
A few of points that seem to have been missed in this thread.

1) If you wish to erase a disk then it makes no difference what OS it is
running because you should not be booting from the hard disk to erase the

2) The erasure program should be working at the sector level on the
harddisk not on the filesystem.

3) Approved and free is likely to be hard to find. If the approval method
costs money to submit to then .....

The idealised harddisk is treated as a laminar and each bit as a point.
This ideal is impossible, this means that each bit is a 3-D shape of finite
size. Even repetitive overwrites of data can be recover by statistically
methods using the correct equipment.


PS See my sig. my opinions may be skewed by virtue of my employer. Opinions
stated are not necessarily those of my employer.

Paul Baccas, Virus Researcher, Sophos Anti-Virus
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tel: 01235 559933, Web: www.sophos.com
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