The best product to use is the Microsoft Zero Administartion Kit.  Its free.

You will be able to customize the desktop, start menu and restrict file
system access.

-----Original Message-----
From: Schlegel, Justin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 1:22 PM
Subject: RE: Windows 98 lockdown

Get rid of it and install Windows 2000. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tarik Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Windows 98 lockdown

Last time we were using Windows 9x, we used a product called Fortres

It looks like it still exists, and has been updated to include some new
features which appear to fit exactly into your requirements.


>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 20:18:46 Monday, April 01, 2002 >>>

I hope this would be the right place to post this.  I've 
tried numerous attempts and combinations of Google 
searches but hopefully this group will provide me with 
some better answers.

I am looking for software that will enable me to 
lockdown Windows 98 desktops so that there is no 
start button, no right click on the desktop, only allow 
certain programs to be run (the shortcuts would be 
on the desktop), no deleting of those icons on the 
desktop, no loading or downloading of software, using 
a web browser only to valid http https or ftp sites in 
the address.

Any suggestions?

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