Quoting Tim Donahue ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

[Fudged up quoting repaired]

>> IMHO I would say OS X is more secure by default. While both can be beat 
>> into submission (and it does take some beating and patches for XP :-D) 
>> Apple has done a pretty good job. The whole idea of taking a open 
>> base/kernel and build on top of it helps add a little more security 
>> because of the many eyes idea. And if you want to you can install gcc 
>> and compile some of the general Unix/Linux tools for security and 
>> security checking.

> Does anyone have any evidence to support this?

I'm usually the first one to cry "all OSes are insecure", since I
believe the job of any OS distribution is to provide a foundation plus
some building blocks which leaves the responsibility to secure and
stabilize to its user. But if I had to compare XP and OS X, I'd say
the winner by a few inches is definitely OS X.

a) Core

OS X' core is based on a very mature kernel model, Unix, whereas XP
bases on the second rewrite of a screwed up adaption of something
good, namely VMS. By stripping VMS of all its great features and
leaving the flaws in, Microsoft has created something VERY scary with
NT. 2000 and later XP share some of this flawed codebase and have
introduced gazillions of other design stupidities such as, for
example, a completely unuseable swap concept.

As far as code audit goes, the last time anyone had a look at XPs core
was in those days Microsoft made parts of it public - around NT 3.51.
OS X's core is pretty open (just download it) and reviewed by the
people who give us what is essentially considered some of the security
best practices. Don't forget, XPs core is reviewed by the same guys
who thought IIS was safe to use and who oversee all those constantly
owned web and DNS-servers, Microsoft itself runs.

b) Code Maturity

A clear "win" for OS X here. Instead of inventing yet another code
paradigm we have to learn before we can sufficiently audit it, Apple
chose the well known and well understood BSD code base for its kernel
and system tools. Now, I know not about you, but being able to obtain
the source code for the tools, my OS uses and the ones, my users
depend on, is something that lets me sleep slightly better at night.
Not to mention, that problems such as the recently discovered zlib
double-free vulnerability (if it'd apply to OS X, anyways :) can be
much easier and faster fixed if I can just download and install a
fixed version instead of having to wait for my favorite Redmond
compiler operator to get off his lazy butt, tune out the Antitrust
hearings and compile me a new version.

c) Internal Mechanisms

Just have a program fail with a malloc/realloc based segfault and
you'll see the difference.

d) User Space

Almost no difference here. Stupid users under Linux, Unix, BSD,
Windows and Mac OS X are a security hazard, period, clued ones are not
(or not that much). OS X at least makes it harder for its less clued
in base to run it with "Administrator" rights while especially XP and
2000 through their fragged installation and execution concept
encourage the use of a poweruser or admin account for day-to-day work.
Simplty put, if someone's too damn clueless to understand that 'least
rights' is the way to go and running your system as
root/Administrator/Poweruser, etc. is sheer foolish, (s)he deserves to
get his/her harddisk formatted by some malicious program.

e) Mechanisms

XP's built in "Firewall" isn't all that and most of the stuff that's
sold as "Personal Firewall" isn't worth its install time, but the
latter's been discussed enough lately so I'll just leave it that way.
OS X comes with ipf, 'nuff said.

OS X uses Unix' ugo-permissions set for files, Windows uses somthing
that resembles ugo, if you look at it in a drunk state with one eye
closed and the other one beaten to jelly.

There's more, but that's it from a 50.000 foot viewpoint.


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