> Greetings and Salutations:
> I have been scouring www.google.com, www.securityfocus.com, 
> and www.ussrback.com for information containing a program 
> that will log all file access on a win2k server. I have found 
> nothing that will meet the requirements I am searching for.
> Basically, I would like to know if anyone knows of a program 
> that can monitor file activity, from an .exe down to the .dll 
> that will show the time/date of activity and the 
> username/login name of the person attempting to access the 
> file. If it could be configured to only monitor a certain 
> drive or even a certain folder that would be great.
> I know that I can do it with the built-in Auditing feature in 
> Win2k, but I would like something a bit more robust and 
> easier to give to my administration.

GFI LANguard System Integrity Monitor for windows 2k. 
Freeware download available...

Hope its kind of what you're looking for. I have used it (not extensively),
and it worked fine. 

| will munkara-kerr 
| ssinct.freeshell.org/pubkey.txt

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