Re: [RFE] packed JS in DEPLOYMENT mode.

2007-11-30 Thread David Bernard
: David, what is the best practice to specify the order of included resources? Thank you! David Bernard-2 wrote: You could aggregate every type of resources. Alex Objelean wrote: Very interesting. Would be nice to have also aggregate css. Regards, Alex. David Bernard-2 wrote: If you want you

Re: [RFE] packed JS in DEPLOYMENT mode.

2007-11-29 Thread David Bernard
If you want you could use the yuicompressor-maven-plugin to minified (more than just strip whitespace) at build time. Other features: * aggregate js * minified css So you could test/run with minified in development and/or deployment mode

Re: [RFE] packed JS in DEPLOYMENT mode.

2007-11-29 Thread David Bernard
You could aggregate every type of resources. Alex Objelean wrote: Very interesting. Would be nice to have also aggregate css. Regards, Alex. David Bernard-2 wrote: If you want you could use the yuicompressor-maven-plugin to minified (more than just strip whitespace) at build time. http

Re: How to Jquery, Json, wicket spring?

2007-11-04 Thread David Bernard
Hi, I started the wicketstuff-jquery project, currently there is no doc/wiki, only the [source][1] is available and a demo application ([source][2], [war][3]). For the communication with between client and server, I used the native Wicket API, simpler than trying to write it in JSON (client

Re: Wicket and Netbeans 6

2007-10-20 Thread David Bernard
I try NB 6 some time ago with wicket and maven. You don't need to mvn netbeans:netbeans, but you need to install NB module/plugins to manage maven2 project. ToolsPluginsAvailable plugins Sort by category, select to install : maven in category java, and if you want (optional) other plugin in

Re: Wicket and Netbeans 6

2007-10-20 Thread David Bernard
. I run the but nothing happens... Sorry for all these questions, I'm new to Netbeans (which I choose to try out the UML part). Thanks in advance ZedroS On 10/20/07, David Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I try NB 6 some time ago with wicket and maven. You don't need to mvn

Re: PopupDatePicker + AjaxButton + IE 7 + visibility

2007-10-10 Thread David Bernard
WARNself promotion/WARN In the wicketstuff-jquery there is a date picker (based on jquery) that should (not tested I'm on linux) work on IE7. You could download the examples war at (quicker than svn co + build only for test)

Re: Wicket Stuff

2007-10-10 Thread David Bernard
WARNself promotion/WARN In the wicketstuff-jquery there is a sortable list (by DnD) (based on jquery). You could download the examples war at (quicker than svn co + build only for test) anita nichols wrote:

Re: pass information through ajax without form

2007-10-03 Thread David Bernard
For a similar case, I override (in MyBehavior) @Override public final void respond(AjaxRequestTarget target) { try { Request req = RequestCycle.get().getRequest(); String param1 = req.getParameter(param1); // to stuff

Re: pass information through ajax without form

2007-10-03 Thread David Bernard
, e.g. i trigger the ajax request by a link with AjaxEventBehavior on onclick event. would you mind show me a simple example? David Bernard-2 wrote: For a similar case, I override (in MyBehavior) @Override public final void respond(AjaxRequestTarget target) { try

Re: pass information through ajax without form

2007-10-03 Thread David Bernard
(' + getCallbackUrl(), null, null); } and you parse the parameters in the server side? YES with the code sent ealier. I think you have already given me good hints and I will continue work on that, thanks very much David Bernard-2 wrote: Currently I have

Re: is wicket well-suited for integrating JS widgets?

2007-10-03 Thread David Bernard
Hi, It's lot of easier to integrate JS lib with wicket, than with JSF. I currently work on JQuery's widget. About integration with YUI or Scriptaclus, take a look at (svn and wiki), there is already some project about it. Regards. dukehoops wrote: I'm a complete newbie to

Re: Server cannot find /app url after migration to 1.3 filter

2007-10-02 Thread David Bernard
If I understand right you use Apache as a front end ? If it work when you access to resin via a direct call ( then I don't think it a problem with resin but with your apache front-end configuration. What do you map from apache to resin (1)/app, (2)/app* or (3)/app/*

Re: Server cannot find /app url after migration to 1.3 filter

2007-10-02 Thread David Bernard
wrong , servlets' requests will not be processed by resin, either. But just works fine. (No port assign) It means resin (2.1.7) seems doesn't intercept filter's requests. I've also reported this issue to resin's maillist. 2007/10/2, David Bernard [EMAIL

Re: Server cannot find /app url after migration to 1.3 filter

2007-10-02 Thread David Bernard
Sorry I need the mapping, could you send /usr/local/resin/conf/resin.conf. smallufo wrote: 2007/10/2, David Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED]: It depends of how you map/forward from apache to resin. What is your apache configuration? If it works when you access resin directly, what is done when you

Re: Url Coding Strategy

2007-10-02 Thread David Bernard
Have you try to customise (ignore fragment1 and fragment2, or override matches methods) the following class: * * or Or use a filter like urlrewrite

Re: Server cannot find /app url after migration to 1.3 filter

2007-10-02 Thread David Bernard
of 8080 * to create an empty dir app under your webapp, I know that Websphere failed if a filter is not apply on a file or servlet. Sorry. smallufo wrote: 2007/10/3, David Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sorry I need the mapping, could you send /usr/local/resin/conf/resin.conf. This is my partial

Re: Server cannot find /app url after migration to 1.3 filter

2007-10-02 Thread David Bernard
Have you try: * to set port to 80 instead of 8080 Port 80 is listened by apache httpd. I need apache httpd to serve large amount of static contents. Yes, and resin.conf isn't run as part of Apache? Apache (port 80) - srun(6802) Sorry , no other idea, except may be create an dummyServlet

Re: Presented Wicket to my Company...

2007-09-28 Thread David Bernard
Short version of my experience, last year I created a project with Seam+Facelets+JSF+EJB3/JPA+jBPM. I was optimist JSF is a standard with 2+ years old, lot of providers,... * JSF : I tried to mixed components from several provider, Trinidad, ADT, MyFaces, Ajax4JSF,... it was a nightweird and

Re: wicket 1.3 examples

2007-09-27 Thread David Bernard
Hi, What do you download exactly ? in the .zip or .tar.gz from * the source of org.apache.wicket.examples in under apache-wicket-1.3.0-beta3/src/jdk-1.5/wicket-examples/src/main/java/ * the war under apache-wicket-1.3.0-beta3/lib /david

Re: Questions about GWT, JSF and Wicket

2007-09-25 Thread David Bernard
Hi, A list of url, that could help you... About Wicket vs JSF, there is some articles : * (from the author of JTrac) * a list of articles : About widgets : * take a

Re: Updating a Dynamic Image with AJAX (and JFreeChart)

2007-09-25 Thread David Bernard
Hi, Have you try to extend NonCachingImage instead of Image (and comments setHeaders(...))? /david Jason Mihalick wrote: I am integrating JFreeChart into my application and I've followed the JFreeChart example on the wiki. That works very nicely. I was impressed. What I want to do now is

Re: [podcast] Wicket talk at JavaZone 2007

2007-09-24 Thread David Bernard
Why not add it to the wiki or the main site (and other presentations)? It's a good support for internal/customer show. I suggest a list with the following information : * authors * original target (ex: javazone 2007), first presentation date * wicket version (1.3.0) * attachament (slides,

Re: [podcast] Wicket talk at JavaZone 2007

2007-09-24 Thread David Bernard
Done, I added . Xavier, could you check information. I create links to your presentations, but may do you prefer to convert to attachement (part of the wiki). /david Gerolf Seitz wrote: n 9/24/07, David Bernard

Re: Redirect to HTTPS?

2007-09-24 Thread David Bernard
Hi, In my previous project, it was done by configuring (rewrite rules) the http front-end (apache, lighttpd,...). It's an other solution, that avoid developper to deal certificate and all the ssl machinery. /david Daniel Frisk wrote: I'm trying to add a check to the constructor on one of our

Re: Refresh a page from an AjaxButton?

2007-09-17 Thread David Bernard
Why not use a regular Button and the onSumit() method of the form if you want to reload the page ? /david UPBrandon wrote: I'm writing a Wicket app that makes pretty heavy use of the Wicket-Extensions ModalWindow to present what is basically a dialog box where the user can enter information

Re: Simple CMS or Wiki

2007-09-08 Thread David Bernard
I started a wiki like application 2 month ago. Currently it's not ready for publish. But may be I could help you. What do you want exactly : * user write in wiki syntax or html (may be with a Wysiwyg) * for wiki syntax * a renderer (convert a wiki syntax to html) * which wiki syntax scope :

Re: First Day Disgust!

2007-09-08 Thread David Bernard
Welcome, If you want to start a blank project, try: $ mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket -DarchetypeArtifactId=wicket-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.3.0-beta3 -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=myproject $ cd myproject $ more pom.xml

Re: Wicket libraries

2007-09-06 Thread David Bernard
Hi, May be, a solution for your case would be to use ivy ant tasks to manage/list the dependencies of wicket. I don't use Ivy, but it could use maven's repositories and pom.xml. I'm not sur it help you, because I don't use it, like lot of, I like maven 2 (dependencies and conventions), and

Re: Howto integrate wicket application into my website?

2007-09-05 Thread David Bernard
Per, To use apache as frontal, use the proxy mod of apache see Security tips : I suggest you to change the configuration of jetty to only accept request from apache. /david Per Newgro wrote: Hi *, is it possible to

Re: Wicket problem with slf4j 1.4

2007-09-05 Thread David Bernard
Sorry, you're right, it's not removed. I said it was removed, because I used it and I take a compilation error, and eclipse no more find them. I don't understand. Sorry about the noice. /david Matej Knopp wrote: Removed? They added it in 1.4. -Matej On 9/5/07, David Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: compressing javascript resources

2007-09-04 Thread David Bernard
Right to use it, you provide readers, writers, an ErrorReporter and options (line-break or not, munge or not, js warning or not,...). But as Julien (authors of YUI-Compressor) wrote : the compressor is resource consumming and not made to run on-fly. /David Johan Compagner wrote: thats a

Re: compressing javascript resources

2007-09-04 Thread David Bernard
I agree. But currently using a custom compressor for javascript and CSS need to change the source and replace JavascriptResourceReference by CustomCompressedResourceReference (or somthing else). Except if support of CustomCompressor is integrated into existing core Resource.

Re: compressing javascript resources

2007-09-04 Thread David Bernard
with wicket is that you don't know exactly where everything is coming from.. They could be in all kinds of jars so if you want compression it should be runtime else you need to go over all the jars and code you use and repackage them. On 9/4/07, David Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Right to use it, you

Re: compressing javascript resources

2007-09-04 Thread David Bernard
the component will make ResourceReferences to its internal css and js files and will be outputted as shared resources. Then all those urls should also be redirected. johan On 9/4/07, David Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: An other solution (stupid ?) : * at build-time (of the war) * scan all

Re: compressing javascript resources

2007-09-04 Thread David Bernard
On 9/4/07, David Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I didn't suggest to change the url of resources, in the code we always I want .js. And the url to request the resource is the same. I suggest to select the stream to return : * select form cache, cache dir, jar,... * select version (to allow

Re: compressing javascript resources

2007-09-03 Thread David Bernard
Hi, I use a other approach for the same goal (http optimization), to avoid minification and compression at run-time do it at compile-time. It's what I try do, : * I first implement the yuicompressor-maven-plugin. * now I need to develop the ResourceSelector that choose the rigth file to return

handle resource with several formats (minified, gzipped,...)

2007-08-29 Thread David Bernard
Hi, To avoid runtime/on-the-fly compression (js minification/packing,... gzip compression) of static resources (!= dynamic), I do it at compile time (done via the yuicompressor-maven-plugin) and provide 3 formats (original, minified, minified+gzip) But I need to choose the right at runtime.