On Thu, 29 Oct 2020 17:06:11 GMT, Volker Simonis <simo...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> It seems that there exists a memory/performance regression that was 
>> introduced with JDK-8210985: Update the default SSL session cache size to 
>> 20480.
>> The idea to limit the maixmum SSL session cache size by itself is good. 
>> Unfortunately, as per the current implementation of 
>> sun.security.util.MemoryCache, it also modifies the initial size of the 
>> LinkedHashMap that is backing the cache to initialize with more than the 
>> maximum size.
>> I suggest to restore the original behavior that initializes with an 
>> initialCapacity of 1 in most cases. That was true when before JDK-8210985, 
>> the property javax.net.ssl.sessionCacheSize was not set at all.
>> In case it was set, the initial size would have been like now, 
>> (javax.net.ssl.sessionCacheSize / 0.75f) + 1, which still seems strange.
> Marked as reviewed by simonis (Reviewer).

> Benchmarking is probably hard because we don't know the average occupancy of 
> the map.
I agreed. No matter what the default value is, it will not fit perfectly in all 
situations.  The value 1 may be fit for small workload applications, but not 
good for big workload applications.  Applications could use the size setting 
APIs for the tuning.  For this update, I think the impact for various workload 
may be limited/acceptable, but I'm not very sure of it.  Benchmarking data with 
various workload would help us for a better sense.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/937

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