Another nice benefit for using the Spoofed MAC
addy is that if your Broadband provider disallows
private networks. they ping and check the MAC
against the manufacturers info they will get the
Company that built your NIC card instead of
Linksys (or whatever.) No letters yet for me and
still purring along at 728K after 2.5 years if my
ISP checks my MAC they get a 3Com ISA NIC Card
from 1997, and they are aggressive about it too.
You need to keep certain traffic types to a
minimum also but that is a different discussion
thread. :)

<---Begin Previous Message---
Sender: "Tim V(@DZ)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: 12:55:45 PM Tuesday, April 23, 2002 
Subj: RE: Question on broadband IP routers using

I know some resellers of the old @home ISP
service had terrible
hierarchies will regaurd to support phone calls. 
In my opinion if you
aren't talking to somebody that actually had the
capability of
increasing CPE or in some other way releasing the
MAC of your Ethernet
card in about 20 minutes or so, call no-joy and
trade your router in for
an "EL CHEAPO" router like linksys etherfast that
allows you to simply
type in whatever MAC you would like the router to
emulate.  Then get the
MAC of your card (ipconfig /all or whatever) and
tell the router to use
that MAC.  Then the cable modem essentially
thinks it's connected
directly to your ethernet card....$0.02.



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