Daniel Friesen wrote:
> I'm working on a DateTime library, AnyDateTime 
> <http://svn.nadir-point.com/viewvc/php-projects/trunk/AnyDateTime/>. The 
> plan is to have a library that can cover nearly any possible time or 
> date in history. The AnyDateTime library has a storage format which uses 
> 22 characters, and sorts correctly in the database.

Interesting!  Are you going to convert between different calendars?  IMO 
it's a complete waste, ISO8601 is the one true format.  But everyone 
implements the edge cases like years > 9999 and year "0" differently, 
see notes at http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime

> ????????????0501?????? would be understood as May 1st. 
Or are you going to make people enter dates in your nifty format? You 
could make it somewhat user-friendly just by putting the same dividers 
that ISO8601 uses, thus
It only adds 5 characters...

> The range of possible dates this library can cover is from
> 99,999,999,999 00:00:00 B.C.E. to 999,999,999,999 23:59:59 C.E.

Another way to handle dates far back in the past is to use Mya (million 
years ago, which is just a conversion for the custom unit Type:Time. 
See e.g. http://sandbox.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Property:Geologic_time

I assume you're not bothering with timezone support and I wonder if it 
can work with Simile:Timeline.

You could still claim your datatype isNumeric, converting to a slightly 
inaccurate float just for SMW's collation.  On the other hand, if you 
stick with string, SMW's "LIKE" comparator for strings would let you 
query for
to find "everything happening on May 1st" whether it's got a year and 
time or not.

> Hmm, rather than an overcomplicated output setup, I'm probably going
> to create a small format for outputting. One that works with Gregorian
> and Julian bases. Otherwise I'll overload with possible formats of outputs.

A while back you could control Type:Date in query results and with 
[[Property:display_units]] to specify a "custom unit" that was really a 
strftime() formatting string, thus
   |?Date of birth#%b %d=Birthday
in a query would display "Sep 3".  It was cool, it's broken now, but I 
incoherently think an explicit Property:Has_display_format that each 
datatype interprets is the way to go.

How will you export as RDF?  A while back a datatype could not export as 
xsd:dateTime in some situations and then as xsd:string in others.

> Quite simply, the idea is to be able to make use of it in Semantic 
> MediaWiki as an alternative date format. That way it's available for 
> anyone covering historical dates and such.

Denny wrote:
> There's also a student of ours working on something close to it,
> although I am not totally informed about the status. Since I don't know
> if Fabian is on this list, I'll CC him.

I think it would still be useful for someone to extend Type:Date to 
support dates beyond the range of the PHP timestamp (and support 
timezone, and use the user's Date & time format preference, ...).  I 
think the thing to do in Date:Time is detect when you're at the edge of 
the range and then do some simple timestamp= (YYYY + (12 * (MM + 31 * 
(DD + 24 * (HH + 60 * (MM + 60 * SS) to turn it into a large number. 
Again, only bother doing this for ISO8601 dates.

Good luck y'all, and despise me because I know more details than I can 
code.  Damn armchair commenters :-)

"Tonight I'm going to party like it's 1999-12-31T23:59:59 !" -- The 
Artist Formerly Known as Prince.
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