Some things you need to know before the world ends

2006-01-10 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Cheney/Bush Administration Officials Charged With Prostitution And Murder In Deaths Of 12 West Virginia Miners: Kleptocracy Caught With Smoking Guns In Mouths of Victims Again: Mine Disaster's Terrible Irony: The Media, After Reporting Nothing About The

Haiti: A Place Of U.S. Trained Financed Fear And Havoc

2006-01-03 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Haiti: A Place Of U.S. Trained Financed Fear And Havoc: With The Buffalo Gone, The U.S. Is Back To Shootin' Niggers--- In Haiti; When Did They Ever Stop?: John Bolton Does His Impression Of A Constipated Toilet Brush At

Then you need Klepto-Clean!

2005-12-29 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Then you need Klepto-Clean! They hang the man and flog the woman That steal the goose from off the common, But let the greater villain loose That steals the common from the goose. ".at a time when I am speaking to

9/11 Lies: Journalists Cover As Thousands More Die

2005-12-26 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press 9/11 Lies Invoked Once Again, But Journalists Cover As Thousands More Die: "We're Too Self-Absorbed To Care About The Truth" The Fourth Estate Announces: "The fuckers pass the bar. The fuckees pass out at the bar."---Karl

Halliburton Demotes Rumsfeld!

2005-12-25 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Halliburton Demotes Rumsfeld: Secretary For State Terror Serves KBR's $8.00 Dinners to Troops in Iraq: U.S. State Terror Aerial Bombing Runs Put Fear Of God In Iraqi Civilians This Holiday Season: "When You Hear The Looney Left Whine About Collateral Damage,"

More Americans Upbeat About Prolonged Slaughter In Iraq

2005-12-22 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Appealing To the Voyeur In Americans, Bush's Support Hardens After a Long Decline: More Americans Upbeat About Prolonged Slaughter In Iraq, Tax Breaks For the Rich: "Domestic Spying Shows He Cares About Me.": Thousands Of

Don't Make Me Come Down There, Cheney Warns Bolivians

2005-12-19 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Bolivian Candidates Differ Sharply: "Don't Make Me Come Down There," Cheney Warns Bolivians: Quiroga Looking For Second Chance To Fuck Over His Homeland: National Endowment For Democracy Cash, Nicked From Katrina Funds,

Patina Of Democracy Designed To Intensify Violence

2005-12-17 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press What's at Stake in Iraq's Elections: Elections Should Bring Civil War Into Sharper Focus: Patina Of Democracy Designed To Intensify Violence. Oh What A Tangled Web: Elections Compound Lies About Reasons For Invading

You got Mars or You got The Rapture

2005-12-12 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press "If you're going first class, you got Mars. If you're going coach, ." U.S. Kleptocracies Isolation On Global Warming Not A Concern: Bush Plan Includes The Rapture And Colonizing Mars To Avoid Danger: World Says It Would


2005-11-10 Thread jbcm2
ITS NOT TORTURE, ITS SEX, Cheney Claims. Bush Declares: 'We Need Torture. Its Our Kickback Fetish After A Hard Day Of Doing the Murder For Oil Fetish.': 'Power Kind Of Kinks You Up,' Declares Rumsfeld.: Cheney, Libby, Wolfowitz Et Al Went To War To Add To Personal Collection Of Snuff Films: In

U.S. Intelligence Can't Tell a Joke or Take One Either:

2005-11-06 Thread jbcm2
http://www.theassassinated U.S. Intelligence Can't Tell a Joke or Take One Either:

Is Florida's Final Solution the Bill Bennett Strategy?

2005-10-21 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press America's Attack on the Poor Continues Unabated: U.S. Gives Florida a Sweeping Right to Gut Medicaid: Jeb Bush Says Florida's Final Solution is the Bill Bennett Strategy: HMO's Sharpen Forks in Anticipation of Another Great Treasury Raid: Pork to Rise While

Cold War CIA Right To Christers' Espionage Organization

2005-10-17 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Cold War CIA Right To Christers' Espionage Organization , New Tribes Mission, Recalled To Langley: Long History Of Association With Cuban 2506 Brigade, Alpha 66, Omega 7 Exposed: Unlike CIA's Evangelicals, To Receive

3 Pack from Ass Press, with Poem.....

2005-10-07 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press The Fact That Abortion Is The Central Issue In The Selection Of Supreme Court Justices Is Proof Positive The Country Desperately Needs It---Retroactively.: Bush Nominates Miers With An Eye On The Keeping Nominee's Mouth Shut About His National Guard Record,

Bill Bennett: White Under The Collar

2005-09-30 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press White Under The Collar: William Bennett Defends Comment on Abortion and Crime; Says White Collar Crime Is So Emblematic Of The American Way Of Life That If All White Babies Were Aborted By His Morality Death Squad, Not Just Criminal Behavior But Evil As We

Bolton Determined To Destroy Top Ten Floors Of U.N.

2005-09-28 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Kissinger Pushes Bolton Into A Peacemaker Breaking Her Neck: Bolton Determined To Destroy Top Ten Floors Of U.N. Building With His Walrus Good Looks And 'Kiss Up, Blame Down' Individualism: Cheney's Air Force Two Pilot

Check out The Assassinated Press

2005-09-26 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press "Go Daddy! Go Daddy! Beat The Shit Outta Momma! 'Cause You'll Never Be Anything But A Marine. Rumsfeld's Tool.": 'Domestic Violence And Rape Epidemic In the Marine Corps.': "We Don't Need No Taliban To Tell Us How To Fuck Up Our Women," Says Gen. Mattis.: Wife

U.S. Adopts McNamara 'Accounting Methods

2005-09-21 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press U.S. Adopts McNamara 'Accounting Methods,' Claims Success in Iraq Despite Onslaught: Vietnam Era Body Counts Now Cited as Benchmarks: Using The MACV Body Count 4000 Quantum Computer, U.S. Is Projected To Kill Every Man,

Reaction To Katrina Split Along Experiential Lines

2005-09-16 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Reaction To Katrina Split Along Experiential Lines; Whites Still Telling Black People What They, Black People, Are Experiencing Regardless Of The Facts: More Blacks View Race As Factor In Federal Response, But Not Most

New Broadway Play Captures Bush/Rice Lost Summer

2005-09-13 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press New Broadway Play Captures Bush/Rice Lost Summer By HAIRY NOODLE


2005-09-12 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press "GO FUCK YOURSELF, MR. CHENEY:" In His Dual Roles As De Facto CEO Of Halliburton And De Facto President Of The 47 United States Left Cheney Goes To Katrina Stricken Area To Check In On Kellogg, Brown Root Operations,

Median Income Of Hurricane Victims Studied, Aid Rejected:

2005-09-01 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press God The Flip-Flopper. The Almighty Attacks U.S. On Behalf Of Iraqis, Iranians, Osama Bin Laden, Environment, Rest Of World: U.S. Trying To Play God In Middle East Pisses Off 'The Real Deal'.: Administration, PNAC, Carlyle

Unpatriotic Eggheads Shit On Cheney And Rumsfeld

2005-08-28 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Unpatriotic Eggheads Shit On Cheney And Rumsfeld's Canard For Bombing, Invading Iran: No Proof Found of Iran Arms Program: Rumsfeld, Cheney Say They Will Bomb, Invade Iran Anyway Using Lies Left Over From The Invasion Of

Chavez Is A Threat To Robertson's Lucrative Scam In Latin America

2005-08-24 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press By Feeding The Poor, Healing The Sick And Clothing The Naked, Chavez Is A Threat To Robertson's Lucrative Evangelical Scam In Latin America: Robertson Provides Distraction As Iraqi Charter Proves To Be Recipe For Ratcheting

Karl Rove Gets Induces Stroke In Protester's Mother

2005-08-20 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press The Legend Grows: Karl Rove Gets Cindy Sheehan Out Of Bush's Face: White House Chief Of Stink Induces Stroke In Protester's Mother: Her Mother Ill, 'Peace Mom' Leaves Camp: Drive Back To L.A. Forces Sheehan Into Bankruptcy:

'Bubble Boy' Huddles On Car Floor As Secret Service . . .

2005-08-14 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Crawford 'Bubble Boy' Huddles On Car Floor As Secret Service Does Drive By Of Mother Stupid Enough To Send Her Boy To Iraq On Dick Cheney's Say-So: Parents Cutting Achilles Tendon Of Gullible Teenagers Threatening To Go To

Hot New Lies Melt Rumsfeld's Polygrip!

2005-08-12 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Consider The Source: Hot New Lies Melt Rumsfeld's Polygrip! Britain And US Warn Shi'ite Iran Over Links with Iraq's Sunni rebels. Yellow Cake, WMD, Iraqi Links To Al-Qaeda Anyone?: Administration Supporters Ordered To

Petrodollar Warfare -- An Assassinated Press Must Read!

2005-08-09 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse: Cheney Calls for Nuclear Strikes on Iran: US Robs France, Russia China of $1,000,000,000,000 in Oil Lease Contracts: By William R. Clark They hang

Blood and Gravy

2005-08-06 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Blood and Gravy By CHRIS FLOYD

Bush Finds A Crowd As Ignorant As He Is At Boy Scout Jamboree

2005-08-02 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press At Last, Bush Finds A Crowd As Ignorant As He Is At Boy Scout Jamboree: Army, Marine Recruiters Sign Up 18,000 Scouts: Large Pool Of Sexually Abused Boys In Short Pants Tapped For Military Service: Site Of Scout Jamboree Is

Last Call To ROCK ROLL!!!!

2005-07-31 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Last Call To ROCK ROLL; Many Who Support The War Have Not Yet Signed Up. Hurry The Fuck Up. You Are the Morons We Most Want To See Come Back In A Box Or Not Come Back To Our Country At All.: Administration Thoroughly

Britain Won't 'Give One Inch' In Imperial Crusade To Control Iraq's Resources

2005-07-27 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Hughes Hopes To Root Out True Picture Of U.S. With Operation Condescending American Assholes.: Nominee Says American Agitprop Will Make Iraqis Forget About Ruthless Theft And Destruction Of Their Country.: State Department's Office Of Cultural Hegemony Will

'Red/Blue': Looking For The Reich Stink In A Sea Of Assholes

2005-07-22 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press 'Red/Blue': Looking For The Reich Stink In A Sea Of Assholes: The Irony Of TV Being A Manifestation Of Reality Gets Political Spin In 'Red/Blue' Series Proposal: "We're looking for someone who can bring down the small plane of a political rival without

Iraqi Insurgency Proves A Life Saver

2005-07-09 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Iraqi Insurgency Proves A Life Saver: Pentagon Study Reveals Many Thousands More Would Have Died If Iraq Forces Had Resisted: Game Theory Reveals Fewer Iraqis Killed Because Of Insurgents' Strategy: By JOHN McCARTHY SIMON

$40 Billion More In Security Money Required For 2012 Olympics

2005-07-07 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press $40 Billion More In Security Money Required For 2012 Olympics: "Thank God. It Was Only The Fodder That Take Public Transport," Said A Relieved Blair.: G-8 Leaders Prepare To Incubate Millions More Terrorists With Their 'Policies': "As Long As Those Fuckers

Beware Of 'Whitey' Bearing Gifts

2005-07-03 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press "Beware Of 'Whitey'" Bearing Gifts And Fuck The Pop Music Simpletons: Debt Cut Means Foreclosure for Poorest Nations; Re-Establishment of Colonialism, Slavery: Deal Would Cancel $40 Billion in Loans In Return For Draconian

Rumsfeld Confirms Negotiations With Iraqi Terrorists

2005-06-30 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Rumsfeld Confirms Negotiations With Iraqi Terrorists: Sunni Terrorists Demand Foreign Fighters From Britain And America Leave; Return Of Saddam: Sunnis Reject U.S. Surrender Terms; Americans Offer To Give Terrorists Tony Blair, Cash: By JOSHING WHITEY They

You Sold Us Your Souls. Now We Want Your Home And Your Babies.

2005-06-27 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press The Kleptocracy Has Spoken: "You Sold Us Your Souls. Now We Want Your Home And Your Babies." Justices Affirm Property Seizures; 5-4 Ruling Backs Forced Sales for Private Development: Combat Pedophelia: Military Hires

Check out The Assassinated Press

2005-06-25 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Bill Frist Wins Josef Mengele Award For Second Year Running: Dr. Frist Calls U.S. Torture Of Innocent Captives At Gitmo "Imaginative, Cutting Edge": Durbin, Forgetting His Hannah Arendt, Absolves Low Level Prison Camp

Check out The Assassinated Press

2005-06-19 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press After 'Looney Left' Take All The Risks Only To Be Proven Right Yet Again, Democrats Urge Inquiry On Bush, Iraq Based On A Handful Of Brit Memos: Greed, Self-Interest, Money, Jobs, Foppery, Ignorance, Religion, Fear,


2005-05-22 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press 'UNCLE SLIMY WANTS YOU!': Tie Off Join TODAY To Fight The War To End All Wars!: Are You High Enough To Stop The March Of World Tyranny In Iraq?: At no time, has the reason for fighting a war been more clear. Just look in your fuckin' driveway!: Free Needles,

Move to Democracy Still In The Pipeline

2005-05-20 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Move to Democracy Still In The Pipeline, Bush Tells Eastern Europe: "We really only need ya as beasts of burden, oil pipelines, nuclear proliferation and money launderin'," Bush Tells Eastern Europeans: The Word Democracy Designed As All-Purpose Agitprop To

Your First Girlfriend Is A Mule

2005-05-15 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press "Your First Girlfriend Is A Mule. The Trick Is Not To make The Goat Jealous." Coming Out Of The Barn; An Historical Account Of Bestiality In American Political Life And Thought: By NEAL 'PORK THE' HORSLEY Natural 'Born

Court Rules Cheney, Big Oil Can Secretly Wage War For Oil

2005-05-14 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press What Happens In The White House Stays In The White House: Court Rules Cheney, Big Oil Can Secretly Conspire To Wage War For Oil: Cheney Wins Court Ruling On Energy Panel Records: Advocacy Groups Will Challenge In Courts Why

Creationists Again Threaten Security Of Nation!

2005-05-08 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Creationists Again Threaten Security Of Nation!: Kansas Creationists In Vanguard Of Those Who Would End U.S.'s Military Superiority: Evangelicals Prepared To Route Scientific/Technological Eggheads And Their Atheistic War Machines: "Teaching Creationism Is Key

Neil Bush, Pope Confederates In Money Making Scam

2005-04-26 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Neil Bush, Pope 'Ratzo' Ratzinger Confederates In Money Making Scam: Bush Banged The Asian Hookers But The Pope Swears He Was Down In the Cocktail Lounge At the Time Having A Bloody Mary: Neil Bush Continues Bush Family's

House Votes to Destroy Alaskan Arctic Wildlife Refuge

2005-04-22 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press House Votes to Destroy Alaskan Arctic Wildlife Refuge: GOP Passes Huge Tax Breaks for Big Oil, Gas: Secret Bush-Cheney Oil Cartel Expects to Clear $3 Billion: Energy Bill, Which Includes Arctic Drilling, Decried By

A Desperate DeLay Tries to Rally Bigots Homophobes

2005-04-21 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press The Anti-Empire Report, No. 20 By WILLIAM BLUM A Desperate DeLay Criticizes Supreme Court Justice: Tries to Rally Bigots Homophobes: Calls Work on Schiavo Case 'Incredibly Outrageous': Cheney Agrees that Alpha Males are

Truth Carries Undesirable Subliminal Message

2005-04-14 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Truth Carries Undesirable Subliminal Message: With Iraq Lies Bush Shot Wad With Ghetto Inhabitants Near Texas Spread: Americans Skeptical On Social Security Because Of Lies About Iraq: Rove Admits Iraq/Social Security

Two Thumbs Up' For American Financed Torture TV In Iraq

2005-04-06 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Washington Post 'Absolutely Ejaculatory!!! Two Thumbs Up' For American Financed Torture TV In Iraq: U.S. Military, FOX Entertainment And Their Iraqi Proxies Pick Up Innocent, Indigent Civilians, Accuse Them Of Being

Wolfowitz Gets European Blessing for Murderous Policy

2005-03-31 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press Wolfowitz Gets European Blessing for Murderous World Bank Policy: Bush Nominee Gives Assurances on Fighting to Increase Poverty: "Murder is My Principal Weapon," Says Wolfowitz: Cheney Decries Nepotism and Conflicts of

The Checks And Balances Of The System

2005-03-23 Thread JBCM2
Click here: The Assassinated Press The Checks And Balances Of The System: Dear John: No Chance Iran-Contra Will Come Back To Haunt Ya: Make Checks Payable To Senate Select Committee On Intelligence: Negroponte's Killing Time In Honduras--A Tissue Of An