I've used stunnel in the past using VNC (www.stunnel.org) and it works 
like a charm... you should also check this page on using SSH with VNC 
(http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/sshvnc.html). Also, there is a key 
in the registery that allows for blocking incoming data from other than 
localhost... when used with stunnel, this forces you to connect via the 
encrypted connection.

If you need I can post basic .bat files I used.


Matt Hemingway wrote:

>If you can tunnel VNC through SSH that would be pretty secure.  I don't know 
>of any applications off hand that will do that though (although I remember 
>Terraterm having those capabilities).
>p.s. if you want REAL secure.......install linux.   :-)
>On Monday 19 November 2001 14:17, Matt LYNCH wrote:
>>I have been given the task of administering a web server contained within a
>>DMZ. I am OK with the admin side of things but would prefer for time
>>reasons to be able to remotely administer this machine. I have always used
>>PCAnywhere, VNC and the MMC. But I now cannot use these due to the security
>>risk. Does anyone else remote admin inside a DMZ and if so how??
>>All machine are NT 4.0, I use a W2K desktop. (Free would be nice, but I am
>>also interested if there are commercial solutions available).
>>Thanks in advance

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