5:11    And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer    persecution? then

Re: [TruthTalk]testimony

2002-12-07 Thread Marlin Halverson
Hello,     You all do not know me. I am Marlin's wife.  During prayer I have been led by the Holy Spirit to write. I would like to give you a little history of my walk with God.     I came from  a background of a non denominational charismatic type Christian faith.  After years of following

Re: [TruthTalk] Let's Take Christ Out Of X-Mas

2002-12-07 Thread Marlin Halverson
NOW, MARLIN, TELL, TT, THESE ARE NOT YOUR POSITIONS!AND I WILL BACK OFF. --Glenn Let's Take Christ Out Of X-Mas (a poem -author unknown - attributed to The Conversion Center -a ministry to Roman Catholics) Because it is that time of year, this verse has com

Re: [TruthTalk] Let's Take Christ Out Of X-Mas

2002-12-07 Thread Marlin Halverson
Doesn't matter as the doctrine of origins is not in the Bible.--Glenn The Sabbath commandment itself is the doctrine of origins.--Marlin   EXO 20:11   For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all    that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the

Re: [TruthTalk] Let's Take Christ Out Of X-Mas

2002-12-07 Thread Marlin Halverson
Praise the Lord, we have Christianized a pagan holiday.  This is great.  We stole Christmas from the Devil.--Glenn   Why would you want to break the eighth commandment to take anything from Satan?    1CO 10:21   Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye    canno

Re: [TruthTalk] Let's Take Christ Out Of X-Mas

2002-12-07 Thread Marlin Halverson
  "Why is the Christian religion the only one in the world that needs a mascot to sell their stuff?  You don't see Jewish people out celebrating with the Passover kangaroo!  There's no Ramadan rooster!" -Drew Carey, unconventional Hollywood comedic star, May 4th at the White House Corres

Re: [TruthTalk] Julie Scott

2002-12-07 Thread Marlin Halverson
Sorry Laura, no Julie Scott here. --Marlin - Original Message - From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 8:33 PM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Julie Scott > Julie Scott may be Marlin's wife! She posted under his email address > -- > "Let you

Re: [TruthTalk] Romans 7:6

2002-12-07 Thread Marlin Halverson
Dear Glenn, from Marlin:   Please read the rest of Romans to understand the whole context of Paul's writings.  And do heed the warning of Peter:   2PE 3:15    And account [that] the longsuffering of our Lord [is] salvation;    even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wi

Re: [TruthTalk] Cowards

2002-12-12 Thread Marlin Halverson
 MAT 15:9    {But in vain they do worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the    commandments of men.}MAR 7:7 {Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the    commandments of men.} - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:


2002-12-14 Thread Marlin Halverson
And so, you do not believe in keeping government out of establishments of religion.  The founders of this nation put that in the constitution in order to prevent an official state religion.  "Christians" were murdering them for their desire to obey the Bible over the doctrines of men being e

Re: [TruthTalk] Cowards

2002-12-14 Thread Marlin Halverson
 Are you promoting the Catholic holiday Christmas, or are you promoting Christ?  If you were promoting Christ alone, you would not tie your gifts to the promotion of the Catholic mass.    Does the following scripture mean anything to you in regard to supporting orphans in India at Christmas

Re: [TruthTalk] Garner Ted's Armstrongs cult church and Old Testament law keeping

2002-12-14 Thread Marlin Halverson
2PE 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the    way of truth shall be evil spoken of. - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 5:35 PM Subject: [TruthTalk] Garn

Re: [TruthTalk] Garner Ted's Armstrongs cult church and Old Testament law kee...

2002-12-15 Thread Marlin Halverson
> Anytime people have put their trust in a man (or woman), and what he says, > rather than Jesus and what He said, a heretical religion has been formed. > Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (aka Jehovah's Witnesses)[William Taze > Russell], LDS [Joseph Smith], Catholic Church [Popes], 7th Day Adv

Re: [TruthTalk] Garner Ted's Armstrongs cult church and Old Testament law kee...

2002-12-15 Thread Marlin Halverson
>Here is a thought experiment. Between protestantism and LDS, which is the > most assured way to receive salvation? Protantism. It is the only LOGICAL > way to go. If you are a protestant and LDS are right, you get a second > chance after death. However, if you are LDS and the protestants are

Re: [TruthTalk] leading people to faith in Christ

2002-12-15 Thread Marlin Halverson
I talked to a guy who wants to take over a striptease club and put Jesus name on it so that it will be okay with God.  It will be decorated with angels and crosses and colorful lights.  He plans to win souls with alter calls after each dance.  "Hooters for Jesus" will be its slogan.  A red

Re: [TruthTalk] meaning of biblical/church history

2002-12-16 Thread Marlin Halverson
Now if the "Doctrine of Origins" does not matter, what is the difference between J. Smith and Santa Clause?  Isn't he using the name of Jesus?  Don't they help orphans and celebrate the Pagan/Catholic holiday, Christmas?  Don't they win millions to Jesus worldwide? Dave H: "in sum, then

Re: [TruthTalk] leading people to faith in Christ

2002-12-16 Thread Marlin Halverson
The man in question saw your posts and was using your reasoning of stealing Santa from Satan to win souls for Jesus.  He was being facetious by using your logic.   JER 13:23   Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? [then]    may ye also do good, that are accust

Re: [TruthTalk] meaning of biblical/church history

2002-12-16 Thread Marlin Halverson
] meaning of biblical/church history i'm not the #1 fan of Santa, but i'd take him and Rudolph over JS and Adolf Hitler any day   On Mon, 16 Dec 2002 08:19:13 -0500 "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Now if the "Doctrine of Origins&quo

Re: [TruthTalk] meaning of biblical/church history

2002-12-16 Thread Marlin Halverson
i'm not the #1 fan of Santa, but i'd take him and Rudolph over JS and Adolf Hitler any day   On Mon, 16 Dec 2002 08:19:13 -0500 "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Now if the "Doctrine of Origins" does not matter, what is the d

Re: [TruthTalk] leading people to faith in Christ

2002-12-16 Thread Marlin Halverson
2SA 12:1    And the LORD sent Nathan unto David. And he came unto him, and said    unto him, There were two men in one city; the one rich, and the    other poor.2SA 12:2    The rich [man] had exceeding many flocks and herds:2SA 12:3    But the poor [man] had nothing, save o

Re: [TruthTalk] meaning of biblical/church history

2002-12-16 Thread Marlin Halverson
I'm not the #1 fan of Santa either.  I'm just standing up for the freedom in Christ that I have found in Christ.  I cannot; I will not, go back to bondage. [EMAIL PROTECTED] EXO 20:2    I [am] the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of    Egypt, out of the house of

Re: [TruthTalk] meaning of biblical/church history

2002-12-16 Thread Marlin Halverson
My understanding is that he thought he was God's servant to usher in the new millennium.   Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.."   "To deny the influence of

Re: [TruthTalk] meaning of biblical/church history

2002-12-16 Thread Marlin Halverson
"AH has been 'proxy-baptized' by the Mormons"[EMAIL PROTECTED]   See, Glenn, he's a "Christian." :-)

Re: [TruthTalk] leading people to faith in Christ

2002-12-16 Thread Marlin Halverson
Marlin, quit hiding behind the Bible.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   David understood Nathan's message with a contrite heart.  An example to follow.   PSA 32:7    Thou [art] my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble;    thou shalt compass me about with songs o

Re: [TruthTalk] meaning of biblical/church history

2002-12-16 Thread Marlin Halverson
What is a Christian? - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 12:01 AM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] meaning of biblical/church history You only half answered my question.  Do you think Hitler was a

Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Marlin

2002-12-18 Thread Marlin Halverson
You would love that, wouldn't you. - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 11:35 PM Subject: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Marlin I'm still waiting for your beliefs about Hitler.  Are you standing up for

Re: [TruthTalk] I am still waiting

2002-12-18 Thread Marlin Halverson
I have already answered you. - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 11:00 PM Subject: [TruthTalk] I am still waiting I am still waiting for Marlin to tell me what he thinks of Hitler. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Marlin

2002-12-18 Thread Marlin Halverson
You already have your answer.   REV 2:7 {He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the    churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of    life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.} - Original Message - From

Re: [TruthTalk] I am still waiting

2002-12-18 Thread Marlin Halverson
MAT 7:14    ¶ {Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which    leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.}   MAT 7:22    {Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not    prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and   

Fw: [TruthTalk] Christmas has been cancelled and it's all Marlin's fault

2002-12-18 Thread Marlin Halverson
> > > > >CHRISTMAS CAROLS FOR THE PSYCHIATRICALLY CHALLENGED> > > > >> > > > >Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear?> > > > >> > > > >Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Queens Disoriented Are> > > > >> > > > >Dementia --- I Think I'll be Home for Christmas> > > > >> > > > >Nar

Re: [TruthTalk] I am still waiting

2002-12-19 Thread Marlin Halverson
Another misquote. - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 10:33 AM Subject: Fwd: [TruthTalk] I am still waiting Marlin, I am willing to be shown I am wrong, but I would say you are a Nicolaitane.

Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Marlin

2002-12-19 Thread Marlin Halverson
"I take it you think ..."   Another typical mis-take.  Who ever said that? - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 10:35 AM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Marlin If I misquote you then i

Re: [TruthTalk] about Christmas

2002-12-19 Thread Marlin Halverson
"I'd like to talk to you some about Christmas celebration" --David Miller One of myriad web sites that expose Xmas for what it is. Oh Christmas Tree Jay N. Forrest "Making the word of God of no effect through your traditions which you have handed down.

Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Glenn

2002-12-19 Thread Marlin Halverson
Thank you for your concern without the ATTITUDE.  Responses below. --Marlin   - Original Message - From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 11:51 AM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Marlin > Marlin, it would be nice if you

Re: [TruthTalk] leading people to Christ

2002-12-19 Thread Marlin Halverson
 "Let me repeat myself." [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The man in question saw your posts and was using your reasoning of stealing Santa from Satan to win souls for Jesus.  He was being facetious by using your logic.   JER 13:23   Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? [then]  

Re: [TruthTalk] leading people to Christ

2002-12-19 Thread Marlin Halverson
 "Christmas, a festival of peace and reconciliation, has helped European cultures to preserve many of their ancient beliefs and practices. ‘Father Winter’, for example, has survived as ‘Santa Claus’, while evergreen tree worship survives in the adoration of the Christmas Tree. Such Christma

Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Marlin

2002-12-19 Thread Marlin Halverson
Dear Glenn,   Don't you have any sinners worse than Hitler to compare me with?    Let's see your list grow.   Let's see.  Now you have me pegged as a judaiser who supports Hitler!    What else can you dream up?   Why haven't you called me a conservative?   "Seriously, I would disfellow him

Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Glenn

2002-12-20 Thread Marlin Halverson
"This is what Marlin teaches"--Glenn Correction.  This is what Glenn wants to say Marlin teaches.   I do not know how this incessant accuser of the brethren can make up something in his own imagination and speak it as though it is true and begin to accuse others of his imaginations.  Su

Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Judaism?

2002-12-20 Thread Marlin Halverson
Dear Glenn,   So.  Did your God tell you that I support both Hitler and Judaism?    And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, {Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:}  {And if Satan cast out Sata

Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Judaism?

2002-12-20 Thread Marlin Halverson
Some of your tactics remind me of his. - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 4:29 PM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Hitler and Judaism? Marlin, what are your beliefs concerning Hitler? 

Re: [TruthTalk] MEDIA ALERT

2002-12-20 Thread Marlin Halverson
Counterfeit of Light?1 Corinthians 10:20-22  But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of th

Re: [TruthTalk] MEDIA ALERT

2002-12-20 Thread Marlin Halverson
If Christmas came from the Roman Catholics and they got it from paganism, where then did the pagans get it? What was the origin of Christmas? Would you believe its roots begin just after the flood? Nimrod, the grandson of Ham and the great-grandson of Noah was the real founder of the Babylo

Re: [TruthTalk] MEDIA ALERT

2002-12-20 Thread Marlin Halverson
I think you have a lot in common with him.  He loved to have control over others.  He ranted and raved when he did not get his way.  He demonized those who he wanted to get rid of.   God must be trying to prick your conscience about the Sabbath, since it is always on your mind.  If God has re

Re: [TruthTalk] Once saved, always saved?

2002-12-22 Thread Marlin Halverson
"...adulterating Paul's gospel.  That is NT 101!!!" Laura   Are you saying that Paul's teachings do not harmonize with the rest of scripture?   If so, which other books have to be torn out and burned?   --Marlin

Re: [TruthTalk] Crucial Doctrines

2002-12-22 Thread Marlin Halverson
Dear Izzy, It is important that we move in the direction of truth. If we violate the truth God reveals to us, then we are miserable and accusing people. We accuse God of being wrong. We accuse others for not going along with us. Here are two scriptures on this topic: ROM 14:22 Hast thou fait

Re: [TruthTalk] Crucial Doctrines

2002-12-22 Thread Marlin Halverson
This is a very complex question for a simple person such as my self, but let me answer as best I can.   Jesus gave Christians two commands.  1. Love GOD. more than anything else... or any one else.  2.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  .." -Blessings, Terry AMEN to this.

Re: [TruthTalk] Once saved, always saved?

2002-12-22 Thread Marlin Halverson
Please forgive me, Laura.  I guess I was behaving like somebody else on TT. :-)   I agree with "the one and only gospel which is what Paul was teaching."    I believe that all scripture is in agreement.  If there is something that may at first appear to be at odds, it is I who lacks the und

Re: [TruthTalk] Crucial Doctrines

2002-12-22 Thread Marlin Halverson
Dear Perry, 1)Do you think the BIG TWO commandments are required for salvation? 2)Suppose someone is demon posessed and confesses Jesus as Lord, and believes that God raised Him from the dead, and confesses this, and is deliberately and with full knowledge breaking any one of God's 10 com

Re: [TruthTalk] Crucial Doctrines

2002-12-22 Thread Marlin Halverson
"And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; (1) DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'  Who can answer this??? Izzy   Dear Izzy, Terry, Perry, Pete, et al.,   It may be that somebody can get eternal life with belief alone.  But consider a "discount Christian."  How cheap can

Re: [TruthTalk] Crucial Doctrines

2002-12-22 Thread Marlin Halverson
"Who is correct?  I do not know.  Being the cautious type, I take the second position.  Better too much than too little.  It would scare me to tell anyone that the only requirement for salvation is a statement that you believe.  They may do only that much, and be damned for eternity.  That

Re: [TruthTalk] Crucial Doctrines

2002-12-22 Thread Marlin Halverson
"The Bible says we are saved by faith, and since the Bible says it, it is true.  The only question is, what constitutes faith?"  Terry   Dear Izzy, Terry, Perry, Pete, et al.,   Consider faith without works.   JAM 2:18    Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy

Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace

2002-12-23 Thread Marlin Halverson
Legalism and grace don't go hand in hand.   Laura   MAT 19:17   And he said unto him, {Why callest thou me good? [there is] none good but one, [that is], God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.}   Was Jesus a legalist?   --Marlin

Re: [TruthTalk] The relationship between Torah observance and eternal life.

2002-12-23 Thread Marlin Halverson
David and Marlin: > You answered me about circumcision, that a Gentile does not> have to undergo physical circumcision in order to inherit eternal> life.  Thank you for that clear answer.  I consider your answer> true and Biblical, according to the sound doctrine found in Jesus> Christ.> > W

Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace

2002-12-23 Thread Marlin Halverson
  - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 11:49 PM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace In a message dated 12/23/2002 10:40:10 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Legalis

Re: [TruthTalk] The relationship between Torah observance and eternal life.

2002-12-24 Thread Marlin Halverson
"But the verses following Mat. 19:17 mention specific commandments from thelaw of Moses, and none of them was the Sabbath commandment." --David Miller   I see your logic.  God knows, men have always despised his Sabbaths, including the land Sabbaths.  This is why Israel was sent into captivi

Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace

2002-12-24 Thread Marlin Halverson
MAT 5:18    {For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or    one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be    fulfilled.}   So.  Jesus, the Lawgiver, the Word, is a Legalist.  And I love Him. --Marlin - Original Message - From

Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace

2002-12-24 Thread Marlin Halverson
> Marlin, I would love to hear what you think of this passage.  Do you believe> that the letter kills?  Does this equate with the idea that legalism kills?   No.  Our breaking of God's law kills.  That is how the letter killeth.  EZE 18:4    Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the fa

Re: [TruthTalk] The relationship between Torah observance and eternal life.

2002-12-24 Thread Marlin Halverson
"The fact that Jesus got specific there, mentioning specific commandments, makes it clear that he was talking about the commandments of Moses, which you say are commandments that we do not have to obey as Gentile believers.  Therefore, Mat. 19:17 does not appear to be appropriate to what you

Re: [TruthTalk] once saved, always saved/g's 02 christmas message

2002-12-24 Thread Marlin Halverson
Paul simply instructs the Galatians>>to *withdraw from Judaism*--from those who practice>>it against Christ   Agreed. --Marlin

Re: [TruthTalk] Crucial Doctrines

2002-12-24 Thread Marlin Halverson
Dear Pete, Thanks for the clarification. Nice to have you pop in again. How's the Ph.D. coming along? Yes, "differentiation" is a word. 1 : the act or process of differentiating --Marlin - Original Message - From: "Peter Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECT

Re: [TruthTalk] once saved, always saved/g's 02 christmas message

2002-12-24 Thread Marlin Halverson
with DavidM   so when are you gonna *pull out*, Marlin?   On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 00:06:15 -0500 "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Paul simply instructs the Galatians>>to *withdraw from Judaism*--from those who practice>>i

Re: [TruthTalk] once saved, always saved/g's 02 christmas message

2002-12-24 Thread Marlin Halverson
arlin?   On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 00:23:43 -0500 "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Pull out of what?   g: Paul simply instructs the Galatians>>to *withdraw from Judaism*--from those who practice>>it against Christ O

Re: [TruthTalk] Crucial Doctrines

2002-12-25 Thread Marlin Halverson
alk] Crucial Doctrines > DAVEH: MarlinI am having trouble with this link to the dictionary. Does it work properly for you? > > Marlin Halverson wrote: > > > > > > > > > --Marlin > > -- >

Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace

2002-12-25 Thread Marlin Halverson
- Original Message - From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2002 3:51 PM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace > David Miller wrote: > > Marlin, I would love to hear what you think > > of this passage. Do you believe that the

Re: [TruthTalk] The Law

2002-12-26 Thread Marlin Halverson
All right.  We have an artist on the forum.  Or a poet who doesn't know it.   Ever studied the principles and elements of art? - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 2:15 AM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Th

Re: [TruthTalk] The Law

2002-12-26 Thread Marlin Halverson
Creativity is a Godly traight. - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 11:38 AM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Law Marlin: >Ever studied the principles and elements of art?   what am i doin' w

Re: [TruthTalk] Is the Bible Complete?--Part 1

2002-12-26 Thread Marlin Halverson
 The source of that idea came from someone who is no longer on TT, who uses Hitlarian propaganda techniques.   - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 3:04 PM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Is the Bible Compl

Re: [TruthTalk]Hitler - Christian, Atheist, or Neither?

2002-12-26 Thread Marlin Halverson
  In my wanderings through the Web, I have sometimes come across statements from Christians saying that Adolf Hitler was an atheist, and more often, statements from atheists saying that Hitler was a devout Christian.  He seems to be

Re: [TruthTalk]My feeling as a Christian

2002-12-26 Thread Marlin Halverson
“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer b

Re: [TruthTalk] a tree is known by its fruits

2002-12-26 Thread Marlin Halverson
"1) Just because a person says he is a Christian does not mean that he is one! This is essential to understand when considering evil people of history and also when considering where we personally stand with the Lord. Therefore, I'll say it again: JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE SAYS THEY ARE A CH

Re: [TruthTalk] The Law

2002-12-26 Thread Marlin Halverson
How do you like it if someone comes along and changes what you made and says his change makes it better? - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 11:38 AM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The Law Marlin: >

Re: [TruthTalk] The Law

2002-12-26 Thread Marlin Halverson
My father sent me this. --Marlin Subject: FBI EYES

Re: [TruthTalk] a tree is known by its fruits

2002-12-26 Thread Marlin Halverson
Dave M.: "Why is it that any of us feel any need to defend Christianity? Why not instead simply serve the person, Jesus Christ?" Amen --Marlin Dave M.: "In any case, someone needs to let Glenn know that Marlin doesn't believe Hitler was a true Christian. That ought to set some things straight th

Re: [TruthTalk] Christianity without God

2002-12-27 Thread Marlin Halverson
So a person can be a Christian and not follow Christ???  Laura "By taking leave of God,  Christianity will continue on the early path it developed in the doctrine of the Trinity.   In that doctrine,  God was being humanized,  and humankind,  together with all creation,  were divinized.   G

Re: [TruthTalk] FBI EYES

2002-12-27 Thread Marlin Halverson
My father sent me this. --Marlin Subject: FBI EYES -- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) If you do not want

Re: [TruthTalk] a tree is known by its fruits

2002-12-27 Thread Marlin Halverson
I could not have said it better. --Marlin > So, yes, a person can be a Christian and yet not know and follow Jesus > Christ. In fact, we might say that Christianity is quickly becoming one of > the biggest evangelistic mission fields where we can look for people ready > to believe upon Jesus Chr

[TruthTalk] FBI watching

2002-12-27 Thread Marlin Halverson
Somebody else sent me this. --Marlin   The FBI is now able to see every click they make on the internet. They say you will never even notice. DRAG YOUR MOUSE ARROW ACROSS THE PICTURE.  Then move it!!!

[TruthTalk] Does God approve of human sacrifice?

2002-12-28 Thread Marlin Halverson
Dear Loved Ones,   What do you think of the comparison below?  It makes me start to judge God by my own expectations, which is not good a good thing to do.  We could also add the sacrifice of the Father's Son, Jesus, which these skeptics did not include.   http://www.skep

[TruthTalk] to call sinners to repentance

2002-12-28 Thread Marlin Halverson
This may be of interest.--Marlin Matthew's Call "I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance." (Matt 9:13 NKJV)Matthew gives us a genealogy of Jesus Christ, and for reasons of his own he mentions four women who were ancestors of the Messiah.  And all four would have been

[TruthTalk] Does God approve of human sacrifice?

2002-12-28 Thread Marlin Halverson
  Dear Loved Ones,   What do you think of the comparison below?  It makes me start to judge God by my own expectations, which is not good a good thing to do.  We could also add the sacrifice of the Father's Son, Jesus, which these skeptics did not include.   http://www.s

Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace

2002-12-28 Thread Marlin Halverson
The law is still in force, but it is for the lawless. --Dave M. Who are the lawless? It is that simple! :-) --Marlin -- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) If you do n

Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace

2002-12-28 Thread Marlin Halverson
To Dave M., Rom 7:4 "Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God." We are baptized into the likeness of His death. (ROM 6:3) This ends th

Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace

2002-12-28 Thread Marlin Halverson
I must not be attaching the same meaning to the phrase that you seem to attach. I am not sure what that is. --Marlin - Original Message - From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 3:55 PM Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace

Re: [TruthTalk] Legalism and Grace

2002-12-28 Thread Marlin Halverson
I know that you are trying to say "the letter killeth" = "Sabbath is every day." I do not see you logic in this. I have already spoken on how the letter killeth. Killeth = present tence, ongoing, or "is killing." The Spirit "is giving" [giveth] life. Jesus already shows this Spirit in the sermo

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