Re: [Xastir] Grid Squares

2008-09-22 Thread Eric Germann
What I've done is created a directory (/usr/local/share/xastir/maps/Maidenhead) and then put the grid squares I'm interested in in that directory (for example, EM78.*, EM79.*, etc. Then reindex them and they will show up in the Map Chooser. is controlled in the associated dbfawk file, as color

Re: [Xastir] Grid Squares

2008-09-22 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008, Keith Kaiser wrote: I put all the grid maps into a file call grids, and that I put that into another file call Big Grids, put when I go to launch Xastir it loads all of them every time. And when I pull up the map chooser all of them get indexed, it takes ages to find just

Re: [Xastir] Grid Squares

2008-09-22 Thread Keith Kaiser
I put all the grid maps into a file call grids, and that I put that into another file call Big Grids, put when I go to launch Xastir it loads all of them every time. And when I pull up the map chooser all of them get indexed, it takes ages to find just the files I want, to launch Xastir or

[Xastir] Re: Found the solution to the Fluxbuntu issue... (Jim Morgan)

2008-09-22 Thread Tony Hunt
Jim.. Try this distro. Its based on DSL v4which requires 64Megs of ram. The version of Xastir on there is about 1.53 from memory. You can add your own maps and save your settings for reboot next time on a USB stick. Have a look here The version 1.4RC1 is the one yo

Re: [Xastir] Digipeating question.

2008-09-22 Thread Ray Wells
Rob Compton wrote: If I released this KISS TNC, I could throw a UI-DIGI eprom in it, and use it for a remote site relay. I have a DRSI, a PC-120, a Baycom USCC, and a Thorcom RLC200 all in 'stock'. I've used SCC cards for my AX25 BBS's in the past, and they are a nice way of doing it. The more I

RE: [Xastir] Digipeating question.

2008-09-22 Thread Rob Compton
If I released this KISS TNC, I could throw a UI-DIGI eprom in it, and use it for a remote site relay. I have a DRSI, a PC-120, a Baycom USCC, and a Thorcom RLC200 all in 'stock'. I've used SCC cards for my AX25 BBS's in the past, and they are a nice way of doing it. The more I think about it, a qu

RE: [Xastir] Digipeating question.

2008-09-22 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008, Rob Compton wrote: I'll assume then (wrongly probably!), that in that line I can have: RELAY_DIGIPEAT_CALLS:WIDE2-2,WIDE2-1,WIDE1-1,RELAY,etc I expect you _could_ have all that, but we may not do the proper decrementing for WIDE2-2. The others you list are all RELAY-

RE: [Xastir] Digipeating question.

2008-09-22 Thread Rob Compton
Curt, Many thanks for your assistance. I'll assume then (wrongly probably!), that in that line I can have: RELAY_DIGIPEAT_CALLS:WIDE2-2,WIDE2-1,WIDE1-1,RELAY,etc I have considered running the AX25 kernel modules, and doing that way, in fact, dropping the KISS TNC and using a SCC card like a

Re: [Xastir] Problem with Xastir Server Ports

2008-09-22 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote: The "p = NULL;" at x_spider.c line 544 is the culprit. Comment that line out and the server ports seem to be as solid as they ever were. Fixed in CVS of course. -- Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com

Re: [Xastir] Problem with Xastir Server Ports

2008-09-22 Thread Curt, WE7U
1.9.2 OK (w/error output when client disconnects) 1.9.3-2008-Jun-09 OK (w/error output when client disconnects) 1.9.3-2008-Jul-07 Problem 1.9.4 Problem 1.9.5 Problem I see this on the xterm I started the server from w/"1.9.3-2008-Jun-09", but it continues

Re: [Xastir] Re: Easy Xastir install on OpenSuSE-11.0 32-bit x86

2008-09-22 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Sat, 20 Sep 2008, Hiroshi Iwamoto wrote: I followed your instruction for my new machine then I got XASTIR 1.9.5 and all necessary libraries. XASTIR works except shapefile. Lines are gray even though I set color in dbfawk files. These files are working well for my OLD machine + XASTIR 1.9.4.

Re: [Xastir] Found the solution to the Fluxbuntu issue...

2008-09-22 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Sun, 21 Sep 2008, Jim Morgan wrote: 1) Take one "Harv's Ham Shack" Knoppix disc that a friend burns for you and insert into the CD drive of your computer which only has 64MB of RAM on a 5GB hard drive. 9) Voila! The Fluxbuntu serial port issues are gone! I know this is the coward's way o

Re: [Xastir] Grid Squares

2008-09-22 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Sat, 20 Sep 2008, Keith Kaiser wrote: First, I'm still having a problem at higher zoom levels seeing the grid square number, I see the lines but not the numbers, not sure why. On the same note I'd like to know if there is a way to control the color of both the lines and the numbers, so that

Re: [Xastir] Problem with Xastir Server Ports

2008-09-22 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Sun, 21 Sep 2008, Josh Housey wrote: Its been running fine from 190 and even with this version, but I cannot reconnect it by getting "connected refused". For example, I just did a regular telnet connection to it through the console (works the same through the other Xastir). and it states tha

RE: [Xastir] Digipeating question.

2008-09-22 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Sat, 20 Sep 2008, Rob Compton wrote: If anyone has got an example config file that handles multiple routes, as just WIDE1-1 would be too restrictive, I would appreciate some pointers. My example ".xastir/config/xastir.cnf" file has: RELAY_DIGIPEAT_CALLS:WIDE1-1 Looking at the code we