Re: Wiki cleanup : was : Website / Wiki was:Tuscany Logo..

2007-05-27 Thread Simon Laws
Venkat Some more comments snip Haleh, the news is something that is very volatile and if we decide to place things in the chronological order the Release info will at some point get pushed down. Also there is just about a couple of lines that this News can mention about a release which is

JMS on new SPIs

2007-05-29 Thread Simon Laws
Hi I wanted to try out binding-jms so I've just committed changes to take account of the new SPIs. It does run but it's not ready for inclusion in the main build just yet. I've tried to stay fairly faithful to the M2 binding-jms code but with some class renaming. As before much of the SCA JMS

Re: Updated document: Extending Tuscany

2007-05-29 Thread Simon Laws
Hi Raymond I've just been bringing up the binding-jms module so I took the opportunity to review your guide. Thanks for writing all this stuff down! I haven't gone through the databinding slides yet but I thought I would post what I had. I recorded comments (see below) as I went through it.

Wire binding selection?

2007-05-29 Thread Simon Laws
While debugging through the code for other reasons I came across the following at line 192. if (ref.getMultiplicity() == Multiplicity.ONE_N || ref.getMultiplicity() == Multiplicity.ZERO_N) {

Re: SCA Binding and Disitribution was: Distributed Composites

2007-05-29 Thread Simon Laws
Ok, I've taken the next step here and have a distributed runtime example running in my sandbox. A sample calculator application [1] showing the disitributed runtime in action and a module containing the changes I had to make to the runtime to get this to work [2]. The changes are actually trivial

Re: Wiki cleanup : was : Website / Wiki was:Tuscany Logo..

2007-05-29 Thread Simon Laws
snip User guide is for users developing SCA applications. Why would a user care about module names that are in the link mentioned below? They'd need to know if the feature/functionality is available and that is listed on the java page. I'm proposing two ways to the same information, a

Re: Wire binding selection?

2007-05-30 Thread Simon Laws
Ok, Raymond, this is useful. So what it does seem to come down to is binding selection. It's not clear from your comment whether you believe this is already done somewhere or whether this is a new piece of functinality that we need to add. From what I see in the code I think we do need a way

Re: JMS on new SPIs

2007-05-30 Thread Simon Laws
Jean-Sebastien, thank you for pulling that out. It looks like it will save me a job. Simon

Re: Wiki Download page cleanup

2007-05-30 Thread Simon Laws
There doesn't seem to been much distance between the last two suggestions. It feels to me like people are starting to talk about the same structure. Let me try and summarize... Home Downloads SCA Java --- SCA Java Releases SCA Native - SCA Native Releases SDO Java -- SDO Java

Re: An Atom+RSS Feed binding, was: Work items for the next release?

2007-05-30 Thread Simon Laws
Ok, sounds good. I started to look at ROME but go distracted by something else and I haven't looked at Abdera. So if you have a binding on the way that would be really good. Am back looking at bringing up the aggregator sample so I'll leave the implementation of the feed readers a little hazy in

Re: JMS on new SPIs

2007-05-31 Thread Simon Laws
Do you think people would want to run message queue brokers as part of the Tuscany runtime? Brokers would tend to be run and managed elsewhere with turcny connecting to them. We could do it as a convenience and a cool feature of course but be interested to understand how realistic the scenario

Re: JMS on new SPIs

2007-05-31 Thread Simon Laws
Ok, so I sounds like people think this is a good idea. The generic bits of starting JMS are I guess the registration of required queues and the start up stuff like connection factories and activation spes and of course the JNDI details. So we could look at pulling this out, as ant suggests, in a

Re: Status of Java SCA 0.90 release

2007-05-31 Thread Simon Laws
Ant, I think that's a good idea. We need to be a bit organized about how we go about it though. At least if we can get some details in for each of the user confgurable extensions that would be good. I've just done some more updates to the user guide and I've included the module list at the

JSONRPC binding and SDO?

2007-06-01 Thread Simon Laws
I have a service which returns an SDO and the JSONRPC binding complains about it... {id:1,error:{code:593,msg:bean element 0 be an bean

Re: An Atom+RSS Feed binding, was: Work items for the next release?

2007-06-01 Thread Simon Laws
I've just committed a strawman port to Java of the Feed Aggregator application into my sandbox so that It now runs on the Java runtime. It depends on Sebastien's feed binding so you will need that as well

Re: An Atom+RSS Feed binding, was: Work items for the next release?

2007-06-01 Thread Simon Laws
Sebastien. Nice one. I used the service binding and it looks good. Would also like to use the reference binding (will help remove some cruft from the other feed aggregator sample). For me the thing I would like to add is a parameter to the get() method that allows me to override the URL set in

Re: 0.91 release?

2007-06-01 Thread Simon Laws
+1 for leaving 0.90 as it is and for cutting the 0.91 branch from trunk when the time comes. I think it will be confusing if we start developing new release content on 0.90 in parallel with changes in trunk. Branching the next release from trunk also encourages us to try and keep head

Re: An Atom+RSS Feed binding, was: Work items for the next release?

2007-06-01 Thread Simon Laws
Oh yes. I think we can simplify the demo by using the reference side also. I occured to me that we have both started using feed-aggregator for the samples we are wokring on. Go ahead and use that for the simple version. I'll change the sample I've been working back to alert-aggregator or we are

Re: Tuscany website

2007-06-04 Thread Simon Laws
Luciano, it's surprising how much better it feels without the redirect! How about we remove all of the old web site pages (or replace them with pointers to the new site) just in case people find them by accident? Simon

Servlet path change?

2007-06-05 Thread Simon Laws
Am just playing with the big bank demo that Sebastien made and it seems now that the servlets have moved from services/AccountJSONService to services/SCADomain/AccountJSONService Looking back through SVN changes and the ML I can't see where this happened but I know that this just means I'm

Re: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-06 Thread Simon Laws
The rules, as documented [1], don't restrict editorship of a wiki used as a project website to just committers but ask that only those who have a signed CLA on file be allowed to edit the pages destined for the project website. It doesn't say we can't restrict it to just committers of course. I

Re: Servlet path change?

2007-06-06 Thread Simon Laws
Thanks for the pointers/info. I assume the intention is to add in the ability to specify the binding specific base system uri on a binding by binding bases (as well as implementing all the other rules of course). I don't see this configuration in the code now. sca domain sca runtime

Re: Servlet path change?

2007-06-06 Thread Simon Laws
OK, I need to take a closer look. Assuming we don't hard code the info we can potentially determine the IP info (although that might not even be the case when there are multiple NICs) but we need to get the port selection from somewhere. Is there currently a natural place where this config info

Re: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-06 Thread Simon Laws
OK so, I'll raise a JIRA against infrastructure asking for a new space to act as our wiki: Name: Apache Tuscany Wiki Key: TUSCANYWIKI Is everyone happy with this name? Venkat, when you say administrator privileges I assume you mean confluence admin privileges? Wouldn't this be a separate

Re: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-06 Thread Simon Laws
Yes. Make sense? Simon

Re: What's an SCA domain base URI? was: Servlet path change?

2007-06-06 Thread Simon Laws
I also think the assembly spec is a little deficient in this area. I don't think it's description of the Base Domain URI at line 2357 chimes well with the notion that an SCA Domain may be represented across a number of runtime nodes at line 2765. While we might assume from how it stands that

Re: Servlet path change?

2007-06-06 Thread Simon Laws
Raymond, if you think CompositeBuilder is the right place to do this then I have to bow to your better judgement. The binding base URLs should be stored in a topology model (as in the SCA Binding and Distribution thread). So if you are going to make this change it would be good to instigate

Re: What's an SCA domain base URI? was: Servlet path change?

2007-06-07 Thread Simon Laws
Also, for example, the Web Service Binding specification adds extra, WSDL specific, endpoint URI resolution rules which we need to factor in. Simon

Re: SCA Binding and Disitribution was: Distributed Composites

2007-06-07 Thread Simon Laws
Interesting. Taking a step back I think we should agree what we are trying to represent in a model of the topology before we decide where the information comes from and the exact syntax of the configuration files. So from the previous two suggestions... When a runtime is started up we need the

Re: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-07 Thread Simon Laws
Mike By I am pointing explicitly at a particular composite that I want to use with the test case are you saying this behaviour is evident if your composite of interest is marked as deployable (in sca-contribution.xml ) when the others that are loaded are not? Regards Simon

Re: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-08 Thread Simon Laws
Conversation seems to have stopped so, from the previous comments... * Confluence admins: Venkat, Luciano, Mike Edwards [1] have been proposed to cover the timezones we operate in. Venkat are you progressing this? * space access: As this is

Re: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-08 Thread Simon Laws
I just tried this with the JMS test, i.e. added a second composite, and it does feel a little odd. In the case where there is no sca-contribution.xmlthe logc seems to look for the directory that holds the composite file you specify and load all the composites there rather that just the one you

Re: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-08 Thread Simon Laws
I also seems that you can't get round it. As it uses the composite file name to identify the directory to look in. Adding a directory path in front of the file name will have no effect as it just removes the directory path as well when constructing the root directory to start looking in so you

Re: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-09 Thread Simon Laws
Alongside the separation of loading and resolution there is a more simplistic point here I think about the current implementation to do with how a composite location is specified. As users of SCADomain I think Mike and I fell into the trap of believing that SCADomain.newInstance(my.composite)

Re: Lazy loading and resolution of SCA composites, was: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-10 Thread Simon Laws
Sebastien, it looks like a good start on the lazy loading to me. On the disitributed runtime scenario point. I'd like to start putting the distributed runtime bits I have so far into head so I would like to work with you in making a start on the notion of a domain/runtime configured through

Re: JMS on new SPIs

2007-06-11 Thread Simon Laws
I've now enabled the JMS binding in the modules/pom.xml so that it gets build/tested regularly. It still has limited functionality compared to the JMS Binding spec but does what I need it to for the time being. I've started documenting the module here (

Re: Wiki Access issues ?

2007-06-11 Thread Simon Laws
Hi, I just tried and I see it at the moment. Simon

Re: Wiki Access issues ?

2007-06-11 Thread Simon Laws
So I expect this is just the product of edit access being restricted to committers. Please comment on Luciano's post here [1] so that a new space can be provisioned (assuming that this is what is agreed) ASAP. Simon [1]

Re: 0.91 release?

2007-06-11 Thread Simon Laws
So we haven't come back to this for a few days. I guess one of the first things we need to do is get a release manager lined up so we can start pulling the list of release content together with some focus. Any volunteers? Simon

Re: Automated nightly builds

2007-06-11 Thread Simon Laws
Are the distribution artefacts now being produced? Can we add the links to the web site? If so what should they be? Simon

Re: JMS on new SPIs

2007-06-11 Thread Simon Laws
OK, thanks, simon Simon

Re: Tuscany wiki strategy, was :Re: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-12 Thread Simon Laws
Ok, so can our Confluence admins tell us if we need to create a JIRA with infra to make this happen or whether they can action this? Simon

Re: Tuscany wiki strategy, was :Re: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-12 Thread Simon Laws
Ok, thanks Venkat for looking into this. Simon

Re: 0.91 release?

2007-06-12 Thread Simon Laws
Yeah, Venkat did loads on the last release. +1 from me for Venkat as 0.91 RM Simon

Distributed runtimes and topology

2007-06-12 Thread Simon Laws
I've starting to move and reorganize some of the distributed runtime ideas from my sandbox into the trunk. So far there is not much there modules/ topology - and empty module for topology model things samples/ calculator-distributed - the current motivating use case. There have been several

Re: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-12 Thread Simon Laws
I did try SCADomain.newInstance(http://whatever/uri;, mydir1, my.composite) and it didn't work for me. The code only seems to take any notice of location if it's and absolute URL (which the above location is not) so I would expect SCASCADomain.newInstance(http://localhost;,

Re: Lazy loading and resolution of SCA composites, was: An observation about the current Contribution handling code

2007-06-12 Thread Simon Laws
OK cool - I'm not going to do any more here today but if you do more I'll pick it up in the morning. Simon

Re: SCA Binding and Disitribution was: Distributed Composites

2007-06-12 Thread Simon Laws
Looking back at this I think you are right that the specs that that a Domain will have a base URI per scheme. We may have been a bit over zelous with the base URIs in there association with bindings. I'm just wondering why we assumed it was defined on a binding basis. I imagine separate base

Re: SCA Binding and Disitribution was: Distributed Composites

2007-06-13 Thread Simon Laws
No, it was operator error. For some reason I didn't snip out the bit I was replying to. Apologies Simon

Re: SCA Binding and Disitribution was: Distributed Composites

2007-06-13 Thread Simon Laws
- Original Message - From: Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 7:20 AM Subject: Re: SCA Binding and Disitribution was: Distributed Composites [snip] Simon Laws wrote: Ok, I've taken the next step here and have a distributed runtime

Re: Tuscany wiki strategy, was :Re: Website - Consistent navigation menus

2007-06-14 Thread Simon Laws
let me know if any of you have concerns about all of this. Also, are we clear about how we are going to migrate content submitted on TUSCANYWIKI over to TUSCANY? Thanks - Venkat On 6/12/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ok, thanks Venkat

Re: Distributed runtimes and topology

2007-06-14 Thread Simon Laws
On 6/12/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've starting to move and reorganize some of the distributed runtime ideas from my sandbox into the trunk. So far there is not much there modules/ topology - and empty module for topology model things samples/ calculator-distributed

Re: How are we going to use the Tuscany Wiki space?

2007-06-15 Thread Simon Laws
I agree. Looking at it now it is confusing with the complete copy of the web site material presented on the front page. It's not clear where the definitive source of this material is. +1 to the proposal for changing the front page of TUSCANYWIKI. I would have thought we can just start with a

Re: How to add contribution to an existing domain

2007-06-15 Thread Simon Laws
On 6/15/07, Huang Kai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all: How do I add a contribution to an existing domain, without creating a new domain? And I have no way to get a ContributionService instance in current domain before I can call its contribute() or remove() method (IMHO, it should has a

Domains, runtimes, components and cardinality

2007-06-18 Thread Simon Laws
Following on from recent discussion on the distributed binding (I've been putting notes here [1])... In a Tuscany SCA runtime what do we expect the cardinality between the various parts of it to be? A domain notionally runs on a runtime. In the case of a stand-alone Tuscany SCA runtime this will

2007-06-18 Thread Simon Laws
The sca binding that I use in the distributed runtime has a few more features than the one provided in assembly/core. I'd like to keep this function separate from what has gone before. Any objections to me creating binding-sca or even binding-sca-distributed As an aside I also have a small

Re: SCA Continuum build failure (resource issue)

2007-06-18 Thread Simon Laws
Hi Luciano Thinking back, when I originally started bringing the JMS binding back to life I used ActiveMQ 4.1.0 and was getting errors something like this. The error doesn't occur at 4.2 so I didn't look at it very closely. 4.2 is only a snapshot though so not very helpful yet. If it's causing

Re: 0.91 release?

2007-06-20 Thread Simon Laws
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: +1 from me too. I'm sure Venkat will do a fine job. Simon Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote: Simon Laws wrote: Yeah, Venkat did loads on the last release. +1 from me for Venkat

Re: 0.91 release?

2007-06-20 Thread Simon Laws
I can speak for the following binding-jms - Works for sychronous, Java object based messages and implements a part of the spec but not all of it. So it depends on how comfortable we are with spec incomplete bindings. I would leave it out for now binding-sca - part of the distributed runtime.

[C++] SDO - preventing SDO from loading schema across the network

2007-06-20 Thread Simon Laws
Posting to tuscany and php lists I raised a bug ( as we noticed in PHP that C++ SDO was going out across the network to find schema identified by namespace alone even when the schema had already been read. The problem is that the list that is

Re: Domains, runtimes, components and cardinality

2007-06-20 Thread Simon Laws
of components across two runtimes instead of nodes? Anyways, to start with, I'd be happy to leave this out for the next iteration. Thanks - Venkat On 6/18/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Following on from recent discussion on the distributed binding (I've been putting notes here [1

Stage 1 Distributed runtime checked into trunk

2007-06-20 Thread Simon Laws
With the changes associated with I've now put the simple distributed runtime support into head. The modules I've added are modules/ topology/topology-xml - describe and read the node to component mapping (not actually used at the moment)

Re: [C++] SDO - preventing SDO from loading schema across the network

2007-06-20 Thread Simon Laws
OK, thanks Pete, I'll take a look.

SCA Toys?

2007-06-21 Thread Simon Laws
I've collected a couple of utilites that have helped me during debugging some problems ( For example this is the code I drop at the end of a test to print out the model hierarchy that was built: // inspect

Re: Stage 1 Distributed runtime checked into trunk

2007-06-21 Thread Simon Laws
On 6/20/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: With the changes associated with I've now put the simple distributed runtime support into head. The modules I've added are modules/ topology/topology-xml - describe and read the node

Re: SCA Toys?

2007-06-21 Thread Simon Laws
/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've collected a couple of utilites that have helped me during debugging some problems ( ). For example this is the code I drop at the end of a test to print out

Re: Not being able to edit wiki

2007-06-22 Thread Simon Laws
On 6/22/07, Adriano Crestani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, can anyone tell me why I'm not being able to edit the wiki? I get this message: You do not have permission to view this page. You have to be a member of *all* the following groups to access this page. If this is incorrect please

Re: Tuscany/ODE resources questions

2007-06-22 Thread Simon Laws
On 6/22/07, Matthieu Riou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I don't know what would be the best way from the Tuscany standpoint, but having some sort of configuration object (maybe a StAXArtifactProcessor) mirroring part of a global Tuscany configuration and available in the module activator would be

Re: Domains, runtimes, components and cardinality

2007-06-22 Thread Simon Laws
and cardinality Hi, Please see my comments inline below. Thanks, Raymond - Original Message - From: Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: tuscany-dev Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 5:25 AM Subject: Domains, runtimes, components and cardinality Following

Re: 0.91 release?

2007-06-22 Thread Simon Laws
is and how you get to run it. I guess this is something we have already done for the samples. - Venkat On 6/21/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [snip] Simon Laws wrote: Are we releasing the demos this time? Were you sans aggregator because

Re: SDO C++ compliance with 2.1 spec - help needed

2007-06-23 Thread Simon Laws
On 6/23/07, Pete Robbins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have created a maintenance branch */incubator/tuscany/branches/sdo- cpp-pre2.1/* Work towards SDO 2.1 specification compliance will continue in HEAD. Cheers, On 22/06/07, Pete Robbins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As is shown by the analysis

Re: Build failure in samples/calculator-distributed, was: [continuum] BUILD FAILURE: Apache Tuscany SCA Implementation Project]

2007-06-25 Thread Simon Laws
The error isn't immediately meaningful but I'll take a look and see if I can work out what's going on. Simon On 6/25/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Module samples/calculator-distributed fails to build, breaking the SCA nightly build. I moved the module out of the main

Re: [C++] SDO - preventing SDO from loading schema across the network

2007-06-25 Thread Simon Laws
to rewrite it! It looks like it is over complex and news up a SDOSchemaSax2Parser that is never freed. I'll maybe take a look at getting that into shape in the next week. Cheers, On 20/06/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: OK, thanks Pete, I'll take a look. -- Pete -- Pete

Re: Need SCA Notification

2007-06-27 Thread Simon Laws
On 6/25/07, Huang Kai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, all: I think a notification mechanism useful to let spi provider know what is going on in the SCA container. A notification should be sent when Contribution/Composite/Component/Artifact start or stop. Ofcoz stop() method in

Re: [VOTE] Fuhwei Lwo for Tuscany Committer

2007-06-27 Thread Simon Laws
On 6/27/07, Luciano Resende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: +1 Welcome Fuhwei On 6/27/07, Raymond Feng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: +1 from me. Thanks, Raymond - Original Message - From: Frank Budinsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 5:47 AM

Re: Can an implementation provider detect changes to its SCA domain?

2007-06-27 Thread Simon Laws
On 6/27/07, Rajini Sivaram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, Is there any way for an implementation provider to detect when a contribution is updated/removed from an SCA domain or when a domain is closed? The OSGi implementation provider for SCA allows an OSGi bundle to be shared across

Re: How are we going to use the Tuscany Wiki space?

2007-06-30 Thread Simon Laws
, with the copied Web site home page linked from the TUSCANYWIKI front page. Simon Simon Laws wrote: I agree. Looking at it now it is confusing with the complete copy of the web site material presented on the front page. It's

Re: How are we going to use the Tuscany Wiki space?

2007-07-01 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/1/07, Luciano Resende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'd like to propose using a structure similar to the one described below to group documents together and make it easier to find related information. It's probably good not to have very deep hierarchy, and maybe start grouping things on a

Re: How are we going to use the Tuscany Wiki space?

2007-07-02 Thread Simon Laws
| |--- Website related documents and old website copy Thoughts ? On 6/30/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 6/15/07, Simon Nash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'd like to retain the copied pages from the Tuscany web site. As Venkat said, this makes it easy for non

Re: [VOTE] Release Tuscany Java SCA 0.91-incubating

2007-07-02 Thread Simon Laws
On 6/29/07, ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 6/28/07, Venkata Krishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, Please review and vote on the 0.91 release artifacts of Tuscany SCA for Java. The artifacts are available for review at: The SVN

Re: SCA 0.92 release?

2007-07-02 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/2/07, Venkata Krishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I am looking at the Policy Framework and shall update the wiki on the specifics soon. Once this is done to some level, I'd also like to help a bit with the ws-* things (may be WS-Security to start with) that Ant has listed on the wiki

Re: [VOTE] Release Tuscany Java DAS beta1

2007-07-02 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/2/07, ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 7/2/07, ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 7/1/07, Luciano Resende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Please vote to release the beta1 distribution of Tuscany DAS for Java. The Release Candidate RC1 for Tuscany Java DAS beta1 is available at

Re: SCA 0.92 release?

2007-07-02 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/2/07, ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 7/2/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 7/2/07, Venkata Krishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I am looking at the Policy Framework and shall update the wiki on the specifics soon. Once this is done to some level, I'd also like

Extending the runtime and domain models

2007-07-03 Thread Simon Laws
The runtime classes (ReallySmallRuntime and ReallySmallRuntimeBuilder) and the EmbeddedSCADomain implementation are pretty well locked down in terms of overriding their members and functions. I had to make copies of most of this function to create the distributed runtime and domain. Can we loosen

Management and Distributed Runtime

2007-07-03 Thread Simon Laws
It would be good to get the community's thoughts about what management and distributed runtime scenarios we should support in Tuscany. There has been quite a bit of discussion on the distributed runtime itself here. The main focus so far has been on using an SCA assembly to represent the

SCA binding and wiring

2007-07-03 Thread Simon Laws
The SCA binding provides the default binding and appears when the user doesn't explicitly provide a binding against a reference or a service. The Tuscany runtime can use the SCA binding to implement local wires between components running in the same VM or remote wires between components running

Re: Making the base artifact processor utilities more readily available

2007-07-03 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/3/07, ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 7/3/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In writing the Topology mode I had to make a copy of the base artifact processor as it only has package visibilityIt has lots of useful utilities alongside the assembly specific bits. How about we

Re: [DISCUSS] Geronimo-Tuscany integration(Sending to both lists)

2007-07-03 Thread Simon Laws
is not supported currently. There is work on an SCADomain spanning multiple runtimes. This would be a simpler case of an SCADomain spanning multiple classloaders or (configurations in Geronimo). SCADomain can span multiple runtimes. Simon Laws from Tuscany is driving the support of distributed SCADomain


2007-07-05 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/5/07, John Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: All, A quick question on the use of JMS. The Tuscany web site says that the supported bindings are currently: Webservice using Apache Axis2 JMS (tested with Apache ActiveMQ) JSON-RPC So how would someone use the Tuscany JMS binding with a

Re: [DISCUSS] Geronimo-Tuscany integration(Sending to both lists)

2007-07-05 Thread Simon Laws
Hi Manu more comments in line On 7/4/07, Manu George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Simon, In one of the previous mails Sebastien proposed two ways of how the SCADomain should exist in geronimo (a) one instance of SCADomain per component running on the server, loaded with a

SDO build problems

2007-07-06 Thread Simon Laws
Now that the server problems seem to be solved I've again been trying to build DAS but have SDO problems. When maven comes to downloading emf dependencies it reports checksum failures (not sure if this is significant)... [INFO]

Re: SDO build problems

2007-07-06 Thread Simon Laws
version via direct email. Please let me know if this fixes your problem. I will pursue an eclipse contact to try to get this fixed up. Regards, Kelvin. On 06/07/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Now that the server problems seem to be solved I've again been trying to build DAS but have

Re: Problems using WSDL interfaces together with DataBinding (DB) framework

2007-07-06 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/6/07, Scott Kurz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Raymond, Your proposal makes sense to me. It seems like a nice simplification to view the component-level intf (2) as existing only for testing wire-mappability of interfaces and to view the componentType intf, (or impl-level intf) (1) and the

Re: StackOverflowException when mutual reference exist

2007-07-06 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/6/07, Mike Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Huang, I assume that by reference here, you mean a service reference? If that is so, it should work. If you mean that composite A has a component which uses composite B as an implementation and that composite B has a component which uses

Re: [VOTE] Release Tuscany Java SCA 0.91-incubating RC2

2007-07-06 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/6/07, Venkata Krishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, Please review and vote on the 0.91 release artifacts of Tuscany SCA for Java. The artifacts are available for review at: This includes the binary and source distributions, the RAT

Re: [VOTE] Release Tuscany Java SCA 0.91-incubating RC2

2007-07-08 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/8/07, ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Looks ok to me as well so +1. ...ant On 7/6/07, Venkata Krishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, Please review and vote on the 0.91 release artifacts of Tuscany SCA for Java. The artifacts are available for review at:

Re: [DISCUSS] Geronimo-Tuscany integration(Sending to both lists)

2007-07-08 Thread Simon Laws
Hi Manu, I'm away this week but here are a few more thoughts for now. On 7/6/07, Manu George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Simon, Comments inline. On 7/5/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Manu more comments in line On 7/4/07, Manu George [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Website ACL

2007-07-16 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/16/07, Luciano Resende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ant wrote: So no problem, when someone comes along we want to grant access just discuss and vote on the private list and we can just give them access. +1 On 7/15/07, ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The Apache CWIKI page is now quite

Re: [VOTE] Release Tuscany Java SCA 0.91-incubating RC3

2007-07-16 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/16/07, Raymond Feng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: +1 for the release. I guess that we need to document the issue reported by in the release note. Thanks, Raymond - Original Message - From: Venkata Krishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:

Re: [VOTE] Release Tuscany Java SCA 0.91-incubating RC3

2007-07-16 Thread Simon Laws
On 7/16/07, ant elder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 7/16/07, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 7/16/07, Raymond Feng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: +1 for the release. I guess that we need to document the issue reported by

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