Mhmm, I already thought of that. The library isn't going to handle the names on it's own. It'll have an array that maps the numbers to the different forms that are valid for that date. Short version, long, and any other aliases. ie: Sep Sept and September.

For actual output, for the Georgian vs. Julian output, since I don't want to make it to confusing with dozens of different possible letters being used. Instead a wrapping: G{ ... } and J{ ... } encloses the format specifying areas that are Georgian or Julian. I'll probably do something similar as well that'll allow for a timezone to be specified.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire)
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CNIT wrote:
Daniel Friesen пишет:
^_^ heh... this project gets more /fun/ by the hour... Julian dates... right, two calenders to deal with... Going to have to work on conversions.

I looked over the Historical Date in Semantic Calender. No, it doesn't handle time. Also, it to is limited with the float that it uses.

Hmm, rather than an overcomplicated output setup, I'm probably going to create a small format for outputting. One that works with Gregorian and Julian bases. Otherwise I'll overload with possible formats of outputs.

Output probably must not be too simple, because localized dates may be presented differently. Localization should not be forgotten
when comes to the dates and the time.

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