> Basically, I would like to know if anyone knows of a

> program that can monitor file activity, from an .exe

> down to the .dll that will show the time/date of 
> activity and the username/login name of the person 
> attempting to access the file. If it could be
> to only monitor a certain drive or even a certain
> that would be great.

Go here:


The script you're looking for is FSW.pl...File System
Watcher.  This script provides the core of the
functionality you're asking for.  Additions such as
Win32::Daemon (from Dave Roth) and Net::Syslog will
allow you to create a Win32 service that logs to a
remote system via syslog.  Of course, other modules
will allow you to add/create more robust features,
such as TCP-based logging w/ encryption, etc.  Use of
the Win32::API module will allow you to check for the
addition of NTFS alternate data streams, and use of
other functions will allow you to get the list of
logged on users when a File Event is detected.  

The use of Perl2Exe will provide a standalone EXE
file, as well.

If this is something you're interested in, let me

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