> Basically, I would like to know if anyone knows of a
> that can monitor file activity, from an .exe down to
the .dll 
> that will show the time/date of activity and the 
> username/login name of the person attempting to
access the 
> file. If it could be configured to only monitor a
> drive or even a certain folder that would be great.

For all those who recommended FileMon from

It's definitely a good suggestion, BUT the OP
specifically asked for a couple of things, in
particular the username/login of whomever is accessing
the file, and the ability to configure the tool to
monitor ONLY a particular drive or folder.

Filemon will monitor a drive, but if someone knows how
to get it to monitor a folder, please post that. 
Also, if someone knows how to get username info,
please post that as well.  Otherwise, this tool, as
useful as it is, does NOT, in fact, perform the
requested functions.

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