>From the network side of things, an OS X box shows no ports open with a
vanilla nmap scan.  A WinXP box (standard install, participating in an
Active Directory) shows 5 ports open, netbios services, 1025/tcp and
5000/tcp with a vanilla nmap scan.

What does this tell us?  Not much other than Apple was smart enough to leave
the networks services turned off after the installation.

>From an application view, both systems come loaded with lots of bits.
Plenty of potential for trouble...

Ben Vaughan
Systems Engineer, Engineering Computing Support Services
210 Marston 515 294-1629, Iowa State University

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin Kremer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 12:32 PM
> Subject: Apple vs. MS - more secure?
> Just curious what you all think about the new Mac OS X.  Which is more
> secure out-of-box; Windows XP or Mac OS X?
> -Justin

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