
Frankly, I would say it is a gross invasion of privacy.  I was harrassed at college by 
the sysadmins
after two of them asked me to do a panetration test on an NT4 box.  They read my 
email, all of my
schoolwork, monitored when I logged in and what I did, the whole 9 yards.  Guess what? 
 I told the dean
and almost got one of the pricks fired.  (Of course having a friend who just happened 
to be an attorney
helped a bit too.) F*!k the AUL, and f*!k all the university sysadmins who think they 
can bully students
around because they've frightened the adminsitration into accepting some paranoid 
delusion of computer
geeks.  Get a bunch of people together and complain.  Remember, you're paying them, 
not the other way



On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Tohru Watanabe wrote:

> Hello,
> I am a graduate student living on-campus at a University.  I recently
> noticed that Snort has been detecting portscans of my computer from the
> Academic Computing folks.  I've seen Syn scans, Xmas scans, UDP scans, and
> Fin Scans.  I told my friends living on-campus and was told that they've
> been portscanned by the AC people several times as well.
> We abide by the AUP so I'm wondering whether this is a general practice to
> locate those running servers or who not abide by the AUP.  I've seen
> several threads from University Computing staff at other Universities and
> was wondering what their policies regarding running portscans on student
> computers were.  Thanks in advance.
> Tohru Watanabe, CCNA

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